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Last active October 29, 2018 09:01
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Rokusa (Pure)

Some useful code written in ion

// @opportunity @perf: reduce data dependency by processing n-elems at a time SIMD style.
func sum_array(first: float*, num: usize, stride_size: usize): float
#assert(_is_aligned(stride_size, alignof(*first)));
res: float;
for (i := 0; i<num; i++) {
res += *_deref_float(first, stride_size, i);
return res;
func mean_array(first: float*, num: usize, stride_size: usize): float
return sum_array(first, num, stride_size) / float(num);
func root_mean_square_array(first: float*, num: usize, stride_size: usize): float
#assert(_is_aligned(stride_size, alignof(*first)));
res: float;
for (i:=0; i<num; i++) {
x := *_deref_float(first, stride_size, i);
res += x * x;
return libc.sqrt(res / float(num));
func minmax_array(first: float*, num: usize, stride_size: usize): Range_Float
#assert(_is_aligned(stride_size, alignof(*first)));
res := minmax_unit();
for (i:=0; i<num; i++) {
x := *_deref_float(first, stride_size, i);
minmax_inplace(&res, x);
return res;
func minmax_unit(): Range_Float { return aabb1_cover_unit(); }
func minmax_inplace(range: Range_Float*, x: float): Range_Float
*range = aabb1_cover_pt(*range, {x});
return *range;
func _deref_float(first: float*, stride_size: usize, index: usize): float*
dest_byte_ptr := (:uint8*)first;
return (:float*)(dest_byte_ptr + index*stride_size);
func _is_aligned(offset: uintptr, alignment: usize): bool
return 0 == offset & (alignment - 1);
// pink noise: aka 1/f noise, has a frequency rolloff of 3dB per octave.
struct PinkPK3
b: float[7];
output: float;
// white noise filtered by an approximated 3dB/octave filter
func pink_noise_pk3_44100hz_advance(pk3: PinkPK3*, white_noise: float)
// Filter by Paul Kellet (pk3 = (Black))
// Used in CSound for instance.
// Filter to make pink noise from white (updated March 2000)
// ------------------------------------
// This is an approximation to a -10dB/decade filter using a weighted sum
// of first order filters. It is accurate to within +/-0.05dB above 9.2Hz
// (44100Hz sampling rate). Unity gain is at Nyquist, but can be adjusted
// by scaling the numbers at the end of each line.
// If 'white' consists of uniform random numbers, such as those generated
// by the rand() function, 'pink' will have an almost gaussian level
// distribution.
s := pk3;
s.b[0] = 0.99886 * s.b[0] + white_noise * 0.0555179;
s.b[1] = 0.99332 * s.b[1] + white_noise * 0.0750759;
s.b[2] = 0.96900 * s.b[2] + white_noise * 0.1538520;
s.b[3] = 0.86650 * s.b[3] + white_noise * 0.3104856;
s.b[4] = 0.55000 * s.b[4] + white_noise * 0.5329522;
s.b[5] = -0.7616 * s.b[5] - white_noise * 0.0168980;
s.output = s.b[0] + s.b[1] + s.b[2] + s.b[3] + s.b[4] + s.b[5] + s.b[6] + white_noise * 0.5362;
// gain, to keep output within [-1,1] (tried for about 530M samples)
s.output *= 0.094229373;
s.b[6] = white_noise * 0.115926;
func mask_uint32(offset: int): uint32
return offset >= 32? ~uint32(0) : ((1<<offset) - 1);
func mask_uint64(offset: int): uint64
return offset >= 64? ~uint64(0) : ((uint64(1)<<offset) - 1);
func mask_uint16(offset: int): uint16
