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Last active April 26, 2018 00:30
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Docker SOCKS5h Proxy Diagram


ASCII art diagram for docker networking proxy setup. SVG file diagram generated from ditaa tool.

How to Generate from source & view

git clone docker-socks5h-diagram.svg
cd ./docker-socks5h-diagram.svg
brew install ditaa
ditaa --transparent --verbose --no-separation --svg  ./ ./docker-diagram.svg
# Look at output SVG file with an SVG viewer:
# Note: This assumes you have set up default application for .svg files!
open ./docker-diagram.svg
/---------------------------------------------------\           +---------------------+      +--------------+
|                                                   |           | Bastion Host        |      | VPC          |
| cAAA                                              |           |  /-------\      /---|<---->|---\          |
| Mac OSX                                           |           |  | cEB0  |      |   |      |   |          |
| Laptop                                            |           |  |       |      |   |      |   |          |
|                                                   |           |  |       |      |   |      |   ^          |
|              /---------------------------------\  |           |  |       |      ^   |      |  /---------\ |
|              | cEB0                            |  |           |  |       |   DNS    |      |  | cE73    | |
|              | SSH Tunnel                      |  |           |  |       |   Lookup |      |  | Route53 | |
|              |                                 |  |           |  |       |      |   |      |  |         | |
|              |  -=-> (alias IP)꞉(port) >--=----|--|-----=---->|=-| SSHd  |-=--------|<-=-->|  \---------/ |
|              | ⎛                               |  |           |  |       |          |      |              |
|              | :                               |  |           |  \-------/          |      |              |
|              \---------------------------------/  |           |                     |      |              |
|      /--------------------------------------------/           |                     |      |              |
|      |         ^                                              +---------------------+      +--------------+
|      |         |                                   
|      | /------------------------------------------\
|      | | c1BE  |       ╌net꞊(bridgenet)           |
|      | |                                          |
|      | | ALL_PROXY꞊socks5h꞉//(alias IP)꞉(port)    |
|      | |                                          |
|      | | Terraform                                |
|      | | Docker                                   |
|      | | Container                                |
\------/ \------------------------------------------/
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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<text x='213' y='334' font-family='Courier' font-size='15' stroke='none' fill='#000000' ><![CDATA[ALL_PROXY꞊socks5h꞉//(alias IP)꞉(port)]]></text>
<text x='170' y='362' font-family='Courier' font-size='15' stroke='none' fill='#000000' ><![CDATA[Terraform]]></text>
<text x='170' y='376' font-family='Courier' font-size='15' stroke='none' fill='#000000' ><![CDATA[Docker]]></text>
<text x='170' y='390' font-family='Courier' font-size='15' stroke='none' fill='#000000' ><![CDATA[Container]]></text>
<text x='80' y='96' font-family='Courier' font-size='15' stroke='none' fill='#ffffff' ><![CDATA[Mac OSX]]></text>
<text x='80' y='110' font-family='Courier' font-size='15' stroke='none' fill='#ffffff' ><![CDATA[Laptop]]></text>
<text x='329' y='306' font-family='Courier' font-size='15' stroke='none' fill='#000000' ><![CDATA[╌net꞊(bridgenet)]]></text>
<text x='238' y='166' font-family='Courier' font-size='15' stroke='none' fill='#000000' ><![CDATA[SSH Tunnel]]></text>
<text x='320' y='194' font-family='Courier' font-size='15' stroke='none' fill='#000000' ><![CDATA[(alias IP)꞉(port)]]></text>
<text x='230' y='208' font-family='Courier' font-size='15' stroke='none' fill='#000000' ><![CDATA[⎛ ]]></text>
<text x='752' y='194' font-family='Courier' font-size='15' stroke='none' fill='#000000' ><![CDATA[SSHd]]></text>
<text x='733' y='68' font-family='Courier' font-size='15' stroke='none' fill='#000000' ><![CDATA[Bastion Host]]></text>
<text x='850' y='152' font-family='Courier' font-size='15' stroke='none' fill='#000000' ><![CDATA[DNS]]></text>
<text x='850' y='166' font-family='Courier' font-size='15' stroke='none' fill='#000000' ><![CDATA[Lookup]]></text>
<text x='1044' y='166' font-family='Courier' font-size='15' stroke='none' fill='#000000' ><![CDATA[Route53]]></text>
<text x='1011' y='68' font-family='Courier' font-size='15' stroke='none' fill='#000000' ><![CDATA[VPC]]></text>
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