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Created September 11, 2020 08:05
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(require 'jsonrpc)
(defclass jsonrpc-process-raw-connection (jsonrpc-connection)
:initarg :process :accessor jsonrpc--process
:documentation "Process object wrapped by the this connection.")
:accessor jsonrpc--on-shutdown
:initform #'ignore
:initarg :on-shutdown
:documentation "Function run when the process dies."))
:documentation "A JSONRPC connection over an Emacs process.
The following initargs are accepted:
:PROCESS (mandatory), a live running Emacs process object or a
function of no arguments producing one such object. The process
represents either a pipe connection to locally running process or
a stream connection to a network host. The remote endpoint is
expected to understand JSONRPC messages.
:ON-SHUTDOWN (optional), a function of one argument, the
connection object, called when the process dies .")
(cl-defmethod initialize-instance ((conn jsonrpc-process-raw-connection) slots)
(cl-destructuring-bind (&key ((:process proc)) name &allow-other-keys) slots
;; FIXME: notice the undocumented bad coupling in the stderr
;; buffer name, it must be named exactly like this we expect when
;; calling `make-process'. If there were a `set-process-stderr'
;; like there is `set-process-buffer' we wouldn't need this and
;; could use a pipe with a process filter instead of
;; `after-change-functions'. Alternatively, we need a new initarg
;; (but maybe not a slot).
(let ((calling-buffer (current-buffer)))
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create (format "*%s stderr*" name))
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
(hidden-name (concat " " (buffer-name))))
(lambda (beg _end _pre-change-len)
(cl-loop initially (goto-char beg)
do (forward-line)
when (bolp)
for line = (buffer-substring
(line-beginning-position 0)
(line-end-position 0))
do (with-current-buffer (jsonrpc-events-buffer conn)
(goto-char (point-max))
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(insert (format "[stderr] %s\n" line))))
until (eobp)))
nil t)
;; If we are correctly coupled to the client, the process
;; now created should pick up the current stderr buffer,
;; which we immediately rename
(setq proc (if (functionp proc)
(with-current-buffer calling-buffer (funcall proc))
(ignore-errors (kill-buffer hidden-name))
(rename-buffer hidden-name)
(process-put proc 'jsonrpc-stderr (current-buffer))
(read-only-mode t))))
(setf (jsonrpc--process conn) proc)
(set-process-buffer proc (get-buffer-create (format " *%s output*" name)))
(set-process-filter proc #'jsonrpc--process-raw-filter)
(set-process-sentinel proc #'jsonrpc--process-raw-sentinel)
(with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc)
(set-marker (process-mark proc) (point-min))
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (erase-buffer) (read-only-mode t)))
(process-put proc 'jsonrpc-connection conn)))
(cl-defmethod jsonrpc-connection-send ((connection jsonrpc-process-raw-connection)
&rest args
"Send MESSAGE, a JSON object, to CONNECTION."
(when method
(plist-put args :method
(cond ((keywordp method) (substring (symbol-name method) 1))
((and method (symbolp method)) (symbol-name method)))))
(let* ( (message `(:jsonrpc "2.0" ,@args))
(json (jsonrpc--json-encode message)))
(jsonrpc--process connection)
(format "%s" json))
(jsonrpc--log-event connection message 'client)))
(cl-defmethod jsonrpc-running-p ((conn jsonrpc-process-raw-connection))
"Return non-nil if JSONRPC connection CONN is running."
(process-live-p (jsonrpc--process conn)))
(cl-defmethod jsonrpc-shutdown ((conn jsonrpc-process-raw-connection)
&optional cleanup)
"Wait for JSONRPC connection CONN to shutdown.
With optional CLEANUP, kill any associated buffers."
with proc = (jsonrpc--process conn) for i from 0
while (not (process-get proc 'jsonrpc-sentinel-cleanup-started))
unless (zerop i) do
(jsonrpc--warn "Sentinel for %s still hasn't run, deleting it!" proc)
(delete-process proc)
(accept-process-output nil 0.1))
(when cleanup
(kill-buffer (process-buffer (jsonrpc--process conn)))
(kill-buffer (jsonrpc-stderr-buffer conn)))))
(defun jsonrpc--process-raw-sentinel (proc change)
"Called when PROC undergoes CHANGE."
(let ((connection (process-get proc 'jsonrpc-connection)))
(jsonrpc--debug connection `(:message "Connection state changed" :change ,change))
(when (not (process-live-p proc))
(with-current-buffer (jsonrpc-events-buffer connection)
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(insert "\n----------b---y---e---b---y---e----------\n")))
;; Cancel outstanding timers
(maphash (lambda (_id triplet)
(pcase-let ((`(,_success ,_error ,timeout) triplet))
(when timeout (cancel-timer timeout))))
(jsonrpc--request-continuations connection))
(process-put proc 'jsonrpc-sentinel-cleanup-started t)
;; Call all outstanding error handlers
(maphash (lambda (_id triplet)
(pcase-let ((`(,_success ,error ,_timeout) triplet))
(funcall error '(:code -1 :message "Server died"))))
(jsonrpc--request-continuations connection))
(jsonrpc--message "Server exited with status %s" (process-exit-status proc))
(delete-process proc)
(funcall (jsonrpc--on-shutdown connection) connection)))))
(defun jsonrpc--process-raw-filter (proc string)
"Called when new data STRING has arrived for PROC."
(when (buffer-live-p (process-buffer proc))
(with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc)
(let* ((inhibit-read-only t)
(connection (process-get proc 'jsonrpc-connection)))
;; Insert the text, advancing the process marker.
(goto-char (process-mark proc))
(insert string)
(set-marker (process-mark proc) (point)))
;; Loop (more than one message might have arrived)
(let (done)
(while (not done)
;; Attempt to complete a message
(let* ((start (point))
(condition-case-unless-debug oops
(jsonrpc--warn "Invalid JSON: %s %s"
oops (buffer-substring start (point)))
(goto-char start)
;; Process content in another
;; buffer, shielding proc buffer from
;; tamper
(delete-region start (point))
(jsonrpc-connection-receive connection
;; Message is still incomplete
(setq done :waiting-for-more-bytes))))))))))
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