return offset >= 16? ~uint16(0) : ((uint16(1)<<offset) - 1);
func bits_uint32(x: uint32, start: int, num_bits: int): uint32
#assert(start >= 0 && num_bits >= 0);
#assert(start + num_bits <= 32);
return (x>>start) & mask_uint32(num_bits);
func bits_uint64(x: uint64, start: int, num_bits: int): uint64
#assert(start >= 0 && num_bits >= 0);
#assert(start + num_bits <= 64);
return (x>>start) & mask_uint64(num_bits);
func bits_uint16(x: uint16, start: int, num_bits: int): uint16
#assert(start >= 0 && num_bits >= 0);
#assert(start + num_bits <= 16);
return (x>>start) & mask_uint16(num_bits);
func rotl_uint32(x: uint32, offset: int): uint32
#assert(offset >= 0 && offset < 32);
return (x << offset) | (x >> (32 - offset));
func rotl_uint64(x: uint64, offset: int): uint64
#assert(offset >= 0 && offset < 64);
return (x << offset) | (x >> (64 - offset));
func rotr_uint32(x: uint32, offset: int): uint32
#assert(offset >= 0 && offset < 32);
return (x >> offset) | (x << (32 - offset));
func rotr_uint64(x: uint64, offset: int): uint64
#assert(offset >= 0 && offset < 64);
return (x >> offset) | (x << (64 - offset));
func lowest_bit_only_uint32(x: uint32): uint32
y : uint32 = -int32(x);
return x & y;
func lowest_bit_only_uint64(x: uint64): uint64
y : uint64 = -int64(x);
return x & y;
func mask_below_uint32(x: uint32, num_bits: int): uint32
return x & ~mask_uint32(num_bits);
func mask_below_uint64(x: uint64, num_bits: int): uint64
return x & ~mask_uint64(num_bits);
// bitcount: also known as:
// popcnt for x86 chips
// popcount for arm chips
func bitcount_uint32(x: uint32): int
ca: int;
cb: int;
a := x;
b := x>>1;
n := 32;
while (n && (a || b)) {
ca += a & 0b1;
cb += b & 0b1;
a >>= 2;
b >>= 2;
n -= 2;
return ca + cb;
func bitcount_uint64(x: uint64): int
ca: int;
cb: int;
a := x;
b := x>>1;
n := 64;
while (n && (a || b)) {
ca += a & 0b1;
cb += b & 0b1;
a >>= 2;
b >>= 2;
n -= 2;
return ca + cb;
// Covers / axis aligned bounding boxes.
// (Inclusive bounded ranges)
// Operations:
// - `cover` creates a box from two points, adding points to boxes or adding boxes together.
// The unit of the cover operation is a kind of invalid box, a kind of zero box.
// - `dilate`/`erode` resize a box
// Range
struct AxisAlignedBoundingBox1D
min, max: float;
typedef aabb1 = AxisAlignedBoundingBox1D;
typedef Range_Float = aabb1;
func aabb1_add_inplace(a: aabb1*, b: float): aabb1 { *a = aabb1_add(*a, b); return *a; }
func aabb1_cover_pt_inplace(a: aabb1*, b: pt1): aabb1 { *a = aabb1_cover_pt(*a, b); return *a; }
func aabb1_pt_size(a: pt1, b: float): aabb1
return {
min = a.x,
max = a.x + b,
func pt1_cover(a: pt1, b: pt1): aabb1
return a.x<b.x? { min=a.x, max=b.x } : { min=b.x, max=a.x };
func aabb1_add(a: aabb1, b: float): aabb1
return { min = a.min + b, max = a.max + b };
func aabb1_cover_unit(): aabb1 { return { FLOAT_MAX, FLOAT_MIN }; }
func aabb1_cover_pt(a: aabb1, b: pt1): aabb1
return {
min = min_float(a.min, b.x),
max = max_float(a.max, b.x),
struct AxisAlignedBoundingBox2D
union {
struct {
min_x, min_y: float;
max_x, max_y: float;
struct {
min_xy: float[2];
max_xy: float[2];
ltrb: float[4];
#static_assert(sizeof(AxisAlignedBoundingBox2D) == 2*2*sizeof(float))
