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Created October 8, 2012 09:21
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AutoIT connect to MsSQL Server
; #INDEX# ========================================================================
; Title .........: _SQL.au3
; AutoIt Version : 3.2
; Language ......: English
; Description ...: Some SQL stuff to use with an MSDE database
; Author ........: Chris Lambert
; ================================================================================
; #VARIABLES# ====================================================================
Global $SQL_LastConnection ; enables the use of -1 to access the last opened connection
Global $SQLErr ; Plain text error message holder
Global $MSSQLObjErr ; For COM error handler
Global Const $SQL_OK = 0 ; Successful result
Global Const $SQL_ERROR = 1 ; SQL error
; ==============================================================================
; #FUNCTION# ===================================================================
; Name ..........: _SQL_RegisterErrorHandler
; Description ...: Register COM error handler
; Syntax.........: _SQL_RegisterErrorHandler($Func = "_SQL_ErrFunc")
; Parameters ....: $Func - String variable with the name of a user-defined COM error handler defaults to the _SQL_ErrFunc()
; Return values .: On Success - Returns $SQL_OK
; On Failure - Returns $SQL_ERROR and $SQLErr is set.
; .Use _SQL_GetErrMsg() to get text error information
; Author ........: Chris Lambert
; Modified ......:
; Remarks .......: AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher
; Related .......:
; Link ..........;
; Example .......; no
; ==============================================================================
Func _SQL_RegisterErrorHandler($Func = "_SQL_ErrFunc")
$SQLErr = ""
If ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error") = "" Then
$MSSQLObjErr = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", $Func)
Return SetError($SQL_OK, 0, $SQL_OK)
$SQLErr = "An Error Handler is already registered"
Return SetError($SQL_ERROR, 0, $SQL_ERROR)
EndFunc ;==>_SQL_RegisterErrorHandler
; #FUNCTION# ===================================================================
; Name ..........: _SQL_UnRegisterErrorHandler()
; Description ...: Disable a registered error handler
; Syntax.........: _SQL_UnRegisterErrorHandler()
; Parameters ....: None
; Return values .: On Success - Returns $SQL_OK
; On Failure - None
; Author ........: Chris Lambert
; Modified ......:
; Remarks .......: AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher
; Related .......:
; Link ..........;
; Example .......; no
; ==============================================================================
Func _SQL_UnRegisterErrorHandler()
$SQLErr = ""
$MSSQLObjErr = ""
Return SetError($SQL_OK, 0, $SQL_OK)
EndFunc ;==>_SQL_UnRegisterErrorHandler
; #FUNCTION# ===================================================================
; Name ..........: _SQL_Startup
; Description ...: Creates ADODB.Connection object
; Syntax.........: _SQL_Startup()
; Parameters ....: None
; Return values .: On Success - Returns Object handle
; On Failure - Returns $SQL_ERROR and $SQLErr is set.
; .Use _SQL_GetErrMsg() to get text error information
; Author ........: Chris Lambert
; Modified ......:
; Remarks .......:
; Related .......:
; Link ..........;
; Example .......; no
; ==============================================================================
Func _SQL_Startup()
$SQLErr = ""
Local $adCN = ObjCreate("ADODB.Connection")
If IsObj($adCN) Then
$SQL_LastConnection = $adCN
Return SetError($SQL_OK, 0, $adCN)
$SQLErr = "Failed to Create ADODB.Connection object"
Return SetError($SQL_ERROR, 0, $SQL_ERROR)
EndFunc ;==>_SQL_Startup
; #FUNCTION# ===================================================================
; Name ..........: _SQL_Connect
; Description ...: Starts a Database Connection
; Syntax.........: _SQL_Connect($ADODBHandle,$server, $db, $username, $password)
; Parameters ....: $ADODBHandle - ADODB.Connection handle.
; $server - The server to connect to.
; $db - The database to open.
; $username - username for database access.
; $password - password for database user.
