Save unique1984/fabcead63e0ff999a158a6e360f70220 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env bash | |
########################################################################################################### | |
# Bash Script of this Documentation : | |
# https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/Getting%20Started/Debian/Debian%20Bullseye%20Root%20on%20ZFS.html#debian-bullseye-root-on-zfs | |
# | |
# Copyright © 2022 - installer.sh | |
# Yasin Karabulak | |
# info@yasinkarabulak.com | |
# https://github.com/unique1984 | |
# | |
########################################################################################################### | |
# this will open step by step progress [ 1 / 0 ] | |
export RAID_TAGS=("" "mirror" "raidz1" "raidz2" "raidz3" "mirror" "raidz1" "raidz2" "raidz3") | |
export RAID_MINIMUM_DISKS=("1" "2" "2" "3" "4" "4" "4" "6" "8") | |
export RAID_TYPES=("[single | stripe] (RAID-0)" | |
"[mirror] (RAID-1)" | |
"[raidz1] (RAID-5)" | |
"[raidz2] (RAID-6)" | |
"[raidz3]" | |
"[mirror + stripe] (RAID-10)" | |
"[raidz1 + stripe] (RAID-50)" | |
"[raidz2 + stripe] (RAID-60)" | |
"[raidz3 + stripe]") | |
export RAID_EXPL=("(1+n)" | |
"(2+n)" | |
"(2+n)" | |
"(3+n)" | |
"(4+n)" | |
"(2+n)*X" | |
"(2+n)*X" | |
"(3+n)*X" | |
"(4+n)*X") | |
cat <<EOF | |
deb http://deb.debian.org/debian/ bullseye main contrib non-free | |
deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian/ bullseye main contrib non-free | |
deb http://deb.debian.org/debian/ bullseye-updates main contrib non-free | |
deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian/ bullseye-updates main contrib non-free | |
deb http://deb.debian.org/debian-security bullseye-security main contrib | |
deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian-security bullseye-security main contrib | |
EOF | |
) | |
cat <<EOF | |
deb https://deb.debian.org/debian/ bullseye main contrib non-free | |
deb-src https://deb.debian.org/debian/ bullseye main contrib non-free | |
deb https://deb.debian.org/debian/ bullseye-updates main contrib non-free | |
deb-src https://deb.debian.org/debian/ bullseye-updates main contrib non-free | |
deb https://deb.debian.org/debian-security bullseye-security main contrib | |
deb-src https://deb.debian.org/debian-security bullseye-security main contrib | |
EOF | |
) | |
function dividerLine() { | |
echo -e "\n######################################################################" | |
echo -e "# $1" | |
echo -e "######################################################################\n" | |
} | |
function innerSeperator() { | |
echo -e "----------------------------------------------------------------------" | |
echo -e " $1" | |
echo -e "----------------------------------------------------------------------" | |
} | |
function amiAllowed() { | |
read -r -p "If you want to continue then [ Enter ]" | |
if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]; then | |
echo -e "$(whoami) !" | |
echo -e "Start this script as root!" | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
} | |
function getPath { | |
FULL="$1" | |
F_PATH=${FULL%/*} | |
F_BASE=${FULL##*/} | |
F_NAME=${F_BASE%.*} | |
F_EXT=${F_BASE##*.} | |
# echo $F_PATH | |
# echo $F_BASE | |
# echo $F_NAME | |
# echo $F_EXT | |
} | |
function stepByStep() { | |
if [[ $STEP_BY_STEP -eq 1 ]]; then | |
echo -e "\n" | |
read -p "Function : $1 [ Press Enter to Continue ... ]" | |
echo -e "\n" | |
clear | |
return | |
fi | |
clear | |
} | |
function aptSourcesHttp() { | |
dividerLine "APT Sources HTTP" | |
if [ ! -z $1 ]; then | |
echo -e "${APT_SOURCES_HTTP}" >/mnt/etc/apt/sources.list | |
else | |
echo -e "${APT_SOURCES_HTTP}" >/etc/apt/sources.list | |
fi | |
stepByStep "aptSourcesHttp" | |
} | |
function aptSourcesHttps() { | |
dividerLine "APT Sources HTTPS" | |
if [ ! -z $1 ]; then | |
echo -e "${APT_SOURCES_HTTPS}" >/mnt/etc/apt/sources.list | |
else | |
echo -e "${APT_SOURCES_HTTPS}" >/etc/apt/sources.list | |
fi | |
stepByStep "aptSourcesHttps" | |
} | |
function aptUpdateUpgrade() { | |
dividerLine "Apt Update & Upgrade & Autoremove" | |
apt -qqq update -y | |
isAliveSystem=$(lsblk | grep -Po "^loop[0-9]+") | |
if [ -z "${isAliveSystem}" ]; then | |
apt -qq upgrade -y | |
apt -qq autoremove -y | |
fi | |
stepByStep "aptUpdateUpgrade" | |
} | |
function installBaseApps() { | |
dividerLine "System ZFS Build Applications Installation" | |
apt -qqq update -y | |
apt -qq install -y bash-completion debootstrap dpkg-dev dkms gdisk parted mdadm ovmf | |
apt -qq install -y zfsutils-linux | |
modprobe zfs | |
stepByStep "installBaseApps" | |
} | |
function selectSystemDisk() { | |
dividerLine "Selecting System Disk" | |
lsblk | grep -v -P "sr[0-9]+" | |
echo -e "\n" | |
read -r -p "Select the system disk wich is you are using right now e.g ( sda | vda | nvme ) without /dev/ : " SYSTEM_DISK | |
echo -e "\n" | |
if [ -z "${SYSTEM_DISK}" ]; then | |
unset SYSTEM_DISK | |
selectSystemDisk | |
return | |
fi | |
checkIsThereAdisk=$(lsblk | grep -v -P "sr[0-9]+" | grep -Po "^[a-z0-9]{3,}") | |
thereIs=0 | |
for i in $checkIsThereAdisk; do | |
if [ $i == "${SYSTEM_DISK}" ]; then | |
thereIs=1 | |
fi | |
done | |
if [[ $thereIs -eq 0 ]]; then | |
dividerLine "There is no such a disk like ${SYSTEM_DISK}" | |
unset SYSTEM_DISK | |
sleep 3 | |
selectSystemDisk | |
return | |
fi | |
innerSeperator "\n $(lsblk /dev/"${SYSTEM_DISK}")\n" | |
read -r -p "System disk is - /dev/${SYSTEM_DISK} - [ Enter / N ] : " systemDiskConfirm | |
if [ "${systemDiskConfirm}" == "N" ] || [ "${systemDiskConfirm}" == "n" ]; then | |
unset SYSTEM_DISK | |
unset systemDiskConfirm | |
selectSystemDisk | |
return | |
fi | |
# dividerLine "Disks Except System Disk" | |
disksExceptSystemDisk=$(lsblk | grep -v -P "sr[0-9]+" | grep -v "loop*" | grep -v "${SYSTEM_DISK}" | grep -Po '^[a-z0-9]+') | |
# innerSeperator "Disk Name\tDisk by-path\t\t\tDisk by-id" | |
for i in ${disksExceptSystemDisk}; do | |
# diskById=$(ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/ | grep -v "part[0-9]*" | grep -P "$i" | awk '{print $9}') | |
diskByPath=$(ls -l /dev/disk/by-path/ | grep -v "part[0-9]*" | grep -P "$i" | awk '{print $9}' | head -n 1) | |
# echo -e " $DISK_COUNT : $i\t${diskBypath}\t${diskById}\n" | |
done | |
innerSeperator "Total : ( $DISK_COUNT ) disks except System Disk (${SYSTEM_DISK})" | |
# IFS=$'\n' sorted=($(sort <<<"${DISKS_EXCEPT_SYSTEM_DISK_BY_ID[*]}")) | |
# unset IFS | |
# DISKS_EXCEPT_SYSTEM_DISK_BY_ID=("${sorted[@]}") | |
IFS=$'\n' sorted=($(sort <<<"${DISKS_EXCEPT_SYSTEM_DISK_BY_PATH[*]}")) | |