typedef aabb2 = AxisAlignedBoundingBox2D;
func aabb2_add_inplace(a: aabb2*, b: vec2): aabb2 { *a = aabb2_add(*a, b); return *a; }
func aabb2_cover_pt_inplace(a: aabb2*, p: pt2): aabb2 { *a = aabb2_cover_pt(*a, p); return *a; }
func aabb2_cover_inplace(a: aabb2*, b: aabb2): aabb2 { *a = aabb2_cover(*a, b); return *a; }
func aabb2_sub_minkowski_inplace(a: aabb2*, b: aabb2): aabb2 { *a = aabb2_sub_minkowski(*a, b); return *a; }
func aabb2_dilate_inplace(a: aabb2*, b: vec2): aabb2 { *a = aabb2_dilate(*a, b); return *a; }
func aabb2_erode_inplace(a: aabb2*, b: vec2): aabb2 { *a = aabb2_erode(*a, b); return *a; }
func aabb2_cover_unit(): aabb2 { return { min_x=FLOAT_MAX, min_y=FLOAT_MAX, max_x=FLOAT_MIN, max_y=FLOAT_MIN };}
func pt2_box_cover(a: pt2, b: pt2): aabb2
mmx := pt1_cover({a.vec.x}, {b.vec.x});
mmy := pt1_cover({a.vec.y}, {b.vec.y});
return {
min_x = mmx.min,
min_y = mmy.min,
max_x = mmx.max,
max_y = mmy.max,
func aabb2_intersects(a: aabb2, p: pt2): bool
if (p.vec.x < a.min_x || p.vec.x > a.max_x) { return false; }
if (p.vec.y < a.min_y || p.vec.y > a.max_y) { return false; }
return true;
func aabb2_min_pt(a: aabb2*): pt2 const*
pt2_ptr : pt2*;
f := &a.min_xy[0];
memcpy(&pt2_ptr, &f, sizeof(pt2_ptr));
return pt2_ptr;
func aabb2_max_pt(a: aabb2*): pt2 const*
pt2_ptr : pt2*;
f := &a.max_xy[0];
memcpy(&pt2_ptr, &f, sizeof(pt2_ptr));
return pt2_ptr;
func aabb2_center_pt(a: aabb2): pt2
return {{
x = 0.5*(a.max_xy[0] + a.min_xy[0]),
y = 0.5*(a.max_xy[1] + a.min_xy[1]),
func aabb2_add(a: aabb2, b: vec2): aabb2
return {
min_x = a.min_x + b.x,
min_y = a.min_y + b.y,
max_x = a.max_x + b.x,
max_y = a.max_y + b.y,
// box dilation
func aabb2_sub_minkowski(a: aabb2, b: aabb2): aabb2
return {
min_x = a.min_x - b.max_x,
min_y = a.min_y - b.max_y,
max_x = a.max_x - b.min_x,
max_y = a.max_y - b.min_y,
func aabb2_dilate(a: aabb2, b: vec2): aabb2
#assert(b.x >= 0 && b.y >= 0);
return {
min_x = a.min_x - b.x,
min_y = a.min_y - b.y,
max_x = a.max_x + b.x,
max_y = a.max_y + b.y,
func aabb2_erode(a: aabb2, b: vec2): aabb2
#assert(b.x >= 0 && b.y >= 0);
hx := min_float(0.5*(a.max_x - a.min_x), b.x);
hy := min_float(0.5*(a.max_y - a.min_y), b.y);
return {
min_x = a.min_x + hx,
min_y = a.min_y + hy,
max_x = a.max_x - hx,
max_y = a.max_y - hy,
func aabb2_cover_origin_size(o: pt2, size: vec2): aabb2
return pt2_box_cover(o, pt2_add(o, pt2{size}));
func aabb2_cover(a: aabb2, b: aabb2): aabb2
return {
min_x = min_float(a.min_x, b.min_x),
min_y = min_float(a.min_y, b.min_y),
max_x = max_float(a.max_x, b.max_x),
max_y = max_float(a.max_y, b.max_y),
func aabb2_cover_pt(a: aabb2, p: pt2): aabb2
return {
min_x = min_float(a.min_x, p.vec.x),
min_y = min_float(a.min_y, p.vec.y),
max_x = max_float(a.max_x, p.vec.x),
max_y = max_float(a.max_y, p.vec.y),
import libc {
func clamp(x: int, f: int, l: int): int { return min(max(x, f), l); }
func clamp_float(x: float, f: float, l: float): float { return min(max(x, f), l); }
func clamp_int8(x: int8, f: int8, l: int8): int8 { return min(max(x, f), l); }
func clamp_int16(x: int16, f: int16, l: int16): int16 { return min(max(x, f), l); }
func clamp_int32(x: int32, f: int32, l: int32): int32 { return min(max(x, f), l); }
