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Created July 3, 2013 23:06
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Some render update examples.
Example #1:
event({submit, {new_message, Args}, _TriggerId, _TargetId}, Context) ->
UserId = proplists:get_value(userid, Args),
Message = z_context:get_q("chat_message", Context),
mod_signal:emit({insert_new_message, [{msg, Message}, {userid, UserId}]}, Context),
z_render:wire([ {reset, [{target, "global-chat-form"}]},
{focus, [{target, "chat_message"}]}
], Context);
%% How it's called in the template
%% {% wire id="global-chat-form" type="submit" postback={new_message userid=m.acl.user} delegate="hotseat" %}
% Notice using proplists to get values from template variable vs. get_q for variable from query args
% z_render:wire normally takes the same variables as those in the template language as a list of proplists
Example #2:
event({postback, {mark_correct, Args}, _TriggerId, _TargetId}, Context) ->
QuestionId = proplists:get_value(id, Args),
ChoiceId = proplists:get_value(choice_id, Args),
Props = [{answer, ChoiceId}],
case m_rsc:update(QuestionId, Props, Context) of
{ok, QuestionId} ->
{update,[ {target, "choice-sorter-" ++ z_convert:to_list(QuestionId)},
{template, "_choice_list.tpl"},
{id, QuestionId}]}
_ -> z_render:growl("Error selecting answer", "error", true, Context)
Example #3:
event({postback, {redirect, Args}, _TriggerId, _Target_id}, Context) ->
SessionPid = Context#context.session_pid,
Dispatch = {dispatch, z_convert:to_atom(proplists:get_value(dispatch, Args, "home"))},
case proplists:get_value(id, Args) of
undefined -> Dispatch1 = [Dispatch];
Id -> Dispatch1 = [Dispatch,{id, Id}]
Script = z_script:get_script(z_render:wire([ {redirect, Dispatch1}], Context)),
F3 = fun(X, Acc) -> case X == SessionPid of true -> Acc; _ -> [X|Acc] end end,
Pids = z_session_manager:fold(F3, [], Context),
[z_session:add_script(Script, Pid) || Pid <- Pids],
%% How it's call from a template
%% {% button text="Home" class="btn btn-success" action={postback
%% postback={redirect dispatch="home"}
%% delegate="hotseat"}
%% Notice how you can use the ?DEBUG macro
%% Notice how you can fold over all the session pids and send scripts to each one of them
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