unset IFS | |
# for i in "${DISKS_EXCEPT_SYSTEM_DISK_BY_ID[@]}"; do | |
# DISKS_EXCEPT_SYSTEM_DISK+=($(ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/$i | grep -iPo "[a-z]{3,}$")) | |
# done | |
for i in "${DISKS_EXCEPT_SYSTEM_DISK_BY_PATH[@]}"; do | |
# echo -e $(ls -l /dev/disk/by-path/$i | grep -iPo "[a-z]{3,}$|[n]vme[0-9][a-z][0-9]$") | |
DISKS_EXCEPT_SYSTEM_DISK+=($(ls -l /dev/disk/by-path/$i | grep -iPo "[a-z]{3,}$|[n]vme[0-9][a-z][0-9]$")) | |
done | |
#echo -e "${DISKS_EXCEPT_SYSTEM_DISK[*]} \n" | |
#echo -e "${DISKS_EXCEPT_SYSTEM_DISK_BY_ID[*]} \n" | |
#echo -e "${DISKS_EXCEPT_SYSTEM_DISK_BY_PATH[*]} \n" | |
export SYSTEM_DISK | |
export DISK_COUNT | |
innerSeperator "Disk Name\t\tDisk by-path" | |
cnt=0 | |
for i in "${DISKS_EXCEPT_SYSTEM_DISK_BY_PATH[@]}"; do | |
echo -e "$cnt : ${DISKS_EXCEPT_SYSTEM_DISK[$cnt]}\t\t\t${DISKS_EXCEPT_SYSTEM_DISK_BY_PATH[$cnt]}" | |
cnt=$((cnt+1)) | |
done | |
stepByStep "selectSystemDisk" | |
} | |
function selectRaidType() { | |
dividerLine "Raid Type Selection" | |
length=${#RAID_TYPES[@]} | |
innerSeperator "Select the RAID Type\n\t[ n = (0,1,2,...inf) ]\n\t[ X = (1,2,3,...inf) ] :" | |
count=0 | |
for i in "${RAID_TYPES[@]}"; do | |
echo -e $count" : $i [ ${RAID_EXPL[$count]} ]\n" | |
count=$((count + 1)) | |
done | |
read -r -p "Select One [ 0 ] : " selectedRaid | |
if [ -z "${selectedRaid}" ]; then | |
selectedRaid=0 | |
fi | |
if [[ $selectedRaid -ge 0 ]] && [[ $selectedRaid -le $((length - 1)) ]]; then | |
echo -e "\n" | |
read -r -p "${RAID_TYPES[$selectedRaid]} is this true ? [ Y / n] : " selectedRaidConfirm | |
if [ -z "${selectedRaidConfirm}" ]; then | |
selectedRaidConfirm="Y" | |
fi | |
if [ ! -z "${selectedRaidConfirm}" ] && [ "${selectedRaidConfirm}" == "Y" ] || [ "${selectedRaidConfirm}" == "y" ]; then | |
# dividerLine "Selected Raid Configuration is \n\ | |
# \n\t${RAID_TYPES[$selectedRaid]}\ | |
# \n\n\tYou need at least ${RAID_EXPL[$selectedRaid]} disks!\n" | |
export SELECTED_RAID_CONF="${RAID_TYPES[$selectedRaid]}" | |
export selectedRaid | |
else | |
innerSeperator "Select between 0 and $((length - 1))" | |
unset count | |
unset selectedRaid | |
selectRaidType | |
return | |
fi | |
else | |
innerSeperator "Select between 0 and $((length - 1))" | |
unset count | |
unset selectedRaid | |
selectRaidType | |
return | |
fi | |
if [[ $DISK_COUNT -lt ${RAID_MINIMUM_DISKS[$selectedRaid]} ]]; then | |
dividerLine "Your disk count ( $DISK_COUNT ) is not supported ${SELECTED_RAID_CONF} setup ! at least ( ${RAID_MINIMUM_DISKS[$selectedRaid]} ) disks!" | |
sleep 3 | |
unset count | |
unset selectedRaid | |
selectRaidType | |
return | |
fi | |
stepByStep "selectRaidType" | |
} | |
function selectInstallationDisks() { | |
dividerLine "Installation Disks Selection" | |
innerSeperator "\nYour raid type is ${SELECTED_RAID_CONF}\n\n | |
Minimum Disks : ${RAID_MINIMUM_DISKS[$selectedRaid]}\n | |
Maximum Disks : ${RAID_EXPL[$selectedRaid]}\n | |
You Have : $DISK_COUNT disks !\n" | |
dividerLine "\n | |
For Example Your Raid Type is [raidz1 + stripe] (RAID-50) | |
You need at least 4 disks for this setup, the equation is : (2+n)*X | |
n = stands by disk count those append (default 0) | |
X = stands by Array count (default 2) | |
e.g You have 9 disks, for this setup, you can use : | |
---------- | |
n = 1 & X = 3 | |
(2+1)*3 = 9 Disks | |
---------- | |
n = 0 & X = 2 | |
(2+0)*2 = 4 Disks | |
---------- | |
n = 2 & X = 2 | |
(2+2)*2 = 8 Disks | |
---------- | |
\n" | |
canAppendable=$((DISK_COUNT - ${RAID_MINIMUM_DISKS[$selectedRaid]})) | |
dividerLine "Appendable disk count is : $canAppendable (array ignored)" | |
# check appendable disks if exists | |
if [[ $canAppendable -ge 0 ]]; then | |
case $selectedRaid in | |
# first disk is bootable except mirror (both) | |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4) # stripe | mirror | raidz1 | raidz2 | raidz3 | |
read -r -p " Add disk(s) to the conf | n = [ 0 - $canAppendable ] : " n | |
if [ -z $n ]; then | |
n=0 | |
fi | |
if [[ $n -gt $canAppendable ]]; then | |
dividerLine "Disk count can't be greater then $canAppendable" | |
sleep 3 | |
selectInstallationDisks | |
return | |
fi | |
x=1 | |
minimalDiskCountforSetup=${RAID_MINIMUM_DISKS[$selectedRaid]} | |
;; | |
# first array's all disks are bootable | |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8) # mirror + stripe | raidz1 + stripe | raidz2 + stripe | raidz3 + stripe | |
canAppendableForSetup=$((canAppendable / 2)) | |
read -r -p "Add disk(s) to the array | n = [ 0 - $canAppendableForSetup ] : " n | |
if [ -z $n ]; then n=0; fi | |
if [[ $n -gt $canAppendableForSetup ]]; then | |
dividerLine "Disk count can't be greater then $canAppendableForSetup" | |
sleep 3 | |
selectInstallationDisks | |
return | |
fi | |
minimalDiskCountforSetup=$((${RAID_MINIMUM_DISKS[$selectedRaid]} / 2)) | |
canCreateMinimalArray=$(((minimalDiskCountforSetup + n) * 2)) | |
if [[ $canCreateMinimalArray -gt $DISK_COUNT ]]; then | |
dividerLine "Can't create a minimal Array Using $canCreateMinimalArray disks for this setup" | |
sleep 3 | |
selectInstallationDisks | |
return | |
fi | |
howManyArrayCanCreate=$((DISK_COUNT / $((minimalDiskCountforSetup + n)))) | |
read -r -p "Add array(s) to the conf | X = [ 2 - $howManyArrayCanCreate ] : " x | |
if [ -z $x ]; then | |
x=2 | |
fi | |
if [[ $x -lt 2 ]]; then | |
dividerLine "Can't create an Array less then 2 selecting 2" | |
sleep 3 | |
x=2 | |
fi | |
if [[ $x -gt $howManyArrayCanCreate ]]; then | |
dividerLine "Can't create an Array greater then ($howManyArrayCanCreate)" | |
sleep 3 | |
selectInstallationDisks | |
return | |
fi | |
canCreateSettedupArray=$(((minimalDiskCountforSetup + n) * x)) | |
if [[ $canCreateSettedupArray -gt $DISK_COUNT ]]; then | |
dividerLine "Can't create an Array greater then the disk count ($DISK_COUNT)" | |
sleep 3 | |
selectInstallationDisks | |
return | |
fi | |
;; | |
*) # return | |
clear | |
selectInstallationDisks | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
fi | |
settedupDiskCount=$(((minimalDiskCountforSetup + n) * x)) | |
count=0 | |
setupMessage="Your Pool Setup Is :\n\n\tzpool create poolName \n" | |
for a in $(seq 1 $x); do | |
setupMessage+="\t\t\t${RAID_TAGS[$selectedRaid]}\t" | |
for d in $(seq 0 $((settedupDiskCount / x - 1))); do | |
setupMessage+="<disk$count> " | |
count=$((count + 1)) | |
done | |
setupMessage+="\n" | |
done | |
dividerLine "${setupMessage}" | |