; Return values .: On Success - Returns $SQL_OK
; On Failure - Returns $SQL_ERROR and $SQLErr is set.
; .Use _SQL_GetErrMsg() to get text error information
; Author ........: Chris Lambert
; Modified ......:
; Remarks .......:
; Related .......:
; Link ..........;
; Example .......; no
; ==============================================================================
Func _SQL_Connect($ADODBHandle, $server, $db, $username, $password)
$SQLErr = ""
If $ADODBHandle = -1 Then $ADODBHandle = $SQL_LastConnection
If Not IsObj($ADODBHandle) Then
$SQLErr = "Invalid ADODB.Connection object, use _SQL_Startup()"
Return SetError($SQL_ERROR, 0, $SQL_ERROR)
$ADODBHandle.Open("DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=" & $server & ";DATABASE=" & $db & ";uid=" & $username & ";pwd=" & $password & ";") ;<==Connect with required credentials
If Not @error Then
Return SetError($SQL_OK, 0, $SQL_OK)
$SQLErr = "Connection Error"
Return SetError($SQL_ERROR, 0, $SQL_ERROR)
EndFunc ;==>_SQL_Connect
; #FUNCTION# ===================================================================
; Name ..........: _SQL_JetConnect
; Description ...: Starts a Database Connection to a Jet Database
; Syntax.........: _SQL_JetConnect($ADODBHandle,$sFilePath1)
; Parameters ....: $ADODBHandle - ADODB.Connection handle
; $sFilePath1 - Path to Jet Database file
; Return values .: On Success - Returns $SQL_OK
; On Failure - Returns $SQL_ERROR and $SQLErr is set.
; .Use _SQL_GetErrMsg() to get text error information
; Author ........: Chris Lambert
; Modified ......:
; Remarks .......:
; Related .......:
; Link ..........;
; Example .......; no
; ==============================================================================
Func _SQL_JetConnect($ADODBHandle, $sFilePath1)
$SQLErr = ""
If $ADODBHandle = -1 Then $ADODBHandle = $SQL_LastConnection
If Not IsObj($ADODBHandle) Then
$SQLErr = "Invalid ADODB.Connection object, use _SQL_Startup()"
Return SetError($SQL_ERROR, 0, $SQL_ERROR)
$ADODBHandle.Open("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & $sFilePath1 & ";")
If @error Then
$SQLErr = "Connection Error"
Return SetError($SQL_ERROR, 0, $SQL_ERROR)
Return SetError($SQL_OK, 0, $SQL_OK)
EndFunc ;==>_SQL_JetConnect
; #FUNCTION# ===================================================================
; Name ..........: _SQL_AccessConnect
; Description ...: Starts a Database Connection to an Access Database
; Syntax ........: _SQL_AccessConnect($ADODBHandle,$sFilePath1)
; Parameters ....: $ADODBHandle - ADODB.Connection handle - Optional
; $sFilePath1 - Path to an Access Database file
; Return values .: Success - Returns $SQL_OK
; On Failure - Returns $SQL_ERROR and $SQLErr is set.
; .Use _SQL_GetErrMsg() to get text error information
; Author ........: Chris Lambert
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......:
; Related .......:
; Link ..........;
; Example .......: no
; ================================================================================
Func _SQL_AccessConnect($ADODBHandle = -1, $sFilePath1 = "")
$SQLErr = ""
If $ADODBHandle = -1 Then $ADODBHandle = $SQL_LastConnection
If Not IsObj($ADODBHandle) Then
$SQLErr = "Invalid ADODB.Connection object, use _SQL_Startup()"
Return SetError($SQL_ERROR, 0, $SQL_ERROR)
$ADODBHandle.Open("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=" & $sFilePath1 & ";")
If @error Then
$SQLErr = "Connection Error"
Return SetError($SQL_ERROR, 0, $SQL_ERROR)
Return SetError($SQL_OK, 0, $SQL_OK)
EndFunc ;==>_SQL_AccessConnect
; #FUNCTION# ===================================================================
; Name ..........: _SQL_Close
; Description ...: Closes an open ADODB.Connection
; Syntax.........: _SQL_Close ($ADODBHandle = -1)
; Parameters ....: $ADODBHandle - Optional Database Handle
; Return values .: On Success - Returns $SQL_OK
; On Failure - Returns $SQL_ERROR and $SQLErr is set.
