Her is an ORM (Object Relational Mapper) that maps REST resources to Ruby objects. It is designed to build applications that are powered by a RESTful API instead of a database.
In your Gemfile, add:
gem "her"
That’s it!
Please see the UPGRADE.md file for backward compability issues.
First, you have to define which API your models will be bound to. For example, with Rails, you would create a new config/initializers/her.rb
file with these lines:
# config/initializers/her.rb
Her::API.setup :base_uri => "https://api.example.com" do |builder|
builder.use Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded
builder.use Her::Middleware::DefaultParseJSON
builder.use Faraday::Adapter::NetHttp
And then to add the ORM behavior to a class, you just have to include Her::Model
in it:
class User
include Her::Model
After that, using Her is very similar to many ActiveModel-like ORMs:
# GET https://api.example.com/users and return an array of User objects
# GET https://api.example.com/users/1 and return a User object
@user = User.create(:fullname => "Tobias Fünke")
# POST "https://api.example.com/users" with the data and return a User object
@user = User.new(:fullname => "Tobias Fünke")
@user.occupation = "actor"
# POST https://api.example.com/users with the data and return a User object
@user = User.find(1)
@user.fullname = "Lindsay Fünke"
# PUT https://api.example.com/users/1 with the data and return+update the User object
Since Her relies on Faraday to send HTTP requests, you can choose the middleware used to handle requests and responses. Using the block in the setup
call, you have access to Faraday’s builder
object and are able to customize the middleware stack used on each request and response.
Her doesn’t support authentication by default. However, it’s easy to implement one with request middleware. Using the builder
block, we can add it to the middleware stack.
For example, to add a API token header to your requests, you would do something like this:
class TokenAuthentication < Faraday::Middleware
def initialize(app, options={})
@options = options
def call(env)
env[:request_headers]["X-API-Token"] = @options[:token] if @options.include?(:token)
Her::API.setup :base_uri => "https://api.example.com" do |builder|
# This token could be stored in the client session
builder.use TokenAuthentication, :token => "bb2b2dd75413d32c1ac421d39e95b978d1819ff611f68fc2fdd5c8b9c7331192"
builder.use Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded
builder.use Her::Middleware::DefaultParseJSON
builder.use Faraday::Adapter::NetHttp
Now, each HTTP request made by Her will have the X-API-Token
By default, Her handles JSON data. It expects the resource/collection data to be returned at the first level.
// The response of GET /users/1
{ "id" : 1, "name" : "Tobias Fünke" }
// The response of GET /users
[{ "id" : 1, "name" : "Tobias Fünke" }]
However, you can define your own parsing method using a response middleware. The middleware should set env[:body]
to a hash with three keys: data
, errors
and metadata
. The following code uses a custom middleware to parse the JSON data:
# Expects responses like:
# {
# "result": {
# "id": 1,
# "name": "Tobias Fünke"
# },
# "errors" => []
# }
class MyCustomParser < Faraday::Response::Middleware
def on_complete(env)
json = MultiJson.load(env[:body], :symbolize_keys => true)
env[:body] = {
:data => json[:result],
:errors => json[:errors],
:metadata => json[:metadata]
Her::API.setup :base_uri => "https://api.example.com" do |builder|
builder.use Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded
builder.use MyCustomParser
builder.use Faraday::Adapter::NetHttp
Using the faraday_middleware
and simple_oauth
gems, it’s fairly easy to use OAuth authentication with Her.
In your Gemfile:
gem "her"
gem "faraday_middleware"
gem "simple_oauth"
In your Ruby code:
# Create an application on `https://dev.twitter.com/apps` to set these values
:consumer_key => "",
:consumer_secret => "",
:token => "",
:token_secret => ""
Her::API.setup :base_uri => "https://api.twitter.com/1/" do |builder|
builder.use FaradayMiddleware::OAuth, TWITTER_CREDENTIALS
builder.use Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded
builder.use Her::Middleware::DefaultParseJSON
builder.use Faraday::Adapter::NetHttp
class Tweet
include Her::Model
@tweets = Tweet.get("/statuses/home_timeline.json")
Again, using the faraday_middleware
makes it very easy to cache requests and responses:
In your Gemfile:
gem "her"
gem "faraday_middleware"
In your Ruby code:
class MyCache < Hash
def read(key)
if cached = self[key]
def write(key, data)
self[key] = Marshal.dump(data)
def fetch(key)
read(key) || yield.tap { |data| write(key, data) }
# A cache system must respond to `#write`, `#read` and `#fetch`.
# We should be probably using something like Memcached here, not a global object
$cache = MyCache.new
Her::API.setup :base_uri => "https://api.example.com" do |builder|
builder.use Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded
builder.use FaradayMiddleware::Caching, $cache
builder.use Her::Middleware::DefaultParseJSON
builder.use Faraday::Adapter::NetHttp
class User
include Her::Model
@user = User.find(1)
# GET /users/1
@user = User.find(1)
# This request will be fetched from the cache
You can define has_many
, has_one
and belongs_to
relationships in your models. The relationship data is handled in two different ways.
