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Last active November 2, 2017 11:59
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minimal l20n.js example project
examples = Dømi:
logout = rita út
login = rita inn
navbrand = Rættlestur
lead = Rættlestur
title = rættlestur
serverdown = Ambætari svaraði ikki. Kanska tú skuldi roynt aftur.
parserfail = Ambætari svaraði ikki. Kanska tú skuldi roynt aftur. Fekk { $errorCode } / { $textStatus }.
loginfail = Innritan miseydnast – fekk { $errorCode } / { $textStatus }.
loginfield = <input placeholder="navn"> <input placeholder="loyniorð"> <input value="rita inn">
editor_placeholder = Tekst her
// TODO:
hide_errtype = Skjul feiltype
// TODO:
hidden_errtypes = Skjulte feiltypar
// TODO:
hide_errtype_explanation = Klikk på eit ord for å skjula feiltypen
function init() {
var langm ="lang=([^&]*)");
if(langm) {
var a = document.getElementById("hide");
document.l10n.formatValue('hide_errtype').then(function(t){ a.textContent = t; });
var b = document.getElementById("loginfail");
document.l10n.formatValue('loginfail', {errorCode:418,textStatus:"I'm a teapot"}).then(function(t){ b.textContent = t; });
window.onload = init;
examples = Ovdamearkkat:
logout = olggosčálit iežat
login = logge sisa:
navbrand = Grammáhtalaš divvun
lead = Dábálaš čállindárkkisteaddji ii divo iežá go sániid mat eai leat sátnegirjjis. Grammáhtalaš dárkkisteaddji geahččá olles cealkaga ja viggá maid divvut sániid mat leat adnojuvvon vearrut dehe vearrohámis.
title = grammáhtalaš divvun
serverdown = Bálvá ii oro doaibmamin, dahje don it leat neahtas. Geahččal viežžat siiddu ođđasit.
parserfail = Bálvá ii oro doaibmamin, dahje don it leat neahtas. Geahččal viežžat siiddu ođđasit. Oaččui meattáhuskoda { $errorCode } / { $textStatus } stáhtusiin.
loginfail = Čállet go geavaheaddjinama/beassansáni boastut? Oaččui meattáhuskoda { $errorCode } / { $textStatus } stáhtusiin.
loginfield = <input placeholder="dovddaldat"> <input placeholder="beassansátni"> <input value="sisačálit iežat">
editor_placeholder = Čális dása, dahje válljes ovdmearkka dás vuolábealde
hide_errtype = Ale merke dakkár meattáhusaid
// TODO:
hidden_errtypes = Ale merke:
// TODO:
hide_errtype_explanation = Klikk på eit ord for å skjula feiltypen
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="se">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"/>
<title data-l10n-id="title">title</title>
<!-- l20n: -->
<meta name="defaultLanguage" content="sme">
<meta name="availableLanguages" content="sme, fao">
<link rel="localization" href="app.{locale}.ftl">
<script defer src="l20n.js"></script>
lang: <a href="?lang=sme">sme</a> / <a href="?lang=fao">fao</a>
filled in because of data-l10n-id:
<a class="navbar-brand" href="#" data-l10n-id="navbrand">grammar checker</a>
<a id="logout_b" href="#" data-l10n-id="logout">log out</a>
filled in by js:
<a id="hide" href="#">hide errtype</a>
filled in by js, with variable:
<em id="loginfail" href="#">login failed with some error</em>
<script src="app.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
'use strict';
var _typeof2 = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
(function () {
'use strict';
var cp = [function (n) {
return 'other';
}, function (n) {
return n == 1 ? 'one' : 'other';
}, function (n) {
return n == 0 || n == 1 ? 'one' : 'other';
}, function (n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
v0 = !s[1];
return n == 1 && v0 ? 'one' : 'other';
var pluralData = {
cardinal: {
af: cp[1],
ak: cp[2],
am: function am(n) {
return n >= 0 && n <= 1 ? 'one' : 'other';
ar: function ar(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
t0 = Number(s[0]) == n,
n100 = t0 && s[0].slice(-2);
return n == 0 ? 'zero' : n == 1 ? 'one' : n == 2 ? 'two' : n100 >= 3 && n100 <= 10 ? 'few' : n100 >= 11 && n100 <= 99 ? 'many' : 'other';
as: function as(n) {
return n >= 0 && n <= 1 ? 'one' : 'other';
asa: cp[1],
ast: cp[3],
az: cp[1],
be: function be(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
t0 = Number(s[0]) == n,
n10 = t0 && s[0].slice(-1),
n100 = t0 && s[0].slice(-2);
return n10 == 1 && n100 != 11 ? 'one' : n10 >= 2 && n10 <= 4 && (n100 < 12 || n100 > 14) ? 'few' : t0 && n10 == 0 || n10 >= 5 && n10 <= 9 || n100 >= 11 && n100 <= 14 ? 'many' : 'other';
bem: cp[1],
bez: cp[1],
bg: cp[1],
bh: cp[2],
bm: cp[0],
bn: function bn(n) {
return n >= 0 && n <= 1 ? 'one' : 'other';
bo: cp[0],
br: function br(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
t0 = Number(s[0]) == n,
n10 = t0 && s[0].slice(-1),
n100 = t0 && s[0].slice(-2),
n1000000 = t0 && s[0].slice(-6);
return n10 == 1 && n100 != 11 && n100 != 71 && n100 != 91 ? 'one' : n10 == 2 && n100 != 12 && n100 != 72 && n100 != 92 ? 'two' : (n10 == 3 || n10 == 4 || n10 == 9) && (n100 < 10 || n100 > 19) && (n100 < 70 || n100 > 79) && (n100 < 90 || n100 > 99) ? 'few' : n != 0 && t0 && n1000000 == 0 ? 'many' : 'other';
brx: cp[1],
bs: function bs(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
i = s[0],
f = s[1] || '',
v0 = !s[1],
i10 = i.slice(-1),
i100 = i.slice(-2),
f10 = f.slice(-1),
f100 = f.slice(-2);
return v0 && i10 == 1 && i100 != 11 || f10 == 1 && f100 != 11 ? 'one' : v0 && i10 >= 2 && i10 <= 4 && (i100 < 12 || i100 > 14) || f10 >= 2 && f10 <= 4 && (f100 < 12 || f100 > 14) ? 'few' : 'other';
ca: cp[3],
ce: cp[1],
cgg: cp[1],
chr: cp[1],
ckb: cp[1],
cs: function cs(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
i = s[0],
v0 = !s[1];
return n == 1 && v0 ? 'one' : i >= 2 && i <= 4 && v0 ? 'few' : !v0 ? 'many' : 'other';
cy: function cy(n) {
return n == 0 ? 'zero' : n == 1 ? 'one' : n == 2 ? 'two' : n == 3 ? 'few' : n == 6 ? 'many' : 'other';
da: function da(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
i = s[0],
t0 = Number(s[0]) == n;
return n == 1 || !t0 && (i == 0 || i == 1) ? 'one' : 'other';
de: cp[3],
dsb: function dsb(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
i = s[0],
f = s[1] || '',
v0 = !s[1],
i100 = i.slice(-2),
f100 = f.slice(-2);
return v0 && i100 == 1 || f100 == 1 ? 'one' : v0 && i100 == 2 || f100 == 2 ? 'two' : v0 && (i100 == 3 || i100 == 4) || f100 == 3 || f100 == 4 ? 'few' : 'other';
dv: cp[1],
dz: cp[0],
ee: cp[1],
el: cp[1],
en: cp[3],
eo: cp[1],
es: cp[1],
et: cp[3],
eu: cp[1],
fa: function fa(n) {
return n >= 0 && n <= 1 ? 'one' : 'other';
ff: function ff(n) {
return n >= 0 && n < 2 ? 'one' : 'other';
fi: cp[3],
fil: function fil(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
i = s[0],
f = s[1] || '',
v0 = !s[1],
i10 = i.slice(-1),
f10 = f.slice(-1);
return v0 && (i == 1 || i == 2 || i == 3) || v0 && i10 != 4 && i10 != 6 && i10 != 9 || !v0 && f10 != 4 && f10 != 6 && f10 != 9 ? 'one' : 'other';
fo: cp[1],
fr: function fr(n) {
return n >= 0 && n < 2 ? 'one' : 'other';
fur: cp[1],
fy: cp[3],
ga: function ga(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
t0 = Number(s[0]) == n;
return n == 1 ? 'one' : n == 2 ? 'two' : t0 && n >= 3 && n <= 6 ? 'few' : t0 && n >= 7 && n <= 10 ? 'many' : 'other';
gd: function gd(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
t0 = Number(s[0]) == n;
return n == 1 || n == 11 ? 'one' : n == 2 || n == 12 ? 'two' : t0 && n >= 3 && n <= 10 || t0 && n >= 13 && n <= 19 ? 'few' : 'other';
gl: cp[3],
gsw: cp[1],
gu: function gu(n) {
return n >= 0 && n <= 1 ? 'one' : 'other';
guw: cp[2],
gv: function gv(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
i = s[0],
v0 = !s[1],
i10 = i.slice(-1),
i100 = i.slice(-2);
return v0 && i10 == 1 ? 'one' : v0 && i10 == 2 ? 'two' : v0 && (i100 == 0 || i100 == 20 || i100 == 40 || i100 == 60 || i100 == 80) ? 'few' : !v0 ? 'many' : 'other';
ha: cp[1],
haw: cp[1],
he: function he(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
i = s[0],
v0 = !s[1],
t0 = Number(s[0]) == n,
n10 = t0 && s[0].slice(-1);
return n == 1 && v0 ? 'one' : i == 2 && v0 ? 'two' : v0 && (n < 0 || n > 10) && t0 && n10 == 0 ? 'many' : 'other';
hi: function hi(n) {
return n >= 0 && n <= 1 ? 'one' : 'other';
hr: function hr(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
i = s[0],
f = s[1] || '',
v0 = !s[1],
i10 = i.slice(-1),
i100 = i.slice(-2),
f10 = f.slice(-1),
f100 = f.slice(-2);
return v0 && i10 == 1 && i100 != 11 || f10 == 1 && f100 != 11 ? 'one' : v0 && i10 >= 2 && i10 <= 4 && (i100 < 12 || i100 > 14) || f10 >= 2 && f10 <= 4 && (f100 < 12 || f100 > 14) ? 'few' : 'other';
hsb: function hsb(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
i = s[0],
f = s[1] || '',
v0 = !s[1],
i100 = i.slice(-2),
f100 = f.slice(-2);
return v0 && i100 == 1 || f100 == 1 ? 'one' : v0 && i100 == 2 || f100 == 2 ? 'two' : v0 && (i100 == 3 || i100 == 4) || f100 == 3 || f100 == 4 ? 'few' : 'other';
hu: cp[1],
hy: function hy(n) {
return n >= 0 && n < 2 ? 'one' : 'other';
id: cp[0],
ig: cp[0],
ii: cp[0],
in: cp[0],
is: function is(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
i = s[0],
t0 = Number(s[0]) == n,
i10 = i.slice(-1),
i100 = i.slice(-2);
return t0 && i10 == 1 && i100 != 11 || !t0 ? 'one' : 'other';
it: cp[3],
iu: function iu(n) {
return n == 1 ? 'one' : n == 2 ? 'two' : 'other';
iw: function iw(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
i = s[0],
v0 = !s[1],
t0 = Number(s[0]) == n,
n10 = t0 && s[0].slice(-1);
return n == 1 && v0 ? 'one' : i == 2 && v0 ? 'two' : v0 && (n < 0 || n > 10) && t0 && n10 == 0 ? 'many' : 'other';
ja: cp[0],
jbo: cp[0],
jgo: cp[1],
ji: cp[3],
jmc: cp[1],
jv: cp[0],
jw: cp[0],
ka: cp[1],
kab: function kab(n) {
return n >= 0 && n < 2 ? 'one' : 'other';
kaj: cp[1],
kcg: cp[1],
kde: cp[0],
kea: cp[0],
kk: cp[1],
kkj: cp[1],
kl: cp[1],
km: cp[0],
kn: function kn(n) {
return n >= 0 && n <= 1 ? 'one' : 'other';
ko: cp[0],
ks: cp[1],
ksb: cp[1],
ksh: function ksh(n) {
return n == 0 ? 'zero' : n == 1 ? 'one' : 'other';
ku: cp[1],
kw: function kw(n) {
return n == 1 ? 'one' : n == 2 ? 'two' : 'other';
ky: cp[1],
lag: function lag(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
i = s[0];
return n == 0 ? 'zero' : (i == 0 || i == 1) && n != 0 ? 'one' : 'other';
lb: cp[1],
lg: cp[1],
lkt: cp[0],
ln: cp[2],
lo: cp[0],
lt: function lt(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
f = s[1] || '',
t0 = Number(s[0]) == n,
n10 = t0 && s[0].slice(-1),
n100 = t0 && s[0].slice(-2);
return n10 == 1 && (n100 < 11 || n100 > 19) ? 'one' : n10 >= 2 && n10 <= 9 && (n100 < 11 || n100 > 19) ? 'few' : f != 0 ? 'many' : 'other';
lv: function lv(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
f = s[1] || '',
v = f.length,
t0 = Number(s[0]) == n,
n10 = t0 && s[0].slice(-1),
