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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Make square markers is a helper script that is used to generate 5x5 square marker png files that can be printed.
import cv2
import numpy as np
def encode_marker(mId):
marker_id_str = "%02d"%mId
# marker is based on grid of black (0) /white (1) pixels
# b|b|b|b|b
# b|o|m|o|b b = black border feature
# b|m|m|m|b o = orientation feature
# b|o|m|o|b m = message feature
# b|b|b|b|b
grid = 5
m_with_b = np.zeros((grid,grid),dtype=np.uint8)
m = m_with_b[1:-1,1:-1]
#bitdepth = grid-border squared - 3 for orientation (orientation still yields one bit)
bitdepth = ((5-2)**2)-3
if mId>=(2**bitdepth):
raise Exception("ERROR: ID overflow, this marker can only hold %i bits of information" %bitdepth)
msg = [0]*bitdepth
for i in range(len(msg))[::-1]:
msg[i] = mId%2
mId = mId >>1
# out first bit is encoded in the orientation corners of the marker:
# MSB = 0 MSB = 1
# W|*|*|W ^ B|*|*|B ^
# *|*|*|* / \ *|*|*|* / \
# *|*|*|* | UP *|*|*|* | UP
# B|*|*|W | W|*|*|B |
msb = msg.pop(0)
if msb:
orientation = 0,1,0,0
orientation = 1,0,1,1
m[0,0], m[-1,0], m[-1,-1], m[0,-1] = orientation
msg_mask = np.ones(m.shape,dtype=np.bool)
msg_mask[0,0], msg_mask[-1,0], msg_mask[-1,-1], msg_mask[0,-1] = 0,0,0,0
m[msg_mask] = msg[::-1]
# print "Marker: \n", m_with_b
return m_with_b
def write_marker_png(mId,size):
marker_id_str = "%02d"%mId
m = encode_marker(mId)*255
m = cv2.resize(m,(size,size),interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
m = cv2.cvtColor(m,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
cv2.imwrite('marker '+marker_id_str+'.png',m)
def write_all_markers_png(size):
rows,cols,m_size = 8,8,7
canvas = np.ones((m_size*rows,m_size*cols),dtype=np.uint8)
for mid in range(64):
marker_with_padding = np.ones((7,7))
marker_with_padding[1:-1,1:-1] = encode_marker(mid)
m_size = marker_with_padding.shape[0]
r = (mid%rows) * m_size
c = (mid/cols) * m_size
canvas[r:r+m_size,c:c+m_size] = marker_with_padding*255
canvas = cv2.resize(canvas,(size,size),interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
canvas = cv2.cvtColor(canvas,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Broadcast dummy Pupil stream over TCP
used for debugging and
import zmq
from ctypes import create_string_buffer
from time import sleep
import random
def test_msg():
dummy_data = str((random.random(),random.random()))
test_msg = "Pupil\nconfidence:0.695435635564\nnorm_gaze:"+dummy_data+"\n"+\
"apparent_pupil_size:41.609413147\nnorm_pupil:(0.76884605884552, 0.35504735310872393)\ntimestamp:1389761135.56\n"
return test_msg
def main():
port = "5000"
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB)
address = create_string_buffer("tcp://"+port,512)
except zmq.ZMQError:
print "Could not set Socket."
for i in range(30):
# send 30 samples and sleep for half a second
socket.send( test_msg() )
if __name__ == '__main__':
Receive data from Pupil server broadcast over TCP
test script to see what the stream looks like
and for debugging
import zmq
#network setup
port = "5000"
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
#filter by messages by stating string 'STRING'. '' receives all messages
socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, '')
while True:
msg = socket.recv()
print "raw msg:\n", msg
items = msg.split("\n")
msg_type = items.pop(0)
items = dict([i.split(':') for i in items[:-1] ])
if msg_type == 'Gaze':
print "norm_pos: ", items['norm_pos']
except KeyError:
# process non gaze position events from plugins here

Pupil Tools

This is a small collection of tools that we use with Pupil. The tools are not part of the main repository, as they are mostly stand-alone convenience scripts.

Receive data from Pupil server broadcast over TCP
test script to see what the stream looks like
and for debugging
import zmq
#network setup
port = "5000"
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
#filter by messages by stating string 'STRING'. '' receives all messages
socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, '')
while True:
msg = socket.recv()
items = msg.split("\n")
msg_type = items.pop(0)
items = dict([i.split(':') for i in items[:-1] ])
if msg_type == 'Pupil':
print "Pupil:\nnorm_pos:\t%s\ndiameter:\t%s" %(items['norm_pos'], items['diameter'])
except KeyError:
elif msg_type == 'Gaze':
print "Gaze:\nnorm_pos:\t%s" %(items['norm_pos'])
except KeyError:
# process non gaze position events from plugins here
Stream Pupil gaze coordinate data using zmq to control a mouse with your eye.
Please note that marker tracking must be enabled, and in this example we have named the surface "screen."
You can name the surface what you like in Pupil capture and then write the name of the surface you'd like to use on line 17.
import zmq
from pymouse import PyMouse
#mouse setup
m = PyMouse()
x_dim, y_dim = m.screen_size()
#network setup
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
#filter by messages by stating string 'STRING'. '' receives all messages
socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, '')
smooth_x, smooth_y= 0.5, 0.5
surface_name = "screen"
while True:
msg = socket.recv()
items = msg.split("\n")
msg_type = items.pop(0)
items = dict([i.split(':') for i in items[:-1] ])
if msg_type == 'Gaze':
gaze_on_screen = items["realtime gaze on "+surface_name]
raw_x,raw_y = map(float,gaze_on_screen[1:-1].split(','))
# smoothing out the gaze so the mouse has smoother movement
smooth_x += 0.5 * (raw_x-smooth_x)
smooth_y += 0.5 * (raw_y-smooth_y)
x = smooth_x
y = smooth_y
y = 1-y # inverting y so it shows up correctly on screen
x *= x_dim
y *= y_dim
# PyMouse or MacOS bugfix - can not go to extreme corners because of hot corners?
x = min(x_dim-10, max(10,x))
y = min(y_dim-10, max(10,y))
except KeyError:
# process non gaze position events from plugins here
Receive data from Pupil server broadcast over TCP
test script to see what the stream looks like
and for debugging
import zmq
#network setup
port = "5000"
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
#filter by messages by stating string 'STRING'. '' receives all messages
socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, '')
surface_name = 'spread'
while True:
msg = socket.recv()
items = msg.split("\n")
msg_type = items.pop(0)
items = dict([i.split(':') for i in items[:-1] ])
if msg_type == 'Gaze':
gp = items['realtime gaze on '+surface_name]
gp_x, gp_y = map(float,gp[1:-1].split(','))
if (0<= gp_x <=1 and 0<= gp_y <=1):
print "gaze on surface: %s\t - normalized coords: %s, %s" %(surface_name, gp_x, gp_y)
except KeyError:
# process non gaze position events from plugins here
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Hi @toshikurauchi -- We have started a new repository for pupil tools -- now called pupil helpers. I have included your v0.4 edits in the new repo. I think it will be easier to manage this as 'proper' repo on github so that we can accept pull requests and track issues. I have already changed some of the names of the helper scripts in order to be more explicit -- but we could certainly do more restructuring of this repo as it develops 😃

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