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FWIW: I (@rondy) am not the creator of the content shared here, which is an excerpt from Edmond Lau's book. I simply copied and pasted it from another location and saved it as a personal note, before it gained popularity on Unfortunately, I cannot recall the exact origin of the original source, nor was I able to find the author's name, so I am can't provide the appropriate credits.

Effective Engineer - Notes

What's an Effective Engineer?

alirobe / reclaimWindows10.ps1
Last active April 14, 2024 11:40
This Windows 10 Setup Script turns off a bunch of unnecessary Windows 10 telemetery, bloatware, & privacy things. Not guaranteed to catch everything. Review and tweak before running. Reboot after running. Scripts for reversing are included and commented. Fork of (different defaults). N.…
### UPDATE: For Win 11, I recommend using this tool in place of this script:
### iwr -useb | iex

Softchains: Sidechains as a Soft Fork via Proof-of-Work Fraud Proofs

Originally posted on bitcoin-dev.

This post describes a fully decentralized two-way peg sidechain design. Activating new sidechains requires a soft fork, hence the name softchains. The key aspect is that all softchains are validated by everyone via Proof-of-Work Fraud Proofs (PoW FP) -- a slow but very efficient consensus mechanism that only requires the validation of disputed blocks. This does increase the validation burden of mainchain full nodes, but only by a minimal amount (~100MB per chain per year). It's similar to [drivechains][0], but without the major downside of having to rely on miners, since all Bitcoin full node users can efficiently validate each sidechain.

Proof-of-Work Fraud Proofs

Last year I posted the idea of [PoW FP to the Bitcoin mailing list][1] ([follow-up here][2]). The idea is that we can use the existence of a fork in Bitc

davidfowl /
Last active April 10, 2024 04:24
Minimal APIs at a glance
RobinLinus /
Last active April 9, 2024 09:09
zkCoins: A payment system with strong privacy and scalability, combining a client-side validation protocol with validity proofs


zkCoins is a novel blockchain design with strong privacy and scalability properties. It combines client-side validation with a zero-knowledge proof system. The chain is reduced to a minimum base layer to prevent double spending. Most of the verification complexity is moved off-chain and communicated directly between the individual sender and recipient of a transaction. There are very few global consensus rules, which makes block validation simple. Not even a global UTXO set is required.

In contrast to zk-rollups there is no data availability problem, and no sequencer is required to coordinate a global proof aggregation. The protocol can be implemented as an additional layer contained in Bitcoin's blockchain (similar to RGB[^5] or Taro[^6]) or as a standalone sidechain.

The throughput scales to hundreds of transactions per second without sacrificing decentralization.

Design Principles

The core design principle is to *"use the chain for what the chain is good for, which is an immutable order

RubenSomsen /
Last active April 5, 2024 13:56
Links to my work, accessible via


I'm Ruben Somsen, Bitcoin Sorcerer. I do protocol design in order to enhance Bitcoin.

I'm sponsored by Spiral, Superlunar/Gemini, HRF, and am currently working on Silent Payments with Josie, assisting Davidson with the implementation of Proof-of-Work fraud proofs into Floresta, and Raj with continuing the work on Teleport (Belcher's Coinswap protocol).

I also help maintain the bitcoin-dev mailing list, co-hosted the Unhashed Podcast, founded the Seoul Bitcoin Meetup in 2014, actively co-organizing BitDevs Amsterdam, and on the layer two funding sub-committee of OpenSats.

You can find me on [Twitter](

0xallie /
Last active April 3, 2024 06:11
Lossless stream rip cheatsheet

Lossless stream rip cheatsheet

Note: This guide may be slightly outdated. It may be still useful for older releases, but nowadays the vast majority of releases are correctly tagged as WEB-DL (unless it's RARBG/rartv). Protip: prefer looking at file names instead of release names, as they tend to be more accurate.

This is a short cheatsheet to help you determine whether a release from Amazon, Hulu, or Netflix contains the lossless/untouched (as in no further loss of quality compared to what the streaming services provide) video/audio or not. Most newer P2P releases are correctly tagged, but for older releases, it cannot be reliably determined based on the tags alone.

In most cases, non-lossless rips from these services are screen captures (which, when done by professional releasers, should be high quality and contain little to no glitches – see the history section for details), but in some cases they may be simply reencoded from the untouched stream, for example to crop black bars or reencode from a

nickfarrow /
Last active April 2, 2024 12:33
Modifying FROST Threshold and Signers

Modifying FROST Signers and Threshold

FROST's distributed key generation involves N parties each creating a secret polynomial, and sharing evaluations of this polynomial with other parties to create a distributed FROST key.

The final FROST key is described by a joint polynomial, where the x=0 intercept is the jointly shared secret s=f(0). Each participant controls a single point on this polynomial at their participant index.

The degree T-1 of the polynomials determines the threshold T of the multisignature - as this sets the number of points required to interpolate the joint polynomial and compute evaluations under the joint secret.

T parties can interact in order to interpolate evaluations using the secret f[0] without ever actually reconstructing this secret in isolation (unlike Shamir Secret Sharing where you have to reconstruct the secret).

SeverinAlexB / scidConverter.ts
Last active April 2, 2024 11:06
Lightning Network short channel id (CLN) to decimal id (LND) converter
/** By */
function bitShift(n: number, shiftBy: number): number {
let base = n;
for (let i = 0; i < shiftBy; i++) {
base = base * 2;
return base;
export function shortChannelIdToDecimalId(shortChannelId: string): string {

This is a work in progress, proceed with caution

Install Proxmox and a Ubuntu VM with Portainer to manage docker containers

Setup Proxmox

  1. Install Proxmox 6.X iso I selected 2 drives in Raid 1 mirror
  2. Console/SSH into Proxmox
  3. nano /etc/apt/sources.list