read -r -p "Is This Setup Acceptable ? [ Y / n ] : " diskSetupConfirm | |
case $diskSetupConfirm in | |
"" | "Y" | "y") ;; | |
"N" | "n") | |
selectInstallationDisks | |
return | |
;; | |
*) | |
selectInstallationDisks | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
clear | |
Selected disks will be wiped and partitioned after this selection! | |
After partitioning we'll use the disk's PARTUUID info rather then block name (sdX), id name or parth name ...\n" | |
innerSeperator " | |
Select Disks for the ${RAID_TAGS[$selectedRaid]} configuration, | |
boot pool and root pool will be automatically configured. | |
[ Enter to select first $settedupDiskCount disk(s) ] | |
or | |
e.g (sda sdb sdc sdd ...) input dev names with space, | |
(selected disks will be processed given order!) | |
----- | |
*** All disks of 1st array has boot partition and boot pool. | |
*** striped (raid0 and all striped) configurations is exception, | |
First disk of the array has boot partition and boot pool, | |
\n" | |
innerSeperator "Disk By Dev Name" | |
for i in $(seq 0 $((${#DISKS_EXCEPT_SYSTEM_DISK[@]} - 1))); do | |
# echo -e "$i : ${DISKS_EXCEPT_SYSTEM_DISK[$i]}\t\t${DISKS_EXCEPT_SYSTEM_DISK_BY_ID[$i]}\n" | |
done | |
# echo -e "${DISKS_EXCEPT_SYSTEM_DISK[@]}" | |
# echo -e "${DISKS_EXCEPT_SYSTEM_DISK_BY_ID[@]}" | |
# echo -e "${DISKS_EXCEPT_SYSTEM_DISK_BY_PATH[@]}" | |
read -r -p "Select Installation Disks ($settedupDiskCount of them, use sdX names) [ Enter / input ] : " selectedDisks | |
# first time, seperated. After partition part UUID | |
case ${selectedDisks} in | |
"") | |
;; | |
[a-z0-9]*) | |
count=0 | |
for i in ${selectedDisks}; do | |
SELECTED_DISKS+=("$i") | |
done | |
# sayı ve isimleri kontrol et... | |
if [[ ${#SELECTED_DISKS[@]} -ne $settedupDiskCount ]]; then | |
clear | |
dividerLine " | |
You have to choose ($settedupDiskCount) piece of disk(s) | |
Raid Configuration is : ${RAID_TAGS[$selectedRaid]} configuration | |
Minimal disks \t : ($minimalDiskCountforSetup) | |
Appened disks \t : ($n) | |
Array count \t : ($x) | |
" | |
sleep 3 | |
selectInstallationDisks | |
return | |
fi | |
for i in "${SELECTED_DISKS[@]}"; do | |
for d in "${DISKS_EXCEPT_SYSTEM_DISK[@]}"; do | |
if [ "$i" == "$d" ]; then | |
fi | |
done | |
done | |
# if [[ "${#ERROR_SELECTED_DISKS[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then | |
# array_uniq=("$(printf "%s\n" "${ERROR_SELECTED_DISKS[@]}" | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ')") | |
# fi | |
if [[ "${#SELECTED_DISKS[@]}" != "${#CONFIRM_SELECTED_DISKS[@]}" ]]; then | |
clear | |
dividerLine " | |
There is a problem, we don't have some of these disks on the system ! | |
Selected Disks \t: ${SELECTED_DISKS[*]} | |
Disks on System\t: ${DISKS_EXCEPT_SYSTEM_DISK[*]} | |
" | |
unset array_uniq | |
sleep 3 | |
selectInstallationDisks | |
return | |
fi | |
;; | |
esac | |
count=0 | |
for a in $(seq 1 $x); do | |
for d in $(seq 0 $((settedupDiskCount / x - 1))); do | |
if [[ $a -eq 1 ]] && [ "${RAID_TAGS[$selectedRaid]}" != "" ]; then | |
fi | |
if [[ $a -gt 1 ]] && [ "${RAID_TAGS[$selectedRaid]}" != "" ]; then | |
fi | |
if [[ $a -eq 1 ]] && [[ $d -eq 0 ]] && [ "${RAID_TAGS[$selectedRaid]}" == "" ]; then | |
fi | |
if [[ $a -eq 1 ]] && [[ $d -gt 0 ]] && [ "${RAID_TAGS[$selectedRaid]}" == "" ]; then | |
fi | |
if [[ $a -gt 1 ]] && [[ $d -gt 0 ]] && [ "${RAID_TAGS[$selectedRaid]}" == "" ]; then | |
fi | |
count=$((count + 1)) | |
done | |
done | |
# confirm setup | |
innerSeperator "Boot parted disks are : \n\n\t${BOOT_PARTED_DISKS[*]}\n" | |
innerSeperator "Stripe parted disks are : \n\n\t${POOL_PARTED_DISKS[*]}\n" | |
echo -e "\n" | |
read -r -p "Confirm Installation Disk Setup [ Enter / n ] : " installationDisksConfirm | |
case "${installationDisksConfirm}" in | |
"n" | "N") | |
unset array_uniq | |
selectInstallationDisks | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
export ARRAY_COUNT | |
stepByStep "selectInstallationDisks" | |
} | |
function labelClear() { | |
dividerLine "ZFS Label Clear If Exist on Selected Disks" | |
for i in "${BOOT_PARTED_DISKS[@]}"; do | |
if [ ! -z $(grep "nvme[0-9][a-z][0-9]" <<< $i) ]; then | |
diskType="${i}p[0-9]+" | |
else | |
diskType="${i}[0-9]+" | |
fi | |
for d in $(lsblk | grep -v -P "sr[0-9]+" | grep -iPo "${diskType}"); do | |
innerSeperator "ZFS Label Clear on /dev/$d" | |
zpool labelclear -f "/dev/$d" | |
echo -e "\n" | |
done | |
done | |
for i in "${POOL_PARTED_DISKS[@]}"; do | |
if [ ! -z $(grep "nvme[0-9][a-z][0-9]" <<< $i) ]; then | |
diskType="${i}p[0-9]+" | |
else | |
diskType="${i}[0-9]+" | |
fi | |
for d in $(lsblk | grep -v -P "sr[0-9]+" | grep -iPo "${diskType}"); do | |
innerSeperator "ZFS Label Clear on /dev/$d" | |
zpool labelclear -f "/dev/$d" | |
echo -e "\n" | |
done | |
done | |
stepByStep "labelClear" | |
} | |
function wipeDisks() { | |
dividerLine "Wipe Partitions and Filesystem on Selected Disks" | |
for i in "${BOOT_PARTED_DISKS[@]}"; do | |
innerSeperator "Wipe Filesystem on /dev/$i" | |
wipefs -a "/dev/$i" | |
innerSeperator "Clear Partitions on /dev/$i" | |
sgdisk --zap-all "/dev/$i" | |
echo -e "\n" | |
done | |
for i in "${POOL_PARTED_DISKS[@]}"; do | |
innerSeperator "Wipe Filesystem on /dev/$i" | |
wipefs -a "/dev/$i" | |
innerSeperator "Clear Partitions on /dev/$i" | |
sgdisk --zap-all "/dev/$i" | |
echo -e "\n" | |
done | |
stepByStep "wipeDisks" | |
} | |
function createPartitions() { | |
dividerLine "Create Partitions on Selected Disks" | |
for i in "${BOOT_PARTED_DISKS[@]}"; do | |
innerSeperator "UEFI Boot Partition on /dev/$i" | |
sgdisk -n2:1M:+512M -t2:EF00 "/dev/$i" # boot UEFI sdX2 | |
sleep 0.5 | |
innerSeperator "Boot Pool Partition on /dev/$i" | |
sgdisk -n3:0:+1G -t3:BF01 "/dev/$i" # boot pool sdX3 | |
sleep 0.5 | |
innerSeperator "Root Pool Partition on /dev/$i" | |
sgdisk -n4:0:0 -t4:BF00 "/dev/$i" #root pool sdX4 | |
sleep 0.5 | |
innerSeperator "Read the partition changes, inform the system!" | |
partprobe | |
sleep 0.5 | |
echo -e "\n" | |
done | |
for i in "${POOL_PARTED_DISKS[@]}"; do | |
innerSeperator "Root Pool Partition on /dev/$i" | |
sgdisk -n1:0:0 -t1:BF00 "/dev/$i" # root pool sdX1|nvme0n1 | |
sleep 0.5 | |
innerSeperator "Read the partition changes, inform the system!" | |
partprobe | |
sleep 0.5 | |
echo -e "\n" | |
done | |
innerSeperator "Active Partitions are : " | |
lsblk | |
stepByStep "createPartitions" | |
} | |
function getPartUUIDofDisks() { | |
dividerLine "Getting PARTUUID of Disks, it's never changes !" | |
