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Created November 11, 2013 02:44
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Usage: bib.keys main/library/file.bib refs.bib see for more details
#! /usr/bin/python2
import sys
import codecs
from bibtexparser.bparser import BibTexParser
def dict2bib(ke,di):
b = "@"+di['type'].upper()+"{"+ke+","
for (k, v) in di.iteritems():
if k not in ['type', 'id', 'abstract', 'doi', 'keywords']:
b += k+' = {'+v+'},\n'
b += '}\n'
return b
if __name__ == "__main__":
## Check the number of arguments
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
raise ValueError("Wrong number of arguments")
else :
key_list = sys.argv[1]
bib_file = sys.argv[2]
out_file = sys.argv[3]
## The three arguments should be strings
if not isinstance(key_list, str):
raise TypeError("The path to the list of keys should be a string")
if not isinstance(bib_file, str):
raise TypeError("The path to the bibtex library should be a string")
if not isinstance(out_file, str):
raise TypeError("The path to the output bibtex file should be a string")
## Step 1 - read the key list
keys = [kl.rstrip(":\n") for kl in open(key_list, 'r')]
## Step 2 - read the library file
refs = BibTexParser(open(bib_file, 'r')).get_entry_dict()
## Step 3 - extract the used entries
used_refs = {key: value for (key, value) in refs.iteritems() if key in keys}
## Step 4 - convert the dicts back into bibtex
refs_as_bib = [dict2bib(k, v) for (k, v) in used_refs.iteritems()]
print [uk for uk in keys if uk not in used_refs.keys()]
## Step 5 - write the output file
with, 'w', 'utf-8-sig') as of:
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palday commented Aug 22, 2014

Could you add a license? I have a few scripts that used this as a starting point and would like to be able to distribute them.

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