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Created November 6, 2012 09:29
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Gas Core Class Patch
<?php namespace Gas;
* CodeIgniter Gas ORM Packages
* A lighweight and easy-to-use ORM for CodeIgniter
* This packages intend to use as semi-native ORM for CI,
* based on the ActiveRecord pattern. This ORM uses CI stan-
* dard DB utility packages also validation class.
* @package Gas ORM
* @category ORM
* @version 2.1.1
* @author Taufan Aditya A.K.A Toopay
* @link
* @license BSD
* =================================================================================================
* =================================================================================================
* Copyright 2011 Taufan Aditya a.k.a toopay. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
* permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
* conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
* of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
* provided with the distribution.
* The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the
* authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies, either expressed
* or implied, of Taufan Aditya a.k.a toopay.
* =================================================================================================
* =================================================================================================
* Gas\Core Class.
* @package Gas ORM
* @since 2.0.0
use Gas\Data;
use Gas\Janitor;
class Core {
* @var string Global version value
const GAS_VERSION = '2.1.1';
* @var object Hold DB Instance
public static $db;
* @var object Hold DB Util Instance
public static $dbutil;
* @var object Hold DB Forge Instance
public static $dbforge;
* @var array Hold DB AR properties
public static $ar = array(
'select' => array(),
'from' => array(),
'join' => array(),
'where' => array(),
'like' => array(),
'groupby' => array(),
'having' => array(),
'keys' => array(),
'orderby' => array(),
'set' => array(),
'wherein' => array(),
'aliased_tables' => array(),
'store_array' => array(),
'where_group_started' => FALSE,
'distinct' => FALSE,
'limit' => FALSE,
'offset' => FALSE,
'order' => FALSE,
'where_group_count' => 0,
* @var array Hold all defined action collections
public static $dictionary = array(
'transaction_pointer' => array('trans_off',
'transaction_executor' => array('trans_complete',
'selector' => array('select',
'condition' => array('join',
'executor' => array('insert_string',
'transaction_status' => array('trans_status'),
* @var array Hold all defined datatypes collections
public static $datatypes = array(
'numeric' => array('TINYINT', 'SMALLINT',
'INT2', 'INT4',
'REAL', 'BIT',
'datetime' => array('DATE', 'DATETIME',
'string' => array('CHAR', 'BPCHAR',
'spatial' => array('GEOMETRY', 'POINT',
* @var array Hold all default datatypes collections
public static $default_datatypes = array(
'datetime' => 'DATETIME',
'string' => 'TEXT',
'spatial' => 'GEOMETRY',
'char' => 'VARCHAR',
'numeric' => 'TINYINT',
'int' => 'INT',
'auto' => 'INT',
'email' => 'VARCHAR'
* @var array Hold all common datatypes collections
public static $common_datatypes = array(
'datetime' => 'VARCHAR',
'string' => 'VARCHAR',
'spatial' => 'VARCHAR',
'char' => 'VARCHAR',
'numeric' => 'INTEGER',
'int' => 'INTEGER',
'auto' => 'INTEGER',
'email' => 'VARCHAR'
* @var array Paths for included files
public static $path;
* @var array Migration configuration
public static $migration;
* @var array Entity meta data repositories
public static $entity_repository;
* @var mixed Hold tasks tree detail for every compile process
public static $task_manager;
* @var mixed Hold compile result
public static $thread_resource;
* @var array Hold monitored resorce stated
public static $resource_state;
* @var array Auto-generate options
private static $auto = array();
* @var bool Per-request cache flag
private static $cache = TRUE;
* @var mixed Hold cached compile result collection
private static $cached_resource = array();
* @var array Hold hashed recorder bundle
private static $cache_key;
* @var bool Core class initialization flag
private static $init = FALSE;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
* Constructor
* @param object Database instance
* @param array Configuration
* @return void
public function __construct(\CI_DB $DB, $config = array())
if (self::init_status() == FALSE)
// Get configuration up
// Generate needed class name
$forge = 'CI_DB_'.$DB->dbdriver.'_forge';
$util = 'CI_DB_'.$DB->dbdriver.'_utility';
// Load the DB, DB Util and DB Forge instances
static::$db = $DB;
static::$dbutil = new $util();
static::$dbforge = new $forge();
// Generate new collection of needed properties
static::$entity_repository = new Data();
// Check auto-models and tables
if (static::$auto['models'] == TRUE && static::$auto['tables'] == TRUE)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('both_auto_error');
elseif (static::$auto['models'] == TRUE)
elseif (static::$auto['tables'] == TRUE)
// Instantiate process has done now
* Set core initialization status
* @return void
public function init()
static::$init = TRUE;
* Retrieve core initialization status
* @return void
public function init_status()
return static::$init;
* Serve static calls for core instantiation
* @param object Database instance
* @param array Configuration
* @return object
public static function make(\CI_DB $DB, $config = array())
return new static($DB, $config);
* Use a dsn connection
* @param string DSN
* @return void
public static function connect($dsn)
$DB =& DB($dsn, TRUE);
// Consist the DB object
if ( ! $DB instanceof \CI_DB_Driver)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('db_connection_error:'.$dsn);
// Generate needed class name
$forge = 'CI_DB_'.$DB->dbdriver.'_forge';
$util = 'CI_DB_'.$DB->dbdriver.'_utility';
// Load the necessary driver classes
// Load the DB, DB Util and DB Forge instances
static::$db = $DB;
static::$dbutil = new $util();
static::$dbforge = new $forge();
// Remove any resource cache
self::$resource_state = array();
* Perform callback function within a Gas instance
* @param object Gas Instance
* @param string Hook points
* @param mixed Argument
* @throws Exception If the callback returned non-ORM instance
* @return object Gas Instance
final public static function callback($gas, $point, $arg = NULL)
// Get the model name
$model = $gas->model();
// Call the corresponding hook point method
$gas = call_user_func(array($gas, $point), $arg);
// Make sure the callback always returning a Gas instance
// Except within `after_save` and `after_delete` points
if ( ! in_array($point, array('_after_save', '_after_delete')) && ! $gas instanceof ORM)
throw new \LogicException('Callback '.$point.' within '.$model.' should return an object.');
return $gas;
* Perform auto-timestamp within a Gas instance
* @param object Gas Instance
* @return object Gas Instance
final public static function timestamp($gas)
$fields = array('ts_fields', 'unix_ts_fields');
// Check for datetime fields
foreach ($fields as $field)
if ( ! empty($gas->$field))
foreach ($gas->$field as $ts_field)
if (strpos($ts_field, '[') === 0)
// Only for new created record
if ($gas->empty)
$ts_field = str_replace(array('[',']'), array('',''), $ts_field);
$gas->$ts_field = ($field == 'ts_fields') ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s') : time();
$gas->$ts_field = ($field == 'ts_fields') ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s') : time();
return $gas;
* Get all records based by default table name
* @param object Gas Instance
* @return object Gas Instance
final public static function all($gas, $multirow = TRUE)
// Set table and return the execution result
$gas->recorder->set('get', array($gas->validate_table()->table));
$records = self::_execute($gas);
if ($multirow && ! empty($records))
return ($records instanceof ORM) ? array($records) : $records;
elseif (empty($records))
return $multirow ? array() : $records;
return $records;
* Get record based by given primary key arguments
* @param object Gas Instance
* @param mixed
* @return object Gas Instance
final public static function find($gas, $args)
// Get WHERE IN clause and execute `find_where_in` method,
// with appropriate arguments.
