library shelf_eventsource;

import "dart:convert";

import "package:eventsource/publisher.dart";
import "package:eventsource/src/encoder.dart";
import "package:shelf/shelf.dart";

/// Create a shelf handler for the specified channel.
/// This handler can be passed to the [shelf.serve] method.
Handler eventSourceHandler(
  EventSourcePublisher publisher, {
  String channel = "",
  bool gzip = false,
}) {
  // define the handler
  Response shelfHandler(Request request) {
    if (request.method != "GET") {
      return Response.notFound(null);

    if (!request.canHijack) {
      throw ArgumentError("eventSourceHandler may only be used with a "
          "server that supports request hijacking.");

    // set content encoding to gzip if we allow it and the request supports it
    bool useGzip =
        gzip && (request.headers["Accept-Encoding"] ?? "").contains("gzip");

    // hijack the raw underlying channel
    request.hijack((untypedChannel) {
      var socketChannel = (untypedChannel).cast<List<int>>();
      // create a regular UTF8 sink to write headers
      var sink = utf8.encoder.startChunkedConversion(socketChannel.sink);
      // write headers
      sink.add("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
          "Content-Type: text/event-stream; charset=utf-8\r\n"
          "Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate\r\n"
          "Connection: keep-alive\r\n");
      if (useGzip) sink.add("Content-Encoding: gzip\r\n");

      // create encoder for this connection
      var encodedSink = EventSourceEncoder(compressed: useGzip)

      // initialize the new subscription
          onEvent: encodedSink.add,
          onClose: encodedSink.close,
          channel: channel,
          lastEventId: request.headers["Last-Event-ID"]);

  return shelfHandler;