n100 = t0 && s[0].slice(-2),
f100 = f.slice(-2),
f10 = f.slice(-1);
return t0 && n10 == 0 || n100 >= 11 && n100 <= 19 || v == 2 && f100 >= 11 && f100 <= 19 ? 'zero' : n10 == 1 && n100 != 11 || v == 2 && f10 == 1 && f100 != 11 || v != 2 && f10 == 1 ? 'one' : 'other';
mas: cp[1],
mg: cp[2],
mgo: cp[1],
mk: function mk(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
i = s[0],
f = s[1] || '',
v0 = !s[1],
i10 = i.slice(-1),
f10 = f.slice(-1);
return v0 && i10 == 1 || f10 == 1 ? 'one' : 'other';
ml: cp[1],
mn: cp[1],
mo: function mo(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
v0 = !s[1],
t0 = Number(s[0]) == n,
n100 = t0 && s[0].slice(-2);
return n == 1 && v0 ? 'one' : !v0 || n == 0 || n != 1 && n100 >= 1 && n100 <= 19 ? 'few' : 'other';
mr: function mr(n) {
return n >= 0 && n <= 1 ? 'one' : 'other';
ms: cp[0],
mt: function mt(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
t0 = Number(s[0]) == n,
n100 = t0 && s[0].slice(-2);
return n == 1 ? 'one' : n == 0 || n100 >= 2 && n100 <= 10 ? 'few' : n100 >= 11 && n100 <= 19 ? 'many' : 'other';
my: cp[0],
nah: cp[1],
naq: function naq(n) {
return n == 1 ? 'one' : n == 2 ? 'two' : 'other';
nb: cp[1],
nd: cp[1],
ne: cp[1],
nl: cp[3],
nn: cp[1],
nnh: cp[1],
no: cp[1],
nqo: cp[0],
nr: cp[1],
nso: cp[2],
ny: cp[1],
nyn: cp[1],
om: cp[1],
or: cp[1],
os: cp[1],
pa: cp[2],
pap: cp[1],
pl: function pl(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
i = s[0],
v0 = !s[1],
i10 = i.slice(-1),
i100 = i.slice(-2);
return n == 1 && v0 ? 'one' : v0 && i10 >= 2 && i10 <= 4 && (i100 < 12 || i100 > 14) ? 'few' : v0 && i != 1 && (i10 == 0 || i10 == 1) || v0 && i10 >= 5 && i10 <= 9 || v0 && i100 >= 12 && i100 <= 14 ? 'many' : 'other';
prg: function prg(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
f = s[1] || '',
v = f.length,
t0 = Number(s[0]) == n,
n10 = t0 && s[0].slice(-1),
n100 = t0 && s[0].slice(-2),
f100 = f.slice(-2),
f10 = f.slice(-1);
return t0 && n10 == 0 || n100 >= 11 && n100 <= 19 || v == 2 && f100 >= 11 && f100 <= 19 ? 'zero' : n10 == 1 && n100 != 11 || v == 2 && f10 == 1 && f100 != 11 || v != 2 && f10 == 1 ? 'one' : 'other';
ps: cp[1],
pt: function pt(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
t0 = Number(s[0]) == n;
return t0 && n >= 0 && n <= 2 && n != 2 ? 'one' : 'other';
"pt-PT": cp[3],
rm: cp[1],
ro: function ro(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
v0 = !s[1],
t0 = Number(s[0]) == n,
n100 = t0 && s[0].slice(-2);
return n == 1 && v0 ? 'one' : !v0 || n == 0 || n != 1 && n100 >= 1 && n100 <= 19 ? 'few' : 'other';
rof: cp[1],
root: cp[0],
ru: function ru(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
i = s[0],
v0 = !s[1],
i10 = i.slice(-1),
i100 = i.slice(-2);
return v0 && i10 == 1 && i100 != 11 ? 'one' : v0 && i10 >= 2 && i10 <= 4 && (i100 < 12 || i100 > 14) ? 'few' : v0 && i10 == 0 || v0 && i10 >= 5 && i10 <= 9 || v0 && i100 >= 11 && i100 <= 14 ? 'many' : 'other';
rwk: cp[1],
sah: cp[0],
saq: cp[1],
sdh: cp[1],
se: function se(n) {
return n == 1 ? 'one' : n == 2 ? 'two' : 'other';
seh: cp[1],
ses: cp[0],
sg: cp[0],
sh: function sh(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
i = s[0],
f = s[1] || '',
v0 = !s[1],
i10 = i.slice(-1),
i100 = i.slice(-2),
f10 = f.slice(-1),
f100 = f.slice(-2);
return v0 && i10 == 1 && i100 != 11 || f10 == 1 && f100 != 11 ? 'one' : v0 && i10 >= 2 && i10 <= 4 && (i100 < 12 || i100 > 14) || f10 >= 2 && f10 <= 4 && (f100 < 12 || f100 > 14) ? 'few' : 'other';
shi: function shi(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
t0 = Number(s[0]) == n;
return n >= 0 && n <= 1 ? 'one' : t0 && n >= 2 && n <= 10 ? 'few' : 'other';
si: function si(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
i = s[0],
f = s[1] || '';
return n == 0 || n == 1 || i == 0 && f == 1 ? 'one' : 'other';
sk: function sk(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
i = s[0],
v0 = !s[1];
return n == 1 && v0 ? 'one' : i >= 2 && i <= 4 && v0 ? 'few' : !v0 ? 'many' : 'other';
sl: function sl(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
i = s[0],
v0 = !s[1],
i100 = i.slice(-2);
return v0 && i100 == 1 ? 'one' : v0 && i100 == 2 ? 'two' : v0 && (i100 == 3 || i100 == 4) || !v0 ? 'few' : 'other';
sma: function sma(n) {
return n == 1 ? 'one' : n == 2 ? 'two' : 'other';
smi: function smi(n) {
return n == 1 ? 'one' : n == 2 ? 'two' : 'other';
smj: function smj(n) {
return n == 1 ? 'one' : n == 2 ? 'two' : 'other';
smn: function smn(n) {
return n == 1 ? 'one' : n == 2 ? 'two' : 'other';
sms: function sms(n) {
return n == 1 ? 'one' : n == 2 ? 'two' : 'other';
sn: cp[1],
so: cp[1],
sq: cp[1],
sr: function sr(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
i = s[0],
f = s[1] || '',
v0 = !s[1],
i10 = i.slice(-1),
i100 = i.slice(-2),
f10 = f.slice(-1),
f100 = f.slice(-2);
return v0 && i10 == 1 && i100 != 11 || f10 == 1 && f100 != 11 ? 'one' : v0 && i10 >= 2 && i10 <= 4 && (i100 < 12 || i100 > 14) || f10 >= 2 && f10 <= 4 && (f100 < 12 || f100 > 14) ? 'few' : 'other';
ss: cp[1],
ssy: cp[1],
st: cp[1],
sv: cp[3],
sw: cp[3],
syr: cp[1],
ta: cp[1],
te: cp[1],
teo: cp[1],
th: cp[0],
ti: cp[2],
tig: cp[1],
tk: cp[1],
tl: function tl(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
i = s[0],
f = s[1] || '',
v0 = !s[1],
i10 = i.slice(-1),
f10 = f.slice(-1);
return v0 && (i == 1 || i == 2 || i == 3) || v0 && i10 != 4 && i10 != 6 && i10 != 9 || !v0 && f10 != 4 && f10 != 6 && f10 != 9 ? 'one' : 'other';
tn: cp[1],
to: cp[0],
tr: cp[1],
ts: cp[1],
tzm: function tzm(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
t0 = Number(s[0]) == n;
return n == 0 || n == 1 || t0 && n >= 11 && n <= 99 ? 'one' : 'other';
ug: cp[1],
uk: function uk(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
i = s[0],
v0 = !s[1],
i10 = i.slice(-1),
i100 = i.slice(-2);
return v0 && i10 == 1 && i100 != 11 ? 'one' : v0 && i10 >= 2 && i10 <= 4 && (i100 < 12 || i100 > 14) ? 'few' : v0 && i10 == 0 || v0 && i10 >= 5 && i10 <= 9 || v0 && i100 >= 11 && i100 <= 14 ? 'many' : 'other';
ur: cp[3],
uz: cp[1],
ve: cp[1],
vi: cp[0],
vo: cp[1],
vun: cp[1],
wa: cp[2],
wae: cp[1],
wo: cp[0],
xh: cp[1],
xog: cp[1],
yi: cp[3],
yo: cp[0],
zh: cp[0],
zu: function zu(n) {
return n >= 0 && n <= 1 ? 'one' : 'other';
ordinal: {
af: cp[0],
am: cp[0],
ar: cp[0],
as: function as(n) {
return n == 1 || n == 5 || n == 7 || n == 8 || n == 9 || n == 10 ? 'one' : n == 2 || n == 3 ? 'two' : n == 4 ? 'few' : n == 6 ? 'many' : 'other';
az: function az(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
i = s[0],
i10 = i.slice(-1),
i100 = i.slice(-2),
i1000 = i.slice(-3);
return i10 == 1 || i10 == 2 || i10 == 5 || i10 == 7 || i10 == 8 || i100 == 20 || i100 == 50 || i100 == 70 || i100 == 80 ? 'one' : i10 == 3 || i10 == 4 || i1000 == 100 || i1000 == 200 || i1000 == 300 || i1000 == 400 || i1000 == 500 || i1000 == 600 || i1000 == 700 || i1000 == 800 || i1000 == 900 ? 'few' : i == 0 || i10 == 6 || i100 == 40 || i100 == 60 || i100 == 90 ? 'many' : 'other';
be: function be(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
t0 = Number(s[0]) == n,
n10 = t0 && s[0].slice(-1),
n100 = t0 && s[0].slice(-2);
return (n10 == 2 || n10 == 3) && n100 != 12 && n100 != 13 ? 'few' : 'other';
bg: cp[0],
bn: function bn(n) {
return n == 1 || n == 5 || n == 7 || n == 8 || n == 9 || n == 10 ? 'one' : n == 2 || n == 3 ? 'two' : n == 4 ? 'few' : n == 6 ? 'many' : 'other';
bs: cp[0],
ca: function ca(n) {
return n == 1 || n == 3 ? 'one' : n == 2 ? 'two' : n == 4 ? 'few' : 'other';
ce: cp[0],
cs: cp[0],
cy: function cy(n) {
return n == 0 || n == 7 || n == 8 || n == 9 ? 'zero' : n == 1 ? 'one' : n == 2 ? 'two' : n == 3 || n == 4 ? 'few' : n == 5 || n == 6 ? 'many' : 'other';
da: cp[0],
de: cp[0],
dsb: cp[0],
el: cp[0],
en: function en(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
t0 = Number(s[0]) == n,
n10 = t0 && s[0].slice(-1),
n100 = t0 && s[0].slice(-2);
return n10 == 1 && n100 != 11 ? 'one' : n10 == 2 && n100 != 12 ? 'two' : n10 == 3 && n100 != 13 ? 'few' : 'other';
es: cp[0],
et: cp[0],
eu: cp[0],
fa: cp[0],
fi: cp[0],
fil: cp[1],
fr: cp[1],
fy: cp[0],
ga: cp[1],
gl: cp[0],
gu: function gu(n) {
return n == 1 ? 'one' : n == 2 || n == 3 ? 'two' : n == 4 ? 'few' : n == 6 ? 'many' : 'other';
he: cp[0],
hi: function hi(n) {
return n == 1 ? 'one' : n == 2 || n == 3 ? 'two' : n == 4 ? 'few' : n == 6 ? 'many' : 'other';
hr: cp[0],
hsb: cp[0],
hu: function hu(n) {
return n == 1 || n == 5 ? 'one' : 'other';
hy: cp[1],
id: cp[0],
in: cp[0],
is: cp[0],
it: function it(n) {
return n == 11 || n == 8 || n == 80 || n == 800 ? 'many' : 'other';
iw: cp[0],
ja: cp[0],
ka: function ka(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
i = s[0],
i100 = i.slice(-2);
return i == 1 ? 'one' : i == 0 || i100 >= 2 && i100 <= 20 || i100 == 40 || i100 == 60 || i100 == 80 ? 'many' : 'other';
kk: function kk(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
t0 = Number(s[0]) == n,
n10 = t0 && s[0].slice(-1);
return n10 == 6 || n10 == 9 || t0 && n10 == 0 && n != 0 ? 'many' : 'other';
km: cp[0],
kn: cp[0],
ko: cp[0],
ky: cp[0],
lo: cp[1],
lt: cp[0],
lv: cp[0],
mk: function mk(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
i = s[0],
i10 = i.slice(-1),
i100 = i.slice(-2);
return i10 == 1 && i100 != 11 ? 'one' : i10 == 2 && i100 != 12 ? 'two' : (i10 == 7 || i10 == 8) && i100 != 17 && i100 != 18 ? 'many' : 'other';
ml: cp[0],
mn: cp[0],
mo: cp[1],
mr: function mr(n) {
return n == 1 ? 'one' : n == 2 || n == 3 ? 'two' : n == 4 ? 'few' : 'other';
ms: cp[1],
my: cp[0],
nb: cp[0],
ne: function ne(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
t0 = Number(s[0]) == n;
return t0 && n >= 1 && n <= 4 ? 'one' : 'other';
nl: cp[0],
pa: cp[0],
pl: cp[0],
prg: cp[0],
pt: cp[0],
ro: cp[1],
root: cp[0],
ru: cp[0],
sh: cp[0],
si: cp[0],
sk: cp[0],
sl: cp[0],
sq: function sq(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
t0 = Number(s[0]) == n,
n10 = t0 && s[0].slice(-1),
n100 = t0 && s[0].slice(-2);
return n == 1 ? 'one' : n10 == 4 && n100 != 14 ? 'many' : 'other';
sr: cp[0],
sv: function sv(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
t0 = Number(s[0]) == n,
n10 = t0 && s[0].slice(-1),
n100 = t0 && s[0].slice(-2);
return (n10 == 1 || n10 == 2) && n100 != 11 && n100 != 12 ? 'one' : 'other';
sw: cp[0],
ta: cp[0],
te: cp[0],
th: cp[0],
tl: cp[1],
tr: cp[0],
uk: function uk(n) {
var s = String(n).split('.'),
t0 = Number(s[0]) == n,
n10 = t0 && s[0].slice(-1),
n100 = t0 && s[0].slice(-2);
return n10 == 3 && n100 != 13 ? 'few' : 'other';
ur: cp[0],
uz: cp[0],
vi: cp[1],
zh: cp[0],
zu: cp[0]