- If Her finds relationship data when parsing a resource, that data will be used to create the associated model objects on the resource.
- If no relationship data was included when parsing a resource, calling a method with the same name as the relationship will fetch the data (providing there’s an HTTP request available for it in the API).
For example:
class User
include Her::Model
has_many :comments
has_one :role
belongs_to :organization
class Comment
include Her::Model
class Role
include Her::Model
class Organization
include Her::Model
If there’s relationship data in the resource, no extra HTTP request is made when calling the #comments
method and an array of resources is returned:
@user = User.find(1)
# {
# :data => {
# :id => 1,
# :name => "George Michael Bluth",
# :comments => [
# { :id => 1, :text => "Foo" },
# { :id => 2, :text => "Bar" }
# ],
# :role => { :id => 1, :name => "Admin" },
# :organization => { :id => 2, :name => "Bluth Company" }
# }
# }
# [#<Comment id=1 text="Foo">, #<Comment id=2 text="Bar">]
# #<Role id=1 name="Admin">
# #<Organization id=2 name="Bluth Company">
If there’s no relationship data in the resource, Her makes a HTTP request to retrieve the data.
@user = User.find(1)
# { :data => { :id => 1, :name => "George Michael Bluth", :organization_id => 2 }}
# has_many relationship:
# GET /users/1/comments
# [#<Comment id=1>, #<Comment id=2>]
# has_one relationship:
# GET /users/1/role
# #<Role id=1>
# belongs_to relationship:
# (the organization id comes from :organization_id, by default)
# GET /organizations/2
# #<Organization id=2>
Subsequent calls to #comments
, #role
and #organization
will not trigger extra HTTP requests and will return the cached objects.
You can add before and after hooks to your models that are triggered on specific actions (save
, update
, create
, destroy
class User
include Her::Model
before_save :set_internal_id
def set_internal_id
self.internal_id = 42 # Will be passed in the HTTP request
@user = User.create(:fullname => "Tobias Fünke")
# POST /users&fullname=Tobias+Fünke&internal_id=42
You can easily define custom requests for your models using custom_get
, custom_post
, etc.
class User
include Her::Model
custom_get :popular, :unpopular
custom_post :from_default
# GET /users/popular
# [#<User id=1>, #<User id=2>]
# GET /users/unpopular
# [#<User id=3>, #<User id=4>]
User.from_default(:name => "Maeby Fünke")
# POST /users/from_default?name=Maeby+Fünke
# #<User id=5 name="Maeby Fünke">
You can also use get
, post
, put
or delete
(which maps the returned data to either a collection or a resource).
class User
include Her::Model
# GET /users/popular
# [#<User id=1>, #<User id=2>]
# GET /users/single_best
# #<User id=1>
Also, get_collection
(which maps the returned data to a collection of resources), get_resource
(which maps the returned data to a single resource) or get_raw
(which yields the parsed data return from the HTTP request) can also be used. Other HTTP methods are supported (post_raw
, put_resource
, etc.).
class User
include Her::Model
def self.popular
def self.total
get_raw(:stats) do |parsed_data|
# GET /users/popular
# [#<User id=1>, #<User id=2>]
# GET /users/stats
# => 42
You can also use full request paths (with strings instead of symbols).
class User
include Her::Model
# GET /users/popular
# [#<User id=1>, #<User id=2>]
You can define custom HTTP paths for your models:
class User
include Her::Model
collection_path "/hello_users/:id"
@user = User.find(1)
# GET /hello_users/1
You can also include custom variables in your paths:
class User
include Her::Model
collection_path "/organizations/:organization_id/users"
@user = User.find(1, :_organization_id => 2)
# GET /organizations/2/users/1
@user = User.all(:_organization_id => 2)
# GET /organizations/2/users
@user = User.new(:fullname => "Tobias Fünke", :organization_id => 2)
# POST /organizations/2/users
It is possible to use different APIs for different models. Instead of calling Her::API.setup
, you can create instances of Her::API
# config/initializers/her.rb
$my_api = Her::API.new
$my_api.setup :base_uri => "https://my_api.example.com" do |builder|
builder.use Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded
builder.use Her::Middleware::DefaultParseJSON
builder.use Faraday::Adapter::NetHttp
$other_api = Her::API.new
$other_api.setup :base_uri => "https://other_api.example.com" do |builder|
builder.use Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded
builder.use Her::Middleware::DefaultParseJSON
builder.use Faraday::Adapter::NetHttp
You can then define which API a model will use:
class User
include Her::Model
set_api $my_api
class Category
include Her::Model
set_api $other_api
# GET https://my_api.example.com/users
# GET https://other_api.example.com/categories
- Better error handling
- Better API documentation (using YARD)
Yes please! Feel free to contribute and submit issues/pull requests on GitHub.
- Fork the repository
- Implement your feature or fix
- Add examples that describe it (in the
directory) - Make sure
bundle exec rake spec
passes after your modifications - Commit (bonus points for doing it in a
branch) - Send a pull request!
These fine folks helped with Her:
Her is © 2012 Rémi Prévost and may be freely distributed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE