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Last active April 6, 2020 07:47
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Yet another implementation for the HACK Assembler outlined in NAND2Tetris
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Modern::Perl;
use File::Temp;
use Const::Fast;
use experimental qw( switch );
die "An input file is expected" if not defined $ARGV[0];
die "An output must be specified" if not defined $ARGV[1];
open my $ASM_SBL_FH, '<:utf8', $ARGV[0]
or die "Failed to open an internal filehandle for $ARGV[0]: $!";
open my $ASMFH, '<:utf8', $ARGV[0]
or die "Failed to open $ARGV[0]: $!";
my %sbls = ( SP => 0, LCL => 1, ARG => 2, THIS => 3, THAT => 4,
R0 => 0, R1 => 1, R2 => 2, R3 => 3,
R4 => 4, R5 => 5, R6 => 6, R7 => 7,
R8 => 8, R9 => 9, R10 => 10, R11 => 11,
R12 => 12, R13 => 13, R14 => 14, R15 => 15,
SCREEN => 16384,
KBD => 24576 );
const my $ains_pattern => qr/^@(.+)$/;
const my $dest_pattern => qr/([AMD]{1,3})=/;
const my $jump_pattern => qr/;(J(?:(?:[LG][TE])|EQ|NE|MP))/;
const my $labe_pattern => qr/\(([^()]+)\)/;
const my $comp_pattern => qr/([0AMD] | -?1 | [!-][AMD] | [AMD][+-]1 | D[&|+-][AM] | [AM]-D)/x;
sub __asmread {
my $fh = shift;
my %callbacks = @_;
while ( <$fh> ) {
chomp; my $expr = $_;
next LINE unless length > 0;
if ( /$ains_pattern/ ) { &{ $callbacks{ ainst } }($1) if exists $callbacks{ ainst } }
elsif ( /$labe_pattern/ ) { &{ $callbacks{ label } }($1) if exists $callbacks{ label } }
elsif ( /^
/x ) { &{ $callbacks{ cinst } }({ d => $1, c => $2, j => $3 }) if exists $callbacks{ cinst } }
else { die "Invalid expression: $expr" }
my ( $TMP_HACK_FH, $TMP_HACK_FN ) = File::Temp::tempfile();
binmode( $TMP_HACK_FH, ':utf8' );
my $rom_offset = 0;
my $ram_offset = 16;
__asmread $ASM_SBL_FH, ( ainst => sub { $rom_offset++ },
cinst => sub { $rom_offset++ },
label => sub { $sbls{ $1 } = $rom_offset }, );
close $ASM_SBL_FH;
print "$_ => $sbls{ $_ }\n" foreach keys %sbls;
__asmread $ASMFH, (
ainst => sub {
my ( $sbl, $addr ) = ( $1, $1 );
if ( not $sbl =~ /^-?(0|([1-9][0-9]*))$/ ) {
if ( exists $sbls{ $sbl } ) {
$addr = $sbls{ $sbl }
} else { # if what we run into is a label
$sbls{ $sbl } = $addr = $ram_offset++
my $v15 = substr unpack( 'B32', pack( 'N', $addr ) ), 17, 15;
print $TMP_HACK_FH '0' . $v15 . "\n";
cinst => sub {
my $h = shift;
printf $TMP_HACK_FH "111%s%s%s\n", comp_opc( $h->{c} ), dest_opc( $h->{d} ), jump_opc( $h->{j} );
close $ASMFH;
close $TMP_HACK_FH;
rename $TMP_HACK_FN, $ARGV[1];
sub dest_opc {
if ( defined $_[0] ) {
given ( $_[0] ) {
when ( 'M' ) { return '001' }
when ( 'D' ) { return '010' }
when ( /^(?:MD|DM)$/ ) { return '011' }
when ( 'A' ) { return '100' }
when ( /^(?:AM|MA)$/ ) { return '101' }
when ( /^(?:AD|DA)$/ ) { return '110' }
when ( /^
$/x ) { return '111' }
sub jump_opc {
if ( defined $_[0] ) {
given ( $_[0] ) {
when ( 'JGT' ) { return '001' }
when ( 'JEQ' ) { return '010' }
when ( 'JGE' ) { return '011' }
when ( 'JLT' ) { return '100' }
when ( 'JNE' ) { return '101' }
when ( 'JLE' ) { return '110' }
when ( 'JMP' ) { return '111' }
sub comp_opc {
my $opc = 0;
if ( defined $_[0] ) {
const my $ADDFLAG => 0b01_00_00_00;
my $flagopc = qq{ \$opc |= \$ADDFLAG if \$1 eq 'M' };
given ( $_[0] ) {
when ( '0' ) { $opc = 0b10_10_10 }
when ( '1' ) { $opc = 0b11_11_11 }
when ( '-1' ) { $opc = 0b11_10_10 }
when ( 'D' ) { $opc = 0b00_11_00 }
when ( /^(A|M)$/ ) { $opc = 0b11_00_00; eval $flagopc }
when ( '!D' ) { $opc = 0b00_11_01 }
when ( /^!(A|M)$/ ) { $opc = 0b11_00_01; eval $flagopc }
when ( '-D' ) { $opc = 0b00_11_11 }
when ( /^-(A|M)$/ ) { $opc = 0b11_00_11; eval $flagopc }
when ( 'D+1' ) { $opc = 0b01_11_11 }
when ( /^(A|M)\+1$/ ) { $opc = 0b11_01_11; eval $flagopc }
when ( 'D-1' ) { $opc = 0b00_11_10 }
when ( /^(A|M)-1$/ ) { $opc = 0b11_00_10; eval $flagopc }
when ( /^D\+(A|M)$/ ) { $opc = 0b00_00_10; eval $flagopc }
when ( /^D-(A|M)$/ ) { $opc = 0b01_00_11; eval $flagopc }
when ( /^(A|M)-D$/ ) { $opc = 0b00_01_11; eval $flagopc }
when ( /^D&(A|M)$/ ) { $opc = 0b00_00_00; eval $flagopc }
when ( /^D\|(A|M)$/ ) { $opc = 0b01_01_01; eval $flagopc }
substr unpack( "B32", pack( 'N', $opc ) ), 25, 7;
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