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Last active August 29, 2024 18:50
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Run Invidious with the new sig helper and trusted session generator

New official instructions: iv-org/documentation#581

Outdated Instructions

  1. Use the Invidious Docker image with tag master: (or for ARM64:
  2. Generate a po_token and visitor_data ID using this script:
    Note: According to someone on Matrix, you may need to generate that token from the same IP address as your Invidious server.
  3. Follow instructions about docker: You will need to make the connection between sig_helper and invidious network.
  4. Add these new options inside config.yaml:
    signature_server: yourpublicip:8080
    Note: for signature server IP, use the IP accordingly if you have changed the IP to which the sig helper is listening too. Here public IP is easier because it works for Dockerized environments.
  5. That's it, run invidious normally. You can run it with multiple processes.
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