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Last active April 13, 2020 12:03
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Replace several items in one run + example converters
Red [
Description: {Replace several items in one run + example conversions}
Date: 27-Mar-2020
Author: "Toomas Vooglaid"
context [
sp: charset " ^-"
sp*: [any sp]
digit: charset "0123456789"
integer: [some digit]
hexa: union charset [#"A" - #"F" #"a" - #"f"] digit
octal: charset "01234567"
int: hx: oc: none
get-hexa: func [hx][
if odd? length? hx [insert hx #"0"]
to char! to integer! debase/base hx 16
get-octal: function [oc][
b: rejoin collect [
foreach o oc [
keep take/last/part enbase/base debase/base append copy "0" o 16 2 3
insert/dup b #"0" 8 - ((length? b) % 8)
get-hexa enbase/base debase/base b 2 16
set 'replace-each function [
"Replace each needle in series"
series [series!]
needles [series!]
/with replacements [series!]
rule: collect [
forall needles [
i: index? needles
replacement: either with [replacements/:i][second needles]
keep 'change
keep/only needles/1
keep/only append copy quote () replacement
keep '|
if not with [needles: next needles]
append rule 'skip
parse/case series [some rule]
set 'c-esc func [
"Replace chars with c-escapes"
str [string!]
replace-each/with str
["\a" "\b" "\e" "\f" "\n" "\r" "\t" "\v" "\\" "\'" {\"} "\?"]
set 'c-str func [
"Replace c-escapes with chars"
str [string!]
replace-each str [
"\a" #"^(07)"
"\b" #"^(08)"
"\e" #"^(1B)"
"\f" #"^(0C)"
"\n" #"^(0A)"
"\r" #"^(0D)"
"\t" #"^(09)"
"\v" #"^(0B)"
"\\" #"^(5C)"
"\'" #"^(27)"
{\"} #"^(22)"
"\?" #"^(3F)"
["\U" copy hx 8 hexa] [get-hexa hx]
["\u{" copy hx 1 6 hexa #"}"] [get-hexa hx]
["\u" copy hx 4 hexa] [get-hexa hx]
["\x" copy hx some hexa] [get-hexa hx]
[#"\" copy oc 1 3 octal] [get-octal oc]
set 'clean-html func [
"Clean html source from tags and replace entities"
src [string!]
replace-each src [
["<script" thru "</script>"] ""
["<style" thru "</style>"] ""
[#"<" thru #">"] ""
["&#" copy int integer #";"] [to char! int]
["&#x" copy hx some hexa #";"] [get-hexa hx]
"&cent;" #"¢"
"&pound;" #"£"
"&sect;" #"§"
"&copy;" #"©"
"&laquo;" #"«"
"&raquo;" #"»"
"&reg;" #"®"
"&deg;" #"°"
"&plusmn;" #"±"
"&para;" #"¶"
"&middot;" #"·"
"&frac12;" #"½"
"&frac13;" #"⅓"
"&frac23;" #"⅔"
"&frac15;" #"⅕"
"&frac25;" #"⅖"
"&frac35;" #"⅗"
"&frac45;" #"⅘"
"&frac16;" #"⅙"
"&frac56;" #"⅚"
"&frac18;" #"⅛"
"&frac38;" #"⅜"
"&frac58;" #"⅝"
"&frac78;" #"⅞"
"&ndash;" #"–"
"&mdash;" #"—"
"&lsquo;" #"‘"
"&rsquo;" #"’"
"&sbquo;" #"‚"
"&ldquo;" #"“"
"&rdquo;" #"”"
"&bdquo;" #"„"
"&dagger;" #"†"
"&Dagger;" #"‡"
"&bull;" #"•"
"&hellip;" #"…"
"&prime;" #"′"
"&Prime;" #"″"
"&euro;" #"€"
"&trade;" #"™"
"&asymp;" #"≈"
"&nbsp;" #" "
"&amp;" #"&"
"&quot;" #"^"" ;"
"&ne;" #"≠"
"&le;" #"≤"
"&ge;" #"≥"
"&lt;" #"<"
"&gt;" #">"
"&Alpha;" #"Α"
"&Beta;" #"Β"
"&Gamma;" #"Γ"
"&Delta;" #"Δ"
"&Epsilon;" #"Ε"
"&Zeta;" #"Ζ"
"&Eta;" #"Η"
"&Theta;" #"Θ"
"&Iota;" #"Ι"
"&Kappa;" #"Κ"
"&Lambda;" #"Λ"
"&Mu;" #"Μ"
"&Nu;" #"Ν"
"&Xi;" #"Ξ"
"&Omicron;" #"Ο"
"&Pi;" #"Π"
"&Rho;" #"Ρ"
"&Sigma;" #"Σ"
"&Tau;" #"Τ"
"&Upsilon;" #"Υ"
"&Phi;" #"Φ"
"&Chi;" #"Χ"
"&Psi;" #"Ψ"
"&Omega;" #"Ω"
"&alpha;" #"α"
"&beta;" #"β"
"&gamma;" #"γ"
"&delta;" #"δ"
"&epsilon;" #"ε"
"&zeta;" #"ζ"
"&eta;" #"η"
"&theta;" #"θ"
"&iota;" #"ι"
"&kappa;" #"κ"
"&lambda;" #"λ"
"&mu;" #"μ"
"&nu;" #"ν"
"&xi;" #"ξ"
"&omicron;" #"ο"
"&pi;" #"π"
"&rho;" #"ρ"
"&sigmav;" #"ς"
"&sigma;" #"σ"
"&tau;" #"τ"
"&upsilon;" #"υ"
"&phi;" #"φ"
"&chi;" #"χ"
"&psi;" #"ψ"
"&omega;" #"ω"
replace/all src [#"^/" sp* #"^/" some [sp* #"^/"]] "^/^/"
set 'opf func [str [string!]] [
replace-each/with str
set 'fr func [str [string!]] [
replace-each/with str
set 'scr func [str [string!]] [
replace-each/with str
set 'greek function [str [string!]] [
replace-each/with str
["A" "B" "G" "D" "E" "Z" "H" ["TH" | "Th"] "I" "K" "L" "M" "N" "X" "O" "P" "R" "S" "T" "Y" "F" "C" ["PS" | "Ps"] "O"
"a" "b" "g" "d" "e" "z" "h" "th" "i" "k" "l" "m" "n" "x" "o" "p" "r" "s" "s" "t" "y" "f" "c" "ps" "o"]
["Α" "Β" "Γ" "Δ" "Ε" "Ζ" "Η" "Θ" "Ι" "Κ" "Λ" "Μ" "Ν" "Ξ" "Ο" "Π" "Ρ" "Σ" "Τ" "Υ" "Φ" "Χ" "Ψ" "Ω"
"α" "β" "γ" "δ" "ε" "ζ" "η" "θ" "ι" "κ" "λ" "μ" "ν" "ξ" "ο" "π" "ρ" "ς" "σ" "τ" "υ" "φ" "χ" "ψ" "ω"]
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