func clamp_int64(x: int64, f: int64, l: int64): int64 { return min(max(x, f), l); }
func quantize_float(v: float, denominator: float): float
return round(v*denominator)/denominator;
// (-inf,inf) to [-1,1]
func map_unit_from_all(x: float): float
return x / (1.0 + fabs(x));
// (-inf,inf) to [-1,1]
func map_unit_from_all_tanh(x: float): float
return tanh(x);
// [0,inf) to [0,1]
func map_positive_unit_from_positives(x: float): float
return x / (1 + x);
// [-INT_MAX,INT_MAX] to [-1,1] (INT_MIN will return a value outside of the range)
func map_unit_from_int32(x: int32): float
// compute in doubles, which can safely represent all 32bit integers
return float(double(x) / double(INT_MAX));
// ieee754 floats
// @url:
import libc { memcpy } // memcpy is used here as a bit-casting intrinsic
#static_assert(sizeof(float) == sizeof(uint32))
const FLOAT_MAX = 3.40282346e+38;
const FLOAT_MIN = -3.40282346e+38;
const FLOAT_MANTISSA_MAX = 0x7f_ffff;
const DOUBLE_MAX = +1.3482698511467367e+308d;
const DOUBLE_MIN = -1.3482698511467367e+308d;
const DOUBLE_MANTISSA_MAX = 0x7_ffff_ffff_ffff;
// Some transcendental numbers:
const FLOAT_TWOPI = 6.28318530717958647693;
const FLOAT_PI = 3.14159265358979323846;
const FLOAT_HALFPI = 1.57079632679489661923;
const FLOAT_SQRT2 = 1.41421356237;
struct UnpackedFloat32
mantissa: uint32;
exponent: uint32;
is_negative: bool;
struct UnpackedFloat64
mantissa: uint64;
exponent: uint64;
is_negative: bool;
enum FloatGroup
func classify_float32(v: float): FloatGroup
uv := unpack_float32(v);
if (uv.exponent == 0) {
return uv.mantissa == 0? FloatGroup_Zero:FloatGroup_Denormals;
} else if (uv.exponent == 0xff) {
return uv.mantissa == 0? FloatGroup_Infinite:FloatGroup_NaNs;
return FloatGroup_Normals;
func classify_float64(v: double): FloatGroup
uv := unpack_float64(v);
if (uv.exponent == 0) {
return uv.mantissa == 0? FloatGroup_Zero:FloatGroup_Denormals;
} else if (uv.exponent == 2047) {
return uv.mantissa == 0? FloatGroup_Infinite:FloatGroup_NaNs;
return FloatGroup_Normals;
func is_denormal_float32(v: float): bool
return classify_float32(v) == FloatGroup_Denormals;
func unpack_float32(v: float): UnpackedFloat32
b32: uint32;
memcpy(&b32, &v, sizeof(b32));
return {
mantissa = bits_uint32(b32, 0, 23),
exponent = bits_uint32(b32, 23, 8),
is_negative = bits_uint32(b32, 31, 1),
func pack_float32(uv: UnpackedFloat32): float
#assert(uv.exponent <= mask_uint32(8));
#assert(uv.mantissa <= mask_uint32(23));
b32: uint32 = uv.mantissa | uv.exponent<<23 | uint32(uv.is_negative)<<31;
v: float;
memcpy(&v, &b32, sizeof(v));
return v;
func unpack_float64(v: double): UnpackedFloat64
b64: uint64;
memcpy(&b64, &v, sizeof(b64));
return {
mantissa = bits_uint64(b64, 0, 52),
exponent = bits_uint64(b64, 52, 11),
is_negative = bits_uint64(b64, 63, 1),
func pack_float64(uv: UnpackedFloat64): double
#assert(uv.exponent <= mask_uint64(11));
#assert(uv.mantissa <= mask_uint64(52));
b64: uint64 = uv.mantissa | uv.exponent<<52 | uint64(uv.is_negative)<<63;
v: double;
memcpy(&v, &b64, sizeof(v));
return v;
// integration methods
// verlet integration
// Integrate in many timesteps the acceleration and velocity of a
// particle, in order to find its new position, velocity and
// acceleration.
