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Created July 14, 2019 08:29
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// 3. Function - Hàm
// Tránh side effects
// Bad
// Global variable referenced by following function.
// If we had another function that used this name, now it'd be an array and it could break it.
var name = 'Ryan McDermott';
public string SplitIntoFirstAndLastName()
return name.Split(" ");
Console.PrintLine(name); // ['Ryan', 'McDermott'];
// Good
public string SplitIntoFirstAndLastName(string name)
return name.Split(" ");
var name = 'Ryan McDermott';
var newName = SplitIntoFirstAndLastName(name);
Console.PrintLine(name); // 'Ryan McDermott';
Console.PrintLine(newName); // ['Ryan', 'McDermott'];
// Tránh điều kiện negative false
// Bad
public bool IsDOMNodeNotPresent(string node)
// ...
if (!IsDOMNodeNotPresent(node))
// ...
// Good
public bool IsDOMNodePresent(string node)
// ...
if (IsDOMNodePresent(node))
// ...
// Hạn chế dùng điều kiện mà thay vào đó hãy dùng kế thừa
// Bad
class Airplane
// ...
public double GetCruisingAltitude()
switch (_type)
case '777':
return GetMaxAltitude() - GetPassengerCount();
case 'Air Force One':
return GetMaxAltitude();
case 'Cessna':
return GetMaxAltitude() - GetFuelExpenditure();
// Good
interface IAirplane
// ...
double GetCruisingAltitude();
class Boeing777 : IAirplane
// ...
public double GetCruisingAltitude()
return GetMaxAltitude() - GetPassengerCount();
class AirForceOne : IAirplane
// ...
public double GetCruisingAltitude()
return GetMaxAltitude();
class Cessna : IAirplane
// ...
public double GetCruisingAltitude()
return GetMaxAltitude() - GetFuelExpenditure();
// Tránh kiểm tra kiểu dữ liệu
// Bad
public Path TravelToTexas(object vehicle)
if (vehicle.GetType() == typeof(Bicycle))
(vehicle as Bicycle).PeddleTo(new Location("texas"));
else if (vehicle.GetType() == typeof(Car))
(vehicle as Car).DriveTo(new Location("texas"));
public int Combine(dynamic val1, dynamic val2)
int value;
if (!int.TryParse(val1, out value) || !int.TryParse(val2, out value))
throw new Exception('Must be of type Number');
return val1 + val2;
// Good
public Path TravelToTexas(Traveler vehicle)
vehicle.TravelTo(new Location("texas"));
// pattern matching
public Path TravelToTexas(object vehicle)
if (vehicle is Bicycle bicycle)
bicycle.PeddleTo(new Location("texas"));
else if (vehicle is Car car)
car.DriveTo(new Location("texas"));
public int Combine(int val1, int val2)
return val1 + val2;
// Tránh đặt các cờ kiểu bool trong parameters
// Bad
public void CreateFile(string name, bool temp = false)
if (temp)
Touch("./temp/" + name);
// Good
public void CreateFile(string name)
public void CreateTempFile(string name)
Touch("./temp/" + name);
// Không được write vào các hàm toàn cục
// Bad
public string[] Config()
return [
"foo" => "bar",
// Good
class Configuration
private string[] _configuration = [];
public Configuration(string[] configuration)
_configuration = configuration;
public string[] Get(string key)
return (_configuration[key]!= null) ? _configuration[key] : null;
// Load configuration and create instance of Configuration class
var configuration = new Configuration(new string[] {
"foo" => "bar",
// Hạn chế sử dụng Singleton thay vào đó hãy dùng options
// Bad
class DBConnection
private static DBConnection _instance;
private DBConnection()
// ...
public static GetInstance()
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new DBConnection();
return _instance;
// ...
var singleton = DBConnection.GetInstance();
// Good
class DBConnection
public DBConnection(IOptions<DbConnectionOption> options)
// ...
// ...
// Create instance of DBConnection class and configure it with Option pattern.
var options = <resolve from IOC>;
var connection = new DBConnection(options);
// Nên sử dụng tối đa 2 parameters cho một hàm
// Bad
public void CreateMenu(string title, string body, string buttonText, bool cancellable)
// ...
