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Created August 21, 2011 22:22
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A small CSS parser in AS3. Part of tinytlf 2.0.
package org.tinytlf.html
import flash.utils.getTimer;
import org.tinytlf.*;
public class CSS extends Styleable
[Embed(source = "default.css", mimeType = "application/octet-stream")]
private const defaultCSS:Class;
public function CSS()
styles['*'] = styles;
inject(new defaultCSS().toString());
private const styles:StyleLink = new StyleLink();
* Queries for all properties derived from the given style path. The
* style path should aggregate the nodes, class names, ids, and
* pseudoclasses, and sort them in inheritance order (from left to
* right).
* @returns An <code>IStyleable</code> instance, with properties that
* represent a flattened list of all cascading styles defined by the
* style path.
public function lookup(path:String):IStyleable
return Cache.getStyle(path) || Cache.cacheStyle(path, internalLookup(path));
// #id
// .class
// body p
// body p a:active
// body p#id a:active
// body p #id a:active
// body p.class a:active
// body p .class a:active
// div a#id:active
// div a.class:active
private function internalLookup(path:String):IStyleable
const merged:Styleable = new Styleable();
return merged;
var link:StyleLink = styles;
split(' ').
forEach(function(component:String, ... args):void {
// Pull the top top-level style definitions for this part of
// the style. For example, if the path is: 'div a:hover',
// make sure to pull top-level properties for 'a:hover'
// first, then apply the div's cascading 'a:hover'
// properties.
if(component != path)
const name:StyleName = Cache.getName(component);
every(function(part:String, ... args):Boolean {
return false;
if((link = link[name[part]]))
return link.applyStyles(merged, true) && link;
return false;
return merged;
* Parse and inject any number of CSS blocks. CSS blocks can be as
* simple as:
* <p><code>
* a {
* color: black;
* }
* </code></p>
* to as complex as:
* <p><code>
* h1,div#content,div#content a,span.title_link,
* span.title_link a,span.title_link a:hover,li a,
* #banner img{
* color:#494949;
* text-shadow:1 1 0 #fff;
* }
* </code></p>
public function inject(css:String):void
// Strip out all white space between blocks
replace(/\s*([@{}:;,]|\)\s|\s\()\s*|\/\*([^*\\\\]|\*(?!\/))+\*\/|[\n\r\t]|(px)/g, '$1')
// Parse each block
.forEach(function(block:String, ... args):void {
// Split the block into two parts: prefix and suffix.
// prefix is the block style names, suffix is the values.
var parts:Array = block.split('{');
const suffix:String = parts.pop().split('}')[0];
const prefix:String = parts.pop();
// The suffix is easy, build a hashmap of key/value pairs.
const values:Styleable = new Styleable();
.forEach(function(pair:String, ... args):void {
parts = pair.split(':');
values[parts.shift()] = parts.pop();
// Prefix is trickier. Split on the commas, because comma is
// the style aggregation token. A prefix of 'h1, h2' means
// apply this block's values to the top level style
// dictionary of both h1 and h2, without a cascading
// relationship.
forEach(function(component:String, ... args):void {
// The StyleName class encapsulates the cascading
// relationship for styles, and stores them in a
// sorted styles array.
const name:StyleName = Cache.getName(component);
// Start indexing style names at the root.
var link:StyleLink = styles;
// Iterate through the sorted cascading styles list
// and move/create nodes for the descendent styles
// at each level.
// Apply the values once we've reached the lowest
// level of the style tree.
forEach(function(part:String, i:int, a:Array):void {
link = (link[name[part]] ||= new StyleLink());
if(i == a.length - 1)
internal class StyleLink extends Styleable
private const styleNames:Array = [];
public function get styles():Array
return styleNames.concat();
override public function setStyle(styleProp:String, newValue:*):void
const i:int = styleNames.indexOf(styleProp);
i == -1 ? styleNames.push(styleProp) : styleNames.splice(i, 1, styleProp);
super.setStyle(styleProp, newValue);
public function mergeStyles(object:Object):IStyleable
for(var prop:String in object)
setStyle(prop, object[prop]);
return this;
public function applyStyles(destination:Object, dynamic:Boolean = false):IStyleable
forEach(function(name:String, ... args):void {
applyProperty(name, destination, dynamic);
return this;
import org.tinytlf.*;
internal class StyleName extends Styleable
// Style will be in any of the following formats.
