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Last active April 23, 2018 12:31
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Script to rename and organize all files from my Onedrive photo folder
const fs = require('fs');
const albumPath = '/home/uqmessias/OneDrive/Imagens/Álbum\ da\ Câmera';
const albumNewPath = '/home/uqmessias/development/rename-files/files';
const handleFile = (dirPath, fileName) => {
const fileOldPath = `${dirPath}/${fileName}`;
const stats = fs.statSync(fileOldPath);
const fileNewPath = `${albumNewPath}/${fileName}`;
const atime = new Date(stats.atimeMs);
const mtime = new Date(stats.mtimeMs);
if (stats.isDirectory()) {
} else if (!fs.existsSync(fileNewPath)) {
console.log(`Copying file from "${fileOldPath}" to "${fileNewPath}"...`);
fs.copyFileSync(fileOldPath, fileNewPath);
fs.utimesSync(fileNewPath, atime, mtime);
const organizeFiles = (dirPath) => {
console.log(`Reading dir "${dirPath}" content ...`);
fs.readdir(dirPath, (err, fileNames) => {
let counter = 0;
fileNames.forEach(fileName => handleFile(dirPath, fileName));
const fs = require('fs');
const albumPath = '/home/uqmessias/OneDrive/Imagens/Álbum\ da\ Câmera';
const getTwoDigits = numeric => {
const digits = `0${numeric}`;
return digits.substr(digits.length - 2, 2);
const monthNamesPt = [
'Janeiro', 'Fevereiro', 'Março',
'Abril', 'Maio', 'Junho',
'Julho', 'Agosto', 'Setembro',
'Outubro', 'Novembro', 'Dezembro',
const handleFile = fileName => {
const stats = fs.statSync(`${albumPath}/${fileName}`);
let mtime = new Date(stats.mtimeMs);
const atime = new Date(stats.atimeMs);
const monthWithTwoDigits = getTwoDigits(mtime.getMonth() + 1);
const dayWithTwoDigits = getTwoDigits(mtime.getDate());
const hourWithTwoDigits = getTwoDigits(mtime.getHours());
const minuteWithTwoDigits = getTwoDigits(mtime.getMinutes());
const i = n => parseInt(n, 10);
const arrayExec = /_([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})_([0-9]{2})_?([0-9]{2})/gi.exec(fileName);
const [_, fullYear, month, day, hour, minute] = arrayExec ||
[undefined, mtime.getFullYear(), monthWithTwoDigits, dayWithTwoDigits, hourWithTwoDigits, minuteWithTwoDigits];
if (fullYear != mtime.getFullYear() || month !== monthWithTwoDigits) {
mtime = new Date(i(fullYear), i(month) - 1, i(day), i(hour), i(minute));
console.log(`from ${stats.mtime.toISOString()} to ${mtime.toISOString()}`);
const yearPath = `${albumPath}/${mtime.getFullYear()}`;
const monthPath = `${yearPath}/${getTwoDigits(month)} - ${monthNamesPt[i(month) - 1]}`;
const fileOldPath = `${albumPath}/${fileName}`;
const filePath = `${monthPath}/${fileName}`;
if (!fs.existsSync(yearPath)) {
console.log(`Creating a new directory ${yearPath}...`);
if (!fs.existsSync(monthPath)) {
console.log(`Creating a new directory ${monthPath}...`);
if (!fs.existsSync(filePath) && stats.isFile()) {
console.log(`Moving file from "${fileOldPath}" to "${filePath}"...`);
fs.renameSync(fileOldPath, filePath);
fs.utimesSync(filePath, atime, mtime);
const organizeFiles = () => {
fs.readdir(albumPath, (err, fileNames) => {
console.log(`${fileNames.length} files found`);
console.log('Creating directories based on files information...');
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