# /dev/sdX2 | part2 | |
# /dev/sdX3 | part3 | |
# /dev/sdX4 | part4 | |
for i in "${BOOT_PARTED_DISKS[@]}"; do | |
# Get Boot Partitions of disk | |
# nvme disks implementation | |
if [ ! -z $(grep "nvme[0-9][a-z][0-9]" <<< $i) ]; then | |
BOOT_PARTITIONS+=("/dev/${i}p2") | |
partUuidvalue=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value "/dev/${i}p2") | |
innerSeperator "PARTUUID of /dev/${i}p2\t${partUuidvalue}" | |
else | |
BOOT_PARTITIONS+=("/dev/${i}2") | |
partUuidvalue=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value "/dev/${i}2") | |
innerSeperator "PARTUUID of /dev/${i}2\t${partUuidvalue}" | |
fi | |
BOOT_PARTITIONS_PARTUUID+=("${partUuidvalue}") | |
# Get Boot Pools of disk | |
if [ ! -z $(grep "nvme[0-9][a-z][0-9]" <<< $i) ]; then | |
BOOT_POOLS_PARTITIONS+=("/dev/${i}p3") | |
partUuidvalue=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value "/dev/${i}p3") | |
innerSeperator "PARTUUID of /dev/${i}p3\t${partUuidvalue}" | |
else | |
BOOT_POOLS_PARTITIONS+=("/dev/${i}3") | |
partUuidvalue=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value "/dev/${i}3") | |
innerSeperator "PARTUUID of /dev/${i}3\t${partUuidvalue}" | |
fi | |
BOOT_POOLS_PARTITIONS_PARTUUID+=("${partUuidvalue}") | |
# Get Root Pools of disk | |
if [ ! -z $(grep "nvme[0-9][a-z][0-9]" <<< $i) ]; then | |
ROOT_PARTITIONS+=("/dev/${i}p4") | |
partUuidvalue=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value "/dev/${i}p4") | |
innerSeperator "PARTUUID of /dev/${i}p4\t${partUuidvalue}" | |
else | |
ROOT_PARTITIONS+=("/dev/${i}4") | |
partUuidvalue=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value "/dev/${i}4") | |
innerSeperator "PARTUUID of /dev/${i}4\t${partUuidvalue}" | |
fi | |
ROOT_PARTITIONS_PARTUUID+=("${partUuidvalue}") | |
done | |
# /dev/sdX1 | part1 (full disk) | |
for i in "${POOL_PARTED_DISKS[@]}"; do | |
# Get Pool Partitions of disk | |
if [ ! -z $(grep "nvme[0-9][a-z][0-9]" <<< $i) ]; then | |
POOL_PARTITIONS+=("/dev/${i}p1") | |
partUuidvalue=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value "/dev/${i}p1") | |
innerSeperator "PARTUUID of /dev/${i}p1\t${partUuidvalue}" | |
else | |
POOL_PARTITIONS+=("/dev/${i}1") | |
partUuidvalue=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value "/dev/${i}1") | |
innerSeperator "PARTUUID of /dev/${i}1\t${partUuidvalue}" | |
fi | |
POOL_PARTITIONS_PARTUUID+=("${partUuidvalue}") | |
done | |
# sdX2 | |
# sdX3 | |
# sdX4 | |
# sdX1 | |
stepByStep "getPartUUIDofDisks" | |
} | |
function cloneableUefiPart() { | |
BOOT_DISK_PARTUUID="/dev/disk/by-partuuid/${BOOT_PARTITIONS_PARTUUID[0]}" | |
count=$((${#BOOT_PARTITIONS_PARTUUID[@]} - 1)) | |
for i in $(seq 1 $count); do | |
BOOT_CLONES+=("/dev/disk/by-partuuid/${BOOT_PARTITIONS_PARTUUID[$i]}") | |
done | |
export BOOT_CLONES | |
} | |
function cloneUefiPartFunctionBuilder() { | |
if [[ "${#BOOT_CLONES[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then | |
function cloneUefiPart() { | |
dividerLine "Clone UEFI Partition" | |
umount /boot/efi | |
count=2 | |
for i in \${PARTITIONS[@]}; do | |
dd if=${BOOT_DISK_PARTUUID} of=\$i status=progress | |
sync | |
sleep 0.5 | |
disk=\$(ls -l \$i | grep -iPo "[a-z]+[0-9]+$" | grep -Po "[a-z]+") | |
diskById=\$(ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/ | grep -P "\$disk$" | awk '{print \$9}') | |
efibootmgr -c -g -d /dev/\$disk -p 2 -L "debian-\$count" -l '\\\EFI\debian\grubx64.efi' | |
sleep 0.5 | |
count=\$((count + 1)) | |
done | |
mount /boot/efi | |
} | |
EOF | |
) | |
else | |
fi | |
} | |
function swapsOffline() { | |
dividerLine "All swaps off!" | |
swapoff --all | |
} | |
function checkMdadmArray() { | |
dividerLine "Check mdadm raid configuration!" | |
cat /proc/mdstat | |
cat <<EOF | |
mdadm --stop /dev/md0 # If so, stop them (replace $()md0$() as required): | |
mdadm --zero-superblock --force /dev/sdX # For an array using the whole disk: | |
mdadm --zero-superblock --force /dev/sdX2 # For an array using a partition: | |
EOF | |
) | |
echo -e "${MDADM_CHECK}" | |
stepByStep "checkMdadmArray" | |
} | |
function selectPoolNames() { | |
dividerLine "Set pool names" | |
bPoolName="bpool" | |
rPoolName="rpool" | |
read -r -p "Default Boot pool name is - ${bPoolName} - if you want to change it, input the new name [a-z0-9] : " newBpoolName | |
if [ ! -z "${newBpoolName}" ]; then | |
unset bPoolName | |
bPoolName="${newBpoolName}" | |
fi | |
read -r -p "Default Root pool name is - ${rPoolName} - if you want to change it, input the new name [a-z0-9] : " newRpoolName | |
if [ ! -z "${newRpoolName}" ]; then | |
unset rPoolName | |
rPoolName="${newRpoolName}" | |
fi | |
export bPoolName | |
export rPoolName | |
innerSeperator " | |
Boot Pool name is : ${bPoolName} | |
Root Pool name is : ${rPoolName} | |
" | |
stepByStep "selectPoolNames" | |
} | |
function setBpoolName() { | |
read -r -p "Set new bpool name [a-z] : e.g [ bootpool ] " bPoolNameNew | |
if [ -z "${bPoolNameNew}" ]; then | |
bPoolNameNew="bootpool" | |
fi | |
read -r -p "New bpool name is ${bPoolNameNew} : [ Y / n ]" bPoolNameConfirm | |
if [ -z "${bPoolNameConfirm}" ] || [ "${bPoolNameConfirm}" == "Y" ] || [ "${bPoolNameConfirm}" == "y" ]; then | |
unset bPoolName | |
bPoolName="${bPoolNameNew}" | |
export bPoolName | |
else | |
setBpoolName | |
return | |
fi | |
} | |
function setRpoolName() { | |
read -r -p "Set new rpool name [a-z] : e.g [ rootpool ] " rPoolNameNew | |
if [ -z "${rPoolNameNew}" ]; then | |
rPoolNameNew="rootpool" | |
fi | |
read -r -p "New rpool name is ${rPoolNameNew} : [ Y / n ]" rPoolNameConfirm | |
if [ -z "${rPoolNameConfirm}" ] || [ "${rPoolNameConfirm}" == "Y" ] || [ "${rPoolNameConfirm}" == "y" ]; then | |
unset rPoolName | |
rPoolName="${rPoolNameNew}" | |
export rPoolName | |
else | |
setRpoolName | |
return | |
fi | |
} | |
function checkSystemHaveZfsPool() { | |
dividerLine "Check System ZFS Pools" | |
innerSeperator "Default Pool Names : ${bPoolName} & ${rPoolName}" | |
innerSeperator "Active : \n$(zpool list)" | |
systemPools=$(zpool status 2>/dev/null | grep -iPo "pool: \K.*") | |
if [ ! -z "${systemPools}" ]; then | |
zpool status | |
hasBpool=$(grep "${bPoolName}" <<<"${systemPools}") | |
hasRpool=$(grep "${rPoolName}" <<<"${systemPools}") | |
if [ ! -z "${hasBpool}" ]; then | |
innerSeperator "Setting Boot Pool Name" | |
setBpoolName | |
fi | |
if [ ! -z "${hasRpool}" ]; then | |
innerSeperator "Setting Root Pool Name" | |
setRpoolName | |
fi | |
fi | |
stepByStep "checkSystemHaveZfsPool" | |
} | |
function createBootPool() { | |