// div#footer
// div.post_content
// a:active
// div a:active
// #banners img
// .posts .post
// li a
// li a:active
public function StyleName(style:String)
var parts:Array;
var prefix:String
var suffix:String;
const thisObj:StyleName = this;
var k:int = 0;
split(' ').
forEach(function(part:String, i:int, ... args):void {
const n:String = (Math.round(Math.random() * (9999999 * (i + 1)))).toString();
if(part.indexOf(':') != -1)
parts = part.split(':');
const pclass:String = parts.pop();
thisObj['pseudoclass_' + pclass + ': ' + n] = pclass;
else if(part.indexOf('.') != -1)
parseClassOrId(part, 'className', '.', n);
else if(part.indexOf('#') != -1)
parseClassOrId(part, 'id', '#', n);
thisObj['element_' + part + ': ' + n] = part;
private function parseClassOrId(style:String, property:String, token:String, id:String = ''):void
const parts:Array = style.split(token);
const suffix:String = parts.pop();
const prefix:String = parts.pop();
this['element_' + prefix + ': ' + id] = prefix;
if(suffix.indexOf(' ') != -1)
const first:String = suffix.split(' ').shift();
this[property + '_' + first + ': ' + id] = token + first;
this[property + '_' + suffix + ': ' + id] = '#' + suffix;
public function get styles():Array
return propNames.concat();
internal class Cache
private static const nameCache:Object = {};
public static function getName(name:String):StyleName
return nameCache[name] ||= new StyleName(name);
private static const styleCache:Object = {};
public static function getStyle(lookup:String):IStyleable
return styleCache[lookup];
public static function cacheStyle(path:String, style:IStyleable):IStyleable
return styleCache[path] = style;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.engine.*;
import org.swiftsuspenders.*;
import org.tinytlf.*;
import org.tinytlf.content.*;
import org.tinytlf.html.*;
import org.tinytlf.layout.*;
[SWF(width="300", height="500")]
public class Main extends Sprite
[Embed(source="style.css", mimeType="application/octet-stream")]
private const source:Class;
public function Main()
const css:CSS = new CSS();
css.inject(new source());
// Tests
var style:Object = css.lookup('a');
style = css.lookup('a:active');
style = css.lookup('div a:active');
style = css.lookup('div');
style = css.lookup('div#header');
style = css.lookup('span.title_link');
style = css.lookup('span.title_link:hover');
style = css.lookup('span.title_link:active');
style = css.lookup('span.title_link:visited');
style = css.lookup('#banners');
style = css.lookup('#banners img');
background: -webkit-gradient(radial, center center, 0, center center, 1000, from(#ffffff), to(#eeeeee)) fixed;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
color: #494949;
text-decoration: none;
color: #333;
div a:active {
color: #777;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6{
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
#posts {
float: left;
#banners {
float: left;
text-align: center;
width: 100%;
#banners img {
left: 7%;
position: relative;
float: right;
margin-left: 20px;
margin-right: 20px;
div#header {
position: relative;
float: left;
width: 100%;
padding-top: 10px;
ul#header_menu {
float: right;
list-style-type: none;
#header_menu li{
float: left;
#header_menu li a {
padding: 5px;
margin-top: -5px;
max-width: 800px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
padding-right: 10px;
padding-left: 10px;
div#main_content {
float: left;
div.title h1 {
padding-top: 5px;
padding-left: 5px;
div.post_preview {
background-color: #fff;
padding-top: 10px;
div.post_content {
padding: .8em;
padding-top: 0;
position: relative;
float: right;
top: 30px;
bottom: 15px;
right: 0px;
div.post_metadata {
text-align: right;
padding-top: 5px;
list-style-type: none;
text-align: left;
padding-right: 15px;
span.title_link {
color: #494949;
text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #fff;
span.title_link:hover {
color: #666;
span.title_link:active {
color: #333;
span.title_link:visited {
color: #000;
li a {
display: block;
div#footer {
float: left;
width: 100%;
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