; .Use _SQL_GetErrMsg() to get text error information
; Author ........: Chris Lambert
; Modified ......:
; Remarks .......:
; Related .......:
; Link ..........;
; Example .......; no
; ==============================================================================
Func _SQL_Close($ADODBHandle = -1)
$SQLErr = ""
If $ADODBHandle = -1 Then $ADODBHandle = $SQL_LastConnection
If Not IsObj($ADODBHandle) Then
$SQLErr = "Invalid ADODB.Connection object, use _SQL_Startup()"
Return SetError($SQL_ERROR, 0, $SQL_ERROR)
If $ADODBHandle = $SQL_LastConnection Then $SQL_LastConnection = ""
Return SetError($SQL_OK, 0, $SQL_OK)
EndFunc ;==>_SQL_Close
; #FUNCTION# ===================================================================
; Name ..........: _SQL_Execute()
; Description ...: Executes an SQL Query
; Syntax.........: _SQL_Execute([ $hConHandle = -1[,$vQuery = "" ]])
; Parameters ....: $hConHandle - An Open Database, Use -1 To use Last Opened Database
; $vQuery - SQL Statement to be executed
; Return values .: On Success - Returns a query handle
; On Failure - Returns $SQL_ERROR and $SQLErr is set.
; .Use _SQL_GetErrMsg() to get text error information
; Author ........: Chris Lambert
; Modified ......:
; Remarks .......:
; Related .......:
; Link ..........;
; Example .......; no
; ==============================================================================
Func _SQL_Execute($hConHandle = -1, $vQuery = "")
$SQLErr = ""
Local $hQuery
If $hConHandle = -1 Then $hConHandle = $SQL_LastConnection
$hQuery = $hConHandle.Execute($vQuery)
If @error Then
Return SetError($SQL_ERROR, 0, $SQL_ERROR)
Return SetError($SQL_OK, 0, $hQuery)
EndFunc ;==>_SQL_Execute
; #FUNCTION# ===================================================================
; Name ..........: _SQL_GetErrMsg
; Description ...: Get SQL error as text
; Syntax.........: _SQL_GetErrMsg()
; Parameters ....: None
; Return values .: On Success - Returns the text string from $SQLErr
; On Failure - None
; Author ........: Chris Lambert
; Modified ......: Stephen Podhajecki (eltorro)
; Remarks .......:
; Related .......:
; Link ..........;
; Example .......; no
; ==============================================================================
Func _SQL_GetErrMsg()
;added temp var to return and clear $SQLErr
;returns the current errmsg and clears it.
Local $SQLErr_TMP = $SQLErr
$SQLErr = ""
Return SetError($SQL_OK, 0, $SQLErr_TMP)
EndFunc ;==>_SQL_GetErrMsg
; #FUNCTION# ===================================================================
; Name ..........: _SQL_GetTable2d()
; Description ...: Passes Out a 2Dimensional Array Containing Tablenames and Data of Executed Query
; Syntax.........: _SQL_GetTable2D($hConHandle, $vQuery, ByRef $aResult, ByRef $iRows, ByRef $iColumns)
; Parameters ....: $hConHandle - An Open Database, Use -1 To use Last Opened Database
; $vQuery - SQL Statement to be executed
; $aResult - Passes out the Result
; $iRows - Passes out the amount of 'data' Rows
; $iColumns - Passes out the amount of Columns
; Return values .: On Success - Returns $SQL_OK
; On Failure - Returns $SQL_ERROR and $SQLErr is set.