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && _typeof2(Symbol.iterator) === "symbol" ? function (obj) {
return typeof obj === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof2(obj);
} : function (obj) {
return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof2(obj);
var classCallCheck = function classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
var createClass = function () {
function defineProperties(target, props) {
for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
var descriptor = props[i];
descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
descriptor.configurable = true;
if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;
Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
return Constructor;
var get = function get(object, property, receiver) {
if (object === null) object = Function.prototype;
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, property);
if (desc === undefined) {
var parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(object);
if (parent === null) {
return undefined;
} else {
return get(parent, property, receiver);
} else if ("value" in desc) {
return desc.value;
} else {
var getter = desc.get;
if (getter === undefined) {
return undefined;
var inherits = function inherits(subClass, superClass) {
if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) {
throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + (typeof superClass === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof2(superClass)));
subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: subClass,
enumerable: false,
writable: true,
configurable: true
if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass;
var possibleConstructorReturn = function possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) {
if (!self) {
throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");
return call && ((typeof call === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof2(call)) === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self;
var slicedToArray = function () {
function sliceIterator(arr, i) {
var _arr = [];
var _n = true;
var _d = false;
var _e = undefined;
try {
for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) {
if (i && _arr.length === i) break;
} catch (err) {
_d = true;
_e = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_n && _i["return"]) _i["return"]();
} finally {
if (_d) throw _e;
return _arr;
return function (arr, i) {
if (Array.isArray(arr)) {
return arr;
} else if (Symbol.iterator in Object(arr)) {
return sliceIterator(arr, i);
} else {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance");
var toConsumableArray = function toConsumableArray(arr) {
if (Array.isArray(arr)) {
for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) {
arr2[i] = arr[i];
}return arr2;
} else {
return Array.from(arr);
function isStructurallyValidLanguageTag(locale) {
return locale.split('-').every(function (subtag) {
return (/[a-z0-9]+/i.test(subtag)
function canonicalizeLocaleList(locales) {
if (!locales) return [];
if (!Array.isArray(locales)) locales = [locales];
return (tag) {
switch (typeof tag === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(tag)) {
case 'string':
case 'object':
tag = tag.toString();break;
throw new TypeError('Locales should be strings, ' + JSON.stringify(tag) + " isn't.");
if (!isStructurallyValidLanguageTag(tag)) {
throw new RangeError('The locale ' + JSON.stringify(tag) + ' is not a structurally valid BCP 47 language tag.');
return tag;
}).reduce(function (seen, tag) {
if (seen.indexOf(tag) < 0) seen.push(tag);
return seen;
}, []);
function defaultLocale() {
return typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.navigator && (window.navigator.userLanguage || window.navigator.language) || 'en-US';
function findLocale(locales, locale) {
do {
if (locales[locale]) return locale;
locale = locale.replace(/-?[^-]*$/, '');
} while (locale);
return null;
function resolveLocale(availableLocales, requestedLocales) {
var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
var _didIteratorError = false;
var _iteratorError = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator = requestedLocales[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
var locale = _step.value;
var availableLocale = findLocale(availableLocales, locale);
if (availableLocale) return availableLocale;
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError = true;
_iteratorError = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError) {
throw _iteratorError;
return findLocale(availableLocales, defaultLocale());
function getStyle(_ref) {
var style =;
if (!style) return 'cardinal';
if (['cardinal', 'ordinal'].indexOf(style) < 0) {
throw new RangeError('Not a valid plural syle: ' + JSON.stringify(style));
return style;
var PluralRules = function () {
function PluralRules(locales) {
var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
classCallCheck(this, PluralRules);
var requestedLocales = canonicalizeLocaleList(locales); = getStyle(options);
this.locale = resolveLocale(pluralData[], requestedLocales); = pluralData[][this.locale];
createClass(PluralRules, [{
key: 'resolvedOptions',
value: function resolvedOptions() {
return { locale: this.locale, style: };
}], [{
key: 'supportedLocalesOf',
value: function supportedLocalesOf(locales) {
var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
var requestedLocales = canonicalizeLocaleList(locales);
var style = getStyle(options);
return requestedLocales.filter(function (locale) {
return findLocale(pluralData[style], locale);
return PluralRules;
if (typeof Intl === 'undefined') {
if (typeof global !== 'undefined') {
global.Intl = { PluralRules: PluralRules };
} else if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
window.Intl = { PluralRules: PluralRules };
} else {
this.Intl = { PluralRules: PluralRules };
} else if (!Intl.PluralRules || typeof ClobberIntlPluralRules !== 'undefined' && ClobberIntlPluralRules) {
Intl.PluralRules = PluralRules;
} else if (typeof console !== 'undefined') {
console.warn('Intl.PluralRules already exists, and has NOT been replaced by this polyfill');
console.log('To force, set a global ClobberIntlPluralRules = true');
if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.languages === undefined) {
navigator.languages = [navigator.language];
if (typeof Intl === 'undefined') {
window.Intl = {};
var RuntimeParser = function () {
function RuntimeParser() {
classCallCheck(this, RuntimeParser);
createClass(RuntimeParser, [{
key: 'getResource',
value: function getResource(string) {
this._source = string;
this._index = 0;
this._length = string.length;
var entries = {};
var errors = [];
while (this._index < this._length) {
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof SyntaxError) {
var nextEntity = this._findNextEntryStart();
this._index = nextEntity === -1 ? this._length : nextEntity;
} else {
throw e;
return [entries, errors];
}, {
key: 'getEntry',
value: function getEntry(entries) {
if (this._index !== 0 && this._source[this._index - 1] !== '\n') {
throw this.error('Expected new line and a new entry');
var ch = this._source[this._index];
if (ch === '/') {
if (ch === '[') {
if (ch !== '\n') {
}, {
key: 'getSection',
value: function getSection() {
this._index += 1;
if (this._source[this._index] !== '[') {
throw this.error('Expected "[[" to open a section');
this._index += 1;
if (this._source[this._index] !== ']' || this._source[this._index + 1] !== ']') {
throw this.error('Expected "]]" to close a section');
this._index += 2;
return undefined;
}, {
key: 'getMessage',
value: function getMessage(entries) {
var id = this.getIdentifier();
var attrs = null;
var tags = null;
var ch = this._source[this._index];
var val = void 0;
if (ch === '=') {
val = this.getPattern();
} else {
ch = this._source[this._index];
if (ch === '\n') {
ch = this._source[this._index];
if (ch === '.') {
attrs = this.getAttributes();
if (ch === '#') {
if (attrs !== null) {
throw this.error('Tags cannot be added to a message with attributes.');
tags = this.getTags();
if (tags === null && attrs === null && typeof val === 'string') {
entries[id] = val;
} else {
if (val === undefined) {
if (tags === null && attrs === null) {
throw this.error('Expected a value (like: " = value") or\n an attribute (like: ".key = value")');
entries[id] = { val: val };
if (attrs) {
entries[id].attrs = attrs;
if (tags) {
entries[id].tags = tags;
}, {
key: 'getWS',
value: function getWS() {
var cc = this._source.charCodeAt(this._index);
while (cc === 32 || cc === 10 || cc === 9 || cc === 13) {
cc = this._source.charCodeAt(++this._index);
}, {
key: 'getLineWS',
value: function getLineWS() {
var cc = this._source.charCodeAt(this._index);
while (cc === 32 || cc === 9) {
cc = this._source.charCodeAt(++this._index);
}, {
key: 'getIdentifier',
value: function getIdentifier() {
var start = this._index;
var cc = this._source.charCodeAt(this._index);
if (cc >= 97 && cc <= 122 || cc >= 65 && cc <= 90 || cc === 95) {
cc = this._source.charCodeAt(++this._index);
} else {
throw this.error('Expected an identifier (starting with [a-zA-Z_])');
while (cc >= 97 && cc <= 122 || cc >= 65 && cc <= 90 || cc >= 48 && cc <= 57 || cc === 95 || cc === 45) {
cc = this._source.charCodeAt(++this._index);
return this._source.slice(start, this._index);
}, {
key: 'getSymbol',
value: function getSymbol() {
var name = '';
var start = this._index;
var cc = this._source.charCodeAt(this._index);
if (cc >= 97 && cc <= 122 || cc >= 65 && cc <= 90 || cc === 95 || cc === 32) {
cc = this._source.charCodeAt(++this._index);
} else if (name.length === 0) {
throw this.error('Expected a keyword (starting with [a-zA-Z_])');
while (cc >= 97 && cc <= 122 || cc >= 65 && cc <= 90 || cc >= 48 && cc <= 57 || cc === 95 || cc === 45 || cc === 32) {
cc = this._source.charCodeAt(++this._index);
while (this._source.charCodeAt(this._index - 1) === 32) {
name += this._source.slice(start, this._index);
return { type: 'sym', name: name };
}, {
key: 'getString',
value: function getString() {
var value = '';
while (++this._index < this._length) {
var ch = this._source[this._index];
if (ch === '"') {
if (ch === '\n') {
value += ch;
return value;
}, {
key: 'getPattern',
value: function getPattern() {
var start = this._index;
var eol = this._source.indexOf('\n', this._index);
if (eol === -1) {
eol = this._length;
var line = start !== eol ? this._source.slice(start, eol) : undefined;
if (line !== undefined && line.includes('{')) {
return this.getComplexPattern();