settedupDiskCount=${#BOOT_POOLS_PARTITIONS_PARTUUID[@]} | |
count=0 | |
setupString="${bPoolName} ${RAID_TAGS[$selectedRaid]} " | |
for d in $(seq 0 $settedupDiskCount ); do | |
setupString+="${BOOT_POOLS_PARTITIONS_PARTUUID[$count]} " | |
count=$((count + 1)) | |
done | |
dividerLine "Creating BOOT pool" | |
innerSeperator "${setupString}" | |
zpool create -f \ | |
-o cachefile=/etc/zfs/zpool.cache \ | |
-o ashift=12 -d \ | |
-o feature@async_destroy=enabled \ | |
-o feature@bookmarks=enabled \ | |
-o feature@embedded_data=enabled \ | |
-o feature@empty_bpobj=enabled \ | |
-o feature@enabled_txg=enabled \ | |
-o feature@extensible_dataset=enabled \ | |
-o feature@filesystem_limits=enabled \ | |
-o feature@hole_birth=enabled \ | |
-o feature@large_blocks=enabled \ | |
-o feature@livelist=enabled \ | |
-o feature@lz4_compress=enabled \ | |
-o feature@spacemap_histogram=enabled \ | |
-o feature@zpool_checkpoint=enabled \ | |
-O acltype=posixacl -O canmount=off -O compression=lz4 \ | |
-O devices=off -O normalization=formD -O relatime=on -O xattr=sa \ | |
-O mountpoint=/boot -R /mnt \ | |
${setupString} | |
innerSeperator "Listing ZFS Filesystem" | |
zfs list -t filesystem | |
stepByStep "createBootPool" | |
} | |
function createRootPool() { | |
mergedArray=("${ROOT_PARTITIONS_PARTUUID[@]}") | |
mergedArray+=("${POOL_PARTITIONS_PARTUUID[@]}") | |
settedupDiskCount="${#mergedArray[@]}" | |
count=0 | |
setupString="${rPoolName} " | |
for a in $(seq 1 $ARRAY_COUNT); do | |
setupString+="${RAID_TAGS[$selectedRaid]} " | |
for d in $(seq 0 $((settedupDiskCount / ARRAY_COUNT - 1))); do | |
setupString+="${mergedArray[$count]} " | |
count=$((count + 1)) | |
done | |
done | |
dividerLine "Creating ROOT pool" | |
innerSeperator "${setupString}" | |
zpool create -f \ | |
-o ashift=12 -O acltype=posixacl -O canmount=off -O compression=lz4 \ | |
-O dnodesize=auto -O normalization=formD -O relatime=on \-O xattr=sa \ | |
-O mountpoint=/ -R /mnt \ | |
${setupString} | |
innerSeperator "Listing ZFS Filesystem" | |
zfs list -t filesystem | |
stepByStep "createRootPool" | |
} | |
function createPoolsAndMounts() { | |
dividerLine "Creating Mount Pools" | |
innerSeperator "Creating ${rPoolName}/BOOT & ${bPoolName}/BOOT" | |
zfs create -o canmount=off -o mountpoint=none ${rPoolName}/ROOT | |
zfs create -o canmount=off -o mountpoint=none ${bPoolName}/BOOT | |
innerSeperator "Creating and mounting root ( / ) filesystem" | |
zfs create -o canmount=noauto -o mountpoint=/ ${rPoolName}/ROOT/debian | |
zfs mount ${rPoolName}/ROOT/debian | |
innerSeperator "Creating ${bPoolName}/BOOT/debian pool [ EFI system nesting directory]" | |
zfs create -o mountpoint=/boot ${bPoolName}/BOOT/debian | |
innerSeperator "Creating ${rPoolName}/home" | |
zfs create ${rPoolName}/home | |
innerSeperator "Creating and mounting ${rPoolName}/home/root to /root" | |
zfs create -o mountpoint=/root ${rPoolName}/home/root | |
chmod 700 /mnt/root | |
stepByStep "createPoolsAndMounts" | |
} | |
function askAndCreateDataset() { | |
# echo -e "${DATASET_DIRS[@]}" | |
# echo -e "${DATASET_OPTS[@]}" | |
if [[ ${#DATASET_DIRS[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then | |
count=0 | |
echo -e "----------------------------------------------------------" | |
for i in "${DATASET_DIRS[@]}"; do | |
read -r -p "Create ZFS Dataset ( ${rPoolName}$i ) ? [ Y / n ] " zfsDataset | |
case $zfsDataset in | |
"" | "Y" | "y") | |
echo -e "zfs create ${DATASET_OPTS[$count]} ${rPoolName}$i" | |
zfs create ${DATASET_OPTS[$count]} ${rPoolName}$i | |
;; | |
"N" | "n") | |
if [[ $count -eq 0 ]]; then | |
return | |
fi | |
;; | |
*) | |
# selectInstallationDisks | |
return | |
;; | |
esac | |
count=$((count+1)) | |
echo -e "----------------------------------------------------------" | |
done | |
fi | |
unset DATASET_DIRS | |
unset DATASET_OPTS | |
} | |
function createOtherDatasets() { | |
dividerLine "Creating Other ZFS Datasets" | |
DATASET_DIRS=("/var" \ | |
"/var/lib" \ | |
"/var/log" \ | |
"/var/mail" \ | |
"/var/vmail" \ | |
"/var/www" \ | |
"/var/spool" \ | |
"/var/cache" \ | |
"/var/tmp" \ | |
"/var/opt") | |
DATASET_OPTS=("-o canmount=off -o mountpoint=none" \ | |
"-o canmount=off" \ | |
"" \ | |
"" \ | |
"" \ | |
"" \ | |
"" \ | |
"-o com.sun:auto-snapshot=false" \ | |
"-o com.sun:auto-snapshot=false" \ | |
"") | |
export DATASET_DIRS | |
export DATASET_OPTS | |
askAndCreateDataset | |
getPath "/var/lib/docker" | |
upperDir=$(zfs list | grep "${F_PATH}") | |
echo "$upperDir" | |
if [ ! -z "$upperDir" ]; then | |
DATASET_DIRS=("/var/lib/docker" \ | |
"/var/lib/nfs") | |
DATASET_OPTS=("-o com.sun:auto-snapshot=false" \ | |
"-o com.sun:auto-snapshot=false") | |
export DATASET_DIRS | |
export DATASET_OPTS | |
askAndCreateDataset | |
fi | |
DATASET_DIRS=("/opt") | |
export DATASET_DIRS | |
export DATASET_OPTS | |
askAndCreateDataset | |
DATASET_DIRS=("/usr" \ | |
"/usr/local") | |
DATASET_OPTS=("-o canmount=off" \ | |
"") | |
export DATASET_DIRS | |
export DATASET_OPTS | |
askAndCreateDataset | |
innerSeperator "Creating /mnt/run" | |
mkdir /mnt/run | |
innerSeperator "Mounting /mnt/run using tmp filesystem" | |
mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /mnt/run | |
innerSeperator "Creating /mnt/run/lock" | |
mkdir /mnt/run/lock | |
innerSeperator "Listing ZFS Filesystem" | |
zfs list -t filesystem | |
stepByStep "createOtherDatasets" | |
} | |
function installBaseSystem() { | |
dividerLine "Installing Debian bullseye base system !" | |
sleep 2 | |
if [ -f "/root/debootstrap/bullseye.tar.gz" ]; then | |
tar -xvzf /root/debootstrap/bullseye.tar.gz -C /mnt/ | |
elif [ -f "/root/debootstrap/bullseye_clean.tar.gz" ]; then | |
tar -xvzf /root/debootstrap/bullseye_clean.tar.gz -C /mnt/ | |
else | |
debootstrap bullseye /mnt | |
fi | |
chmod 1777 /mnt/var/tmp | |
stepByStep "installBaseSystem" | |
} | |
function copyPoolCache() { | |
dividerLine "Copy pool cache to base system" | |
if [ ! -d /mnt/etc/zfs ]; then | |
mkdir /mnt/etc/zfs | |
fi | |
cp /etc/zfs/zpool.cache /mnt/etc/zfs/ | |
stepByStep "copyPoolCache" | |
} | |
function changeHostNameBaseSystem() { | |
dividerLine "Changing base system's hostname" | |
read -r -p "What will be the name of your ZFS bullseye e.g. [ $(hostname)-zfs ? ] " newHostname | |
if [ -z "${newHostname}" ]; then | |
newHostname=$(hostname)-zfs | |
fi | |
sed '2 i\t'"${newHostname}" /etc/hosts > /mnt/etc/hosts | |
stepByStep "changeHostNameBaseSystem" | |
} | |
function changeNetworkConfOfBaseSystem() { | |
dividerLine "Changing base system's network configuration" | |
