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Created July 2, 2022 02:27
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Add button to remove advice in help-mode #emacs
(defun function-advices (function)
"Return FUNCTION's advices.
Last-Updated 2022-06-29 00:01:07 +8000"
(let ((flist (indirect-function function)) advices)
(when (and (consp flist)
(or (eq 'macro (car flist))
(and (autoloadp flist) (memq (nth 4 flist) '(macro t)))))
(setq flist (cdr flist)))
(while (advice--p flist)
(setq advices `(,@advices ,(advice--car flist)))
(setq flist (advice--cdr flist)))
(define-advice describe-function-1 (:after (function) advice-remove-button)
"Add a button to remove advice.
Based on @xuchunyang's work in
Last-Updated 2022-06-29 00:01:07 +8000"
(when (get-buffer "*Help*")
(with-current-buffer "*Help*"
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((ad-list (function-advices function)))
(while (re-search-forward "^\\(?:This \\(?:function\\|macro\\) has \\)?:[-a-z]+ advice: \\(.+\\)\\.?$" nil t)
(let* ((name (string-trim (match-string 1) "[‘'`]" "[’']"))
(symbol (intern-soft name))
(advice (or symbol (car ad-list))))
(when advice
(when symbol
(cl-assert (eq symbol (car ad-list))))
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(insert " » ")
'cursor-sensor-functions `((lambda (&rest _) (message "%s" ',advice)))
'help-echo (format "%s" advice)
;; In case lexical-binding is off
`(lambda (_)
(when (yes-or-no-p (format "Remove %s ? " ',advice))
(message "Removing %s of advice from %s" ',function ',advice)
(advice-remove ',function ',advice)
(revert-buffer nil t)))
'follow-link t))))
(setq ad-list (cdr ad-list))))))))
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twlz0ne commented Jul 2, 2022


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