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Created February 18, 2021 01:35
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import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
public class DogHouse {
public List<Dog> dogs = new ArrayList<>();
public String deposit(String userName, Dog dog) {
String validationMessage = "";
if (dog.getAge() < 1) {
validationMessage = "The dog its to small to be deposit. Come back when the dog were older than 1 year.";
} else if (dog.getAge() > 30) {
validationMessage = "WTF this not suppouse to be alive???. I will call the Zoo";
} else if (dog.getAge() > 10) {
validationMessage = "The dog its to older to be deposit. Dont come back.";
} else if (dog.getName().contains("People eater")) {
validationMessage = "The dog its to danguerous to be deposit. Dont come back.";
} else if (this.dogs.size() >= 100) {
validationMessage = "We are full :(. Why dont you adopt one";
} else {
//All ok! the dog its fine
if (!validationMessage.equals("")) {
//something went wrong with this dog
return validationMessage;
double price = this.calculate(dog);
//Put the dog into its cage
String ticket = "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + "\n";
ticket += String.format("Dear %s this is the ticket conforming you are Depositing a dog to us.", userName) + "\n";
ticket += String.format("The dog its %s", dog.desc()) + "\n";
ticket += String.format("You must pay: %f on the cash register", price) + "\n";
ticket += "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + "\n";
return ticket;
public String adopt(String userName, DogBreed raceEnum) {
String validationMessage = "";
if (null == -> d.getBreed().equals(raceEnum)).findFirst().orElse(null))
validationMessage = "We dont have the dog you want";
else if (userName.contains("Dog killer")) {
validationMessage = "I will call Police";
if (!validationMessage.equals("")) {
//something went wrong with this dog
return validationMessage;
Dog dog = -> d.getBreed().equals(raceEnum)).findFirst().orElse(null);
double price = this.calculate2(dog);
String ticket = "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + "\n";
ticket += String.format("Dear %s this is the ticket conforming you are Adopting a dog to us.", userName) + "\n";
ticket += String.format("The dog its %s", dog.desc()) + "\n";
ticket += String.format("You must pay: %f on the cash register", price) + "\n";
ticket += "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + "\n";
return ticket;
//calculate the cost of deposit a Dog
private double calculate(Dog dog) {
double depositPriceDouble;
switch (dog.getBreed()) {
//Big dogs are expensive to mantain
case Boxer:
case Bulldog:
case Rotweiler:
case GermanShepherd:
double bigDogPrice = (10 * dog.getAge()) * 2.0; //2.0 its the IVA
depositPriceDouble = bigDogPrice;
case Chihuahua:
double smallDogPrice = (10 * dog.getAge()) * 2.0;
depositPriceDouble = smallDogPrice;
double normalDogPrice = (10 * dog.getAge()) * 2.0;
depositPriceDouble = normalDogPrice;
//return the price
return depositPriceDouble;
//calculate the cost of adopt a Dog
private double calculate2(Dog dog) {
double depositPriceDouble;
switch (dog.getBreed()) {
//Its ugly and noisy its free
case Chihuahua:
depositPriceDouble = 0;
double normalDogPrice = dog.howLongInDogHouse() * 2.0; //2.0 its the IVA
depositPriceDouble = normalDogPrice;
//return the price
return depositPriceDouble;
private void setIdToDog(Dog dog) {
//if we are setting Id its because we are going to deposit so we set flag to true.
private void renameDog(Dog dog) {
dog.setName(dog.getName() + " is on deposit now :(") ;
private String randomString() {
int leftLimit = 48; // numeral '0'
int rightLimit = 122; // letter 'z'
int targetStringLength = 10;
Random random = new Random();
return random.ints(leftLimit, rightLimit + 1)
.filter(i -> (i <= 57 || i >= 65) && (i <= 90 || i >= 97))
.collect(StringBuilder::new, StringBuilder::appendCodePoint, StringBuilder::append)
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