$in = Janitor::get_input(__METHOD__, $args, TRUE);
// Are we deal with composite keys?
if (is_null($gas->primary_key) && is_array($gas->foreign_key))
// Build the identifier
$keys = array_values($gas->foreign_key);
foreach ($keys as $index => $key)
foreach ($in as $ids)
$identifier[$key][] = $ids[$index];
unset($keys, $index, $key, $ids);
elseif ( ! empty($gas->primary_key))
// Sort the ids and remove same id
$in = array_unique($in);
// Set the identifier
$identifier = array($gas->primary_key, $in);
// We're lost!
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('[find]Could not find entity identifier');
// Determine the identifier
if (($sample = $identifier) && is_array(array_shift($sample)))
// We deal with composite table
foreach ($identifier as $key => $id)
// Set the identifier
$unique = array($key, array_values($id));
// Call the method directly
call_user_func_array(array(static::$db, 'where_in'), $unique);
// Easy one, it a standard entity with single key
$gas = self::compile($gas, 'where_in', $identifier);
return self::all($gas, FALSE);
* Save (INSERT or UPDATE) the record
* @param object Gas Instance
* @param bool Whether to perform validation or not
* @return bool
final public static function save($gas, $check = FALSE)
// If `check` set to TRUE, do a validation
if ($check)
// Run _before_check and set initial valid mark
$gas = self::callback($gas, '_before_check');
$valid = TRUE;
// Do the validation rules, if run from CI environment
if (function_exists('get_instance') && defined('CI_VERSION'))
$valid = self::_check($gas);
if ( ! $valid) return FALSE;
// Run _after_check
$gas = self::callback($gas, '_after_check');
// Run _before_save hook
$gas = self::callback($gas, '_before_save');
// Check for timestamp properties
$gas = self::timestamp($gas);
// Get the table and entries
$table = $gas->validate_table()->table;
$pk = $gas->primary_key;
$fk = $gas->foreign_key;
$entries = $gas->record->get('data');
// Determine whether to perform INSERT or UPDATE operation
// by checking `empty` property
if ($gas->empty)
// Check key integrity
if (is_null($pk))
if (empty($fk))
// We're lost!
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('[save]Could not save an entity which define relationship');
// Handle composite keys
foreach ($fk as $key)
if ( ! array_key_exists($key, $entries))
$gas->errors[$key] = sprintf('Could not save a composite entity without valid key : %s', $key);
return FALSE;
$gas->recorder->set('insert', array($table, $entries));
// Check key integrity
if (is_null($pk))
if (empty($fk))
// We're lost!
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('[save]Could not save an entity which define relationship');
// Handle composite keys
$gas->errors[array_shift($fk)] = 'Could not update a composite entity without parent instance';
return FALSE;
// Extract the identifier
$identifier = array($pk => $entries[$pk]);
$gas->recorder->set('update', array($table, $entries, $identifier));
// Perform requested saving method
$save = self::_execute($gas) and $last_id = self::insert_id();
// Check for cascade insert/update
$entities = $gas->related->get('entities', array());
if ( ! empty($entities))
foreach ($entities as $related => $entity)
// Prevent related entity which load by `with` method
if ($entity instanceof ORM) continue;
$key = key($entity);
$values = current($entity);
$model = $gas->meta->get('entities.'.$related.'.'.$key, NULL);
// Prevent related entities which load by `with` method
if (empty($model)) continue;
// Parsing the value and prepare the related entity
$params = array();
foreach ($values as $field => $value)
$params[$field] = ($value instanceof \Closure) ? $value() : $value;
$related = new $model($params);
// Fetch the gas instance related value and immediate save the related entries
if (array_key_exists('\\'.$gas->model(), $related->foreign_key))
$foreign_key = $related->foreign_key['\\'.$gas->model()];
$related->$foreign_key = ($gas->empty) ? $last_id : current($identifier);
// Run _after_save hook, and passed the SAVE result process
self::callback($gas, '_after_save', $save);
return $save;
* Destroy (DELETE) the record
* @param object Gas Instance
* @param array Identifier ids
* @return bool
final public static function delete($gas, $ids = array())
// Run _before_delete hook
$gas = self::callback($gas, '_before_delete');
// Get the table and entries
$table = $gas->validate_table()->table;
$pk = $gas->primary_key;
$fk = $gas->foreign_key;
// Do we have ids passed ?
if ( ! empty($ids))
// Are we deal with composite keys?
if (is_null($pk) && is_array($fk))
// Composite key was read-only and only could deleted via its parent
$gas->errors[array_shift($fk)] = 'Could not update a composite entity without parent instance';
return FALSE;
// Set the WHERE IN Clause
$identifier = array($pk, $ids);
$gas->recorder->set('where_in', $identifier);
$gas->recorder->set('delete', array($table));
// Perform requested delete method...
// Contain relationship to cascade delete ?
