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Created December 31, 2014 08:37
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; =========================================================================
; PROGRAMMER : Nicholas Perry
; FILE : str_lib.asm
; DATE : 2005-09-06
; SUBJECT : lab#4
; my personal library of string functions I made to help myself in micro course
; =========================================================================
; Declare the C file handling functions.
EXTERN _printf
EXTERN _getchb
EXTERN _putch
GLOBAL String_Length
GLOBAL String_Copy
GlOBAL String_Cat
GLOBAL String_Search
; Data Segment
;; Declare needed variables here.
copy_eax DD 0 ; This file pointer is used to access the
copy_ebx DD 0 ; This file pointer is used to access the
copy_ecx DD 0 ; This file pointer is used to access the
copy_edx DD 0 ; This file pointer is used to access the
copy_esi DD 0 ; This file pointer is used to access the
copy_edi DD 0 ; This file pointer is used to access the
; Block Storage Segment
;; These should be the only uninitialized buffers you need.
; Code Segment
;; Returns number of characters in a null
;; terminated string pointed to by esi.
;; Return Location: eax
;; Does not change any other registers
;; Copy out registers, just in case
push esi
mov eax, DWORD 0
cmp [esi], BYTE 0 ; See if cur char is null.
je endlenfindloop ; If is, stop searching.
inc eax ; else, count as char.
inc esi ; Goto next letter
jmp lenfindloop ; Repeat
pop esi
;; Copys the null terminated string found
;; as a refrence from esi, to the refrence
;; from edi
;; Returns the number of bytes copied
;; not including null char.
;; Return Location eax
;; Does not change any other registers
;; Copy out registers, just in case
push ecx
push ebx
push edi
push esi
;; Find string length
push esi
call String_Length
pop esi
mov ecx,eax ; Move string length to counter.
mov eax,DWORD 0 ; Start Byte count at 0
mov bl,BYTE [esi] ; Move letter from loc esi to loc esi.
mov [edi], bl
inc eax ; Count letter
inc edi ; Next letter
inc esi
loop stringcopyloop ; keep going till at end
mov [edi],DWORD 0 ; Place null char.
pop esi
pop edi
pop ebx
pop ecx
;; Concatanates null terminated string
;; in esi onto the end of edi
;; Returns the number of bytes copied,
;; not including null char into eax
;; Copy out registers, just in case
push ecx
push ebx
push edi
push esi
;; Find end of destination
mov esi, edi
call String_Length
add edi, eax
pop esi ; restore esi to previous source
push esi
;; Find string length to copy
push esi
call String_Length
pop esi
mov ecx,eax ; Move string length to counter.
mov eax,DWORD 0 ; Start Byte count at 0
mov bl,BYTE [esi] ; Move letter from loc esi to loc esi.
mov [edi], bl
inc eax ; Count letter
inc edi ; Next letter
inc esi
loop stringcatloop ; keep going till at end
mov [edi],DWORD 0 ; Place null char.
pop esi
pop edi
pop ebx
pop ecx
;; Searches null terminated string
;; from esi, looking for char in al,
;; Returns a pointer to that char,
;; or Null pointer if not found, into eax
;; Copy out registers, just in case
push ebx
push ecx
push edi
push eax
mov edi, esi ; SCASB uses edi, not esi...
call String_Length ; Find length of string
mov ecx, eax ; store length as counter
inc ecx
mov ebx, eax ; store length
pop eax ; restore eax to letter
cld ; auto increment?
REPNE SCASB ; keep going while not found al in edi
cmp ecx, DWORD 0
je notfound
;; length - ecx = offset,
sub ebx, ecx ; Find position of letter, if found
mov eax, ebx ; move to return value
add eax, esi ; change offset to pointer
jmp found
xor eax,eax ; I'm an uber1337 assembler monkey.
pop edi
pop ecx
pop ebx
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