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Last active March 6, 2020 14:40
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// plugin.js
'use strict';
const BabelParser = require("@babel/parser");
// TODO import decorate/extendObservable
module.exports = function ({ types }) {
const visitor = {
Visiting ClassBody is too late
transforms properties in ClassDeclaration
ClassDeclaration(path) {
// path.ClassDeclatation.ClassBody.Array
const members = path.node.body.body;
const decoratedMembers = [];
let iter = 0;
let constructorIndex = -1;
for (let node of members) {
if (types.isClassProperty(node)) {
const comments = node.leadingComments;
if (Array.isArray(comments)) {
const closestComment = comments[comments.length - 1];
const matches = closestComment.value.match(/\s*@(.+)/);
key: node.key, // "Identifier","StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral"
code: matches[1]
} else if (types.isClassMethod(node)) {
if (node.kind === 'constructor') {
constructorIndex = iter;
// TODO method,getter
// decorate(this, { key: decorator })
const props ={ key, code }) => {
// TODO clone key node?
// parsing probably slow
const parsedCode = BabelParser.parseExpression(code);
return types.ObjectProperty(key, parsedCode);
const callee = types.Identifier('decorate');
const thisExpression = types.ThisExpression();
const object = types.ObjectExpression(props);
const callExpression = types.CallExpression(callee, [
const expressionStatement = types.ExpressionStatement(callExpression);
if (constructorIndex === -1) {
// Create constructor
// TODO call super(); if extends
// TODO place constructor after fields, before methods
const constructorBody = types.BlockStatement([expressionStatement]);
const constructor = types.ClassMethod(
const classBodyPath = path.get('body');
classBodyPath.pushContainer('body', constructor)
} else {
// Push at the end of constructor
const constructorBodyPath = path.get(`body.body.${constructorIndex}.body`);
constructorBodyPath.pushContainer('body', expressionStatement)
return {
//inherits: require('@babel/plugin-syntax-class-properties'),
// index.js
'use strict';
const Fs = require('fs');
const Babel = require("@babel/core");
const input = Fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/input.js');
const result = Babel.transform(input, {
plugins: [
// input.js
'use strict';
class A {
// @observable
field = "value";
constructor() {
console.log('peice of code');
class B {
// @observable
field = "value";
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