this._index = eol + 1;
if (this._source[this._index] === ' ') {
this._index = start;
return this.getComplexPattern();
return line;
}, {
key: 'getComplexPattern',
value: function getComplexPattern() {
var buffer = '';
var content = [];
var placeables = 0;
var ch = this._source[this._index];
if (ch === '\\' && (this._source[this._index + 1] === '"' || this._source[this._index + 1] === '{' || this._source[this._index + 1] === '\\')) {
buffer += this._source[this._index + 1];
this._index += 2;
ch = this._source[this._index];
while (this._index < this._length) {
if (ch === '\n') {
if (this._source[this._index] !== ' ') {
if (this._source[this._index] === '}' || this._source[this._index] === '[' || this._source[this._index] === '*' || this._source[this._index] === '#' || this._source[this._index] === '.') {
if (buffer.length) {
buffer += '\n';
ch = this._source[this._index];
} else if (ch === '\\') {
var ch2 = this._source[this._index + 1];
if (ch2 === '"' || ch2 === '{') {
ch = ch2;
} else if (ch === '{') {
if (buffer.length) {
if (placeables > MAX_PLACEABLES - 1) {
throw this.error('Too many placeables, maximum allowed is ' + MAX_PLACEABLES);
buffer = '';
ch = this._source[this._index];
if (ch) {
buffer += ch;
ch = this._source[this._index];
if (content.length === 0) {
return buffer.length ? buffer : undefined;
if (buffer.length) {
return content;
}, {
key: 'getPlaceable',
value: function getPlaceable() {
var start = ++this._index;
if (this._source[this._index] === '*' || this._source[this._index] === '[' && this._source[this._index + 1] !== ']') {
var _variants = this.getVariants();
return {
type: 'sel',
exp: null,
vars: _variants[0],
def: _variants[1]
this._index = start;
var selector = this.getSelectorExpression();
var variants = void 0;
var ch = this._source[this._index];
if (ch !== '}') {
if (ch !== '-' || this._source[this._index + 1] !== '>') {
throw this.error('Expected "}", "," or "->"');
this._index += 2;
if (this._source[this._index] !== '\n') {
throw this.error('Variants should be listed in a new line');
variants = this.getVariants();
if (variants[0].length === 0) {
throw this.error('Expected members for the select expression');
if (variants === undefined) {
return selector;
return {
type: 'sel',
exp: selector,
vars: variants[0],
def: variants[1]
}, {
key: 'getSelectorExpression',
value: function getSelectorExpression() {
var literal = this.getLiteral();
if (literal.type !== 'ref') {
return literal;
if (this._source[this._index] === '.') {
var name = this.getIdentifier();
return {
type: 'attr',
id: literal,
name: name
if (this._source[this._index] === '[') {
var key = this.getVariantKey();
return {
type: 'var',
id: literal,
key: key
if (this._source[this._index] === '(') {
var args = this.getCallArgs();
literal.type = 'fun';
return {
type: 'call',
fun: literal,
args: args
return literal;
}, {
key: 'getCallArgs',
value: function getCallArgs() {
var args = [];
if (this._source[this._index] === ')') {
return args;
while (this._index < this._length) {
var exp = this.getSelectorExpression();
if (exp.type !== 'ref' || exp.namespace !== undefined) {
} else {
if (this._source[this._index] === ':') {
var val = this.getSelectorExpression();
if (typeof val === 'string' || Array.isArray(val) || val.type === 'num') {
type: 'narg',
val: val
} else {
this._index = this._source.lastIndexOf(':', this._index) + 1;
throw this.error('Expected string in quotes, number.');
} else {
if (this._source[this._index] === ')') {
} else if (this._source[this._index] === ',') {
} else {
throw this.error('Expected "," or ")"');
return args;
}, {
key: 'getNumber',
value: function getNumber() {
var num = '';
var cc = this._source.charCodeAt(this._index);
if (cc === 45) {
num += '-';
cc = this._source.charCodeAt(++this._index);
if (cc < 48 || cc > 57) {
throw this.error('Unknown literal "' + num + '"');
while (cc >= 48 && cc <= 57) {
num += this._source[this._index++];
cc = this._source.charCodeAt(this._index);
if (cc === 46) {
num += this._source[this._index++];
cc = this._source.charCodeAt(this._index);
if (cc < 48 || cc > 57) {
throw this.error('Unknown literal "' + num + '"');
while (cc >= 48 && cc <= 57) {
num += this._source[this._index++];
cc = this._source.charCodeAt(this._index);
return {
type: 'num',
val: num
}, {
key: 'getAttributes',
value: function getAttributes() {
var attrs = {};
while (this._index < this._length) {
var ch = this._source[this._index];
if (ch !== '.') {
var key = this.getIdentifier();
var val = this.getPattern();
if (typeof val === 'string') {
attrs[key] = val;
} else {
attrs[key] = {
val: val
return attrs;
}, {
key: 'getTags',
value: function getTags() {
var tags = [];
while (this._index < this._length) {
var ch = this._source[this._index];
if (ch !== '#') {
var symbol = this.getSymbol();
return tags;
}, {
key: 'getVariants',
value: function getVariants() {
var variants = [];
var index = 0;
var defaultIndex = void 0;
while (this._index < this._length) {
var ch = this._source[this._index];
if ((ch !== '[' || this._source[this._index + 1] === '[') && ch !== '*') {
if (ch === '*') {
defaultIndex = index;
if (this._source[this._index] !== '[') {
throw this.error('Expected "["');
var key = this.getVariantKey();
var variant = {
key: key,
val: this.getPattern()
variants[index++] = variant;
return [variants, defaultIndex];
}, {
key: 'getVariantKey',
value: function getVariantKey() {
var cc = this._source.charCodeAt(this._index);
var literal = void 0;
if (cc >= 48 && cc <= 57 || cc === 45) {
literal = this.getNumber();
} else {
literal = this.getSymbol();
if (this._source[this._index] !== ']') {
throw this.error('Expected "]"');
return literal;
}, {
key: 'getLiteral',
value: function getLiteral() {
var cc = this._source.charCodeAt(this._index);
if (cc >= 48 && cc <= 57 || cc === 45) {
return this.getNumber();
} else if (cc === 34) {
return this.getString();
} else if (cc === 36) {
return {
type: 'ext',
name: this.getIdentifier()
return {
type: 'ref',
name: this.getIdentifier()
}, {
key: 'getComment',
value: function getComment() {
var eol = this._source.indexOf('\n', this._index);
while (eol !== -1 && this._source[eol + 1] === '/' && this._source[eol + 2] === '/') {
this._index = eol + 3;
eol = this._source.indexOf('\n', this._index);
if (eol === -1) {
if (eol === -1) {
this._index = this._length;
} else {
this._index = eol + 1;
}, {
key: 'error',
value: function error(message) {
return new SyntaxError(message);
}, {
key: '_findNextEntryStart',
value: function _findNextEntryStart() {
var start = this._index;
while (true) {
if (start === 0 || this._source[start - 1] === '\n') {
var cc = this._source.charCodeAt(start);
if (cc >= 97 && cc <= 122 || cc >= 65 && cc <= 90 || cc === 95 || cc === 47 || cc === 91) {
start = this._source.indexOf('\n', start);
if (start === -1) {
return start;
return RuntimeParser;
function parse(string) {
var parser = new RuntimeParser();
return parser.getResource(string);
var FluentType = function () {
function FluentType(value, opts) {
classCallCheck(this, FluentType);
this.value = value;
this.opts = opts;
createClass(FluentType, [{
key: 'valueOf',
value: function valueOf() {
throw new Error('Subclasses of FluentType must implement valueOf.');
return FluentType;
var FluentNone = function (_FluentType) {
inherits(FluentNone, _FluentType);
function FluentNone() {
classCallCheck(this, FluentNone);
return possibleConstructorReturn(this, (FluentNone.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(FluentNone)).apply(this, arguments));
createClass(FluentNone, [{
key: 'valueOf',
value: function valueOf() {
return this.value || '???';
return FluentNone;
var FluentNumber = function (_FluentType2) {
inherits(FluentNumber, _FluentType2);
function FluentNumber(value, opts) {
classCallCheck(this, FluentNumber);
return possibleConstructorReturn(this, (FluentNumber.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(FluentNumber)).call(this, parseFloat(value), opts));
createClass(FluentNumber, [{
key: 'valueOf',
value: function valueOf(ctx) {
var nf = ctx._memoizeIntlObject(Intl.NumberFormat, this.opts);
return nf.format(this.value);
}, {
key: 'match',
value: function match(ctx, other) {
if (other instanceof FluentNumber) {
return this.value === other.value;
return false;
return FluentNumber;
var FluentDateTime = function (_FluentType3) {
inherits(FluentDateTime, _FluentType3);
function FluentDateTime(value, opts) {
classCallCheck(this, FluentDateTime);
return possibleConstructorReturn(this, (FluentDateTime.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(FluentDateTime)).call(this, new Date(value), opts));
createClass(FluentDateTime, [{
key: 'valueOf',
value: function valueOf(ctx) {
var dtf = ctx._memoizeIntlObject(Intl.DateTimeFormat, this.opts);
return dtf.format(this.value);
return FluentDateTime;
var FluentSymbol = function (_FluentType4) {
inherits(FluentSymbol, _FluentType4);
function FluentSymbol() {
classCallCheck(this, FluentSymbol);
return possibleConstructorReturn(this, (FluentSymbol.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(FluentSymbol)).apply(this, arguments));
createClass(FluentSymbol, [{
key: 'valueOf',
value: function valueOf() {
return this.value;
}, {
key: 'match',
value: function match(ctx, other) {
if (other instanceof FluentSymbol) {
return this.value === other.value;
} else if (typeof other === 'string') {
return this.value === other;
} else if (other instanceof FluentNumber) {
var pr = ctx._memoizeIntlObject(Intl.PluralRules, other.opts);
return this.value ===;
} else if (Array.isArray(other)) {
var values = (symbol) {
return symbol.value;
return values.includes(this.value);
return false;
return FluentSymbol;
var builtins = {
'NUMBER': function NUMBER(_ref, opts) {
var _ref2 = slicedToArray(_ref, 1),
arg = _ref2[0];
return new FluentNumber(arg.value, merge(arg.opts, opts));
'DATETIME': function DATETIME(_ref3, opts) {
var _ref4 = slicedToArray(_ref3, 1),
arg = _ref4[0];
return new FluentDateTime(arg.value, merge(arg.opts, opts));
function merge(argopts, opts) {
return Object.assign({}, argopts, values(opts));
function values(opts) {
var unwrapped = {};
var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
var _didIteratorError = false;
var _iteratorError = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator = Object.keys(opts)[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
var name = _step.value;
unwrapped[name] = opts[name].value;
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError = true;
_iteratorError = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError) {