$related = $gas->related->get('entities') ? array_keys($gas->related->get('entities')) : $gas->related->get('include');
if (is_array($related) && ! empty($related))
foreach ($related as $entity)
// Get tuple and other relationship information
$tuple = $gas->meta->get('entities.'.$entity);
$path = strpbrk($tuple['path'], '<=');
$fragments = explode('=', $path);
$intermediate = str_replace('>', '', $fragments[1]);
// Build the child instance
$child = $intermediate::make();
$child_table = $child->table;
$child_key = $gas->table.'_'.$gas->primary_key;
$sibling_tuple = $child->meta->get('entities');
foreach ($sibling_tuple as $root => $family)
if (strpos(strtolower($family['child']), $gas->model()) !== FALSE
&& array_key_exists('\\'.$gas->model(), $child->foreign_key))
$child_key = $child->foreign_key['\\'.$gas->model()];
$child->recorder->set('where_in', array($child_key, $ids));
$child->recorder->set('delete', array($child_table));
// Perform cascade delete
$delete = self::_execute($child);
$delete = self::_execute($gas);
// Run _after_delete hook, and passed the result process
self::callback($gas, '_after_delete', $delete);
return $delete;
* Serve `query` for ORM
* @param string SQL statement
* @param bool Whether to do `query` or `simple_query`
* @return mixed
public static function query($sql, $simple = FALSE)
if (preg_match('/^SELECT([^)]+)(.*?)$/', $sql, $m) and count($m) == 3)
// Initial properties
$result = NULL;
$tables = array();
$cached = TRUE;
// Split into each subquery
$queries = array_filter(explode('SELECT', $sql));
// Find corresponding resource name(s)
foreach ($queries as $query)
if (preg_match('/FROM([^(]+)WHERE/', $query, $match) and count($match) == 2)
$tables[] = str_replace(array('`', ' '), '', $match[1]);
// Start cache process
$token = md5(serialize(array($sql)));
self::cache_start(array($sql), FALSE);
// Validate cache
if (self::validate_cache($token))
foreach ($tables as $table)
if (self::changed_resource($table))
// If any of corresponding table involve, has been modified
// Clear cached flag
$cached = FALSE;
// No valid cache
$cached = FALSE;
// Determine to fetch the cache of perform fresh query onto DB
if ($cached == TRUE)
$result = self::fetch_cache($token);
$result = static::$db->query($sql);
self::cache_end($result, $token);
return $result;
// No need to process anything,
// Just forward the query into DB instance
return ($simple) ? static::$db->simple_query($sql) : static::$db->query($sql);
* Serve compile method for ORM
* @param object Gas instance
* @param string
* @param mixed
* @return mixed
public static function compile($gas, $method, $args)
// Interpret the method and merge argument, for internal method calls
$internal_method = array('\\Gas\\Core', $method);
$arguments = array_merge(array($gas), $args);
$query = array('query', 'simple_query');
if (in_array($method, $query))
$query_method = array(static::$db, $method);
$query_arg = array(array_pop($args));
$query_result = call_user_func_array($query_method, $query_arg);
return $query_result;
elseif (is_callable($internal_method, TRUE))
if ($method == 'delete')
// Check whether the entity already hold some id
// or is it passed by arguments
if ( ! $gas->empty)
$identifier = $gas->primary_key;
// Check key integrity
if (is_null($identifier))
// Are we deal with composite keys?
if (is_array($gas->foreign_key))
// Composite key was read-only and only could deleted via its parent
$fk = $gas->foreign_key;
$gas->errors[array_shift($fk)] = 'Could not delete a composite entity without parent instance';
return FALSE;
// We're lost!
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('[delete]Could not delete an entity which define relationship');
// Re-merge the arguments
$args = array($gas->$identifier);
$arguments = array($gas, $args);
// Just bundle the passed identifier
$arguments = array_merge(array($gas), array($args));
return call_user_func_array($internal_method, $arguments);
* Identify meta-data field spec from various type
* @param object
* @param string
* @param string
* @return array
public static function identify_field($meta_data, $type = 'gas_field', $driver = '')
// Get name and raw type
$field_gas_type = '';
$field_name = $meta_data->name;
$field_raw_type = strtoupper($meta_data->type);
// Determine whether this field is a primary key or not
$is_key = (bool) $meta_data->primary_key;
// Determine the global datatype
foreach (self::$default_datatypes as $gas_type => $default)
if ($field_raw_type == $default)
$field_gas_type = $gas_type;
// Determine the gas spec datatype
if ($field_gas_type == '')
$field_gas_type = self::diagnostic($field_raw_type, 'datatypes');
// Set the `auto` annotation
if ($is_key && $field_gas_type == 'int') $field_gas_type = 'auto';
// Set the `char` annotation
if ( ! strpos($field_name, 'email') && $field_gas_type == 'email')
$field_gas_type = 'char';
if ($type == 'gas_field')
// Set Gas type and constraint spec
$field_type = $field_gas_type;
$field_length = ($meta_data->max_length > 0) ? '['.$meta_data->max_length.']' : '';
elseif ($type == 'forge_field')
// Set Forge type and constraint spec
if (self::$default_datatypes[$field_gas_type] != $field_raw_type or ! isset(self::$db->subdriver))
if (in_array($field_raw_type, array('LONG', 'BLOB', 'VAR_STRING')) && isset(self::$db->subdriver))
$field_type = self::$common_datatypes[$field_gas_type];
$field_type = $field_raw_type;
$field_type = '';
// Set Forge constraint spec
$field_length = ($meta_data->max_length > 0) ? $meta_data->max_length : 0;
$field_type = '';
$field_length = 0;
return array($field_name, $field_type, $field_length, $is_key);
* Identify annotation
* @param array
* @return array
public static function identify_annotation($annotation)
$boolean = array('unsigned', 'null', 'auto_increment');
$new_annotation = array();
// Iterate the annotation and diagnose it based by datatypes collection
foreach ($annotation as $type)
if (in_array($type, $boolean))
$new_annotation[$type] = TRUE;
elseif (self::diagnostic($type, 'datatypes') != '')
$new_annotation['type'] = $type;
elseif (is_numeric($type))
$new_annotation['constraint'] = (int) $type;
return $new_annotation;
* Diagnostic an item, against Core dictionary or datatypes
* @param string
* @param string
* @return string
public static function diagnostic($name, $source = 'dictionary')
// Determine an item based by selected collection
foreach (self::$$source as $type => $nodes)
if (in_array($name, $nodes)) return $type;
return '';
* Stop caching
* @return void
public static function cache_flush()
// Flush the cached resources
self::$cached_resource = array();
* Writes cache pointer for each compile tasks
* @param array
* @param bool Whether to save into global cache key or not
* @return void
public static function cache_start($task, $global = TRUE)
if ( ! self::cache_status()) return;
// Hash the task, and assign it into cache key collection
$key = md5(serialize($task));
if ($global)
self::$cache_key = $key;
if ( ! array_key_exists($key, self::$cached_resource))
// Generate empty cache holder
self::$cached_resource[$key] = NULL;
* Writes sibling hash for each resource's records
* @param mixed DB resource or any data
* @param string Cache key
* @return void
public static function cache_end($resource, $key = NULL)
if ( ! self::cache_status()) return;
// Assign it into cache resource collection
if (empty($key))
$key = self::$cache_key;
self::$cached_resource[$key] = $resource;
* Validate cache state
* @param string Cache key
* @return bool
public static function validate_cache($key = NULL)
if ( ! self::cache_status()) return;
if (empty($key))
$key = self::$cache_key;
// Determine whether a resource is a valid cached
