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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
Mapbox GL JS
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turban /
Last active April 14, 2016 13:11
UTM zones with D3.js

As the name implies, the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection is based on the cylindrical Transverse Mercator projection.

The UTM system divides the Earth between 80°S and 84°N latitude into 60 zones, each 6° of longitude in width. The zones are numbered from 1 to 60 proceeding east from the anitmeridian (180°).

This rotating Transverse Mercator projection shows the 60 UTM zones around the Earth. The projection has constant scale along the changing central meridian, and regions near it are mapped with low distortion. Just like on the regular Mercator projection, areas further away from the central meridian are increasingly distorted.

UTM is often used to show regions or countries with a greater north-south extent, like mainland Norway, which is usually depicted in UTM 33.

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L.Wax = L.Class.extend({
initialize: function (map) { = map;
var layers = map.options.layers || [];
var wax = false;
var self = this;
map.on('layeradd', function(e) {
if (e.layer.options.wax) {
@serif: "Times New Roman Regular","FreeSerif Medium","DejaVu Serif Book";
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@sans: "Arial Regular","Liberation Sans Regular","DejaVu Sans Book";
@sans-bold: "Arial Bold","Liberation Sans Bold","DejaVu Sans Bold";
#labels[zoom > 4][zoom < 8][desc_code = "METR"] {
text-name: "''";
text-face-name: @sans-bold;
text-halo-radius: 1;
text-halo-fill: rgba(255,255,255,0.75);
// Load TileJSON
wax.tilejson('', function(tilejson) {
// Create map and add image tiles
var map = new L.Map('map-div')
.addLayer(new wax.leaf.connector(tilejson))
.setView(new L.LatLng(51, 0), 1);
// Create map legend
wax.leaf.legend(map, tilejson).appendTo(map._container);
"grid": [
" !!#######$$$",
" !########$$$",
" #########$$$$",
" %%#####$$$$$$$",
" %%%%%$#$$$$$$$$",
" &%%%%%$$$$$$$$$$",
" &&&%%%%%%%$$$$$$$$$",
" &&&&%%%%%%%$$$$$$$$$",
"tilejson": "2.0.0",
"scheme": "xyz",
"bounds": [ 166, -47.5, 179, -34 ],
"center": [ 173.3, -41.273, 5 ],
"minzoom": 0,
"maxzoom": 12,
"name": "Population density map of New Zealand",
"description": "Created by Bjørn Sandvik\n",
"legend": "<div class='my-legend'>\n<div class='legend-title'>Population density<br/>per km<sup>2</sup> (2011)</div>\n<div class='legend-scale'>\n <ul class='legend-labels'>\n <li><span style='background:#FFFFFF;'></span>None</li>\n <li><span style='background:#FFFFE5;'></span>< 1</li>\n <li><span style='background:#FFF7BC;'></span>1 - 5</li>\n <li><span style='background:#FEE391;'></span>5 - 10</li>\n <li><span style='background:#FEC44F;'></span>10 - 50</li>\n <li><span style='background:#FE9929;'></span>50 - 100</li>\n <li><span style='background:#EC7014;'></span>100 - 250</li>\n <li><span style='background:#CC4C02;'></span>250 - 500</li>\n <li><span style='background:#993404;'></span>
Population: {{{pop2011}}} (2011)<br>
Area: {{{area}}} km<sup>2</sup><br>
Density: {{{popdens}}} per km<sup>2</sup>
<div class='my-legend'>
<div class='legend-title'>Population density<br/>per km<sup>2</sup> (2011)</div>
<div class='legend-scale'>
<ul class='legend-labels'>
<li><span style='background:#FFFFFF;'></span>None</li>
<li><span style='background:#FFFFE5;'></span>< 1</li>
<li><span style='background:#FFF7BC;'></span>1 - 5</li>
<li><span style='background:#FEE391;'></span>5 - 10</li>
<li><span style='background:#FEC44F;'></span>10 - 50</li>
<li><span style='background:#FE9929;'></span>50 - 100</li>