throw _iteratorError;
return unwrapped;
var FSI = '\u2068';
var PDI = '\u2069';
function PlaceableLength(env, parts) {
var ctx = env.ctx;
return parts.reduce(function (sum, part) {
return sum + part.valueOf(ctx).length;
}, 0);
function DefaultMember(env, members, def) {
if (members[def]) {
return members[def];
var errors = env.errors;
errors.push(new RangeError('No default'));
return new FluentNone();
function MessageReference(env, _ref) {
var name =;
var ctx = env.ctx,
errors = env.errors;
var message = ctx.messages.get(name);
if (!message) {
errors.push(new ReferenceError('Unknown message: ' + name));
return new FluentNone(name);
return message;
function Tags(env, _ref2) {
var name =;
var ctx = env.ctx,
errors = env.errors;
var message = ctx.messages.get(name);
if (!message) {
errors.push(new ReferenceError('Unknown message: ' + name));
return new FluentNone(name);
if (!message.tags) {
errors.push(new RangeError('No tags in message "' + name + '"'));
return new FluentNone(name);
return (tag) {
return new FluentSymbol(tag);
function VariantExpression(env, _ref3) {
var id =,
key = _ref3.key;
var message = MessageReference(env, id);
if (message instanceof FluentNone) {
return message;
var ctx = env.ctx,
errors = env.errors;
var keyword = Type(env, key);
function isVariantList(node) {
return Array.isArray(node) && node[0].type === 'sel' && node[0].exp === null;
if (isVariantList(message.val)) {
var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
var _didIteratorError = false;
var _iteratorError = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator = message.val[0].vars[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
var variant = _step.value;
var variantKey = Type(env, variant.key);
if (keyword.match(ctx, variantKey)) {
return variant;
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError = true;
_iteratorError = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError) {
throw _iteratorError;
errors.push(new ReferenceError('Unknown variant: ' + keyword.valueOf(ctx)));
return Type(env, message);
function AttributeExpression(env, _ref4) {
var id =,
name =;
var message = MessageReference(env, id);
if (message instanceof FluentNone) {
return message;
if (message.attrs) {
for (var attrName in message.attrs) {
if (name === attrName) {
return message.attrs[name];
var errors = env.errors;
errors.push(new ReferenceError('Unknown attribute: ' + name));
return Type(env, message);
function SelectExpression(env, _ref5) {
var exp = _ref5.exp,
vars = _ref5.vars,
def = _ref5.def;
if (exp === null) {
return DefaultMember(env, vars, def);
var selector = exp.type === 'ref' ? Tags(env, exp) : Type(env, exp);
if (selector instanceof FluentNone) {
return DefaultMember(env, vars, def);
var _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true;
var _didIteratorError2 = false;
var _iteratorError2 = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator2 = vars[Symbol.iterator](), _step2; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion2 = (_step2 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true) {
var variant = _step2.value;
var key = Type(env, variant.key);
var keyCanMatch = key instanceof FluentNumber || key instanceof FluentSymbol;
if (!keyCanMatch) {
var ctx = env.ctx;
if (key.match(ctx, selector)) {
return variant;
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError2 = true;
_iteratorError2 = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion2 && _iterator2.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError2) {
throw _iteratorError2;
return DefaultMember(env, vars, def);
function Type(env, expr) {
if (typeof expr === 'string' || expr instanceof FluentNone) {
return expr;
if (Array.isArray(expr)) {
return Pattern(env, expr);
switch (expr.type) {
case 'sym':
return new FluentSymbol(;
case 'num':
return new FluentNumber(expr.val);
case 'ext':
return ExternalArgument(env, expr);
case 'fun':
return FunctionReference(env, expr);
case 'call':
return CallExpression(env, expr);
case 'ref':
var message = MessageReference(env, expr);
return Type(env, message);
case 'attr':
var attr = AttributeExpression(env, expr);
return Type(env, attr);
case 'var':
var variant = VariantExpression(env, expr);
return Type(env, variant);
case 'sel':
var member = SelectExpression(env, expr);
return Type(env, member);
case undefined:
if (expr.val !== undefined) {
return Type(env, expr.val);
var errors = env.errors;
errors.push(new RangeError('No value'));
return new FluentNone();
return new FluentNone();
function ExternalArgument(env, _ref6) {
var name =;
var args = env.args,
errors = env.errors;
if (!args || !args.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
errors.push(new ReferenceError('Unknown external: ' + name));
return new FluentNone(name);
var arg = args[name];
if (arg instanceof FluentType) {
return arg;
switch (typeof arg === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(arg)) {
case 'string':
return arg;
case 'number':
return new FluentNumber(arg);
case 'object':
if (arg instanceof Date) {
return new FluentDateTime(arg);
errors.push(new TypeError('Unsupported external type: ' + name + ', ' + (typeof arg === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(arg))));
return new FluentNone(name);
function FunctionReference(env, _ref7) {
var name =;
var functions = env.ctx.functions,
errors = env.errors;
var func = functions[name] || builtins[name];
if (!func) {
errors.push(new ReferenceError('Unknown function: ' + name + '()'));
return new FluentNone(name + '()');
if (typeof func !== 'function') {
errors.push(new TypeError('Function ' + name + '() is not callable'));
return new FluentNone(name + '()');
return func;
function CallExpression(env, _ref8) {
var fun =,
args = _ref8.args;
var callee = FunctionReference(env, fun);
if (callee instanceof FluentNone) {
return callee;
var posargs = [];
var keyargs = [];
var _iteratorNormalCompletion3 = true;
var _didIteratorError3 = false;
var _iteratorError3 = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator3 = args[Symbol.iterator](), _step3; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion3 = (_step3 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion3 = true) {
var arg = _step3.value;
if (arg.type === 'narg') {
keyargs[] = Type(env, arg.val);
} else {
posargs.push(Type(env, arg));
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError3 = true;
_iteratorError3 = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion3 && _iterator3.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError3) {
throw _iteratorError3;
return callee(posargs, keyargs);
function Pattern(env, ptn) {
var ctx = env.ctx,
dirty = env.dirty,
errors = env.errors;
if (dirty.has(ptn)) {
errors.push(new RangeError('Cyclic reference'));
return new FluentNone();
var result = [];
var _iteratorNormalCompletion4 = true;
var _didIteratorError4 = false;
var _iteratorError4 = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator4 = ptn[Symbol.iterator](), _step4; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion4 = (_step4 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion4 = true) {
var elem = _step4.value;
if (typeof elem === 'string') {
var part = Type(env, elem);
if (ctx.useIsolating) {
if (Array.isArray(part)) {
var len = PlaceableLength(env, part);
errors.push(new RangeError('Too many characters in placeable ' + ('(' + len + ', max allowed is ' + MAX_PLACEABLE_LENGTH + ')')));
result.push(new FluentNone());
} else {
result.push.apply(result, toConsumableArray(part));
} else {
if (ctx.useIsolating) {
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError4 = true;
_iteratorError4 = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion4 && _iterator4.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError4) {
throw _iteratorError4;
return result;
function resolve(ctx, args, message) {
var errors = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : [];
var env = {
ctx: ctx, args: args, errors: errors, dirty: new WeakSet()
return Type(env, message);
var MessageContext = function () {
function MessageContext(locales) {
var _ref = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {},
_ref$functions = _ref.functions,
functions = _ref$functions === undefined ? {} : _ref$functions,
_ref$useIsolating = _ref.useIsolating,
useIsolating = _ref$useIsolating === undefined ? true : _ref$useIsolating;
classCallCheck(this, MessageContext);
this.locales = Array.isArray(locales) ? locales : [locales];
this.functions = functions;
this.useIsolating = useIsolating;
this.messages = new Map();
this.intls = new WeakMap();
createClass(MessageContext, [{
key: 'addMessages',
value: function addMessages(source) {
var _parse = parse(source),
_parse2 = slicedToArray(_parse, 2),
entries = _parse2[0],
errors = _parse2[1];
for (var id in entries) {
this.messages.set(id, entries[id]);
return errors;
}, {
key: 'formatToParts',
value: function formatToParts(message, args, errors) {
if (typeof message === 'string') {
return [message];
if (typeof message.val === 'string') {
return [message.val];
if (message.val === undefined) {
return null;
var result = resolve(this, args, message, errors);
return result instanceof FluentNone ? null : result;
}, {
key: 'format',
value: function format(message, args, errors) {
var _this = this;
if (typeof message === 'string') {
return message;
if (typeof message.val === 'string') {
return message.val;
if (message.val === undefined) {
return null;
var result = resolve(this, args, message, errors);
if (result instanceof FluentNone) {
return null;
return (part) {
return part.valueOf(_this);
}, {
key: '_memoizeIntlObject',
value: function _memoizeIntlObject(ctor, opts) {
var cache = this.intls.get(ctor) || {};
var id = JSON.stringify(opts);
if (!cache[id]) {
cache[id] = new ctor(this.locales, opts);
this.intls.set(ctor, cache);
return cache[id];
return MessageContext;
var likelySubtagsMin = {
'ar': 'ar-arab-eg',
'az-arab': 'az-arab-ir',
'az-ir': 'az-arab-ir',
'be': 'be-cyrl-by',
'da': 'da-latn-dk',
'el': 'el-grek-gr',
'en': 'en-latn-us',
'fa': 'fa-arab-ir',
'ja': 'ja-jpan-jp',
'ko': 'ko-kore-kr',
'pt': 'pt-latn-br',
'sr': 'sr-cyrl-rs',
'sr-ru': 'sr-latn-ru',
'sv': 'sv-latn-se',
'ta': 'ta-taml-in',
'uk': 'uk-cyrl-ua',
'zh': 'zh-hans-cn',
'zh-gb': 'zh-hant-gb',
'zh-us': 'zh-hant-us'
var regionMatchingLangs = ['az', 'bg', 'cs', 'de', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'hu', 'it', 'lt', 'lv', 'nl', 'pl', 'ro', 'ru'];
function getLikelySubtagsMin(loc) {
