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Prosper Otemuyiwa unicodeveloper

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unicodeveloper / geocoder-service.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22 — forked from avaliani/geocoder-service.js
Fixed lodash error, Updated it to have lodash dependency
* An AngularJS Service for intelligently geocoding addresses using Google's API. Makes use of
* localStorage (via the ngStorage package) to avoid unnecessary trips to the server. Queries
* Google's API synchronously to avoid `google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OVER_QUERY_LIMIT`.
* @author: benmj
* @author: amir.valiani
* Original source:
unicodeveloper / app.js
Last active September 25, 2015 19:21
Implementing Delete request to easily work with Laravel 5 - js file
$(document).ready(function() {
$("button.delete").on('click', function(e){
if ( ! confirm('Are you sure?')) {
return false;
var action = $(this).data("action");
var parent = $(this).parent();
var token = $(this).data("token");
Improper naming of functions
function names should start with a small letter
Don’t commit private credentials. Load them from environment variables.
In function fetchData
namespace Busayo;
class MagicConstants
public function getFile()
return __FILE__;
unicodeveloper / cab
Last active October 1, 2015 22:13
Cab file: Example code to show how to write CLI Scripts
#!/usr/bin/env php
* Message displayed to the console if the user supplies no command
* @return void
function helpMessage()
echo "
unicodeveloper / *.md
Last active May 9, 2016 13:32 — forked from toddmotto/*.md
Component versus Directive in AngularJS

Component versus Directive in AngularJS


Components are not "helper" methods, they are the best change in Angular 1.x since I've been using it.

What is the role of .component()?

  • Declares new HTML via a template or templateUrl
  • Should be used to create Components as part of a Component architecture
// importing the necessary Cloudinary files
require 'Cloudinary.php';
require 'Uploader.php';
require 'Helpers.php';
require 'Api.php';
unicodeveloper / modules.txt
Created September 12, 2016 15:53
Brief description of node modules
async - For managing asynchronous flow
bcrypt - For hashing passwords
body-parser - For parsing POST request data
cloudinary - For uploading videos to Cloudinary Storage
cors - For managing cross origin request permissions
dotenv - For reading environment values from the .env file
express - Web framework for Node.js
gravatar - For fetching a user's avatar from the popular gravatar service
jwt-simple - For creating json web tokens
lodash - For easy manipulation of data structure
unicodeveloper / server.js
Created September 12, 2016 15:55
Minimal Express application - Cloudinary Blog Post, Part 1
var express = require('express'),
morgan = require('morgan'),
bodyParser = require('body-parser'),
mongoose = require('mongoose'),
cors = require('cors'),
testdb = require('./config/testdb'),
route = require('./server/routes');
var port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
module.exports = {
db: process.env.MONGODB || process.env.MONGOHQ_URL,