// More to the point, it computes x(t+timestep), v(t)
// from:
// - x(t)
// - x(t-timestep) -- you must keep two steps of position memory
// - a(t)
// x(t+timestep) is returned, and out_v will contain v(t) if non null.
// @param x the dimension to integrate. x[0] corresponds to the
// current value. It is update with the new current value.
// @param x_1[0] to the previous value. It is updated to reflect
// the new previous value.
// @param a is the acceleration to apply
// @param out_v is optional
func verlet_integrate_inplace(timestep: float, a: float, x: float*, x_1: float*, out_v: float*): float
sq := timestep * timestep;
// new_x := sq*(a + 2.0*x[0]/sq - x_1[0]/sq);
new_x := sq*a + (2.0*x[0] - x_1[0]);
if (out_v) {
*out_v = (new_x - x_1[0]) / (2.0*timestep);
x_1[0] = x[0];
x[0] = new_x;
return new_x;
// LFSR: Linear Feedback Shift Register
// @ion @defect register cannot be used as a symbol, it must be escaped when
// generated in C. This is probably true of every keyword in C that fails to
// be escaped.
func lfsr16_advance(reg: uint16*): bool
x := *reg;
bit: bool =
bits_uint16(x, 1, 1) ^
bits_uint16(x, 2, 1) ^
bits_uint16(x, 3, 1) ^
bits_uint16(x, 5, 1);
*reg = (x>>1) | (bit<<15);
return bit;
func lfsr16_current(reg: uint16): bool
return bits_uint16(reg, 15, 1);
// @url:
func lfsr64_stenzel_advance(reg: uint64*): bool
x := *reg;
bit: bool = bits_uint64(x, 63, 1);
x <<= 1;
x ^= bit & 0xA800_0000_0000_0001ull;
*reg = x;
return bit;
struct Line2d_Float
yslope: float;
y: float;
// @precondition: input x MUST not all be equal
// @precondition: num>1
func linear_least_square_2d_array(first_x: float*, first_y: float*, num: usize, stride_x: usize, stride_y: usize): Line2d_Float
#assert(0 == (stride_x & (alignof(*first_x) - 1)));
#assert(0 == (stride_y & (alignof(*first_y) - 1)));
#assert(num > 1);
xsum: float;
sqxsum: float;
ysum: float;
xysum: float;
for (i:=0; i<num; i++) {
x := *_deref_float(first_x, stride_x, i);
xsum += x;
sqxsum += x*x;
y := *_deref_float(first_y, stride_y, i);
ysum += y;
xysum += x*y;
scale := 1.0/(xsum*xsum - num*sqxsum);
#assert(scale != 0.0);
return {
yslope = scale*(ysum*xsum - num*xysum),
y = scale*(xsum*xysum - ysum*sqxsum)
// atan approximation
import libc
// polynomial approximation of arctangent.
