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Last active September 6, 2019 07:24
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$oldUrlField = "Old URL"
$oldUrlItems = "/sitecore/content/Home"
$rteField = "Text"
$rteQuery = "/sitecore/content/rich-text-components//*[(contains(@$rteField, '{0}'))]"
$languages = "en","hu-HU"
foreach ($language in $languages) {
Write-Host "Start fixing references for language: $language"
Write-Log "Start fixing references for language: $language"
$pageItems = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $oldUrlItems -Language $language
# get page items
foreach ($pageItem in $pageItems) {
if ($pageItem.Version -eq 0) {
# get old url
$oldUrl = $pageItem[$oldUrlField]
if ($oldUrl -eq "") {
$oldUri = New-Object -TypeName System.Uri -ArgumentList $oldUrl
# search for relative path
$searchFor = $oldUri.PathAndQuery.TrimEnd("/")
$builtQuery = [string]::Format($rteQuery, $searchFor)
# get cross references
$foundCrossReferences = Get-Item -Path "master:" -Query $builtQuery -Language $language
foreach ($contentItem in $foundCrossReferences) {
$contentField = $contentItem["Content"]
$likeCondition = "*" + $searchFor + "*"
# source:
$hrefPattern = "href\s*=\s*(?:[\`"'](?<1>[^\`"']*)[\`"']|(?<1>\S+))"
$regex = [regex]::new($hrefPattern)
$m = $regex.Match($contentField, [Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::IgnoreCase)
# searching for href="*" text
while ($m.Success)
# href="", with $m.Groups[1] you can get only the URL like
$foundHref = $m.Groups[0]
# Write-Host $foundHref
if ($foundHref -like $likeCondition) {
$log = "Fix URL: " + $pageItem.ID + " " + $contentItem.ID + " " + $likeCondition + " " + $foundHref
Write-Host $log
Write-Log $log
$replaceWith = "href=`"~/link.aspx?_id=" + $pageItem.ID.Guid.ToString("N").ToUpper() + "&amp;_z=z`""
$contentItem[$rteField] = $contentField.Replace($foundHref, $replaceWith);
$contentItem.Editing.EndEdit() | Out-Null
$m = $m.NextMatch()
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