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Created October 24, 2020 02:54
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Uninitialized vector
// Author: Ugo Varetto
// buffer allocation performance tests: vector, vector+pod allocator (same as
// vector), raw aligned buffer (faster)
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
double now() { return clock() / double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC); }
void RawBufferVsVector() {
double start = now();
vector<char> buffer(size_t(1) << 32);
buffer[buffer.size() - 1] = '\0';
double end = now();
cout << end - start << endl;
start = now();
char* buf = new char[(size_t(1) << 32)];
buf[buffer.size() - 1] = '\0';
end = now();
cout << end - start << endl;
template <typename T>
class pod_allocator {
// The following will be the same for virtually all allocators.
typedef T* pointer;
typedef const T* const_pointer;
typedef T& reference;
typedef const T& const_reference;
typedef T value_type;
typedef std::size_t size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
T* address(T& r) const { return &r; }
const T* address(const T& s) const { return &s; }
std::size_t max_size() const {
// The following has been carefully written to be independent of
// the definition of size_t and to avoid signed/unsigned warnings.
return (static_cast<std::size_t>(0) - static_cast<std::size_t>(1)) /
// The following must be the same for all allocators.
template <typename U>
struct rebind {
typedef pod_allocator<U> other;
bool operator!=(const pod_allocator& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
// template<typename U>
// void construct(U* p)
// { cout << "Called" << endl; } //it calls this *for each char element*
void destroy(T* const p) const {}
// Returns true if and only if storage allocated from *this
// can be deallocated from other, and vice versa.
// Always returns true for stateless allocators.
bool operator==(const pod_allocator& other) const { return true; }
// Default constructor, copy constructor, rebinding constructor, and
// destructor. Empty for stateless allocators.
pod_allocator() {}
pod_allocator(const pod_allocator&) {}
template <typename U>
pod_allocator(const pod_allocator<U>&) {}
~pod_allocator() {}
// The following will be different for each allocator.
T* allocate(const std::size_t n) const { return new T[n]; }
void deallocate(T* const p, const std::size_t n) const { delete[] p; }
// The following will be the same for all allocators that ignore hints.
template <typename U>
T* allocate(const std::size_t n, const U* /* const hint */) const {
return allocate(n);
pod_allocator& operator=(const pod_allocator&);
void PODAllocator() {
double start = now();
vector<char, pod_allocator<char>> buffer(size_t(1) << 32);
buffer[buffer.size() - 1] = '\0';
double end = now();
cout << end - start << endl;
start = now();
char* buf = new char[(size_t(1) << 32)];
buf[buffer.size() - 1] = '\0';
end = now();
cout << end - start << endl;
class RawBuffer {
RawBuffer(size_t size, size_t alignment = sizeof(void*))
: data_(nullptr), size_(0), alignment_(alignment), pageLocked_(false) {
// only way to report failure in constructor is to throw
// exceptions, check for size after construction, if zero
// an error occurred
Allocate(size, alignment);
RawBuffer(const RawBuffer& other) {
Allocate(other.size_, other.alignment_);
#ifndef NO_STD_COPY
if (size_) {
// will call the right function e.g. __memcpy_avx_unaligned() etc.
// but required including <algorithm>
std::copy(other.data_, other.data_ + size_, data_);
memcpy(data_, other.data_, size_);
RawBuffer(RawBuffer&& other) {
size_ = other.size_;
data_ = other.data_;
alignment_ = other.alignment_;
pageLocked_ = other.pageLocked_;
other.data_ = nullptr;
~RawBuffer() { Destroy(); }
const char* Data() const { return data_; }
char* Data() { return data_; }
size_t Size() const { return size_; };
size_t Alignment() const { return alignment_; }
char& operator[](size_t i) { return data_[i]; }
char operator[](size_t i) const { return data_[i]; } // no ref required
void Allocate(size_t size, size_t alignment) {
data_ = static_cast<char*>(aligned_alloc(alignment, size));
if (data_) size_ = size;
void Destroy() {
if (!data_) return;
if (pageLocked_) munlock(data_, size_);
char* data_;
size_t size_;
size_t alignment_;
bool pageLocked_;
// only used by friend functions to return empty buffer in case of errors
RawBuffer() : size_(0), data_(nullptr), alignment_(0) {}
friend RawBuffer PageLockedBuffer(size_t);
friend void CopyBuffer(const RawBuffer& src, RawBuffer& dest);
// friend RawBuffer MMAlignedBuffer(size_t, size_t); //_mm_malloc/free of
// intrinsics TBD
RawBuffer PageLockedBuffer(size_t size) {
RawBuffer rb(size, sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE));
if (!rb.Size()) return RawBuffer();
if (mlock(rb.Data(), size)) return RawBuffer();
return rb;
void CopyBuffer(const RawBuffer& src, RawBuffer& dest) {
const size_t sz = src.size_ <= dest.size_ ? src.size_ : dest.size_;
#ifndef NO_STD_COPY
std::copy(src.data_, src.data_ + sz, dest.data_);
memcpy(dest.data_, src.data_, sz);
char* begin(RawBuffer& rb) { return rb.Data(); }
char* end(RawBuffer& rb) { return rb.Data() + rb.Size(); }
const char* begin(const RawBuffer& rb) { return rb.Data(); }
const char* end(const RawBuffer& rb) { return rb.Data() + rb.Size(); }
const char* cbegin(const RawBuffer& rb) { return rb.Data(); }
const char* cend(const RawBuffer& rb) { return rb.Data() + rb.Size(); }
void FastBuffer() {
double start = now();
// memory alignment changes performance, try with '1';
RawBuffer buffer(size_t(1) << 32);
buffer[buffer.Size() - 1] = '\0';
double end = now();
cout << end - start << endl;
start = now();
char* buf = new char[(size_t(1) << 32)];
buf[buffer.Size() - 1] = '\0';
end = now();
cout << end - start << endl;
int main(int argc, char const* argv[]) {
RawBuffer rb = PageLockedBuffer(1 << 30);
return 0;
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