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Created November 9, 2019 06:59
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bid command for Fish
# Defined in /Users/ttscoff/.config/fish/ @ line 240
function bid --description 'Get bundle id for app name'
set -l shortname (echo "$argv"| sed -E 's/\.app$//'|sed 's/\\\//g')
set -l location
# if the file is a match in apps folder, don't spotlight
if test -d "/Applications/$shortname.localized/$"
set location "/Applications/$shortname.localized/$"
else if test -d "/Applications/$"
set location "/Applications/$"
else # use spotlight
set location (mdfind -onlyin /Applications -onlyin /Applications/Setapp -onlyin /Applications/Utilities -onlyin ~/Applications -onlyin /Developer/Applications "kMDItemKind==Application && kMDItemDisplayName=='*$shortname*'cdw"|head -n1)
# No result? Die.
if test -z $location
echo "$argv not found, I quit"
# Find the bundleid using spotlight metadata
set -l bundleid (mdls -name kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier -r "$location")
# return the result or an error message
if test -z $bundleid
echo "Error getting bundle ID for \"$argv\""
echo "$location: $bundleid"
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