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Created June 6, 2017 17:03
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WP Job Manager - Nearby Listings Button (shortcode and action outputs for Listify theme)
add_shortcode( 'nearby_listings_btn', 'smyles_nearby_listings_btn' );
function smyles_nearby_listings_btn( $atts = array(), $content = '' ){
// Default output is blank
$output = '';
$caption = __( 'Search Nearby Businesses' );
// First let's get the permalink to the listings page
$jobs_list_page = job_manager_get_permalink( 'jobs' );
// Next we need to pull the value the user entered in the job_location field
$job_location = get_custom_field( 'job_location' );
// Then we get from post meta the value of `geolocated` which will be 1 when core WP Job Manager has geolocation data for this listing
$is_geolocated = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'geolocated', true );
// Verify we have a valid job lists page, a value for job location, and the listing has been geolocated
// We check geolocated to make sure that the job_location value *should* be a valid address
if( ! empty( $jobs_list_page ) && ! empty( $job_location ) && ! empty( $is_geolocated ) ){
$search_url = add_query_arg(
'search_location' => $job_location,
'use_search_radius' => 'on',
'search_radius' => '8'
$output = "<a class=\"button button-secondary\" href=\"{$search_url}\" target=\"_blank\">{$caption}</a>";
return $output;
// Comment out below (place // before add_action) to remove from showing next to "Write a Review" button
add_action( 'listify_single_job_listing_actions_after', 'smyles_nearby_listings_btn_after_author' );
// Comment out below (place // before add_action) to remove from showing below Contact Business (bottom of author widget)
add_action( 'listify_widget_job_listing_author_after', 'smyles_nearby_listings_btn_after_author' );
function smyles_nearby_listings_btn_after_author(){
echo smyles_nearby_listings_btn();
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