if (array_key_exists($key, self::$cached_resource) && ! empty(self::$cached_resource[$key]))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Fetching cache collections
* @param string Cache key
* @return mixed
public static function fetch_cache($key = NULL)
if ( ! self::cache_status()) return;
if (empty($key))
$key = self::$cache_key;
// Return the cached resource
return self::$cached_resource[$key];
* Get cache base configuration
* @access public
* @return bool
public static function cache_status()
// Get the global caching flag
return self::$cache;
* Tracking resource state
* @param string
* @param string
* @return void
public static function track_resource($resource, $action)
// If it not exists, create an empty ones
if ( ! isset(self::$resource_state[$resource]))
self::$resource_state[$resource] = array();
// Set the action name
$action = strtoupper($action);
if ( ! isset(self::$resource_state[$resource][$action]))
// If the resource has not been monitored, create one
self::$resource_state[$resource][$action] = 1;
// Otherwise, increase the counter number
$action_count = self::$resource_state[$resource][$action];
self::$resource_state[$resource][$action] = $action_count;
* Monitoring resource state
* @param string
* @return bool
public static function changed_resource($resource)
// Return the resource state
return isset(self::$resource_state[$resource]);
* Reports resource state
* @param object Gas instance
* @return mixed All resource state
public static function reports($gas)
// Return the resource state
return isset(self::$resource_state[$gas->table]) ? self::$resource_state[$gas->table] : array();
* Reset Select properties within query builder instance
* @param mixed
* @param string
* @return void
public static function reset_query()
// Reset query and get the cached resource
if (method_exists(static::$db, 'reset_query'))
// Get all corresponding AR properties
$ar = static::$ar;
array_walk($ar, function ($default, $prop) use(&$ar) {
// Set AR property to default value
$property = 'ar_'.$prop;
\Gas\Core::$db->$property = $default;
* Generate the related entities of model/instance
* @param object Gas instance
* @param mixed Gas relationship spec
* @param array Resource collection
* @param bool Whether to return the SQL statement or execute then send its result
* @return object Child Gas
public static function generate_entity($gas, $relationship, $resources = array(), $raw = FALSE)
// Get the relationship properties
$path = $relationship['path'];
$child = $relationship['child'];
$single = $relationship['single'];
$options = $relationship['options'];
$roadmap = explode('=', $path);
// Now we are in serious business
if ( ! empty($resources))
// Generate original identifier and entities holder
$holder = new Data();
$original_table = $gas->table;
$original_pk = $gas->primary_key;
$original_ids = array();
foreach ($resources as $resource)
// Populate the ids
$original_ids[] = $resource[$original_pk];
// Generate new token and empty holder for each original identifier
$token = $original_table.':'.$original_pk.'.';
$index = $resource[$original_pk];
$holder->set("$token$index", array($index));
// Generate the tuple
$tuples = array();
$index = 0;
$max = count($roadmap) - 1;
// The goal is to parse full path :
// Model\Foo=>Model\Bar<=Model\Lorem
// Into paired tuples like :
// Model\Foo>Model\Bar
// Model\Bar<Model\Lorem
// `>` or `<`, thus identify entity ownership
do {
$dirty_tuple = $roadmap[$index].$roadmap[$index+1];
if (in_array(substr($dirty_tuple, 0, 1), array('>', '<')))
$tuples[] = substr($dirty_tuple, 1);
elseif (in_array(substr($dirty_tuple, -1), array('>', '<')))
$tuples[] = substr($dirty_tuple, 0, -1);
$tuples[] = $dirty_tuple;
} while ($index < $max);
// Query holder
$queries = array();
// Then generate nested query to fetch each record entity
foreach ($tuples as $level => $tuple)
list($domain, $key, $identifier) = self::generate_identifier($tuple);
if ($level == 0)
if (isset($holder))
if (strpos($tuple, '<') === FALSE)
// Reset the ids matchers
$fk_original_ids = array();
// Revert for belongs to relationship
foreach ($resources as $orig_index => $resource)
// Populate the ids
$fk_original_ids[$original_ids[$orig_index]] = $resource[$identifier];
// Generate new token and empty holder for each original identifier
$token = $original_table.':'.$identifier.'.';
$index = $resource[$identifier];
$holder->set("$token$index", array($index));
$ids = $fk_original_ids;
// This mean we really have a business
$ids = $original_ids;
// We handle a single instance here
$ids[] = $gas->record->get('data.'.$identifier);
$queries[] = array($domain, $key, '');
// Get previous tier index
$lower_level = $queries[$level-1];
if (isset($holder))
// If holder exists we need to also adding corresponding collumn
$paired_cols = array_unique(array($identifier, $lower_level[1]));
$lower_query = self::generate_clause($lower_level[0], $paired_cols, $lower_level[1], '');
$queries[] = array($domain, $key, $lower_query);
// Straight forward sub-query
$lower_query = self::generate_clause($lower_level[0], $identifier, $lower_level[1], $lower_level[2]);
$queries[] = array($domain, $key, $lower_query);
// Parse the ids into string
$ids = implode(', ', $ids);
// Finalize entity generator
if (count($queries) == 1)
// We handle one level of relationship, easy...
$query = array_shift($queries);
$subquery = $ids;
$domain = $query[0];
$candidate = $query[1];
// If there was a holder, set the identifier
if (isset($holder))
$holder->set('identifier', $candidate);
// If there was a holder, we have to do something first
if (isset($holder))
// Before doing anything, get as much info as possible
$original_queries = $queries;
// Parse necessary info
$query = array_pop($queries);
$subquery = sprintf(array_pop($query), $ids);
$domain = $query[0];
$candidate = $query[1];
// Doing effective sub-queries for `with` marked records
foreach ($original_queries as $level => $original_query)
if (empty($original_query[2]))
// Take the identifier for further use
$holder->set('identifier', $original_query[1]);
$holder->set('ids', $original_ids);
$sql = sprintf($original_query[2], implode(',', $holder->get('ids')));
$subresults = self::query($sql)->result_array();
$identifier = $original_query[1];
$matched_id = array();
$subids = array();
foreach ($subresults as $index => $subresult)
$all_identifier = array_keys($subresult);
$old_identifier = $holder->get('identifier');
if (count($all_identifier) == 1)
$new_identifier = array_shift($all_identifier);
$new_identifier = array_diff($all_identifier, array($old_identifier));
$new_identifier = array_shift($new_identifier);
$matcher_id = $subresult[$old_identifier];
$identifier_id = $subresult[$new_identifier];
foreach ($original_ids as $original_id)
if ( ! is_array($holder->get($token.$original_id)))
// Do nothing
elseif (is_array($holder->get($token.$original_id)))
// we have assoc ids
if (in_array($matcher_id, $holder->get($token.$original_id)))
// Found matched identifier, save it to holder
$matched_id[$original_id][] = $identifier_id;
// Generate empty values
$matched_id[$original_id][] = NULL;
// We've lost!
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('empty_arguments:'. __METHOD__);
// Save the identifier ids for further use
$subids[] = $identifier_id;
// Make sure we have unique ids
$subids = array_unique($subids);
// Save above process into holder Data
$holder->set('ids', $subids);
$holder->set('identifier', $identifier);
// Perform checking to assign each new identifier id
// For further process, into each original ids
foreach ($matched_id as $id => $matched)
$holder->set($token.$id, array_filter($matched));
// Build the subquery
$subquery = implode(', ', $holder->get('ids'));
// We have more than one tiers level, get the last...
