#               Copyright 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation
#                        Example NTP Configuration File
# Rename this template to TCPIP$NTP.CONF.
# See the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual for
# additional commands and detailed instructions on using this
# configuration file.
# The Network Time Protocol (NTP) provides synchronized timekeeping among
# a set of distributed time servers and clients. The local OpenVMS host
# maintains an NTP configuration file, TCPIP$NTP.CONF, of participating peers.
# TCPIP$NTP.CONF is maintained in the SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$NTP] directory.
# As the system manager populating this file, you must determine the
# peer hosts with which the local hosts should negotiate and synchronize
# Include at least one (but preferably three) hosts that you are
# certain have the following characteristics:
#       * provide accurate time
#       * synchronize to Internet Time Servers (if they are not themselves
#         Internet Time Servers).
# The NTP configuration file is not dynamic, and therefore requires
# restarting NTP after being edited to make the changes take effect.
# However, you can make runtime configuration requests interactively
# using the TCPIP$NTPDC utility.
# Your NTP configuration file should always include the following
# driftfile entry.  The driftfile is the name of the file that stores
# the clock drift (also known as frequency error) of the system clock.
# Samples peer entries follow.  Replace them with your own list of hosts
# and identify the appropriate association mode.  If you specify
# multiple hosts, NTP can choose the best source with which to
# synchronize. This also provides reliability in case one of the hosts
# becomes unavailable.
# Identify each peer with a fully-qualified DNS host name or with
# an IP address in dotted-quad notation.
# ---------------
# Supratim Sanyal's Free Public NTP Servers
# Stratum 2 Peers
# ---------------
server sanyalnet-cloud-vps2.freeddns.org burst iburst
server sanyalnet-cloud-vps.freeddns.org burst iburst
server wbri.duckdns.org burst iburst
server yiradio.insidewashington.net burst iburst

# ---------------
# Stratum 1 Peers
# ---------------

# Preferred
server time.nist.gov iburst prefer
server tick.usno.navy.mil iburst prefer
server tock.usno.navy.mil iburst prefer
server ntp2.usno.navy.mil iburst prefer

# Other
server clock.isc.org iburst
server clock.uregina.ca iburst
server cronos.cenam.mx iburst
server gnomon.cc.columbia.edu iburst
server hora.roa.es iburst
server minuto.roa.es iburst
server navobs1.gatech.edu iburst
server navobs1.oar.net iburst
server navobs1.wustl.edu iburst
server now.okstate.edu iburst
server ntp1.fau.de iburst
server ntp1.inrim.it iburst
server ntp1.nl.uu.net iburst
server ntp1.oma.be iburst
server ntp1.usv.ro iburst
server ntp2.fau.de iburst
server ntp2.inrim.it iburst
server ntp2.oma.be iburst
server ntp.atomki.mta.hu iburst
server ntp.colby.edu iburst
server ntp.fizyka.umk.pl iburst
server ntp-galway.hea.net iburst
server ntp.i2t.ehu.eus iburst
server ntp.lcf.mx iburst
server ntp.neel.ch iburst
server ntp.neu.edu.cn iburst
server ntp.nic.cz iburst
server ntp.nict.jp iburst
server ntps1-0.cs.tu-berlin.de iburst
server ntps1-0.uni-erlangen.de
server ntps1-1.cs.tu-berlin.de iburst
server ntps1-1.uni-erlangen.de
server ntp-s1.cise.ufl.edu iburst
server ntps1.pads.ufrj.br iburst
server ntp.shoa.cl iburst
server ptbtime1.ptb.de iburst
server ptbtime2.ptb.de iburst
server rustime01.rus.uni-stuttgart.de iburst
server rustime02.rus.uni-stuttgart.de iburst
server sesku.planeacion.net iburst
server tick.usask.ca iburst
server time1.stupi.se iburst
server time.apple.com iburst
server time.esa.int iburst
server time.ufe.cz iburst
server tock.usask.ca iburst
server zeit.fu-berlin.de iburst
# The following commands allow interoperation of NTP with another time service
# such as DTSS.  If enabled (by removing #), NTP will not set the system clock.
# server prefer
# fudge stratum 0
# The following commands allow this node to act as a backup NTP server (or as
# the sole NTP server on an isolated network), using its own system clock as
# the reference source.  If enabled (by removing #), this NTP server will
# become active only when all other normal synchronization sources are
# unavailable.
fudge stratum 16