cat <<EOF | |
auto eth0 | |
iface eth0 inet dhcp | |
EOF | |
) | |
if [ ! -d /mnt/etc/network/interfaces.d/ ]; then | |
mkdir /mnt/etc/network/interfaces.d/ | |
fi | |
echo -e "${CHANGE_NET_IF}" >/mnt/etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0 | |
stepByStep "changeNetworkConfOfBaseSystem" | |
} | |
function addAptSourcesToBaseSystem() { | |
dividerLine "Adding /etc/apt/sources.list to base system" | |
aptSourcesHttp "mnt" | |
stepByStep "addAptSourcesToBaseSystem" | |
} | |
function makePrivateDirectories() { | |
mount --make-private --rbind /dev /mnt/dev | |
mount --make-private --rbind /proc /mnt/proc | |
mount --make-private --rbind /sys /mnt/sys | |
stepByStep "makePrivateDirectories" | |
} | |
function chrootUpdate() { | |
dividerLine "chroot and apt update the base system" | |
chroot /mnt apt -qq update | |
stepByStep "chrootUpdate" | |
} | |
function chrootUpgrade() { | |
dividerLine "chroot and apt upgrade the base system" | |
chroot /mnt apt -qq upgrade -y | |
stepByStep "chrootUpgrade" | |
} | |
function chrootAutoremove() { | |
dividerLine "chroot and apt autoremove the base system" | |
chroot /mnt apt -qq autoremove -y | |
stepByStep "chrootAutoremove" | |
} | |
function chrootInstallBaseApps() { | |
dividerLine "Apt install chrooted system's applications" | |
chroot /mnt apt -qq install -y sudo parted htop screen net-tools dnsutils whois curl wget bash-completion \ | |
apt-transport-https openssh-server ca-certificates console-setup locales dosfstools grub-efi-amd64 \ | |
shim-signed gdisk iproute2 mdadm ovmf lsof | |
stepByStep "chrootInstallBaseApps" | |
} | |
function chrootSymlinkMounts() { | |
dividerLine "Chroot Symlink Mounts" | |
chroot /mnt ln -s /proc/self/mounts /etc/mtab | |
stepByStep "chrootSymlinkMounts" | |
} | |
function chrootDpkgReconfigure() { | |
dividerLine "Chroot DPKG reconfigure" | |
chroot /mnt dpkg-reconfigure locales tzdata keyboard-configuration console-setup | |
stepByStep "chrootDpkgReconfigure" | |
} | |
function chrootInstallKernelHeaders() { | |
dividerLine "Chroot Install Kernel headers" | |
chroot /mnt apt -qq install -y dpkg-dev linux-headers-amd64 linux-image-amd64 | |
chroot /mnt apt -qq install -y dkms | |
chroot /mnt apt -qq install -y zfs-initramfs | |
chroot /mnt echo REMAKE_INITRD=yes >/etc/dkms/zfs.conf | |
stepByStep "chrootInstallKernelHeaders" | |
} | |
function chrootWriteUefiPart() { | |
dividerLine "Chroot Write UEFI boot" | |
innerSeperator "Grub Probe [ you should see 'zfs']" | |
innerSeperator $(chroot /mnt grub-probe /boot) | |
read -p " [ Enter ] " keypress | |
lsblk | |
innerSeperator "mkdosfs EFI part" | |
export partUuid | |
chroot /mnt /bin/bash -c 'echo "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/$partUuid"; mkdosfs -F 32 -s 1 -n EFI /dev/disk/by-partuuid/$partUuid' | |
read -p " [ Enter ] " keypress | |
innerSeperator "Create /boot/efi" | |
chroot /mnt mkdir /boot/efi | |
read -p " [ Enter ] " keypress | |
innerSeperator "Write /etc/fstab" | |
chroot /mnt echo -e "PARTUUID=\"${BOOT_PARTITIONS_PARTUUID[0]}\" /boot/efi vfat defaults 0 0" >> /mnt/etc/fstab | |
unset partUuid | |
innerSeperator "Mount EFI" | |
chroot /mnt mount /boot/efi | |
read -p " [ Enter ] " keypress | |
innerSeperator "Purge os-prober [ Dual boot systems don't needed ]" | |
chroot /mnt apt remove -y --purge os-prober | |
stepByStep "chrootWriteUefiPart" | |
} | |
function chrootCreateRootPassword() { | |
dividerLine "Chrooted System Change 'root' password" | |
# read -rs -p "Create root password : " chrootRootPassword | |
chroot /mnt passwd | |
stepByStep "chrootCreateRootPassword" | |
} | |
function chrootImportBpoolService() { | |
dividerLine "Chroot Create and enable Bpool service" | |
cat <<EOF | |
[Unit] | |
DefaultDependencies=no | |
Before=zfs-import-scan.service | |
Before=zfs-import-cache.service | |
[Service] | |
Type=oneshot | |
RemainAfterExit=yes | |
ExecStart=/sbin/zpool import -N -o cachefile=none ${bPoolName} | |
# Work-around to preserve zpool cache: | |
ExecStartPre=-/bin/mv /etc/zfs/zpool.cache /etc/zfs/preboot_zpool.cache | |
ExecStartPost=-/bin/mv /etc/zfs/preboot_zpool.cache /etc/zfs/zpool.cache | |
[Install] | |
WantedBy=zfs-import.target | |
EOF | |
) | |
innerSeperator "Write service file" | |
echo -e "${BPOOL_SERVICE}" >/mnt/etc/systemd/system/zfs-import-${bPoolName}.service | |
innerSeperator "Enable service" | |
chroot /mnt /usr/bin/env bPoolName=${bPoolName} systemctl enable zfs-import-${bPoolName}.service | |
innerSeperator "Enable tmp.mount service" | |
chroot /mnt cp /usr/share/systemd/tmp.mount /etc/systemd/system/ | |
chroot /mnt systemctl enable tmp.mount | |
stepByStep "chrootImportBpoolService" | |
} | |
function chrootUpdateInitRamFs() { | |
dividerLine "Chroot Update Init Ram Filesystem" | |
chroot /mnt update-initramfs -c -k all | |
stepByStep "chrootUpdateInitRamFs" | |
} | |
function chrootChangeGrubDefaults() { | |
dividerLine "Chroot set /etc/default/grub file" | |
chroot /mnt sed -i 's/GRUB_TIMEOUT=5/GRUB_TIMEOUT=2/g' /etc/default/grub | |
chroot /mnt sed -i 's/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet"/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="console"/g' /etc/default/grub | |
chroot /mnt /usr/bin/env rPoolName=${rPoolName} sed -i 's/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=""/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="root=ZFS='${rPoolName}'\/ROOT\/debian net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0"/g' /etc/default/grub | |
chroot /mnt echo -e "GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=false\nGRUB_DEFAULT=saved" >> /etc/default/grub | |
chroot /mnt update-grub | |
stepByStep "chrootChangeGrubDefaults" | |
} | |
function chrootGrubInstall() { | |
# after reboot all boot disks... | |
dividerLine "Chroot grub install" | |
chroot /mnt grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=debian --recheck --no-floppy | |
stepByStep "chrootGrubInstall" | |
} | |
function chrootZfsListCaches() { | |
dividerLine "Chroot ZFS list caches" | |
chroot /mnt mkdir /etc/zfs/zfs-list.cache | |
chroot /mnt /usr/bin/env bPoolName=${bPoolName} touch /etc/zfs/zfs-list.cache/${bPoolName} | |
chroot /mnt /usr/bin/env rPoolName=${rPoolName} touch /etc/zfs/zfs-list.cache/${rPoolName} | |
chroot /mnt ln -s /usr/lib/zfs-linux/zed.d/history_event-zfs-list-cacher.sh /etc/zfs/zed.d | |
chroot /mnt zed -F & | |
innerSeperator "When you see changes on the screen [ Ctrl + C ]" | |
sleep 3 | |
