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Last active October 9, 2018 13:48
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Study of shrinkable panels
Red [
Author: "Toomas Vooglaid"
Date: 2018-10-09
Purpose: {Study of shrinkable panels}
context [
; Simple helper to get extension limit of a face
lim: func [:dir face][face/offset/:dir + face/size/:dir]
; Set height of the face and draw its border
set-height: func [face /shrunk /local height fc][
face/size/y: either shrunk [10][
height: 0
foreach fc face/pane [height: max height lim y fc]
height + 10
face/draw/3: face/size - 1
; Collect pointers to faces affected by height of current face
register-followers: func [face /local pane elem][
pane: face/parent/pane
clear face/extra/below
forall pane [
elem: pane/1
all [
elem/offset/y > face/offset/y
not elem/options/at-offset
face/offset/x < lim x elem
elem/offset/x < lim x face
append/only face/extra/below pane
; Find furthest-extending face above current one
offset-above: func [face /local elem offset current][
offset: 0
foreach elem face/parent/pane [
all [
face/offset/y > (current: lim y elem)
not elem/options/at-offset
face/offset/x < lim x elem
elem/offset/x < lim x face
offset: max offset current
; Move facese below current one to appropriate places
move-followers: func [face /local below closest limit elem][
if not empty? below: face/extra/below [
foreach elem below [
limit: offset-above elem/1
elem/1/offset/y: 10 + max limit lim y face
view [
style shrink: panel draw [box 0x0 0x0] with [
; Some parameters specific for shrinkable style
extra: compose [style: shrink expand?: (yes) below: []]
actors: object [
on-created: func [face event][
; First, register those below current face, affected by its height
register-followers face
; Then, set proper height of the face
either face/extra/expand? [
set-height face
set-height/shrunk face
; Finally, adjust offsets of those below
move-followers face
; `on-down` follows basically same logic as `on-created`
on-down: func [face event][
register-followers face
; If this is the face that got event...
either face = event/face [
either face/extra/expand?: not face/extra/expand? [
set-height face
set-height/shrunk face
; ... otherwise it is shrinkable parent - adjust its height
set-height face
move-followers face
; Demo layout
shrink with [extra/expand?: yes][
shrink with [extra/expand?: no][
base 80x100 red area below field button "Btn"
shrink loose [base green]
shrink with [extra/expand?: no][
base 80x80 gold shrink [below field button area]
text "Wunderbar"
base water
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