$query = array_pop($queries);
$subquery = sprintf(array_pop($query), $ids);
$domain = $query[0];
$candidate = $query[1];
// Initiate empty additional queries
$order_by = '';
$limit = '';
// Initial select would be SELECT *
// unless there are pre-query option to overide it
$key = '*';
// Do we have pre-process query options ?
if (count($options) > 0)
$additional_queries = self::generate_options($options);
// Do we need to overide the default key for SELECT clause ?
if (array_key_exists('select', $additional_queries))
$key = $additional_queries['select'];
// Lets make sure the identifier was included
if ( ! in_array($candidate, $key)) $key[] = $candidate;
// Do we have ORDER BY clause ?
if (array_key_exists('order_by', $additional_queries))
$order_by = " ORDER BY `$domain`.".$additional_queries['order_by'];
// Do we have LIMIT clause ?
if (array_key_exists('limit', $additional_queries))
$limit = ' LIMIT '.$additional_queries['limit'];
// Finalize the SQL statement
$sql = self::generate_clause($domain, $key, $candidate, $subquery);
$sql = (strpos($sql, '%s') !== FALSE) ? sprintf($sql, $ids) : $sql;
$sql .= ( ! empty($order_by)) ? $order_by : '';
$sql .= ( ! empty($limit)) ? $limit : '';
// Do we need to continue, or just return the full SQL statement ?
if ($raw) return $sql;
// By now, we could generate the result
$childs = array();
$res = self::query($sql)->result_array();
// In case we handle a holder...
$matched_id = array();
foreach ($res as $row)
// Hydrate child entities
$child_instance = new $child($row);
$child_instance->empty = FALSE;
// We have associative ids to check
if (isset($holder))
foreach ($original_ids as $original_id)
// Get the identifier to check
$matcher_id = $row[$holder->get('identifier')];
if (in_array($matcher_id, $holder->get($token.$original_id, array())))
// We have assoc ids to check against it
$matched_id[$original_id][] = $child_instance;
elseif (isset($fk_original_ids) && in_array($matcher_id, $fk_original_ids))
$matched_id[$matcher_id][] = $child_instance;
// Not found
$matched_id[$original_id][] = NULL;
$childs[] = $child_instance;
// All done
if (isset($holder))
$final_key = substr($token,0,-1);
list($table, $identifier) = explode(':', $final_key);
// Build the holder
$holder->set('data', array_filter($matched_id));
$holder->set('identifier', $identifier);
$holder->set('ids', array_keys($matched_id));
// Transfer into save place, then unset the holder
$final_entities = $holder;
return $final_entities;
return ($single) ? array_shift($childs) : $childs;
* Generate the all necessary identifier based a tuple
* @param string Tuple
* @return array Domain, key and identifier
public static function generate_identifier($tuple)
if ( ! self::$entity_repository->get('tuples.'.$tuple))
// Initial empty
$direction = '';
if (strpos($tuple, '<') !== FALSE)
// We found this pattern direction :
// Model\Foo<Model\Bar
// This mean Model\Bar is OWNED by Model\Foo
list($left, $right) = explode('<', $tuple);
$direction = '<=';
elseif (strpos($tuple, '>') !== FALSE)
// We found this pattern direction :
// Model\Foo>Model\Bar
// This mean Model\Foo is OWNED by Model\Bar
list($left, $right) = explode('>', $tuple);
$direction = '=>';
// We dont know this one, for sure
throw new \LogicException('models_found_no_relations:'.$tuple);
// Build parent information
$parent_model = $left::make();
$parent_name = '\\'.$parent_model->model();
$parent_table = $parent_model->table;
$parent_pk = $parent_model->primary_key;
// Build child information
$child_model = $right::make();
$child_name = '\\'.$child_model->model();
$child_table = $child_model->table;
$child_pk = $child_model->primary_key;
// Generate `key` and `identifier` information for query processing
switch ($direction)
case '<=':
if (array_key_exists($parent_name, $child_model->foreign_key))
$key = $child_model->foreign_key[$parent_name];
$key = $parent_table.'_'.$parent_pk;
$identifier = $parent_pk;
case '=>':
$key = $child_pk;
if (array_key_exists($child_name, $parent_model->foreign_key))
$identifier = $parent_model->foreign_key[$child_name];
$identifier = $child_table.'_'.$child_pk;
// Build the tuple information
$tuple_information = array($child_table, $key, $identifier);
// Save onto entity repositories
self::$entity_repository->set('tuples.'.$tuple, $tuple_information);
// Build the tuple information from entity repositories
$tuple_information = self::$entity_repository->get('tuples.'.$tuple);
// Give them final tuple information
return $tuple_information;
* Generate the relationship option for pre-process queries
* @param array Gas relationship option spec
* @return array Formatted option
public static function generate_options($options)
// Initiate new queries holder, and define allowable options
$queries = array();
$allowed = array('select', 'order_by', 'limit');
// Loop over it
foreach ($options as $option)
// Parse option annotation
list($method, $args) = explode(':', $option);
if ( ! in_array($method, $allowed))
// No valid method found
// Casting the argument annotation
// and do the pre-process
switch ($method)
case 'select':
$select_statement = explode(',', $args);
$queries[$method] = Janitor::arr_trim($select_statement);
case 'limit':
$queries[$method] = " 0, $args";
case 'order_by':
if (preg_match('/^([^\n]+)\[(.*?)\]$/', $args, $m) AND count($m) == 3)
$queries[$method] = "`$m[1]` ".strtoupper($m[2]);
// Return the formatted queries options
return $queries;
* Generate SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE & IN (%s) clauses
* This is used by entity generator only (internal usage).
