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Created June 20, 2019 13:28
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Small python script to show exponential growth
import locale
import math
import tableprint as tp
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
class Expo_Growth:
def __init__(self, start=0, stop=10, words=True):
self.millnames = ['', '', ' Million', ' Billion', ' Trillion', ' Quadrillion', ' Quintillion',
' Sextillion', ' Septillion', ' Octillion', ' Nonillion', ' Decillion', ' Undecillion',
' Duodecillion', ' Tredecillion', ' Quatttuor-decillion', ' Quindecillion', ' Sexdecillion',
' Septen-decillion', ' Octodecillion', ' Novemdecillion', ' Vigintillion',
' Unvigintillion', 'Duovigintillion', ' Tresvigintillion', ' Quattuorvigintillion',
' Quinquavigintillion', ' Sesvigintillion', ' Septemvigintillion', ' Octovigintillion',
' Novemvigintillion', ' Trigintillion', ' Untrigintillion', ' Duotrigintillion',
' Trestrigintillion', ' Quattuortrigintillion', ' Quinquatrigintillion',
' Sestrigintillion', ' Septentrigintillion', ' Octotrigintillion', ' Noventrigintillion',
' Quadragintillion', ' Quinquagintillion', ' Sexagintillion', ' Septuagintillion',
' Octogintillion', ' Nonagintillion', ' Centillion', ' Uncentillion', ' Decicentillion',
' Undecicentillion', ' Viginticentillion', ' Unviginticentillion', ' Trigintacentillion',
' Quadragintacentillion', ' Quinquagintacentillion', ' Sexagintacentillion',
' Septuagintacentillion', ' Octogintacentillion', ' Nonagintacentillion', ' Ducentillion',
' Trecentillion', ' Quadringentillion', ' Quingentillion', ' Sescentillion',
' Septingentillion', ' Octingentillion', ' Nongentillion', ' Millinillion']
self.expo = 0
self.start = start
self.stop = stop
self.llist = []
self.words = words
def create_table(self):
tp.banner("Normal vs Exponential growth, just {} steps".format(self.stop), 105)
headers = ['Normal', ' Exponential']
tp.table(self.llist, headers, '5g', [10, 45], 'round')
def millify(self, n):
n = float(n)
millidx = max(0,min(len(self.millnames)-1,
int(math.floor(0 if n == 0 else math.log10(abs(n))/3))))
zeros = millidx*3
if zeros > 0:
return '{:.0f}{} Kilometers ({} Zero\'s)'.format(n / 10**(3 * millidx), self.millnames[millidx], millidx*3)
return '{:.0f}{} Kilometers'.format(n / 10 ** (3 * millidx), self.millnames[millidx])
def create_growth(self):
for i in range(self.start, self.stop+1):
nor = "{} meter".format(i)
if i == 1:
self.expo = 1
elif i == 2:
self.expo = 2
self.expo = self.expo * self.expo
if self.expo >= 1000:
km = round(self.expo / 1000)
if self.words:
expo_print = "{}".format(self.millify(km))
expo_print = "{:,} kilometers".format(km)
expo_print = "{} meter".format(self.expo)
self.llist.append([nor, expo_print])
if __name__ == '__main__':
e = Expo_Growth(0, 10, False)
e = Expo_Growth(0, 10, True)
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