chroot /mnt /usr/bin/env bPoolName=${bPoolName} watch -n1 cat /etc/zfs/zfs-list.cache/${bPoolName} | |
innerSeperator "When you see changes on the screen [ Ctrl + C ]" | |
sleep 3 | |
chroot /mnt /usr/bin/env rPoolName=${rPoolName} watch -n1 cat /etc/zfs/zfs-list.cache/${rPoolName} | |
innerSeperator "Chroot get the zed application and exit automatically ( pkill -15 zed)" | |
chroot /mnt pkill -15 zed | |
stepByStep "chrootZfsListCaches" | |
} | |
function chrootChangeMntDir() { | |
dividerLine "Chroot change '/mnt/' to '/' root file system" | |
sed -Ei "s|/mnt/?|/|" /mnt/etc/zfs/zfs-list.cache/* | |
stepByStep "chrootChangeMntDir" | |
} | |
function afterReboot() { | |
dividerLine "After the reboot you might want to start 'after-reboot.sh':" | |
cat <<EOF | |
#!/usr/bin/env bash | |
function dividerLine() { | |
echo -e "\\\n######################################################################" | |
echo -e "# \$1" | |
echo -e "######################################################################\\\n" | |
} | |
function innerSeperator() { | |
echo -e "----------------------------------------------------------------------" | |
echo -e " \$1" | |
echo -e "----------------------------------------------------------------------" | |
} | |
function getUserPassword() { | |
read -rs -p "Password : " userPass | |
echo "" | |
read -rs -p "Password (Re) : " userPassSecond | |
if [ "\${userPass}" != "\${userPassSecond}" ]; then | |
echo -e "Passwords don't match!" | |
unset userPass | |
unset userPassSecond | |
getUserPassword | |
fi | |
} | |
function addNewUserToBaseSystem() { | |
dividerLine "Add New User to System" | |
read -r -p "Username : [ Username / N (continue without) ] " username | |
if [ -z "\${username}" ]; then | |
echo -e "You should give a username or 'N' to continue without one!" | |
addNewUserToBaseSystem | |
fi | |
if [ ! "\${username}" == "n" ] || [ ! "\${username}" == "N" ]; then | |
innerSeperator "The username is : \${username}" | |
innerSeperator "ZFS Create \${username} 's pool" | |
zfs create ${rPoolName}/home/\${username} | |
chown -R \${username}:\${username} /home/\${username} | |
adduser "\${username}" | |
cp -a /etc/skel/. /home/\${username} | |
chown -R \${username}:\${username} /home/\${username} | |
usermod -a -G audio,cdrom,dip,floppy,netdev,plugdev,sudo,video \${username} | |
innerSeperator "Set user password" | |
# getUserPassword | |
# echo "\${username}:\${userPass}" | chpasswd | |
innerSeperator "\${username} 's Password has Changed" | |
fi | |
} | |
function startTaskSel() { | |
dividerLine "TASKSEL" | |
tasksel | |
} | |
cloneUefiPart | |
read -p "To Continue [ Enter ] " keypress | |
addNewUserToBaseSystem | |
startTaskSel | |
EOF | |
) | |
innerSeperator "/root/after-reboot.sh script generated." | |
echo -e "${AFTER_REBOOT_SH}" >/mnt/root/after-reboot.sh | |
# echo -e "${AFTER_REBOOT_SH}" > "$(pwd)"/after-reboot.sh | |
chmod 700 /mnt/root/after-reboot.sh | |
# chmod 700 "$(pwd)"/after-reboot.sh | |
stepByStep "afterReboot" | |
} | |
function copyZfsCompletion { | |
dividerLine "Copy zfs bash completion to zpool | Activates zpool completion" | |
chroot /mnt cp /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/zfs /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/zpool | |
stepByStep "copyZfsCompletion" | |
} | |
function chrootTakeInitialSnapshots() { | |
dividerLine "Chroot take initial snapshots" | |
chroot /mnt /usr/bin/env bPoolName=${bPoolName} zfs snapshot ${bPoolName}/BOOT/debian@initial | |
chroot /mnt /usr/bin/env rPoolName=${rPoolName} zfs snapshot ${rPoolName}/ROOT/debian@initial | |
stepByStep "chrootTakeInitialSnapshots" | |
} | |
function unmountAllFilesystems() { | |
dividerLine "Unmount all ZFS /mnt partitions" | |
mount | grep -v zfs | tac | awk '/\/mnt/ {print $3}' | xargs -i{} umount -lf {} # LiveCD environment to unmount all filesystems | |
zfs unmount -a | |
stepByStep "unmountAllFilesystems" | |
} | |
function exportZfsPools() { | |
dividerLine "Export ZFS Pools" | |
zpool export "${bPoolName}" | |
zpool export "${rPoolName}" | |
stepByStep "exportZfsPools" | |
} | |
function rebootSystem() { | |
read -r -p "Reboot the system : [ Y / n ] " rebootConfirm | |
if [ -z "${rebootConfirm}" ] || [ "${rebootConfirm}" == "Y" ] || [ "${rebootConfirm}" == "y" ]; then | |
dividerLine "System will reboot in 5 seconds..." | |
sleep 5 | |
reboot | |
fi | |
stepByStep "rebootSystem" | |
} | |
##### START ##### | |
amiAllowed | |
aptSourcesHttp | |
installBaseApps | |
aptSourcesHttps | |
aptUpdateUpgrade | |
selectPoolNames | |
checkSystemHaveZfsPool | |
selectSystemDisk | |
selectRaidType | |
selectInstallationDisks | |
labelClear | |
wipeDisks | |
createPartitions | |
labelClear # if ZFS installed before on that partition same name, it's there, clear it again. | |
getPartUUIDofDisks | |
cloneableUefiPart | |
cloneUefiPartFunctionBuilder | |
swapsOffline | |
checkMdadmArray | |
createBootPool | |
createRootPool | |
createPoolsAndMounts | |
createOtherDatasets | |
installBaseSystem | |
copyPoolCache | |
changeHostNameBaseSystem | |
changeNetworkConfOfBaseSystem | |
addAptSourcesToBaseSystem | |
makePrivateDirectories | |
chrootUpdate | |
chrootUpgrade | |
chrootAutoremove | |
chrootInstallBaseApps | |
aptSourcesHttps "mnt" | |
chrootUpdate | |
chrootUpgrade | |
chrootAutoremove | |
chrootSymlinkMounts | |
chrootDpkgReconfigure | |
chrootInstallKernelHeaders | |
chrootWriteUefiPart | |
chrootCreateRootPassword | |
chrootImportBpoolService | |
chrootUpdateInitRamFs | |
chrootChangeGrubDefaults | |
chrootGrubInstall | |
chrootZfsListCaches | |
chrootChangeMntDir | |
afterReboot | |
copyZfsCompletion | |
chrootTakeInitialSnapshots | |
unmountAllFilesystems | |
exportZfsPools | |
rebootSystem |
Perhaps you can help with this: After disconnecting a drive, I cannot boot from either one. I tried going through the procedure in the doc to copy the boot, which allows the system to boot again, at least with both connected. But if I disconnect one again, the same issue recurs. The system does not recognize either as a bootable drive. I'm not finding anything on the Web that addresses this. If I cannot get a separate drive to boot, without having to go through a procedure, this will be a deal-killer for ZFS for this project, which is to set up a laptop for a child to bring to school. Without being able to have a detachable mirror, for automatic backups, it would be simpler to install BTRFS, which would also allow for installation of Trisquel and hibernation with 4mb RAM.