// approximation is valid if z in [-1, 1]
// @url:
func atan_unit_approx(z: float): float
m := z<0.0? -1.0:1.0;
z *= m;
y := 0.141499*z*z*z*z +
-0.343315*z*z*z +
-0.016224*z*z +
1.003839*z +
return m*y;
// polynomial approximation of atan2
// @url:
func atan2_approx(y: float, x: float): float
ay := fabs(y);
ax := fabs(x);
invert := ay > ax;
z := invert? ax/ay : ay/ax; // [0,1]
th := atan_unit_approx(z); // [0,π/4]
if(invert) { th = FLOAT_HALFPI - th; } // [0,π/2]
if(x < 0) { th = FLOAT_PI - th; } // [0,π]
th = copysign(th, y); // [-π,π]
return th;
// Pseudo Sine function.
// Originally from Stefan Stenzel, CEO of Waldorf
// @url:
// approximation of sin(PI*x) when x in [-1,1]
func waldorf_cycle(x: float): float
abs_x := x < 0.? -x:x;
return x*4.0*(1 - abs_x);
func min(a: int, b: int): int { return a<b? a:b; }
func max(a: int, b: int): int { return b<a? a:b; }
func min_float(a: float, b: float): float { return a<b? a:b; }
func max_float(a: float, b: float): float { return b<a? a:b; }
func min_int8(a: int8, b: int8): int8 { return a<b? a:b; }
func max_int8(a: int8, b: int8): int8 { return b<a? a:b; }
func min_int16(a: int16, b: int16): int16 { return a<b? a:b; }
func max_int16(a: int16, b: int16): int16 { return b<a? a:b; }
func min_int32(a: int32, b: int32): int32 { return a<b? a:b; }
func max_int32(a: int32, b: int32): int32 { return b<a? a:b; }
func min_int64(a: int64, b: int64): int64 { return a<b? a:b; }
func max_int64(a: int64, b: int64): int64 { return b<a? a:b; }
func min_double(a: double, b: double): double { return a<b? a:b; }
func max_double(a: double, b: double): double { return b<a? a:b; }
// @def{rng}: random number generator
// @url:
// based on minimal PCG32 code / (c) 2014 M.E. O'Neill /
// Licensed under Apache License 2.0 (NO WARRANTY, etc. see website)
struct PCG32
state: uint64; // any value possible
inc: uint64; // @precondition{(inc & 1) == 1}: inc must be odd
// check if rng's preconditions are valid
func pcg32_is_valid(x: PCG32): bool
return & 1 == 1;
// advance rng and return a result
func pcg32_advance(rng: PCG32*): uint32
state := rng.state;
xorshifted: uint32 = uint32(((state>>18u) ^ state) >> 27u);
rot: int32 = state>>59u;
res: uint32 = (xorshifted >> rot) | (xorshifted << (-rot & 31));
rng.state = state * 6364136223846793005ULL + (|1);
return res;
// Generating floating pointer numbers.
// You may use @symbol{map_unit_from_int32}, however
// Taylor Campbell documented that the typical division-based
// method of generating random floats gives a non-uniform
// distribution in:
// @url:
// @abtract{
// Uniform random floats: How to generate a double-precision
// floating-point number in [0,1] uniformy at random given a
// uniform random source of bits.