; .Use _SQL_GetErrMsg() to get text error information
; Author ........: Chris Lambert
; Modified ......: Stephen Podhajecki (eltorro)
; Remarks .......:
; Related .......:
; Link ..........;
; Example .......; no
; ==============================================================================
Func _SQL_GetTable2D($hConHandle, $vQuery, ByRef $aResult, ByRef $iRows, ByRef $iColumns)
$SQLErr = ""
Local $i, $x, $y, $objquery
$iRows = 0
$iColumns = 0
;sp mod removed handle check here use function.
$objquery = _SQL_Execute($hConHandle, $vQuery)
;end mod
If @error Then
$SQLErr = "Query Error"
Return SetError($SQL_ERROR, 0, $SQL_ERROR)
If $objquery.eof Then
$SQLErr = "Query has no data"
$objquery = 0 ;sp mod
Return SetError($SQL_ERROR, 0, $SQL_ERROR)
With $objquery
$aResult = .GetRows()
If IsArray($aResult) Then
$iColumns = UBound($aResult, 2)
$iRows = UBound($aResult)
ReDim $aResult[$iRows + 1][$iColumns];Adjust the array to fit the column names and move all data down 1 row
For $x = $iRows To 1 Step -1
For $y = 0 To $iColumns - 1
$aResult[$x][$y] = $aResult[$x - 1][$y]
;Add the coloumn names
For $i = 0 To $iColumns - 1 ;get the column names and put into 0 array element
$aResult[0][$i] = .Fields($i).Name
$SQLErr = "Unable to retreive data"
$objquery = 0 ;sp mod
Return SetError($SQL_ERROR, 0, $SQL_ERROR)
$objquery = 0
Return SetError($SQL_OK, 0, $SQL_OK)
EndFunc ;==>_SQL_GetTable2D
; #FUNCTION# ===================================================================
; Name ..........: _SQL_FetchNames()
; Description ...: Read out the Tablenames of a _SQL_Query() based query
; Syntax.........: _SQL_FetchNames($hQuery,ByRef $aNames)
; Parameters ....: $hQuery - Query Handle Generated by _SQL_Execute()
; $aNames - variable to store the Table Names
; Return values .: On Success - Returns $SQL_OK
; On Failure - Returns $SQL_ERROR and $SQLErr is set.
; .Use _SQL_GetErrMsg() to get text error information
; Author ........: Chris Lambert
; Modified ......:
; Remarks .......:
; Related .......:
; Link ..........;
; Example .......; no
; ==============================================================================
Func _SQL_FetchNames($hQuery, ByRef $aNames)
Local $i, $SQL_Delim = "¬&~"
Local $iDelLen = StringLen($SQL_Delim)
$SQLErr = ""
If Not IsObj($hQuery) Then
$SQLErr = "Invalid Query Handle"
Return SetError($SQL_ERROR, 0, $SQL_ERROR)
$aNames = ""
For $i = 0 To $hQuery.Fields.Count - 1 ;get the column names and put into 0 array element
$aNames &= $hQuery.Fields($i).Name & $SQL_Delim
If StringRight($aNames, $iDelLen) = $SQL_Delim Then $aNames = StringTrimRight($aNames, $iDelLen)
$aNames = StringSplit($aNames, $SQL_Delim, 3)
Return SetError($SQL_OK, 0, $SQL_OK)
EndFunc ;==>_SQL_FetchNames
; #FUNCTION# ===================================================================
; Name ..........: _SQL_GetTable()
; Description ...: Passes Out a 1Dimensional Array Containing Tablenames and Data of Executed Query
; Syntax.........: _SQL_GetTable($hConHandle, $vQuery, ByRef $aData, ByRef $iRows, ByRef $iColumns)
; Parameters ....: $hConHandle - An Open Database, Use -1 To use Last Opened Database
; $vQuery - SQL Statement to be executed
; $aResult - Passes out the Result
; $iRows - Passes out the amount of 'data' Rows
; $iColumns - Passes out the amount of Columns
; Return values .: On Success - Returns $SQL_OK
; On Failure - Returns $SQL_ERROR and $SQLErr is set.
