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Created July 25, 2017 01:52
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ember generate <blueprint> <options...>
Generates new code from blueprints.
aliases: g
--dry-run (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -d
--verbose (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -v
--pod (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -p
--classic (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -c
--dummy (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -dum, -id
--in-repo-addon (String) (Default: null)
aliases: --in-repo <value>, -ir <value>
Available blueprints:
ember-impagination <name>
Installation blueprint for ember-impagination
ember-cp-validations <name>
validator <name>
Generates a validator and unit test
validator-test <name>
Generates a validator unit test
authenticator <name> <options...>
Generates an Ember Simple Auth authenticator
--base-class=oauth2|devise|torii|base (String) (Default: base)
authorizer <name> <options...>
Generates an Ember Simple Auth authorizer
--base-class=oauth2|devise|base (String) (Default: base)
metrics-adapter <name>
Generates an ember-metrics adapter.
metrics-adapter-test <name>
Generates an metrics-adapter unit test
locale <name>
Generates new i18n locale directory with config and translations files.
ember-composable-helpers <name>
ember-moment <name>
ember-cli-moment-shim <name>
ember-cli-mirage <name>
mirage-factory <name>
Generates a Mirage factory.
mirage-fixture <name>
Generates a Mirage fixture.
mirage-model <name>
Generates a Mirage model.
mirage-serializer <name>
Generates a Mirage serializer.
ember-cli-eslint <name>
ember-cli-deploy <name>
Generate config for ember-cli deployments
adapter <name> <options...>
Generates an ember-data adapter.
--base-class (String)
adapter-test <name>
Generates an ember-data adapter unit test
model <name> <attr:type>
Generates an ember-data model.
model-test <name>
Generates a model unit test.
serializer <name> <options...>
Generates an ember-data serializer.
--base-class (String)
serializer-test <name>
Generates a serializer unit test.
transform <name>
Generates an ember-data value transform.
transform-test <name>
Generates a transform unit test.
acceptance-test <name>
Generates an acceptance test for a feature.
component <name> <options...>
Generates a component. Name must contain a hyphen.
--path (String) (Default: components)
aliases: --no-path (--path=)
component-addon <name>
Generates a component. Name must contain a hyphen.
component-test <name> <options...>
Generates a component integration or unit test.
--test-type (integration, unit) (Default: integration)
aliases: -i (--test-type=integration), -u (--test-type=unit), --integration (--test-type=integration), -unit (--test-type=unit)
controller <name>
Generates a controller.
controller-test <name>
Generates a controller unit test.
helper <name>
Generates a helper function.
helper-addon <name>
Generates an import wrapper.
helper-test <name> <options...>
Generates a helper integration test or a unit test.
--test-type (integration, unit) (Default: unit)
aliases: -i (--test-type=integration), -u (--test-type=unit), --integration (--test-type=integration), -unit (--test-type=unit)
initializer <name>
Generates an initializer.
initializer-addon <name>
Generates an import wrapper.
initializer-test <name>
Generates an initializer unit test.
instance-initializer <name>
Generates an instance initializer.
instance-initializer-addon <name>
Generates an import wrapper.
instance-initializer-test <name>
Generates an instance initializer unit test.
mixin <name>
Generates a mixin.
mixin-test <name>
Generates a mixin unit test.
route <name> <options...>
Generates a route and a template, and registers the route with the router.
--path (String) (Default: )
--skip-router (Boolean) (Default: false)
--reset-namespace (Boolean)
route-addon <name>
Generates import wrappers for a route and its template.
route-test <name>
Generates a route unit test.
service <name>
Generates a service.
service-test <name>
Generates a service unit test.
template <name>
Generates a template.
test-helper <name>
Generates a test helper.
util <name>
Generates a simple utility module/function.
util-test <name>
Generates a util unit test.
resource <name>
Generates a model and route.
view <name>
Generates a view subclass.
view-test <name>
Generates a view unit test.
addon <name>
The default blueprint for ember-cli addons.
addon-import <name>
Generates an import wrapper.
app <name>
The default blueprint for ember-cli projects.
blueprint <name>
Generates a blueprint and definition.
http-mock <endpoint-path>
Generates a mock api endpoint in /api prefix.
http-proxy <local-path> <remote-url>
Generates a relative proxy to another server.
in-repo-addon <name>
The blueprint for addon in repo ember-cli addons.
lib <name>
Generates a lib directory for in-repo addons.
server <name>
Generates a server directory for mocks and proxies.
vendor-shim <name>
Generates an ES6 module shim for global libraries.
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