* @param string Table name
* @param string Key collumn name
* @param string Identifier collumn name
* @param string Either ids or subquery
* @return array Formatted SQL clause
public static function generate_clause($domain, $key, $identifier, $ids = '')
// Define the BACKTICKS part
if (static::$db->dbdriver == 'postgre')
$bt = '"';
elseif (static::$db->dbdriver == 'sqlite')
$bt = '';
elseif (strpos(static::$db->dbdriver, 'mysql') !== FALSE)
// Backward-compability for bot mysql or mysqli database
$bt = '`';
$bt = (isset(self::$db->subdriver) && self::$db->subdriver == 'mysql') ? '`' : '"';
// Generate subquery
if ($key == '*')
// Do we have special selector char
$pattern = "SELECT * FROM $bt$domain$bt WHERE $bt$domain$bt.$bt$identifier$bt IN (%s)";
elseif (is_array($key))
// Initial empty select
$select = array();
// We need to add protector and identifier
foreach ($key as $collumn)
$select[] = "$bt$domain$bt.$bt$collumn$bt";
$key = implode(', ', $select);
$pattern = "SELECT $key FROM $bt$domain$bt WHERE $bt$domain$bt.$bt$identifier$bt IN (%s)";
// Default pattern
$pattern = "SELECT $bt$domain$bt.$bt$key$bt FROM $bt$domain$bt WHERE $bt$domain$bt.$bt$identifier$bt IN (%s)";
// Do we need to replace the string identifier
// Either into sub-query or the real COLUMN value(s) ?
if ( ! empty($ids))
$pattern = sprintf($pattern, $ids);
// Statement is ready
return $pattern;
* Execute the compilation command
* @param object Gas instance
* @return object Finished Gas
protected static function _execute($gas)
// Build the tasks tree
$tasks = self::_play_record($gas->recorder);
// Mark every compile process into our caching pool
// Prepare tasks bundle
$engine = get_class(static::$db);
$compiler = array('gas' => $gas);
$executor = static::$dictionary['executor'];
$write = array_slice($executor, 0, 6);
$flag = array('condition', 'selector');
$bundle = array('engine' => $engine,
'compiler' => $compiler,
'write' => $write,
'flag' => $flag);
// Assign the task to the right person
self::$task_manager = $bundle;
// Lets dance...
array_walk($tasks, function ($task_list, $key) use(&$tasks) {
// Only sort if there are valid task and the task manager hold its task list
if ( ! empty($task_list) or ! empty(\Gas\Core::$task_manager))
array_walk($task_list, function ($arguments, $key, $task) use(&$task_list) {
// Only do each task if the task manager hold its task list
if ( ! empty(\Gas\Core::$task_manager))
// Diagnose the task
$action = key($arguments);
$args = array_shift($arguments);
$flag = in_array($task, \Gas\Core::$task_manager['flag']);
$write = in_array($action, \Gas\Core::$task_manager['write']);
$gas = \Gas\Core::$task_manager['compiler']['gas'];
$table = $gas->table;
if ( ! $flag)
// Find within cache resource collection
if ($action == 'get'
&& \Gas\Core::validate_cache()
&& ! \Gas\Core::changed_resource($table))
$res = \Gas\Core::fetch_cache();
$dbal_method = array(\Gas\Core::$db, $action);
$res = call_user_func_array($dbal_method, $args);
// Post-processing query
if ($write)
// Track the resource for any write operations
\Gas\Core::track_resource($table, $action);
elseif ($action == 'get')
// Hydrate the gas instance
$instances = array();
$entities = array();
$ids = array();
$model = $gas->model();
$extension = $gas->extension;
$includes = $gas->related->get('include', array());
$relation = $gas->meta->get('entities');
// Do we have entities to eagerly-loaded?
if (count($includes))
// Then generate new colleciton holder for it
$tuples = new \Gas\Data();
// Get the array of fetched rows
$results = $res->result_array();
// Generate the entitiy records
foreach ($results as $result)
// Passed the result as record
$instance = new $model($result);
$instance->empty = FALSE;
foreach ($includes as $include)
if (array_key_exists($include, $relation))
$table = $instance->table;
$pk = $instance->primary_key;
$identifier = $instance->record->get('data.'.$pk);
$concenate = $table.':'.$pk.':'.$identifier;
$tuple = $relation[$include];
$type = $tuple['type'];
if ($tuples->get('entities.'.$include))
// Retrieve this entity
$assoc_entities = $tuples->get('entities.'.$include);
$assoc_entities = \Gas\Core::generate_entity($gas, $tuple, $results);
$tuples->set('entities.'.$include, $assoc_entities);
if ($assoc_entities->get('identifier') != $pk)
$fk = $assoc_entities->get('identifier');
$identifier = $instance->record->get('data.'.$fk);
// Assign the included entity, respectively
$entity = array_values(array_filter($assoc_entities->get('data.'.$identifier, array())));
$related_entity = $type == 'has_many' ? $entity : current($entity);
$instance->related->set('entities.'.$include, $related_entity);
// Pool to instance holder and unset the instance
$instances[] = $instance;
// Determine whether to return an instance or a collection of instance(s)
$res = count($instances) > 1 ? $instances : array_shift($instances);
// Do we need to return the result, or passed into some extension?
if ( ! empty($extension) && $extension instanceof Extension)
$res = $extension->__init($res);
// Tell task manager to take a break, and fill the resource holder
\Gas\Core::$task_manager = array();
\Gas\Core::$thread_resource = $res;
// Return the native DB driver method execution
return call_user_func_array(array(\Gas\Core::$db, $action), $args);
}, $key);
// Get the result and immediately flush the temporary resource holder
$resource = self::$thread_resource and self::$thread_resource = NULL;
// The compilation is done, send the song to listen
return $resource;
* Generate the Gas tasks spec
* @param Data the recorder
* @return array task spec
protected static function _play_record(Data $recorder)
// Prepare the tree and set recorder cursor
$tasks = array();
$blank_disc = array_fill(0, count(self::$dictionary), array());
$tasks = array_combine(array_keys(self::$dictionary), $blank_disc);
// Iterate over the recorder and match against task dictionary
while ($recorder->valid())
foreach (self::$dictionary as $type => $nodes)
if (in_array($recorder->key(), $nodes))
$arguments = array($recorder->key() => $recorder->current());
array_push($tasks[$type], $arguments);
return $tasks;
* Check for validation process
* @param object Gas Instance
* @return bool
private static function _check($gas)
// Initial valid mark
$valid = TRUE;
$errors = array();
// Grab CI super object and load form validation
$CI =& get_instance();
// Grab all necessary lang files
// Grab the instance records, and set the POST (since CI validator only invoked by it)
// if there are any POST data, save it temporarily
$entries = $gas->record->get('data');
$old_post = $_POST;
$_POST = $entries;
// Extract the rules, and separate beetween,
// internal callback and CI validation rule
foreach ($entries as $field => $entry)
// Get all necessary property for perform validation
$label = ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', $field));
$rules = $gas->meta->get('fields.'.$field.'.rules', '');
$callbacks = $gas->meta->get('fields.'.$field.'.callbacks', array());
// Set each field's rule respectively
$CI->form_validation->set_rules($field, $label, $rules);
// First we will perform internal callbacks
if ( ! empty($callbacks))
foreach ($callbacks as $callback)
// If defined callback not exists, show error
if ( ! is_callable(array($gas, $callback)))
throw new \BadMethodCallException('['.$callback.'] Invalid callback method');
// Check the callback result
$success = call_user_func_array(array($gas, $callback), array($entry));
$method = substr($callback, 1);
// If not success, grab the error message
if ( ! $success)
// Default callbacks
$datatype_errors = array('auto_check',
// If it was default internal error, grab
// corresponding Gas lang line
if (in_array($method, $datatype_errors))
$error = $CI->lang->line($method);
if (FALSE === ($error = $CI->lang->line($callback)))
if (FALSE === ($error = $CI->lang->line($method)))
$error = $callback.' method error with no explanation for %s';
// Set callback error
$errors[] = $callback;
$gas->errors[$field] = sprintf($error, $label);
// Perform CI validation
if ($CI->form_validation->run() == FALSE)
// Set an error boundary
$boundary = '<ERROR>';
// Get each error
foreach ($entries as $field => $entry)
if (($error = $CI->form_validation->error($field, $boundary, $boundary)) and $error != '')
// Parse the error and put it into appropriate field
$error = str_replace($boundary, '', $error);
$gas->errors[$field] = $error;
$valid = FALSE;
// Combine internal callback result with CI validation result
if (count($errors) > 0 or ! $valid)
$valid = FALSE;
// Validation has been done, set back the old post and return the validation result
$_POST = $old_post;
return $valid;
* Handle configuration
* @param array
* @return void
private function _configure($config = array())
// Validate configuration
$keys = array('models_path', 'cache_request', 'auto_create_models', 'auto_create_tables');
foreach ($keys as $key)
if ( ! array_key_exists($key, $config))
throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid runtime configuration.');
// Set global configuration
static::$cache = $config['cache_request'];
static::$auto = array('models' => $config['auto_create_models'],
'tables' => $config['auto_create_tables']);
// Populate possible paths
if (is_array($config['models_path']))
$paths = $config['models_path'];
// New convention require a paired of namespace - path, sorry...