if (likelySubtagsMin.hasOwnProperty(loc)) {
return new Locale(likelySubtagsMin[loc]);
var locale = new Locale(loc);
if (regionMatchingLangs.includes(locale.language)) {
locale.region = locale.language;
locale.string = locale.language + '-' + locale.region;
return locale;
return null;
var languageCodeRe = '([a-z]{2,3}|\\*)';
var scriptCodeRe = '(?:-([a-z]{4}|\\*))';
var regionCodeRe = '(?:-([a-z]{2}|\\*))';
var variantCodeRe = '(?:-([a-z]{3}|\\*))';
var localeRe = new RegExp('^' + languageCodeRe + scriptCodeRe + '?' + regionCodeRe + '?' + variantCodeRe + '?$', 'i');
var localeParts = ['language', 'script', 'region', 'variant'];
var Locale = function () {
function Locale(locale) {
var range = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;
classCallCheck(this, Locale);
var result = localeRe.exec(locale.replace(/_/g, '-'));
if (!result) {
var missing = range ? '*' : undefined;
var language = result[1] || missing;
var script = result[2] || missing;
var region = result[3] || missing;
var variant = result[4] || missing;
this.language = language;
this.script = script;
this.region = region;
this.variant = variant;
this.string = locale;
createClass(Locale, [{
key: 'isEqual',
value: function isEqual(locale) {
var _this = this;
return localeParts.every(function (part) {
return _this[part] === locale[part];
}, {
key: 'matches',
value: function matches(locale) {
var _this2 = this;
return localeParts.every(function (part) {
return _this2[part] === '*' || locale[part] === '*' || _this2[part] === undefined && locale[part] === undefined || _this2[part] !== undefined && locale[part] !== undefined && _this2[part].toLowerCase() === locale[part].toLowerCase();
}, {
key: 'setVariantRange',
value: function setVariantRange() {
this.variant = '*';
}, {
key: 'setRegionRange',
value: function setRegionRange() {
this.region = '*';
}, {
key: 'addLikelySubtags',
value: function addLikelySubtags() {
var _this3 = this;
var newLocale = getLikelySubtagsMin(this.string.toLowerCase());
if (newLocale) {
localeParts.forEach(function (part) {
return _this3[part] = newLocale[part];
this.string = newLocale.string;
return true;
return false;
return Locale;
function filterMatches(requestedLocales, availableLocales, strategy) {
var supportedLocales = new Set();
var availLocales = new Set( (locale) {
return new Locale(locale, true);
var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
var _didIteratorError = false;
var _iteratorError = undefined;
try {
outer: for (var _iterator = requestedLocales[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
var reqLocStr = _step.value;
var reqLocStrLC = reqLocStr.toLowerCase();
var requestedLocale = new Locale(reqLocStrLC);
if (requestedLocale.language === undefined) {
var _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true;
var _didIteratorError2 = false;
var _iteratorError2 = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator2 = availableLocales[Symbol.iterator](), _step2; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion2 = (_step2 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true) {
var _availableLocale = _step2.value;
if (reqLocStrLC === _availableLocale.toLowerCase()) {
var _iteratorNormalCompletion7 = true;
var _didIteratorError7 = false;
var _iteratorError7 = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator7 = availLocales[Symbol.iterator](), _step7; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion7 = (_step7 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion7 = true) {
var loc = _step7.value;
if (loc.isEqual(requestedLocale)) {
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError7 = true;
_iteratorError7 = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion7 && _iterator7.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError7) {
throw _iteratorError7;
if (strategy === 'lookup') {
return Array.from(supportedLocales);
} else if (strategy === 'matching') {
continue outer;
} else {
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError2 = true;
_iteratorError2 = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion2 && _iterator2.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError2) {
throw _iteratorError2;
var _iteratorNormalCompletion3 = true;
var _didIteratorError3 = false;
var _iteratorError3 = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator3 = availLocales[Symbol.iterator](), _step3; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion3 = (_step3 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion3 = true) {
var _availableLocale2 = _step3.value;
if (requestedLocale.matches(_availableLocale2)) {
if (strategy === 'lookup') {
return Array.from(supportedLocales);
} else if (strategy === 'matching') {
continue outer;
} else {
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError3 = true;
_iteratorError3 = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion3 && _iterator3.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError3) {
throw _iteratorError3;
if (requestedLocale.addLikelySubtags()) {
var _iteratorNormalCompletion4 = true;
var _didIteratorError4 = false;
var _iteratorError4 = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator4 = availLocales[Symbol.iterator](), _step4; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion4 = (_step4 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion4 = true) {
var availableLocale = _step4.value;
if (requestedLocale.matches(availableLocale)) {
if (strategy === 'lookup') {
return Array.from(supportedLocales);
} else if (strategy === 'matching') {
continue outer;
} else {
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError4 = true;
_iteratorError4 = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion4 && _iterator4.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError4) {
throw _iteratorError4;
var _iteratorNormalCompletion5 = true;
var _didIteratorError5 = false;
var _iteratorError5 = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator5 = availLocales[Symbol.iterator](), _step5; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion5 = (_step5 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion5 = true) {
var _availableLocale3 = _step5.value;
if (requestedLocale.matches(_availableLocale3)) {
if (strategy === 'lookup') {
return Array.from(supportedLocales);
} else if (strategy === 'matching') {
continue outer;
} else {
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError5 = true;
_iteratorError5 = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion5 && _iterator5.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError5) {
throw _iteratorError5;
var _iteratorNormalCompletion6 = true;
var _didIteratorError6 = false;
var _iteratorError6 = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator6 = availLocales[Symbol.iterator](), _step6; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion6 = (_step6 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion6 = true) {
var _availableLocale4 = _step6.value;
if (requestedLocale.matches(_availableLocale4)) {
if (strategy === 'lookup') {
return Array.from(supportedLocales);
} else if (strategy === 'matching') {
continue outer;
} else {
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError6 = true;
_iteratorError6 = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion6 && _iterator6.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError6) {
throw _iteratorError6;
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError = true;
_iteratorError = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError) {
throw _iteratorError;
return Array.from(supportedLocales);
function GetOption(options, property, type, values, fallback) {
var value = options[property];
if (value !== undefined) {
if (type === 'boolean') {
value = new Boolean(value);
} else if (type === 'string') {
value = String(value);
if (values !== undefined && values.indexOf(value) === -1) {
throw new Error('Invalid option value');
return value;
return fallback;
function negotiateLanguages(requestedLocales, availableLocales) {
var options = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};
var defaultLocale = GetOption(options, 'defaultLocale', 'string');
var likelySubtags = GetOption(options, 'likelySubtags', 'object', undefined);
var strategy = GetOption(options, 'strategy', 'string', ['filtering', 'matching', 'lookup'], 'filtering');
if (strategy === 'lookup' && !defaultLocale) {
throw new Error('defaultLocale cannot be undefined for strategy `lookup`');
var resolvedReqLoc = Array.from(Object(requestedLocales)).map(function (loc) {
return String(loc);
var resolvedAvailLoc = Array.from(Object(availableLocales)).map(function (loc) {
return String(loc);
var supportedLocales = filterMatches(resolvedReqLoc, resolvedAvailLoc, strategy, likelySubtags);
if (strategy === 'lookup') {
if (supportedLocales.length === 0) {
} else if (defaultLocale && !supportedLocales.includes(defaultLocale)) {
return supportedLocales;
function _extendableBuiltin(cls) {
function ExtendableBuiltin() {
var instance = Reflect.construct(cls, Array.from(arguments));
Object.setPrototypeOf(instance, Object.getPrototypeOf(this));
return instance;
ExtendableBuiltin.prototype = Object.create(cls.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: cls,
enumerable: false,
writable: true,
configurable: true
if (Object.setPrototypeOf) {
Object.setPrototypeOf(ExtendableBuiltin, cls);
} else {
ExtendableBuiltin.__proto__ = cls;
return ExtendableBuiltin;
var L10nError = function (_extendableBuiltin2) {
inherits(L10nError, _extendableBuiltin2);
function L10nError(message, id, lang) {
classCallCheck(this, L10nError);
var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this, (L10nError.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(L10nError)).call(this)); = 'L10nError';
_this.message = message; = id;
_this.lang = lang;
return _this;
return L10nError;
var properties = new WeakMap();
var contexts = new WeakMap();
var Localization = function () {
function Localization(requestBundles, createContext) {
classCallCheck(this, Localization);
var createHeadContext = function createHeadContext(bundles) {
return createHeadContextWith(createContext, bundles);
properties.set(this, {
requestBundles: requestBundles, createHeadContext: createHeadContext
this.interactive = requestBundles().then(function (bundles) {
return createHeadContext(bundles).then(function () {
return bundles;
createClass(Localization, [{
key: 'requestLanguages',
value: function requestLanguages(requestedLangs) {
var _properties$get = properties.get(this),
