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Created April 21, 2019 00:56
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Plausible values in surveys
withPV<-function(mapping, design, action, ...) UseMethod("withPV",design)<-function(mapping, design, action,...){
if(inherits(mapping,"formula")) mapping<-list(mapping)
if (!is.list(mapping))
stop("'mapping' must be a list of formulas")
if (!all(sapply(mapping, length)==3))
stop("'mapping' must be a list of two-sided formulas")
function(f) model.frame(f[-2], model.frame(design,na.action=na.pass)))
PVnames<-sapply(mapping, function(f) deparse(f[[2]]))
if (any(PVnames %in% colnames(design)))
stop("working PV names must not already occur in the data")
nreps<-sapply(PVframes, NCOL)
if (length(unique(nreps))>1)
stop("number of plausible values must be the same for all variables")
for(i in 1:nreps){
dfi<-lapply(PVframes, function(d) d[[i]])
if (is.function(action))
results[[i]] <- action(.DESIGN)
results[[i]] <- eval(action)
%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
Analyse plausible values in surveys
Repeats an analysis for each of a set of 'plausible values' in a survey data set, returning a list suitable for \code{mitools::MIcombine}. The default method works for both standard and replicate-weight designs but not for two-phase designs.
withPV(mapping, design, action, ...)
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
A formula or list of formulas describing each variable in the analysis that has plausible values. The left-hand side of the formula is the name to use in the analysis; the right-hand side gives the names in the dataset.
A survey design object, as created by \code{svydesign} or \code{svrepdesign}
A function taking a survey design object as its only argument, or a quoted expression with \code{.DESIGN} referring to the survey design object to be used.
For methods
A list of the results returned by each evaluation of \code{action}, with the call as an attribute.
des<-svydesign(id=~SCHOOLID+STIDSTD, strata=~STRATUM, nest=TRUE,
weights=~W_FSCHWT+condwt, data=nzmaths)
results<-withPV(list(maths~PV1MATH+PV2MATH+PV3MATH+PV4MATH+PV5MATH), design=des,
action= quote(svyglm(maths~ ST04Q01*(PCGIRLS+SMRATIO)+MATHEFF+OPENPS, design=.DESIGN))
% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
% R documentation directory.
\keyword{survey}% use one of RShowDoc("KEYWORDS")
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