; .Use _SQL_GetErrMsg() to get text error information
; Author ........: Chris Lambert
; Modified ......: Stephen Podhajecki (eltorro)
; Remarks .......:
; Related .......:
; Link ..........;
; Example .......; no
; ==============================================================================
Func _SQL_GetTable($hConHandle, $vQuery, ByRef $aData, ByRef $iRows, ByRef $iColumns)
Local $i, $objquery, $aNames
$SQLErr = ""
$iRows = 0
$iColumns = 0
$objquery = _SQL_Execute($hConHandle, $vQuery)
If @error Then
$SQLErr = "Query Error"
Return SetError($SQL_ERROR, 0, $SQL_ERROR)
If $objquery.eof Then
$SQLErr = "Query has no data"
$objquery = 0 ;sp mod
Return SetError($SQL_ERROR, 0, $SQL_ERROR)
_SQL_FetchNames($objquery, $aNames)
$iColumns = UBound($aNames)
ReDim $aData[$iColumns + 1]
$aData[0] = $iColumns
For $i = 0 To $iColumns - 1
$aData[$i + 1] = $aNames[$i]
$aNames = 0
While Not $objquery.eof
$iRows += 1
For $i = 0 To $objquery.Fields.Count - 1
ReDim $aData[$aData[0] + 2]
$aData[0] += 1
$aData[$aData[0]] = $objquery.Fields($i).Value
$objquery.MoveNext; Move to next row
$objquery = 0 ;sp mod
Return SetError($SQL_OK, 0, $SQL_OK)
EndFunc ;==>_SQL_GetTable
; #FUNCTION# ===================================================================
; Name ..........: _SQL_FetchData()
; Description ...: Fetches 1 Row of Data from an _SQL_Execute() based query
; Syntax.........: _SQL_FetchData($hQuery,ByRef $aRow)
; Parameters ....: $hQuery - Queryhandle passed out by _SQL_Execute()
; $aRow - A 1 dimensional Array containing a Row of Data
; Return values .: On Success - Returns $SQL_OK
; On Failure - Returns $SQL_ERROR and $SQLErr is set.
; .Use _SQL_GetErrMsg() to get text error information
; Author ........: Chris Lambert
; Modified ......:
; Remarks .......:
; Related .......:
; Link ..........;
; Example .......; no
; ==============================================================================
Func _SQL_FetchData($hQuery, ByRef $aRow)
Local $i, $SQL_Delim = "¬&~"
Local $iDelLen = StringLen($SQL_Delim)
$SQLErr = ""
If Not IsObj($hQuery) Then
$SQLErr = "Invalid Query Handle"
Return SetError($SQL_ERROR, 0, $SQL_ERROR)
If $hQuery.EOF Then
$SQLErr = "End of Data Stream"
Return SetError($SQL_ERROR, 0, $SQL_ERROR)
$aRow = ""
For $i = 0 To $hQuery.Fields.Count - 1
$aRow &= $hQuery.Fields($i).Value & $SQL_Delim
If StringRight($aRow, $iDelLen) = $SQL_Delim Then $aRow = StringTrimRight($aRow, $iDelLen)
$hQuery.MoveNext; Move to next row
$aRow = StringSplit($aRow, $SQL_Delim, 3)
Return SetError($SQL_OK, 0, $SQL_OK)
EndFunc ;==>_SQL_FetchData
; #FUNCTION# ===================================================================
; Name ..........: _SQL_QuerySingleRow()
; Description ...: Read out the first Row of the Result from the Specified query
; Syntax.........: _SQL_QuerySingleRow($hConHandle, $sSQL, ByRef $aRow)
; Parameters ....: $hConHandle - An Open Database, Use -1 To use Last Opened Database.
; $sSQL - SQL Statement to be executed.
; $aRow - Array to hold return results.
; Return values .: On Success - Returns $SQL_OK
; On Failure - Returns $SQL_ERROR and $SQLErr is set.
