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Created June 10, 2015 11:56
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* Stampit
* Create objects from reusable, composable behaviors.
* Copyright (c) 2013 Eric Elliott
'use strict';
var forEach = require('lodash/collection/forEach');
var map = require('lodash/collection/map');
var forOwn = require('lodash/object/forOwn');
var isFunction = require('lodash/lang/isFunction');
var isArray = Array.isArray;
var isObject = require('lodash/lang/isObject');
var create = Object.create;
var slice = require('lodash/array/slice');
var mixer = require('./mixer');
/* jshint -W024 */
// Avoiding JSHist W003 violations.
var stampit;
function extractFunctions(arg) {
if (isFunction(arg)) {
return map(slice(arguments), function (fn) {
if (isFunction(fn)) {
return fn;
} else if (isObject(arg)) {
var arr = [];
forEach(slice(arguments), function (obj) {
forOwn(obj, function (fn) {
return arr;
} else if (isArray(arg)) {
return slice(arg);
return [];
function addMethods(fixed, methods) {
var args = [fixed.methods].concat(methods);
mixer.mixinFunctions.apply(null, args);
return fixed.methods;
function addRefs(fixed, refs) {
var args = [fixed.refs || fixed.state].concat(refs);
fixed.refs = fixed.state = mixer.mixin.apply(null, args);
return fixed.refs;
function addInit(fixed, inits) {
inits = isArray(inits) ? extractFunctions.apply(null, inits) : extractFunctions(inits);
fixed.init = fixed.enclose = (fixed.init || fixed.enclose).concat(inits);
return fixed.init;
function addProps(fixed, propses) {
var args = [fixed.props].concat(propses);
fixed.props = mixer.merge.apply(null, args);
return fixed.props;
function addStatic(fixed, statics) {
var args = [fixed.static].concat(statics);
fixed.static = mixer.mixin.apply(null, args);
return fixed.static;
function cloneAndExtend(fixed, extensionFunction, args) {
args = arguments.length > 3 ? slice(arguments, 2, arguments.length) : args;
var stamp = stampit(fixed);
extensionFunction(stamp.fixed, args);
return stamp;
function compose(factories) {
factories = isArray(factories) ? factories : slice(arguments);
var result = stampit();
forEach(factories, function (source) {
if (source && source.fixed) {
addMethods(result.fixed, source.fixed.methods);
// We might end up having two different stampit modules loaded and used in conjunction.
// These || operators ensure that old stamps could be combined with the current version stamps.
addRefs(result.fixed, source.fixed.refs || source.fixed.state); // 'state' is the old name for 'refs'
addInit(result.fixed, source.fixed.init || source.fixed.enclose); // 'enclose' is the old name for 'init'
addProps(result.fixed, source.fixed.props);
addStatic(result.fixed, source.fixed.static);
return mixer.mixin(result, result.fixed.static);
* Return a factory function that will produce new objects using the
* components that are passed in or composed.
* @param {Object} [options] Options to build stamp from: `{ methods, refs, init, props }`
* @param {Object} [options.methods] A map of method names and bodies for delegation.
* @param {Object} [options.refs] A map of property names and values to be mixed into each new object.
* @param {Object} [options.init] A closure (function) used to create private data and privileged methods.
* @param {Object} [options.props] An object to be deeply cloned into each newly stamped object.
* @param {Object} [options.static] An object to be mixed into each `this` and derived stamps (not objects!).
* @return {Function(refs)} factory A factory to produce objects.
* @return {Function(refs)} factory.create Just like calling the factory function.
* @return {Object} factory.fixed An object map containing the stamp components.
* @return {Function(methods)} factory.methods Add methods to the stamp. Chainable.
* @return {Function(refs)} factory.refs Add references to the stamp. Chainable.
* @return {Function(Function(context))} factory.init Add a closure which called on object instantiation. Chainable.
* @return {Function(props)} factory.props Add deeply cloned properties to the produced objects. Chainable.
* @return {Function(stamps)} factory.compose Combine several stamps into single. Chainable.
* @return {Function(statics)} factory.static Add properties to the stamp (not objects!). Chainable.
stampit = function stampit(options) {
var fixed = {methods: {}, refs: {}, init: [], props: {}, static: {}};
fixed.state = fixed.refs; // Backward compatibility. 'state' is the old name for 'refs'.
fixed.enclose = fixed.init; // Backward compatibility. 'enclose' is the old name for 'init'.
if (options) {
addMethods(fixed, options.methods);
addRefs(fixed, options.refs);
addInit(fixed, options.init);
addProps(fixed, options.props);
addStatic(fixed, options.static);
var factory = function Factory(refs, args) {
var instance = mixer.mixin(create(fixed.methods), fixed.refs, refs);
mixer.mergeUnique(instance, fixed.props); // props are safely merged into refs
if (fixed.init.length > 0) {
args = slice(arguments, 1, arguments.length);
forEach(fixed.init, function (fn) {
if (isFunction(fn)) {
instance =, { args: args, instance: instance, stamp: factory }) || instance;
return instance;
var refsMethod = cloneAndExtend.bind(null, fixed, addRefs);
var initMethod = cloneAndExtend.bind(null, fixed, addInit);
return mixer.mixin(factory, {
* Creates a new object instance form the stamp.
create: factory,
* The stamp components.
fixed: fixed,
* Take n objects and add them to the methods list of a new stamp. Creates new stamp.
