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Javis Sullivan trendsetter37

  • Verizon Media
  • Greenville, SC
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trendsetter37 / series-expansion.lisp
Created October 28, 2014 19:59
Evaluate e^x HackerRank Common Lisp implementation
(read) ;; Throwing this away. Not needed
(defun read-list ()
"reading in list of number"
(let ((n (read *standard-input* nil)))
(if (null n)
(cons n (read-list)))))
(defun factorial! (number)
trendsetter37 / factor.lisp
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
Computes the factorial of an integer
(defun factorial! (number)
"returns the factorial of the number given"
(loop for x from 1 upto number
for y = 1 then (* x y)
finally (return y)))
trendsetter37 / permute.lisp
Created October 28, 2014 14:33
Gives the permutations
;; Work in progress
(defun all-permutations (list &optional (a (length list)))
"Will give you all the permutations of the list specified"
;;(format t "The optional param is: ~d~%" a)
(cond ((null list) nil)
((null (cdr list)) (list list))
(t (loop for element in list
append (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons element x))
(all-permutations (remove element list) a))))))
trendsetter37 / GoT.lisp
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
Game of Thrones Warmup I on hackerRanck
(defparameter *letter-hash* (make-hash-table :size 100000))
(defvar even-length)
(defvar number-of-odds 0)
(defun string-to-list (&key word)
"Will set the even/odd param as well"
(setq even-length (evenp (length word)))
(loop for letter across word collect letter))
trendsetter37 /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
String permutations Hard challenge on CodeEval
import itertools
import sys
def sort_perm(perm_list):
''' This will sort the list of permutations in
your into a list of tuples/list'''
teh_list = sorted(perm_list)
for item in teh_list:
if (item == teh_list[len(teh_list) - 1]):
trendsetter37 / cut-the-sticks.lisp
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
HackerRank challenge Cut The Sticks in Common Lisp
(defun space-split (string)
"works for integers only at this point"
(loop for start = 0 then (1+ finish) ;; increments start by the value of finish
for finish = (position #\Space string :start start) ;; gives position of the next space begins at start
collecting (parse-integer (subseq string start finish)) ;; gathers integers from string list
until (null finish))) ;; continue until finish is nil (runs off the end of the string)
(defun cut-sticks (sticks)
(do ((rest (sort sticks #'<)
(remove (car rest) rest)))
trendsetter37 / txtfile-input.clj
Created October 19, 2014 14:24
Read text files into Clojure REPL
; This is to read files into repl for dev work
; You would replace println with your function
; That you would like to test on each line of
; the text file.
(defn do-stuff [file] ; file should be a string surrounded by double quotes
(with-open [rdr ( file)]
(doseq [line (remove empty? (line-seq rdr))]
(println line))))
trendsetter37 / delta_time.c
Created October 19, 2014 13:08
Codeeval Challenge Delta Time
/* */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX 1024
int time_difference(char* time1, char* time2);
void seconds_to_time(int seconds);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
trendsetter37 / cut-the-sticks.lisp
Last active December 13, 2016 16:17
Solution to HackerRank challenge Cut the sticks in Common Lisp
;; Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT
(defun space-split (string)
(loop for start = 0 then (1+ finish)
for finish = (position #\Space string :start start)
collecting (parse-integer (subseq string start finish))
until (null finish)))
(defun min-from-list (list &optional (default 1000))
(reduce #'min list :initial-value default))
trendsetter37 / halloween_party.clj
Created October 6, 2014 19:13
Halloween Party Solution in clojure
(defn determine_pieces [number]
(if (= (mod number 2) 0)
(* (/ number 2) (/ number 2))
(* (quot number 2) (+ (quot number 2) 1)))) ;quot is clojure's version of non-float division
(dotimes [i (Integer/parseInt (read-line))]
(let [input (Integer/parseInt (read-line))]
(println (determine_pieces input))))