; .Use _SQL_GetErrMsg() to get text error information
; Author ........: Chris Lambert
; Modified ......:
; Remarks .......: $SQLErr will already be set by _SQL_GetTable2D
; Related .......:
; Link ..........;
; Example .......; no
; ==============================================================================
Func _SQL_QuerySingleRow($hConHandle, $sSQL, ByRef $aRow)
Local $aResult, $iRows, $iColumns, $Ret, $i
$aRow = ""
Dim $aRow[1]
$Ret = _SQL_GetTable2D($hConHandle, $sSQL, $aResult, $iRows, $iColumns)
If $Ret = $SQL_ERROR Then SetError($SQL_ERROR, 0, $SQL_ERROR) ;$SQLErr will already be set by _SQL_GetTable2D
If $Ret = $SQL_OK And UBound($aResult, 0) > 0 Then
ReDim $aRow[UBound($aResult, 2)]
For $i = 0 To UBound($aResult, 2) - 1
$aRow[$i] = $aResult[1][$i]
Return SetError($SQL_OK, 0, $SQL_OK)
EndFunc ;==>_SQL_QuerySingleRow
; #FUNCTION# ===================================================================
; Name ..........: _SQL_GetTableAsString
; Description ...: Passes Out a string of results
; Syntax.........: _SQL_GetTableAsString( $hConHandle, $vQuery, ByRef $vStr[, $delim= "|"[, $ReturnColumnNames = 1]])
; Parameters ....: $hConHandle - An Open Database, Use -1 To use Last Opened Database
; $vQuery - SQL Statement to be executed
; $vStr - Passes out the Result
; $delim= "|" - The deliminator to use between columns
; $ReturnColumnNames - Use 1 to show column names and 0 without
; Return values .: On Success - Returns $SQL_OK
; On Failure - Returns $SQL_ERROR and $SQLErr is set.
; .Use _SQL_GetErrMsg() to get text error information
; Author ........: Chris Lambert
; Modified ......: Stephen Podhajecki (eltorro)
; Remarks .......:
; Related .......:
; Link ..........;
; Example .......; no
; ==============================================================================
Func _SQL_GetTableAsString($hConHandle, $vQuery, ByRef $vStr, $delim = "|", $ReturnColumnNames = 1)
$SQLErr = ""
Local $i, $objquery
$objquery = _SQL_Execute($hConHandle, $vQuery)
If @error Then
$SQLErr = "Query Error"
Return SetError($SQL_ERROR, 0, $SQL_ERROR)
If $objquery.eof Then
$SQLErr = "Query has no data"
$objquery = 0 ;sp mod
Return SetError($SQL_ERROR, 0, $SQL_ERROR)
With $objquery
If $ReturnColumnNames Then
For $i = 0 To .Fields.Count - 1 ;get the column names and put into 0 array element
$vStr &= .Fields($i).Name & $delim
If StringRight($vStr, 1) = $delim Then $vStr = StringTrimRight($vStr, 1)
$vStr &= @CRLF
While Not .EOF
For $i = 0 To .Fields.Count - 1
$vStr &= .Fields($i).Value & $delim
If StringRight($vStr, 1) = $delim Then $vStr = StringTrimRight($vStr, 1)
$vStr &= @CRLF
.MoveNext; Move to next row
$objquery = 0 ;sp mod
Return SetError($SQL_OK, 0, $SQL_OK)
EndFunc ;==>_SQL_GetTableAsString
; #FUNCTION# ===================================================================
; Name ..........: _SQL_ErrFunc
; Description ...: Autoit Error handler function
; Syntax ........: _SQL_ErrFunc()
; Parameters ....: None.
; Return values .: $SQLErr and @error set to $SQL_ERROR
; Author ........:
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: COM error handler function.