. But if I disconnect one again, the same issue recurs. The system does not recognize either as a bootable drive. I'm not finding anything on the We
When you boot mirrored bootable devices there are multiple checkpoints.
1st. mirrored bootable device configuration (bpool)
- Since we are using UEFI you should add boot to uefi boot in to the bios.
- all the mirrored devices must have boot partition, and efi conf
- https://gist.github.com/unique1984/fabcead63e0ff999a158a6e360f70220#file-installer-sh-L795 (CLONE_FUNCTION in the installer.sh) after-boot.sh script automatically created by the installer.sh if you are use mirrored conf then this part should be included automatically!
2nd. When you export a zfs pool it's detaching so when you import it again you might import forcefully! while you are on the screen initramfs
You should check resilvering, detaching, attaching disks by the way. read section 17. bpool! using the link.
If both doesn't work means the bpool boot efi part wrote uncorrectly, you should install again!
Without being able to have a detachable mirror, for automatic backups, it would be simpler to install BTRFS, which would also allow for installation of Trisquel and hibernation with 4mb RAM.
@Dan-B-2 i am using on a Laptop right know. 2 x 2TB nvme configured as Raid0 Dell precision, 7710 zero issue since i installed the system... If you trust your physical system you can use too, but not 4G ram, at least 8G i recommend! if you want some performance you should use SSD or nvme. If you want recovery install the zfs-auto-snapshot package and configure it, if you want full disk recovery use checkpoint on the disk and use this option similar to deepfreeze... Usecases are on your own, i tried as much as i can try.
Have a nice day.
This is for my neighbor for her niece. She's on a very limited budget. If it's really essential to get more RAM, I'll make a case for her to purchase some, perhaps enough to avoid the hibernation issue.
Next I will work on my own new tower, which will use nvme and has plenty of RAM, but a challenge there will be that it's a PPC, which uses Petitboot. There's also no live version, but I found a procedure around that as well as a page to make my own live drive.
I did get the laptop to work better by doing the reverse copy, from USB to HD. It rebooted fine without the USB. Then, plugging in the USB had the same issue as before, but rebooting it worked fine. Then, somehow, when I wanted to test booting from the other drive then it would boot from neither drive, no matter where I put them. I'm working on following your instructions now. Right now, the BIOS doesn't even see the HD, while the live disk does, so I'm going to do the copy again and then go back to the BIOS.
Thanks for all your help.
If it's really essential to get more RAM, I'll make a case for her to purchase some, perhaps enough to avoid the hibernation issue.
You should close the sleep state, hibernation from OS, 4G ram works actually but i know that it will slow the system eventually.
but a challenge there will be that it's a PPC, which uses Petitboot.
I assume that you can't boot your tower using live pen drive. I didn't use this even once so i might not help. If it's connected below issue, just lucky.
Right now, the BIOS doesn't even see the HD,
Be Careful, hardware raid does not supported. If that is the issue, connect all drives as non raid drives. UEFI must be enabled.
It boots from the first (internal) drive every time, regardless of whether the second one is connected. But somehow, when I remove the first drive and install the second drive instead, not only will the second drive not boot but then reinstalling the first one it does not boot, though nothing was changed on it. So that seems to have something to do with the BIOS, not the installation.
Everything went well. I'm looking to expand this script. Thanks for creating this.
"When the system is restarted, even if you did not encounter the UEFI boot screen, you will fall on the initramfs line"
I'm looking at having the script do the manual rpool import so that the system doesn't reboot into initramfs. Anyone able to give further information as to why this is happening during the setup? I assume initramfs isn't being told to do this when being created. I'm looking for possible solutions.
@jdburcham You are welcome.
I'm looking at having the script do the manual rpool import so that the system doesn't reboot into initramfs.
The system is formatting and installing with chroot env. using another system. That is why we have to do import job using initramfs. This is the safest way around. zfs-dkms must recognize the disk.
The system is formatting and installing with chroot env. using another system. That is why we have to do import job using initramfs. This is the safest way around. zfs-dkms must recognize the disk.
Understood. Thanks for taking the time to reply. I have a bunch of reading and experimenting to do now. I'm going to keep notes as I dissect every part of the script and possibilities. I really don't like using default installers or the option of preseeding. My goal is to take this script and pack it with every possible install option, have a guided default you can press "enter" though (as you have done, but basic full ext4), then the option for guided install with options pulled from a key file, and last, no guide that outputs only errors, reading from a key file.
I'll share my notes once done, but you can halt me from doing something pointless ahead of time. This is the closest code I've found to work off of besides working with preseed, and then redoing the filessystem with zfs afterwards. Do you have any guidance or warnings before I step out on this path? Have you considered just doing a preseed and redoing the filesystem immediately afterwards? What are the benefits gained or lost from doing one or the other? If the only downside is debian performing a pointless action of creating things what will be moved or erased immediately afterwards, wouldn't a preseed be more forgiving?
Some notes of mine,
- At the begining of the installer there is a documentation link, i use that page for the starting point.
- Actually you can use preseed image without a problem theoratically. It might be a problem redefining the uefi boot option.
- I did lots of trials, create my playground with 4 physical ssd disk and that was fun. If you wouldn't mind i wrote some articles of the experiences and most of the usage scenerios. ( examples links ) Only problem is the articles are in Turkish. The commands and usages are English so it shouldn't be hard on you.
- I am building a cloud infrastructer system and it's management interface (KVM, libvirt, haproxy, pfsense ...) right now but eventually i will integrate this installer to my subsystem for creating VMs or preseeded VM creation...
the option for guided install with options pulled from a key file, and last, no guide that outputs only errors, reading from a key file.
The ZED cache part would be a problematic i think... zed function
I'll share my notes once done, but you can halt me from doing something pointless ahead of time.
Every experience is valuable! You should try as much scenarios as possible for yourself.
have a guided default you can press "enter" though (as you have done, but basic full ext4),
I create a VM for the VM creation and my gitlab instance using root ZFS file system on it.
Last one is autoexpand=true option if you want to use this you must use the entire disk area! if you don't autoexpand won't work, i need to reinstall my gitlab instance because of this.
I'm going to keep notes as I dissect every part of the script and possibilities.
I wish you luck, i've tried to write this script as clean as possible. If you stuck somewhere i would love to explain it.
Don't mention it, I hope I can add something valuable to you.
I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you @unique1984 for your effort put into writing this script and making it available to other users. I don't want to know how many hours you dedicated to its creation, but I can tell you how many hours it has helped me save: a lot! I plan to use it for all of my computers, both for Debian Bookworm and future releases.
I wish you plenty of energy to keep it up to date, and perhaps in the future, you can consider adding encryption! Once again, thank you, and best regards!
I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you @unique1984 for your effort put into writing this script and making it available to other users.
I am genuinely happy to hear that, i didn't test it this script on bookworm, simply changing apt sources list functions (line 40) and debootstrap (line 1139) to bookworm will probably do the job. Have a nice day.
Hi @Dan-B-2
I didn't remember why i remove autotrim, i wrote this script using the documentation, oracle web site, manuals etc. so since i can change the autotrim setting between on and off. Probably i choose off because for the performance issues and the ssd IOPS lifetime.
By the way, i move this script to my local VCS and mirror it to github, you can find usefull examples following the links. Articles are Turkish but commands and use cases are English. Best regards.