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Last active January 24, 2025 20:52
Export bookmarks to Notion as a Database
(function bookmarksExportToCsv() {
* 1. Export bookmarks from browser (supported any Chromium based browsers and Safari) (chrome://bookmarks)
* 2. Open exported html file again in the browser
* 3. Copy paste this entire file in console, and execute it (hit enter)
* 4. You will be prompted to save a CSV file. Save it.
* 5. Open Notion. Click Import -> CSV
* 6. Select saved CSV file. Wait for import
* 7. You have a new database with all your bookmarks
const bookmarks = getBookmarks(document.body);
const csvString = arrayToCsv(bookmarks);
function getBookmarks(def, tags = []) {
// Chromium browsers exports dl first
// Safari browser exports dt first
// We take both into consideration
return Array.from(def.querySelectorAll(":scope > dl, :scope > dt")).flatMap(
function (child) {
// Find for a bookmark
const anchor = child.querySelector(":scope > a");
return anchor
? // if found create a bookmark object from it
createBookmark(anchor, tags)
: // if not, we go down in the tree, adding a new tag in tags
getBookmarks(child, getNewTags(tags, child));
function createBookmark(anchor, tags) {
return {
Name: anchor.innerText,
Created: getDate(anchor),
Tags: tags.join(", "),
// Make sure URL's are encoded, otherwise, Notion may fail to import
Url: encodeURI(anchor.href),
function getDate(anchor) {
const stringDate = anchor.getAttribute("add_date");
// Safari does not add an add_date attribute, default to new Date
const date = stringDate ? new Date(Number(stringDate) * 1000) : new Date();
const dateF = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US", { dateStyle: "medium" });
const hourF = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US", { timeStyle: "short" });
// Notion it seems to support it this way
return `${dateF.format(date)} ${hourF.format(date)}`;
function getNewTags(tags, def) {
// Depending on depth level heading can be different
const heading = def.querySelector(
":scope > h1",
":scope > h2",
":scope > h3",
":scope > h4",
":scope > h5",
":scope > h6",
if (!heading) return tags;
return [ Set([...tags, heading.innerText])]
function arrayToCsv(array) {
const titles = ["Name", "Created", "Tags", "Url"].map((t) => `"${t}"`);
const entries = =>
[e.Name, e.Created, e.Tags, e.Url]
// We use double quotes as data wrapper
// We escape double quotes inside using another double quote as RFC says
.map((f) => `"${f.replace(/"/g, `""`)}"`)
return `${titles.join(",")}\n${entries.join("\n")}`;
function downloadString(text) {
const a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([text], { type: "text/csv" }));
// When importing in Notion it will use file name without extension as page name = "Bookmarks.csv";;
window.setTimeout(() => window.URL.revokeObjectURL(a.href));
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den-by commented Aug 12, 2022

Nice work.

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RezoApio commented Mar 5, 2023

Absolutely brilliant!! Thanks a million

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