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: no
; ================================================================================
Func _SQL_ErrFunc()
Local $HexNumber = Hex($MSSQLObjErr.number, 8)
$SQLErr = "err.description is: " & @TAB & $MSSQLObjErr.description & @CRLF & _
"err.windescription:" & @TAB & $MSSQLObjErr.windescription & @CRLF & _
"err.number is: " & @TAB & $HexNumber & @CRLF & _
"err.lastdllerror is: " & @TAB & $MSSQLObjErr.lastdllerror & @CRLF & _
"err.scriptline is: " & @TAB & $MSSQLObjErr.scriptline & @CRLF & _
"err.source is: " & @TAB & $MSSQLObjErr.source & @CRLF & _
"err.helpfile is: " & @TAB & $MSSQLObjErr.helpfile & @CRLF & _
"err.helpcontext is: " & @TAB & $MSSQLObjErr.helpcontext
ConsoleWrite("###############################" & @CRLF & $SQLErr & "###############################" & @CRLF)
SetError($SQL_ERROR, 0, $SQLErr)
EndFunc ;==>_SQL_ErrFunc
#include <_sql.au3>
global $gSqlInstance, $gSqlDatabase, $gSqlUser, $gSqlPassword, $gSqlAuthMode
// create connection to MSSQL
Func _SqlConnect() ; connects to the database specified
$oADODB = _SQL_Startup()
If $oADODB = $SQL_ERROR then _Exit(13, _SQL_GetErrMsg())
If $gSqlAuthMode Then
If _SQL_Connect(-1, $gSqlInstance, $gSqlDatabase, "", "") = $SQL_ERROR then
_Exit(11, _SQL_GetErrMsg())
If _SQL_Connect(-1, $gSqlInstance, $gSqlDatabase, $gSqlUser, $gSqlPassword) = $SQL_ERROR then
_Exit(11, _SQL_GetErrMsg())
// example usage
Func _SqlCreateNewRule($lGroupId, $lName) ; creates new relocation rule for remoteinstallation
local $lValue, $lRiId, $lBinary, $lDate
Local $aData,$iRows,$iColumns
$lRiId = _CreateRandomRiId()
$lBinary = "0x5A4C4942B351D4D5F5F609700C72F2F453D0D5B59361606060046326206460E007626F061F860020E9CE10CFE0CB1004245D192280D899C193C1858105A49C0FAB328826B02266A00200"
local $lValue = '(&(KLHST_WKS_FROM_UNASSIGNED <> 0)(KLHST_NAG_INSTID = "' & $lRiId & '"))'
If _SQL_Execute(-1,"INSERT INTO hst_move_rule_ex (wstrDisplayName, nGroup, nRunOptions, nOrder, txtQuery, binCustomData, nRuleType, tmCreated, bEnabled) VALUES ('" & $lName & "'," & $lGroupId & ",'1','" & _SqlEnumOrder() & "','" & $lValue & "'," & $lBinary & ",'2',GetDate(),'True');") = $SQL_ERROR then Msgbox(0 + 16 +262144,"Error",_SQL_GetErrMsg())
Local $aData,$iRows,$iColumns;Variables to store the array data in to and the row count and the column count
$iRval = _SQL_GetTable2D(-1,"SELECT * FROM hst_move_rule_ex;",$aData,$iRows,$iColumns)
$lRuleId = $aData[UBound($aData)-1][0]
If _SQL_Execute(-1,"INSERT INTO pkg_standalone_ri_move_rules (nId, wstrNagentInstallId) VALUES ('" & $lRuleId & "', '" & $lRiId & "');") = $SQL_ERROR then Msgbox(0 + 16 +262144,"Error",_SQL_GetErrMsg())
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uj commented Dec 29, 2016

Hi, I am using this to connect and query a stored procedure, and it works except that my stored procedure returns 2 tables but this script is only seeing 1 of the tables. How can I retrieve the 2nd table? When I run the query in sql studio, it shows both tables, one right after the other. I'm doing a query like this: $query = "exec spMyStoredProcedure". The stored procedure returns 2 tables, but I only get 1 in AutoIt.

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