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Last active April 23, 2016 19:52
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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Board : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject keyPrefab;
public Display display;
private static string[] keyboardStr = {
"1,!,1, 2,\",1, 3,#,1, 4,$,1, 5,%,1, 6,&,1, 7,\',1, 8,(,1, 9,),1, 0,0,1",
"q,Q,1, w,W,1, e,E,1, r,R,1, t,T,1, y,Y,1, u,U,1, i,I,1, o,O,1, p,P,1",
"a,A,1, s,S,1, d,D,1, f,F,1, g,G,1, h,H,1, j,J,1, k,K,1, l,L,1",
"sft,SFT,1.5, z,Z,1, x,X,1, c,C,1, v,V,1, b,B,1, n,N,1, m,M,1, BS,BS,1.5" ,
List<GameObject[]> keyList = null;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
Quaternion r = transform.rotation;
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler (0, 0, 0);
float maxLineWidth = 0;
float[] lineWidth = new float[ keyboardStr.Length ];
keyList = new List<GameObject[]> ();
int lines = keyboardStr.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
string[] keyInfoArray = keyboardStr [i].Split (',');
lineWidth [i] = 0.2f;
int arraySize = keyInfoArray.Length / 3;
GameObject[] keys = new GameObject[arraySize];
for (int j = 0; j < arraySize; j++) {
string a = keyInfoArray [j * 3 + 0].Trim();
string A = keyInfoArray [j * 3 + 1].Trim();
float kw = float.Parse (keyInfoArray [j * 3 + 2]);
keys[j] = GameObject.Instantiate (keyPrefab);
keys [j].transform.parent = transform;
keys [j].name = "key-" + a;
Key key = keys [j].GetComponent<Key> ();
key.Init (this, a, A, kw);
if (j > 0)
lineWidth[i] += 0.1f;
lineWidth [i] += kw;
keyList.Add (keys);
if (lineWidth [i] > maxLineWidth) {
maxLineWidth = lineWidth [i];
float keyHeight = 1 / (lines * 1.1f + 0.1f);
float keyWidth = 1 / maxLineWidth;
float y = 0.5f - 0.6f * keyHeight;
for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
GameObject[] keys = keyList [i];
float x = -0.5f + 0.1f * keyWidth + (1-lineWidth[i]/maxLineWidth)/2;
for (int j = 0; j < keys.Length; j++) {
Key key = keys [j].GetComponent<Key> ();
x += (key.width / 2)* keyWidth;
keys [j].transform.localPosition = new Vector3 (x, 0.1f, y);
keys [j].transform.localScale = new Vector3 (keyWidth*key.width, 1, keyHeight);
x += (key.width / 2 + 0.1f)* keyWidth;
y -= 1.1f * keyHeight;
transform.rotation = r;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
public void keyPressed(Key key) {
if (display != null) {
if (key.keyString == "sft") {
foreach (GameObject[] keys in keyList) {
for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) {
Key k = keys [i].GetComponent<Key> ();
k.shift = !k.shift;
} else if (key.keyString == "BS") {
display.Delete ();
} else if (key.keyString == "space") {
display.Append (" ");
} else {
display.Append (key.shift ? key.keyStringShift : key.keyString);
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Display : MonoBehaviour {
private string _text;
public string text {
get {
return _text;
set {
_text = value;
if (textMesh != null) {
textMesh.text = _text;
public TextMesh textMesh;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
if (textMesh != null) {
if (text != null && text != "") {
textMesh.text = text;
} else {
text = textMesh.text;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
public void Append(string a) {
text += a;
public void Delete() {
text = text.Substring (0, text.Length - 1);
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Key : MonoBehaviour {
public Board board;
public TextMesh textMesh;
public string keyString;
public string keyStringShift;
public float width;
private Vector3 origPos;
private bool isShift;
public bool shift {
get {
return isShift;
set {
isShift = value;
if (textMesh != null) {
textMesh.text = isShift ? keyStringShift : keyString;
private float pushedTime;
public void Init(Board board, string a, string A, float width) {
this.board = board;
keyString = a;
keyStringShift = A;
this.width = width;
shift = false;
if (textMesh != null) {
Vector3 orig = textMesh.transform.localScale;
textMesh.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (orig.x * (1 / width), orig.y, orig.z);
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
pushedTime = 0;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
public void Push() {
if (pushedTime == 0f) {
pushedTime = Time.time;
origPos = transform.localPosition;
Vector3 newPos = new Vector3 (origPos.x, origPos.y-0.1f, origPos.z);
iTween.MoveTo(gameObject, iTween.Hash("position", newPos, "islocal", true, "oncomplete", "PushAnimCompleted", "time", 0.25f));
if (board != null) {
board.keyPressed (this);
public void PushAnimCompleted() {
iTween.MoveTo(gameObject, iTween.Hash("position", origPos, "islocal", true, "oncomplete", "ReturnAnimCompleted", "time", 0.25f));
public void ReturnAnimCompleted() {
pushedTime = 0;
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