# eHorus agent configuration file.
# (c) 2015 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas

# Addes of the ehorus_cmd server (Windows only).

# Port of the ehorus_cmd server (Windows only).
cmd_port 41120

# Run as a daemon/win32 service.
daemon 1

# Address of the eHorus server.
#eh_address hub.ehorus.com

# Port of the eHorus server.
#eh_port 8080

# Address for local connections. By default the same IP address the agent uses
# to connect to the eHorus server is used.

# Certificate file for SSL local connections.

# Certificate key for SSL local connections.

# Port for local connections.
#eh_local_port 80

# eHorus Hash (generated by Provisioning Server)
#eh_hash EH_HASH

# eHorus Key
#eh_key EH_KEY

# eHorus user
#eh_user USER

# Log file (log to stdout by default).
#log_file /var/log/ehorus_agent.log

# Passphrase used to access the agent from the eHorus client.
#password secret

# Address of the provisioning server.
prov_address switch.ehorus.com

# Port of the provisioning server.
prov_port 443

# Address of the VNC server.

# Port of of the VNC server.
vnc_port 5901

# Set to 1 to suppress error messages.
quiet 0

# Storage directory for file uploads and downloads.
storage_dir /home

# Log messages verbosity level. 0 does not print log and 9 prints all logs
verbose 3

# Proxy server address

# Proxy server entry port
#proxy_port 3186

# User for proxy authentication.

# Passphrase for proxy authentication.

# Timeout in seconds for a user session. The connection will be closed after <session_timeout> seconds of inactivity.
session_timeout 300

# Set to 1 to only send IP and OS to directory server.
#disable_info 1

# Way to connect to a section (always or disable)
access_terminal always
access_display always
access_processes always
access_services always
access_files always
access_share always

# Permits delete files remotely from the client.
enable_file_delete 1

# File system encode (UTF-8 by default)
#encoding UTF-8

# Advanced settings. Do not change unless you know what you are doing!

# Block size in bytes for network read operations.
block_size 16384

# Timeout in seconds for network operations.
timeout 5

# WebSocket ping frames will be sent to the eHorus server every ping_interval
# seconds.
ping_interval 300

# Max payload size for network write operations.
max_payload_size 524288