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('models_not_found:'.$config['models_path']);
// Set `models` directories look-up
static::$path['model'] = $paths;
// Get migration config
static::$migration = $config['migration'];
// Register autoloader
spl_autoload_register(array($this, '_autoloader'));
* Serve autoloader
* @param string
* @return void
private function _autoloader($class)
// Add Spark path as integral directories to check
if ( ! defined('GASSPARKPATH'))
define('GASSPARKPATH', BASEPATH.'sparks');
// Prepare autoload mechanism
if (($fragments = explode('\\', $class))
&& count($fragments) > 1
&& is_array(static::$path))
// Parse the slash
$class = ltrim($class, '\\');
$fragments = explode('\\', $class);
// Parse the namespace spec for further process
$namespace = strtolower(array_shift($fragments));
$filename = strtolower(array_pop($fragments));
$ori_path = strtolower(implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $fragments));
// Finalize the path
$full_namespace = (empty($ori_path)) ? $namespace : $namespace.'\\'.str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '\\', $ori_path);
// Check for extension first
if (strpos($class, 'Gas\\Extension') !== FALSE)
// There are only two target directories for this :
// 1. GASPATH.'classes/extension'
// 2. APPPATH.'libraries/gas/extension'
$extension_paths = array(GASPATH.'classes',
// Loop over the paths
foreach ($extension_paths as $extension_path)
if (file_exists($extension_path.$path.$filename.'.php'))
// Gotcha
include_once $extension_path.$path.$filename.'.php';
return TRUE;
// Process matched directory
if (array_key_exists($namespace, static::$path)
&& ($directories = static::$path[$namespace]))
// Walk through files and possible path
foreach ($directories as $ns => $dir)
$orm_path = str_replace(strtolower($ns), '', $full_namespace);
$orm_path = str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $orm_path).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
if (file_exists($dir.$orm_path.$filename.'.php'))
* Generate models based by curent schema
* This is used by config only (internal usage).
* @return void
private function _generate_models()
// Get the tables
$tables = self::$db->list_tables(TRUE);
$counter = 0;
// Generate models
foreach ($tables as $table)
// Avoid migration table
if (empty(self::$migration['migration_table']) OR $table != self::$migration['migration_table'])
// Build table and field definition
$key = array();
$forge_key = '';
$primary_key = '';
$field_meta = self::$db->field_data($table);
$field_definition = 'self::$fields = array('."\n";
$field_migration = '$this->dbforge->add_field(array('."\n";
foreach ($field_meta as $meta)
// Build field definition
$definition = self::identify_field($meta);
$field_definition .= "\t\t\t".'\''.$definition[0].'\' => ORM::field(\''.$definition[1].$definition[2].'\'),'."\n";
if ($definition[3] == TRUE && empty($primary_key))
$primary_key = "\n\t".'public $primary_key = \''.$definition[0].'\';'."\n";
// Build field migration
$migration = self::identify_field($meta, 'forge_field');
$field_migration .= "\t\t\t".'\''.$migration[0].'\' => array('."\n"
."\t\t\t\t".'\'type\' => \''.$migration[1].'\','."\n"
."\t\t\t\t".'\'constraint\' => '.$migration[2].','."\n"
if ($migration[3] == TRUE) $key[] = $migration[0];
$field_definition .= "\t\t".');'."\n";
$field_migration .= "\t\t".'));'."\n";
if (count($key) > 0)
foreach ($key as $pk)
$forge_key .= "\n\t\t".'$this->dbforge->add_key(\''.$pk.'\', TRUE);'."\n";
$field_migration .= $forge_key;
// Build model component
$fragment = explode('_', $table);
$namespace = key(static::$path['model']);
$path = static::$path['model'][$namespace];
if (count($fragment) == 1)
$model = ucfirst(current($fragment));
$model = ucfirst(array_pop($fragment));
$namespace .= '\\'.implode('\\', array_map('ucfirst', $fragment));
if ( ! is_dir($path)) mkdir($path, DIR_WRITE_MODE);
// Build the model
$model_convention = read_file(GASPATH.'template'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'model.tpl');
$model_convention = sprintf($model_convention, $namespace, $model, $primary_key, $field_definition);
// Write the model
if ( ! write_file($path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.strtolower($model).'.php', $model_convention))
throw new \RuntimeException('cannot_create_model:'.$path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.strtolower($model).'.php');
// Build the migration
$migration_path = self::$migration['migration_path'];
if ( ! is_dir($migration_path)) mkdir($migration_path, DIR_WRITE_MODE);
$migration_name = (($counter+1) < 10) ? '00'.($counter+1).'_'.$table :
((($counter+1) < 100) ? '0'.($counter+1).'_'.$table : ($counter+1).'_'.$table);
$field_migration_up = $field_migration."\n\t\t".'$this->dbforge->create_table(\''.$table.'\', TRUE);';
$field_migration_down = '$this->dbforge->drop_table(\''.$table.'\');';
$migration_convention = read_file(GASPATH.'template'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'migration.tpl');
$migration_convention = sprintf($migration_convention, 'Migration_'.$table, $field_migration_up, $field_migration_down);
// Write the migration
if ( ! write_file($migration_path.strtolower($migration_name).'.php', $migration_convention))
throw new \RuntimeException('cannot_create_migration:'.$migration_path.strtolower($migration_name).'.php');
// Increment the counter
* Generate tables based by existed models
* This is used by config only (internal usage).