requestBundles = _properties$get.requestBundles,
createHeadContext = _properties$get.createHeadContext;
return this.interactive = Promise.all([this.interactive, requestBundles(requestedLangs)]).then(function (_ref) {
var _ref2 = slicedToArray(_ref, 2),
oldBundles = _ref2[0],
newBundles = _ref2[1];
if (equal(oldBundles, newBundles)) {
return oldBundles;
return createHeadContext(newBundles).then(function () {
return newBundles;
}, {
key: 'formatWithFallback',
value: function formatWithFallback(bundles, ctx, keys, method, prev) {
var _this = this;
if (!ctx) {
return prev.translations;
var current = keysFromContext(method, this.sanitizeArgs, ctx, keys, prev);
if (typeof console !== 'undefined') {
current.errors.forEach(function (errs) {
return errs ? errs.forEach(function (e) {
return console.warn(e);
}) : null;
if (!current.hasFatalErrors) {
return current.translations;
var tailBundles = bundles.slice(1);
var _properties$get2 = properties.get(this),
createHeadContext = _properties$get2.createHeadContext;
return createHeadContext(tailBundles).then(function (next) {
return _this.formatWithFallback(tailBundles, next, keys, method, current);
}, {
key: 'formatEntities',
value: function formatEntities(keys) {
var _this2 = this;
return this.interactive.then(function (bundles) {
return _this2.formatWithFallback(bundles, contexts.get(bundles[0]), keys, _this2.entityFromContext);
}, {
key: 'formatValues',
value: function formatValues() {
var _this3 = this;
for (var _len = arguments.length, keys = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
keys[_key] = arguments[_key];
var keyTuples = (key) {
return Array.isArray(key) ? key : [key, null];
return this.interactive.then(function (bundles) {
return _this3.formatWithFallback(bundles, contexts.get(bundles[0]), keyTuples, _this3.valueFromContext);
}, {
key: 'formatValue',
value: function formatValue(id, args) {
return this.formatValues([id, args]).then(function (_ref3) {
var _ref4 = slicedToArray(_ref3, 1),
val = _ref4[0];
return val;
}, {
key: 'sanitizeArgs',
value: function sanitizeArgs(args) {
return args;
}, {
key: 'entityFromContext',
value: function entityFromContext(ctx, errors, id, args) {
var entity = ctx.messages.get(id);
if (entity === undefined) {
errors.push(new L10nError('Unknown entity: ' + id));
return { value: id, attrs: null };
var formatted = {
value: ctx.format(entity, args, errors),
attrs: null
if (entity.attrs) {
formatted.attrs = {};
for (var name in entity.attrs) {
var attr = ctx.format(entity.attrs[name], args, errors);
if (attr !== null) {
formatted.attrs[name] = attr;
return formatted;
}, {
key: 'valueFromContext',
value: function valueFromContext(ctx, errors, id, args) {
var entity = ctx.messages.get(id);
if (entity === undefined) {
errors.push(new L10nError('Unknown entity: ' + id));
return id;
return ctx.format(entity, args, errors);
return Localization;
function createHeadContextWith(createContext, bundles) {
var _bundles = slicedToArray(bundles, 1),
bundle = _bundles[0];
if (!bundle) {
return Promise.resolve(null);
return bundle.fetch().then(function (resources) {
var ctx = createContext(bundle.lang);
resources.filter(function (res) {
return res !== null;
}).forEach(function (res) {
return ctx.addMessages(res);
contexts.set(bundle, ctx);
return ctx;
function equal(bundles1, bundles2) {
return bundles1.length === bundles2.length && bundles1.every(function (_ref5, i) {
var lang = _ref5.lang;
return lang === bundles2[i].lang;
function keysFromContext(method, sanitizeArgs, ctx, keys, prev) {
var entityErrors = [];
var result = {
errors: new Array(keys.length),
withoutFatal: new Array(keys.length),
hasFatalErrors: false
result.translations = (key, i) {
if (prev && !prev.errors[i]) {
return prev.translations[i];
entityErrors.length = 0;
var args = sanitizeArgs(key[1]);
var translation = method(ctx, entityErrors, key[0], args);
if (entityErrors.length === 0) {
return translation;
result.errors[i] = entityErrors.slice();
if (!entityErrors.some(isL10nError)) {
result.withoutFatal[i] = true;
} else if (!result.hasFatalErrors) {
result.hasFatalErrors = true;
if (prev && prev.withoutFatal[i]) {
result.withoutFatal[i] = true;
return prev.translations[i];
return translation;
return result;
function isL10nError(error) {
return error instanceof L10nError;
var reOverlay = /<|&#?\w+;/;
'': ['a', 'em', 'strong', 'small', 's', 'cite', 'q', 'dfn', 'abbr', 'data', 'time', 'code', 'var', 'samp', 'kbd', 'sub', 'sup', 'i', 'b', 'u', 'mark', 'ruby', 'rt', 'rp', 'bdi', 'bdo', 'span', 'br', 'wbr']
'': {
global: ['title', 'aria-label', 'aria-valuetext', 'aria-moz-hint'],
a: ['download'],
area: ['download', 'alt'],
input: ['alt', 'placeholder'],
menuitem: ['label'],
menu: ['label'],
optgroup: ['label'],
option: ['label'],
track: ['label'],
img: ['alt'],
textarea: ['placeholder'],
th: ['abbr']
'': {
global: ['accesskey', 'aria-label', 'aria-valuetext', 'aria-moz-hint', 'label'],
key: ['key', 'keycode'],
textbox: ['placeholder'],
toolbarbutton: ['tooltiptext']
function overlayElement(element, translation) {
var value = translation.value;
if (typeof value === 'string') {
if (!reOverlay.test(value)) {
element.textContent = value;
} else {
var tmpl = element.ownerDocument.createElementNS('', 'template');
tmpl.innerHTML = value;
overlay(element, tmpl.content);
if (translation.attrs === null) {
for (var name in translation.attrs) {
if (isAttrAllowed({ name: name }, element)) {
element.setAttribute(name, translation.attrs[name]);
function overlay(sourceElement, translationElement) {
var result = translationElement.ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment();
var k = void 0,
attr = void 0;
var childElement = void 0;
while (childElement = translationElement.childNodes[0]) {
if (childElement.nodeType === childElement.TEXT_NODE) {
var index = getIndexOfType(childElement);
var sourceChild = getNthElementOfType(sourceElement, childElement, index);
if (sourceChild) {
overlay(sourceChild, childElement);
if (isElementAllowed(childElement)) {
var sanitizedChild = childElement.ownerDocument.createElement(childElement.nodeName);
overlay(sanitizedChild, childElement);
sourceElement.textContent = '';
if (translationElement.attributes) {
for (k = 0, attr; attr = translationElement.attributes[k]; k++) {
if (isAttrAllowed(attr, sourceElement)) {
sourceElement.setAttribute(, attr.value);
function isElementAllowed(element) {
var allowed = ALLOWED_ELEMENTS[element.namespaceURI];
if (!allowed) {
return false;
return allowed.indexOf(element.tagName.toLowerCase()) !== -1;
function isAttrAllowed(attr, element) {
var allowed = ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES[element.namespaceURI];
if (!allowed) {
return false;
var attrName =;
var elemName = element.tagName.toLowerCase();
if ( !== -1) {
return true;
if (!allowed[elemName]) {
return false;
if (allowed[elemName].indexOf(attrName) !== -1) {
return true;
if (element.namespaceURI === '' && elemName === 'input' && attrName === 'value') {
var type = element.type.toLowerCase();
if (type === 'submit' || type === 'button' || type === 'reset') {
return true;
return false;
function getNthElementOfType(context, element, index) {
var nthOfType = 0;
for (var i = 0, child; child = context.children[i]; i++) {
if (child.nodeType === child.ELEMENT_NODE && child.tagName.toLowerCase() === element.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
if (nthOfType === index) {
return child;
return null;
function getIndexOfType(element) {
var index = 0;
var child = void 0;
while (child = element.previousElementSibling) {
if (child.tagName === element.tagName) {
return index;
var reHtml = /[&<>]/g;
var htmlEntities = {
'&': '&amp;',
'<': '&lt;',
'>': '&gt;'
function getDirection(code) {
var tag = code.split('-')[0];
return ['ar', 'he', 'fa', 'ps', 'ur'].indexOf(tag) >= 0 ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
var DOMLocalization = function (_Localization) {
inherits(DOMLocalization, _Localization);
function DOMLocalization(requestBundles, createContext, name, observer) {
classCallCheck(this, DOMLocalization);
var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this, (DOMLocalization.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(DOMLocalization)).call(this, requestBundles, createContext)); = name;
_this.query = '[data-l10n-with=' + name + ']';
_this.roots = new Set(); = observer;
return _this;
createClass(DOMLocalization, [{
key: 'handleEvent',
value: function handleEvent() {
return this.requestLanguages();
}, {
key: 'requestLanguages',
value: function requestLanguages(requestedLangs) {
var _this2 = this;
get(DOMLocalization.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(DOMLocalization.prototype), 'requestLanguages', this).call(this, requestedLangs).then(function () {
return _this2.translateRoots();
}, {
key: 'setAttributes',
value: function setAttributes(element, id, args) {
element.setAttribute('data-l10n-id', id);
if (args) {
element.setAttribute('data-l10n-args', JSON.stringify(args));
return element;
}, {
key: 'getAttributes',
value: function getAttributes(element) {
return {
id: element.getAttribute('data-l10n-id'),
args: JSON.parse(element.getAttribute('data-l10n-args'))
}, {
key: 'connectRoot',
value: function connectRoot(root) {
if ( {;
}, {
key: 'disconnectRoot',
value: function disconnectRoot(root) {
if ( {;
return this.roots.size === 0;
}, {
key: 'translateRoots',
value: function translateRoots() {
var _this3 = this;
var roots = Array.from(this.roots);
return Promise.all( (root) {
return _this3.translateRoot(root);
}, {
key: 'translateRoot',
value: function translateRoot(root) {
var _this4 = this;
return this.translateRootContent(root).then(function () {
return _this4.interactive;
}).then(function (bundles) {
var langs = (bundle) {
return bundle.lang;
var wasLocalizedBefore = root.hasAttribute('langs');
root.setAttribute('langs', langs.join(' '));
root.setAttribute('lang', langs[0]);
root.setAttribute('dir', getDirection(langs[0]));
if (wasLocalizedBefore) {
root.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('DOMRetranslated', {
bubbles: false,
cancelable: false
}, {
key: 'translateRootContent',
value: function translateRootContent(root) {
var _this5 = this;
var anonChildren = document.getAnonymousNodes ? document.getAnonymousNodes(root) : null;
if (!anonChildren) {
return this.translateFragment(root);
return Promise.all([root].concat(toConsumableArray(anonChildren)).map(function (node) {
return _this5.translateFragment(node);
}, {
key: 'translateFragment',
value: function translateFragment(frag) {