* @return {Function} A new stamp (factory object).
methods: cloneAndExtend.bind(null, fixed, addMethods),
* Take n objects and add them to the references list of a new stamp. Creates new stamp.
* @return {Function} A new stamp (factory object).
refs: refsMethod,
* Alias to refs(). Deprecated.
* @return {Function} A new stamp (factory object).
state: refsMethod,
* Take n functions, an array of functions, or n objects and add
* the functions to the initializers list of a new stamp. Creates new stamp.
* @return {Function} A new stamp (factory object).
init: initMethod,
* Alias to init(). Deprecated.
* @return {Function} A new stamp (factory object).
enclose: initMethod,
* Take n objects and deep merge them to the properties. Creates new stamp.
* @return {Function} A new stamp (factory object).
props: cloneAndExtend.bind(null, fixed, addProps),
* Take n objects and add all props to the factory object. Creates new stamp.
* @return {Function} A new stamp (factory object).
static: function () {
var newStamp = cloneAndExtend(this.fixed, addStatic, slice(arguments));
return mixer.mixin(newStamp, newStamp.fixed.static);
* Take one or more factories produced from stampit() and
* combine them with `this` to produce and return a new factory.
* Combining overrides properties with last-in priority.
* @param {[Function]|...Function} factories Stampit factories.
* @return {Function} A new stampit factory composed from arguments.
compose: function (factories) {
var args = isArray(factories) ? factories : slice(arguments);
args = [this].concat(args);
return compose(args);
}, fixed.static);
// Static methods
function isStamp(obj) {
return (
isFunction(obj) &&
isFunction(obj.methods) &&
// isStamp can be called for old stampit factory object. We should check old names (state and enclose) too.
(isFunction(obj.refs) || isFunction(obj.state)) &&
(isFunction(obj.init) || isFunction(obj.enclose)) &&
isFunction(obj.props) &&
isFunction(obj.static) &&
function convertConstructor(Constructor) {
var stamp = stampit();
mixer.mixinChainFunctions(stamp.fixed.methods, Constructor.prototype);
stamp.fixed.refs = stamp.fixed.state = mixer.mergeChainNonFunctions(stamp.fixed.refs, Constructor.prototype);
addInit(stamp.fixed, function (opts) {
return Constructor.apply(opts.instance, opts.args);
return stamp;
function shortcutMethod(extensionFunction) {
return function(args){
args = arguments.length > 1 ? slice(arguments) : args;
var stamp = stampit();
extensionFunction(stamp.fixed, args);
return stamp;
module.exports = mixer.mixin(stampit, {
* Take n objects and add them to the methods list of a new stamp. Creates new stamp.
* @return {Function} A new stamp (factory object).
methods: shortcutMethod(addMethods),
* Take n objects and add them to the references list of a new stamp. Creates new stamp.
* @return {Function} A new stamp (factory object).
refs: shortcutMethod(addRefs),
* Take n functions, an array of functions, or n objects and add
* the functions to the initializers list of a new stamp. Creates new stamp.
* @return {Function} A new stamp (factory object).
init: shortcutMethod(addInit),
* Take n objects and deep merge them to the properties. Creates new stamp.
* @return {Function} A new stamp (factory object).
props: shortcutMethod(addProps),
* Take n objects and add all props to the factory object. Creates new stamp.
* @return {Function} A new stamp (factory object).
static: function () {
var newStamp = stampit();
addStatic(newStamp.fixed, slice(arguments));
return mixer.mixin(newStamp, newStamp.fixed.static);
* Take two or more factories produced from stampit() and
* combine them to produce a new factory.
* Combining overrides properties with last-in priority.
* @param {[Function]|...Function} factories Stamps produced by stampit().
* @return {Function} A new stampit factory composed from arguments.
compose: compose,
* Alias for mixin
extend: mixer.mixin,
* Alias for mixin
mixIn: mixer.mixin,
* Alias for mixin
assign: mixer.mixin,
* Take a destination object followed by one or more source objects,
* and copy the source object properties to the destination object,
* with last in priority overrides.
* @param {Object} destination An object to copy properties to.
* @param {...Object} source An object to copy properties from.
* @returns {Object}
mixin: mixer.mixin,
* Check if an object is a stamp.
* @param {Object} obj An object to check.
* @returns {Boolean}
isStamp: isStamp,
* Take an old-fashioned JS constructor and return a stampit stamp
* that you can freely compose with other stamps.
* @param {Function} Constructor
* @return {Function} A composable stampit factory (aka stamp).
convertConstructor: convertConstructor
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