* @return void
private function _generate_tables()
// Get all models
$model_paths = self::$path['model'];
foreach ($model_paths as $namespace => $model_path)
if (is_dir($model_path))
$models = get_filenames($model_path, TRUE);
foreach ($models as $model)
// Sort only php file
if (strpos($model, 'php') === FALSE) continue;
// Instantiate all models to collect all information
$raw_model_name = str_replace($model_path, '<PATH>', $model);
$model_name = end(explode('<PATH>', $raw_model_name));
// Parse directory separator
if (strpos($model_name, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === 0)
$model_name = substr($model_name, 1);
$model_name = str_replace(array(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '.php'), array('\\', ''), $model_name);
$model_name = $namespace.'\\'.$model_name;
// Collect all model(s) info, by instantiate it
$counter = 0;
$entity_repository = self::$entity_repository->get('models');
// Now, itterate over entity repository to generate migration files
foreach ($entity_repository as $entity)
$table = $entity['table'];
$fields = $entity['fields'];
$field_annotation = array();
foreach ($fields as $field => $prop)
$field_annotation[$field] = self::identify_annotation($prop['annotations']);
$field_migration = '$this->dbforge->add_field(array('."\n";
foreach ($field_annotation as $field_name => $meta)
// Build field migration
$field_migration .= "\t\t\t".'\''.$field_name.'\' => array('."\n";
foreach ($meta as $type => $value) $field_migration .= "\t\t\t\t".'\''.$type.'\' => \''.$value.'\','."\n";
$field_migration .= "\t\t\t".'),'."\n";
$field_migration .= "\t\t".'));'."\n";
// Build the migration
$migration_path = self::$migration['migration_path'];
if ( ! is_dir($migration_path)) mkdir($migration_path, DIR_WRITE_MODE);
$migration_name = (($counter+1) < 10) ? '00'.($counter+1).'_'.$table :
((($counter+1) < 100) ? '0'.($counter+1).'_'.$table : ($counter+1).'_'.$table);
$field_migration_up = $field_migration."\n\t\t".'$this->dbforge->create_table(\''.$table.'\', TRUE);';
$field_migration_down = '$this->dbforge->drop_table(\''.$table.'\');';
$migration_convention = read_file(GASPATH.'template'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'migration.tpl');
$migration_convention = sprintf($migration_convention, 'Migration_'.$table, $field_migration_up, $field_migration_down);
// Write the migration
if ( ! write_file($migration_path.strtolower($migration_name).'.php', $migration_convention))
throw new \RuntimeException('cannot_create_migration:'.$migration_path.strtolower($migration_name).'.php');
// Increment the counter
// Late binding to flagged auto-migration process
static::$migration['auto'] = TRUE;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
* Overloading static method triggered when invoking special method.
* @param string
* @param array
* @return mixed
public static function __callStatic($name, $args)
// Defined DBAL component
$dbal = array('forge', 'util');
if (in_array($name, $dbal))
// Return corresponding component (DB Forge or DB Util)
$dbal_component = 'db'.$name;
return static::$$dbal_component;
elseif ($name == 'insert_id' && isset(static::$db->subdriver) && static::$db->subdriver == 'pgsql')
return static::$db->conn_id->lastInsertId();
elseif ($name == 'last_created')
// Get last created entry
if (($last_id = static::$db->insert_id()) && empty($last_id))
// Nothing
return NULL;
// Return the corresponding model instance with last id
$gas = array_shift($args);
return self::find($gas, array($last_id));
elseif (preg_match('/^find_by_([^)]+)$/', $name, $m) && count($m) == 2)
// Get the instance, passed field and value for WHERE condition
$gas = array_shift($args);
$field = $m[1];
$value = array_shift($args);
// Build the task onto the Gas instance
$gas->recorder->set('where', array($field, $value));
$multirow = (is_array($args) && ! empty($args)) ? current($args) : TRUE;
return self::all($gas, $multirow);
elseif (preg_match('/^(min|max|avg|sum)$/', $name, $m) && count($m) == 2)
// Get the instance, passed arguments for SELECT condition
$gas = array_shift($args);
$type = $m[1];
$value = array_shift($args);
$value = (empty($value)) ? $gas->primary_key : $value;
// Build the task onto the Gas instance
$gas->recorder->set('select_'.$type, array($value));
return self::all($gas, FALSE);
elseif (preg_match('/^(first|last)$/', $name, $m) && count($m) == 2)
// Get the instance, passed arguments for ORDER BY condition
$gas = array_shift($args);
$order = ($m[1] == 'first') ? 'asc' : 'desc';
$collumn = array_shift($args);
$collumn = is_null($collumn) ? $gas->primary_key : $collumn;
// Build the task onto the Gas instance
$gas->recorder->set('order_by', array($collumn, $order));
$gas->recorder->set('limit', array('1'));
return self::all($gas, FALSE);
elseif (($method_type = self::diagnostic($name)) && ! empty($method_type))
// Give appropriate return, based by each task node needs
if ($method_type == 'condition' or $method_type == 'selector')
// Always, sanitize arguments
$args = Janitor::get_input($name, $args, TRUE);
// Ensure once, in case there are some deprecated method
if ( ! is_callable(array(static::$db, $name)))
throw new \BadMethodCallException('['.$name.']Unknown method.');
// Build the task onto the Gas instance
$gas = array_shift($args);
$gas->recorder->set($name, $args);
return $gas;
elseif ($method_type == 'executor')
$executor = static::$dictionary['executor'];
$write = array_slice($executor, 0, 6);
$operation = array_slice($executor, 6, 4);
$utility = array_slice($executor, 10, 6);
if (in_array($name, $utility))
// This not affected any row or any record
return static::$db->$name();
// Always, sanitize arguments
$args = Janitor::get_input($name, $args, TRUE);
// Ensure once, in case there are some deprecated method
if ( ! is_callable(array(static::$db, $name)))
throw new \BadMethodCallException('['.$name.']Unknown method.');
// Build the task onto the Gas instance
$gas = array_shift($args);
// Merge the table alongside with sent arguments
$table = $gas->validate_table()->table;
$argument = array_unshift($args, $table);
$gas->recorder->set($name, $args);
return self::_execute($gas);
// Last try check relationships
$gas = array_shift($args);
if (FALSE != ($relationship = $gas->meta->get('entities.'.$name)))
// Gotcha!
// Check for any pre-process options
if ( ! empty($args))
$relationship['options'] = array_merge($args, $relationship['options']);
return self::generate_entity($gas, $relationship);
// Good bye
throw new \BadMethodCallException('['.$name.']Unknown method.');
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