// }
import libc {
memcpy, // used for bitcasting
// Vecs
typedef vec1 = float;
struct Vec2D
union {
struct { x, y: float; }
xy: float[2];
typedef vec2 = Vec2D;
func vec2_add_inplace(a: vec2*, b: vec2): vec2 { *a = vec2_add(*a, b); return *a; }
func vec2_sub_inplace(a: vec2*, b: vec2): vec2 { *a = vec2_sub(*a, b); return *a; }
func vec2_mul_scalar_inplace(a: vec2*, s: float): vec2 { *a = vec2_mul_scalar(*a, s); return *a; }
func vec2_div_scalar_inplace(a: vec2*, s: float): vec2 { *a = vec2_div_scalar(*a, s); return *a; }
func vec2_mul_entries_inplace(a: vec2*, b: vec2): vec2 { *a = vec2_mul_entries(*a, b); return *a; }
func vec2_unit_or_zero_inplace(a: vec2*): vec2 { *a = vec2_unit_or_zero(*a); return *a; }
func vec2_add(a: vec2, b: vec2): vec2
return { x = a.x + b.x, y = a.y + b.y };
func vec2_sub(a: vec2, b: vec2): vec2
return { x = a.x - b.x, y = a.y - b.y };
func vec2_mul_scalar(a: vec2, s: float): vec2
return { x = s*a.x, y = s*a.y };
func vec2_div_scalar(a: vec2, s: float): vec2
rs := 1.0/s;
return { x = rs*a.x, y = rs*a.y };
func vec2_mul_entries(a: vec2, b: vec2): vec2
return { x = a.x*b.x, y = a.y*b.y };
func vec2_dot(a: vec2, b: vec2): float
return a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y;
func vec2_unit_or_zero(v: vec2): vec2
sqnorm := vec2_dot(v, v);
if (sqnorm == 0.0) { return {}; }
return vec2_mul_scalar(v, sqrt(sqnorm));
struct Vec3D
union {
struct { x, y, z: float; }
xyz: float[3];
typedef vec3 = Vec3D;
func vec3_from_vec2(v: vec2): vec3 { return { x = v.x, y = v.y }; }
func vec3_add_inplace(a: vec3*, b: vec3): vec3 { *a = vec3_add(*a, b); return *a; }
func vec3_sub_inplace(a: vec3*, b: vec3): vec3 { *a = vec3_sub(*a, b); return *a; }
func vec3_mul_scalar_inplace(a: vec3*, s: float): vec3 { *a = vec3_mul_scalar(*a, s); return *a; }
func vec3_div_scalar_inplace(a: vec3*, s: float): vec3 { *a = vec3_div_scalar(*a, s); return *a; }
func vec3_mul_entries_inplace(a: vec3*, b: vec3): vec3 { *a = vec3_mul_entries(*a, b); return *a; }
func vec3_cross_inplace(a: vec3*, b: vec3): vec3 { *a = vec3_cross(*a, b); return *a; }
func vec3_unit_or_zero_inplace(a: vec3*): vec3 { *a = vec3_unit_or_zero(*a); return *a; }
func vec3_add(a: vec3, b: vec3): vec3
return { x = a.x + b.x, y = a.y + b.y, z = a.z + b.z };
func vec3_sub(a: vec3, b: vec3): vec3
return { x = a.x - b.x, y = a.y - b.y, z = a.z - b.z };
func vec3_mul_scalar(a: vec3, s: float): vec3
return { x = s*a.x, y = s*a.y, z = s*a.z };
func vec3_div_scalar(a: vec3, s: float): vec3
rs := 1.0/s;
return { x = rs*a.x, y = rs*a.y, z = rs*a.z };
func vec3_mul_entries(a: vec3, b: vec3): vec3
return { x = a.x*b.x, y = a.y*b.y, z = a.z*b.z };
func vec3_dot(a: vec3, b: vec3): float
return a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y + a.z*b.z;
func vec3_cross(a: vec3, b: vec3): vec3
return {
x = a.y*b.z - a.z*b.y,
y = -(a.x*b.z - a.z*b.x),
z = a.x*b.y - a.y*b.y
