/** |
* Get curs.md rates |
* Script was made only for learning purposes |
* Please read terms https://www.curs.md/ro/terms |
* @param {Date|Date[][]} date The date of the rate |
* @param {string} [bank="bnm"] The desired bank |
* @param {string} [currency="EUR"] The desired currency |
* @param {boolean} [debug=false] Show some debug messages |
* @return The currency rate from bank at that date |
* @customfunction |
*/ |
function CURSMD(date = new Date(), bank = 'bnm', currency = 'EUR', debug = false) { |
// Arguments validation |
let invalids = ['#NAME?', ''] |
if (invalids.includes(date)) date = new Date() |
if (invalids.includes(bank)) bank = 'bnm' |
if (invalids.includes(currency)) currency = 'EUR' |
if (typeof debug !== 'boolean') debug = false |
if (!Array.isArray(date) && !isDate_(date)) throw new Error('Invalid date') |
if (!Array.isArray(date) && isTomorrow_(date)) throw new Error('Future date') |
if (typeof bank !== 'string') throw new Error('Invalid bank') |
if (typeof currency !== 'string') throw new Error('Invalid currency') |
bank = bank.toLowerCase() |
currency = currency.toUpperCase() |
if (!Array.isArray(date)) { |
let result = getRateResult_(date, bank, currency, debug) |
if (result.status === 'rejected') { |
throw new Error(result.reason) |
} else { |
return result.value |
} |
} |
return date.map((datesRow, rowIndex) => datesRow.map((date, columnIndex) => { |
let result = getRateResult_(date, bank, currency, debug) |
if (result.status === 'rejected') { |
let cellIndex = `[${rowIndex + 1}:${columnIndex + 1}]` |
return `${result.reason} ${cellIndex}` |
} else { |
return result.value |
} |
})) |
} |
let isDate_ = theDate => theDate instanceof Date && !isNaN(theDate) |
let isTomorrow_ = date => { |
let tomorrow = new Date() |
tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1) |
return date.getTime() > tomorrow.getTime() |
} |
let reject_ = reason => ({ status: 'rejected', reason }) |
let fulfill_ = value => ({ status: 'fulfilled', value }) |
let getCacheKey_ = dateString => `curs.md[${dateString}]` |
let getDateString_ = date => { |
let year = String(date.getFullYear()).padStart(4, '0') |
let month = String(date.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0') |
let day = String(date.getDate()).padStart(2, '0') |
return `${year}-${month}-${day}` |
} |
/** @param {Date} date */ |
function getData_(date) { |
if (!isDate_(date)) return reject_('Invalid date') |
if (isTomorrow_(date)) return reject_('Future date') |
let scriptCache = CacheService.getScriptCache() |
let dateString = getDateString_(date) |
let cacheKey = getCacheKey_(dateString) |
let cacheResult = scriptCache.get(cacheKey) |
if (cacheResult) { |
Logger.log(`[${dateString}] Cache hit`) |
try { |
let data = JSON.parse(cacheResult) |
return fulfill_({ data, cache: true }) |
} catch (e) { |
return reject_('Failed to fetch') |
} |
} else { |
Logger.log(`[${dateString}] Cache miss`) |
} |
let url = 'https://www.curs.md/ro/json_convertor_provider/default' |
let finalUrl = `${url}?ConvDate=${dateString}` |
console.time(`[${dateString}] Fetching ${finalUrl}`) |
let response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(finalUrl, { muteHttpExceptions: true }); |
console.timeEnd(`[${dateString}] Fetching ${finalUrl}`) |
if (response.getResponseCode() !== 200) { |
return reject_('Failed to fetch') |
} |
try { |
let text = response.getContentText() |
let data = JSON.parse(text) |
scriptCache.put(cacheKey, text) |
return fulfill_({ data, cache: false }) |
} catch (e) { |
return reject_('Failed to fetch') |
} |
} |
function getRateResult_(date, bank, currency, debug = false) { |
let lock = LockService.getScriptLock() |
lock.tryLock(10000) |
let dataResult = getData_(date) |
lock.releaseLock() |
if (dataResult.status === 'rejected') { |
return dataResult |
} else { |
let { data, cache } = dataResult.value |
let theBank = data?.[bank] |
if (theBank === undefined) return reject_('Unknown bank') |
let theCurrency = theBank?.rates?.[currency] |
if (theCurrency === undefined) return reject_('Unknown currency') |
let rate = theCurrency.sell |
if (rate === undefined) return reject_('Unknown rate') |
return fulfill_(cache && debug ? `[CACHE]: ${rate}` : rate) |
} |
} |
function TEST() { |
let datesRows = [[ |
new Date(2023, 2, 1), |
new Date(2022, 7, 16), |
"invalid", |
new Date(2022, 7, 19), |
new Date(2022, 7, 20), |
]] |
let scriptCache = CacheService.getScriptCache() |
datesRows.forEach(datesRow => datesRow.map(date => { |
if (!isDate_(date)) return |
let dateString = getDateString_(date) |
let cacheKey = getCacheKey_(dateString) |
scriptCache.remove(cacheKey) |
})) |
Logger.log('- Results 1 -------------------') |
let results1 = CURSMD(datesRows) |
Logger.log('- Reults 2 ------------------') |
let results2 = CURSMD(datesRows) |
Logger.log('-------------------') |
Logger.log(results1) |
Logger.log(results2) |
Logger.log(`Equal: ${JSON.stringify(results1) === JSON.stringify(results2)}`) |
} |