// Good
pubic class MenuConfig
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Body { get; set; }
public string ButtonText { get; set; }
public bool Cancellable { get; set; }
var config = new MenuConfig
Title = "Foo",
Body = "Bar",
ButtonText = "Baz",
Cancellable = true
public void CreateMenu(MenuConfig config)
// ...
// Một hàm nên và chỉ nên làm một nhiệm vụ duy nhất
// Bad
public void SendEmailToListOfClients(string[] clients)
foreach (var client in clients)
var clientRecord = db.Find(client);
if (clientRecord.IsActive())
// Good
public void SendEmailToListOfClients(string[] clients)
var activeClients = GetActiveClients(clients);
// Do some logic
public List<Client> GetActiveClients(string[] clients)
return db.Find(clients).Where(s => s.Status == "Active");
// Đặt tên hàm theo mục đích rõ ràng
// Bad
public class Email
public void Handle()
SendMail(this._to, this._subject, this._body);
var message = new Email(...);
// What is this? A handle for the message? Are we writing to a file now?
// Good
public class Email
public void Send()
SendMail(this._to, this._subject, this._body);
var message = new Email(...);
// Clear and obvious
// Functions should only be one level of abstraction
// Bad
public string ParseBetterJSAlternative(string code)
var regexes = [
// ...
var statements = explode(" ", code);
var tokens = new string[] {};
foreach (var regex in regexes)
foreach (var statement in statements)
// ...
var ast = new string[] {};
foreach (var token in tokens)
// lex...
foreach (var node in ast)
// parse...
// Good
class Tokenizer
public string Tokenize(string code)
var regexes = new string[] {
// ...
var statements = explode(" ", code);
var tokens = new string[] {};
foreach (var regex in regexes)
foreach (var statement in statements)
tokens[] = /* ... */;
return tokens;
class Lexer
public string Lexify(string[] tokens)
var ast = new[] {};
foreach (var token in tokens)
ast[] = /* ... */;
return ast;
class BetterJSAlternative
private string _tokenizer;
private string _lexer;
public BetterJSAlternative(Tokenizer tokenizer, Lexer lexer)
_tokenizer = tokenizer;
_lexer = lexer;
public string Parse(string code)
var tokens = _tokenizer.Tokenize(code);
var ast = _lexer.Lexify(tokens);
foreach (var node in ast)
// parse...
// Các hàm callers và callees nên đặt gần nhau
// Bad
class PerformanceReview
private readonly Employee _employee;
public PerformanceReview(Employee employee)
_employee = employee;
private IEnumerable<PeersData> LookupPeers()
return db.lookup(_employee, 'peers');
private ManagerData LookupManager()
return db.lookup(_employee, 'manager');
private IEnumerable<PeerReviews> GetPeerReviews()
var peers = LookupPeers();
// ...
public PerfReviewData PerfReview()
public ManagerData GetManagerReview()
var manager = LookupManager();
public EmployeeData GetSelfReview()
// ...
var review = new PerformanceReview(employee);
// Good
class PerformanceReview
private readonly Employee _employee;
public PerformanceReview(Employee employee)
_employee = employee;
public PerfReviewData PerfReview()
private IEnumerable<PeerReviews> GetPeerReviews()
var peers = LookupPeers();
// ...
private IEnumerable<PeersData> LookupPeers()
return db.lookup(_employee, 'peers');
private ManagerData GetManagerReview()
var manager = LookupManager();
return manager;
private ManagerData LookupManager()
return db.lookup(_employee, 'manager');
private EmployeeData GetSelfReview()
// ...
var review = new PerformanceReview(employee);
// Nên gom các biểu thức điều kiện và tách thành hàm riêng
// Bad
if (article.state == "published")
// ...
// Good
if (article.IsPublished())
// ...
// Xóa hết các code không dùng
// Bad
public void OldRequestModule(string url)
// ...
public void NewRequestModule(string url)
// ...
var request = NewRequestModule(requestUrl);
InventoryTracker("apples", request, "");
// Good
public void RequestModule(string url)
// ...
var request = RequestModule(requestUrl);
InventoryTracker("apples", request, "");
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