return this.translateElements(this.getTranslatables(frag));
}, {
key: 'translateElements',
value: function translateElements(elements) {
var _this6 = this;
if (!elements.length) {
return Promise.resolve([]);
var keys =;
return this.formatEntities(keys).then(function (translations) {
return _this6.applyTranslations(elements, translations);
}, {
key: 'translateElement',
value: function translateElement(element) {
var _this7 = this;
return this.formatEntities([this.getKeysForElement(element)]).then(function (translations) {
return _this7.applyTranslations([element], translations);
}, {
key: 'applyTranslations',
value: function applyTranslations(elements, translations) {
if ( {;
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
overlayElement(elements[i], translations[i]);
if ( {;
}, {
key: 'getTranslatables',
value: function getTranslatables(element) {
var nodes = Array.from(element.querySelectorAll(this.query));
if (typeof element.hasAttribute === 'function' && element.hasAttribute('data-l10n-id')) {
var elemBundleName = element.getAttribute('data-l10n-with');
if (elemBundleName === {
return nodes;
}, {
key: 'getKeysForElement',
value: function getKeysForElement(element) {
return [element.getAttribute('data-l10n-id'), JSON.parse(element.getAttribute('data-l10n-args') || null)];
}, {
key: 'sanitizeArgs',
value: function sanitizeArgs(args) {
for (var name in args) {
var arg = args[name];
if (typeof arg === 'string') {
args[name] = arg.replace(reHtml, function (match) {
return htmlEntities[match];
return args;
return DOMLocalization;
var DocumentLocalization = function (_DOMLocalization) {
inherits(DocumentLocalization, _DOMLocalization);
function DocumentLocalization(requestBundles, createContext) {
classCallCheck(this, DocumentLocalization);
var _this = possibleConstructorReturn(this, (DocumentLocalization.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(DocumentLocalization)).call(this, requestBundles, createContext, 'main'));
_this.query = '[data-l10n-with="main"], [data-l10n-id]:not([data-l10n-with])';
_this.delegates = new Map(); = _this;
_this.observedRoots = new Set();
_this.mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) {
return _this.translateMutations(mutations);
_this.observerConfig = {
attributes: true,
characterData: false,
childList: true,
subtree: true,
attributeFilter: ['data-l10n-id', 'data-l10n-args', 'data-l10n-with']
return _this;
createClass(DocumentLocalization, [{
key: 'requestLanguages',
value: function requestLanguages(requestedLangs) {
var _this2 = this;
var requests = [get(DocumentLocalization.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(DocumentLocalization.prototype), 'requestLanguages', this).call(this, requestedLangs)].concat(Array.from(this.delegates.values(), function (delegate) {
return delegate.requestLanguages(requestedLangs);
return Promise.all(requests).then(function () {
return _this2.translateDocument();
}, {
key: 'observeRoot',
value: function observeRoot(root) {
this.mutationObserver.observe(root, this.observerConfig);
}, {
key: 'unobserveRoot',
value: function unobserveRoot(root) {
}, {
key: 'pauseObserving',
value: function pauseObserving() {
}, {
key: 'resumeObserving',
value: function resumeObserving() {
var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
var _didIteratorError = false;
var _iteratorError = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator = this.observedRoots[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
var root = _step.value;
this.mutationObserver.observe(root, this.observerConfig);
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError = true;
_iteratorError = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError) {
throw _iteratorError;
}, {
key: 'translateMutations',
value: function translateMutations(mutations) {
var _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true;
var _didIteratorError2 = false;
var _iteratorError2 = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator2 = mutations[Symbol.iterator](), _step2; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion2 = (_step2 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion2 = true) {
var mutation = _step2.value;
switch (mutation.type) {
case 'attributes':
case 'childList':
var _iteratorNormalCompletion3 = true;
var _didIteratorError3 = false;
var _iteratorError3 = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator3 = mutation.addedNodes[Symbol.iterator](), _step3; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion3 = (_step3 =; _iteratorNormalCompletion3 = true) {
var addedNode = _step3.value;
if (addedNode.nodeType === addedNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (addedNode.childElementCount) {
} else if (addedNode.hasAttribute('data-l10n-id')) {
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError3 = true;
_iteratorError3 = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion3 && _iterator3.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError3) {
throw _iteratorError3;
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError2 = true;
_iteratorError2 = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion2 && _iterator2.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError2) {
throw _iteratorError2;
}, {
key: 'translateDocument',
value: function translateDocument() {
var localizations = [this].concat(toConsumableArray(this.delegates.values()));
return Promise.all( (l10n) {
return l10n.translateRoots();
}, {
key: 'translateFragment',
value: function translateFragment(frag) {
var requests = [get(DocumentLocalization.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(DocumentLocalization.prototype), 'translateFragment', this).call(this, frag)].concat(Array.from(this.delegates.values(), function (delegate) {
return delegate.translateFragment(frag);
return Promise.all(requests);
}, {
key: 'translateElement',
value: function translateElement(element) {
var name = element.getAttribute('data-l10n-with');
var l10n = void 0;
if (!name || name === 'main') {
l10n = this;
} else if (this.delegates.has(name)) {
l10n = this.delegates.get(name);
} else {
var err = new L10nError('Unknown Localization: ' + name + '.');
return Promise.reject(err);
return l10n.formatEntities([l10n.getKeysForElement(element)]).then(function (translations) {
return l10n.applyTranslations([element], translations);
}, {
key: 'getTranslatables',
value: function getTranslatables(element) {
var nodes = Array.from(element.querySelectorAll(this.query));
if (typeof element.hasAttribute === 'function' && element.hasAttribute('data-l10n-id')) {
var elemBundleName = element.getAttribute('data-l10n-with');
if (!elemBundleName || elemBundleName === {
return nodes;
return DocumentLocalization;
function load(url) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
if (xhr.overrideMimeType) {
}'GET', url, true);
xhr.addEventListener('load', function (e) {
if ( === HTTP_STATUS_CODE_OK || === 0) {
} else {
reject(new Error(url + ' not found'));
xhr.addEventListener('error', function () {
return reject(new Error(url + ' failed to load'));
xhr.addEventListener('timeout', function () {
return reject(new Error(url + ' timed out'));
function fetchResource(res, lang) {
var url = res.replace('{locale}', lang);
return load(url).catch(function () {
return null;
var ResourceBundle = function () {
function ResourceBundle(lang, resIds) {
classCallCheck(this, ResourceBundle);
this.lang = lang;
this.loaded = false;
this.resIds = resIds;
createClass(ResourceBundle, [{
key: 'fetch',
value: function fetch() {
var _this = this;
if (!this.loaded) {
this.loaded = Promise.all( (resId) {
return fetchResource(resId, _this.lang);
return this.loaded;
return ResourceBundle;
function documentReady() {
var rs = document.readyState;
if (rs === 'interactive' || rs === 'completed') {
return Promise.resolve();
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
return document.addEventListener('readystatechange', resolve, { once: true });
function getResourceLinks(elem) {
return'link[rel="localization"]'), function (el) {
return [el.getAttribute('href'), el.getAttribute('name') || 'main'];
}).reduce(function (seq, _ref) {
var _ref2 = slicedToArray(_ref, 2),
href = _ref2[0],
name = _ref2[1];
return seq.set(name, (seq.get(name) || []).concat(href));
}, new Map());
function getMeta(head) {
var availableLangs = [];
var defaultLang = null;
var appVersion = null;
var metas = Array.from(head.querySelectorAll('meta[name="availableLanguages"],' + 'meta[name="defaultLanguage"],' + 'meta[name="appVersion"]'));
var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
var _didIteratorError = false;
var _iteratorError = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator = metas[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
var meta = _step.value;
var name = meta.getAttribute('name');
var content = meta.getAttribute('content').trim();
switch (name) {
case 'availableLanguages':
availableLangs = content.split(',').map(function (lang) {
return lang.trim();
case 'defaultLanguage':
defaultLang = content;
case 'appVersion':
appVersion = content;
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError = true;
_iteratorError = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError) {
throw _iteratorError;
return {
defaultLang: defaultLang,
availableLangs: availableLangs,
appVersion: appVersion
function createContext(lang) {
return new MessageContext(lang);
function createLocalization(defaultLocale, availableLangs, resIds, name) {
function requestBundles() {
var requestedLangs = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : navigator.languages;
var newLangs = negotiateLanguages(requestedLangs, availableLangs, { defaultLocale: defaultLocale });
var bundles = (lang) {
return new ResourceBundle(lang, resIds);
return Promise.resolve(bundles);
if (name === 'main') {
document.l10n = new DocumentLocalization(requestBundles, createContext);
document.l10n.ready = documentReady().then(function () {
return document.l10n.translateDocument();
}).then(function () {
window.addEventListener('languagechange', document.l10n);
} else {
var l10n = new DOMLocalization(requestBundles, createContext, name, document.l10n);
document.l10n.delegates.set(name, l10n);
var _getMeta = getMeta(document.head);
var defaultLang = _getMeta.defaultLang;
var availableLangs = _getMeta.availableLangs;
getResourceLinks(document.head).forEach(function (resIds, name) {
return createLocalization(defaultLang, availableLangs, resIds, name);
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