func vec3_unit_or_zero(v: vec3): vec3
sqnorm := vec3_dot(v, v);
if (sqnorm == 0.0) { return {}; }
return vec3_mul_scalar(v, sqrt(sqnorm));
struct Vec4D
union {
struct { x, y, z, w: float; }
xyzw: float[4];
typedef vec4 = Vec4D;
func vec4_from_vec2(v: vec2): vec4 { return { x = v.x, y = v.y}; }
func vec4_from_vec3(v: vec3): vec4 { return { x = v.x, y = v.y, z = v.z}; }
func vec4_add_inplace(a: vec4*, b: vec4): vec4 { *a = vec4_add(*a, b); return *a; }
func vec4_sub_inplace(a: vec4*, b: vec4): vec4 { *a = vec4_sub(*a, b); return *a; }
func vec4_mul_scalar_inplace(a: vec4*, s: float): vec4 { *a = vec4_mul_scalar(*a, s); return *a; }
func vec4_div_scalar_inplace(a: vec4*, s: float): vec4 { *a = vec4_div_scalar(*a, s); return *a; }
func vec4_mul_entries_inplace(a: vec4*, b: vec4): vec4 { *a = vec4_mul_entries(*a, b); return *a; }
func vec4_unit_or_zero_inplace(a: vec4*): vec4 { *a = vec4_unit_or_zero(*a); return *a; }
func vec4_add(a: vec4, b: vec4): vec4
return { x = a.x + b.x, y = a.y + b.y, z = a.z + b.z, w = a.w + b.w };
func vec4_sub(a: vec4, b: vec4): vec4
return { x = a.x - b.x, y = a.y - b.y, z = a.z - b.z, w = a.w - b.w };
func vec4_mul_scalar(a: vec4, s: float): vec4
return { x = s*a.x, y = s*a.y, z = s*a.z, w = s*a.w };
func vec4_div_scalar(a: vec4, s: float): vec4
rs := 1.0/s;
return { x = rs*a.x, y = rs*a.y, z = rs*a.z, w = rs*a.w };
func vec4_mul_entries(a: vec4, b: vec4): vec4
return { x = a.x*b.x, y = a.y*b.y, z = a.z*b.z, w = a.w*b.w };
func vec4_dot(a: vec4, b: vec4): float
return a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y + a.z*b.z + a.w*b.w;
func vec4_unit_or_zero(v: vec4): vec4
sqnorm := vec4_dot(v, v);
if (sqnorm == 0.0) { return {}; }
return vec4_mul_scalar(v, sqrt(sqnorm));
struct Matrix3D
n: float[3][3];
#static_assert(sizeof(Matrix3D) == 3*sizeof(vec3))
#static_assert(alignof(Matrix3D) == alignof(vec3))
typedef mat3 = Matrix3D;
func mat3_vec_at(m: mat3*, index: int): vec3*
#assert(index < 3);
vec3_ptr: vec3*;
f := &m.n[index][0];
memcpy(&vec3_ptr, &f, sizeof(vec3_ptr)); // @bitcast
return vec3_ptr;
func vec3_mul_mat(m: mat3, v: vec3): vec3
return {
x = m.n[0][0]*v.x + m.n[1][0] + m.n[2][0],
y = m.n[0][1]*v.x + m.n[1][1] + m.n[2][1],
z = m.n[0][2]*v.x + m.n[1][2] + m.n[2][2],
// Example use: normal transformation with a rotation matrix
func bivec3_mul_orthogonal_mat(av: bivec3, m: mat3): bivec3
// Orthogonal(M) => Inverse(M) == Transposed(M)
// av' = av * Transposed(M)
// <=>
// Transposed(av') = M*Transposed(av)
return bivec3_from_vec3(vec3_mul_mat(m, vec3_from_bivec3(av)));
struct Matrix4D
n: float[4][4];
#static_assert(sizeof(Matrix4D) == 4*sizeof(vec4))
#static_assert(alignof(Matrix4D) == alignof(vec4))
typedef mat4 = Matrix4D;
func mat4_vec_at(m: mat4*, index: int): vec4*
#assert(index < 4);
vec4_ptr: vec4*;
f := &m.n[index][0];
memcpy(&vec4_ptr, &f, sizeof(vec4_ptr)); // @bitcast
return vec4_ptr;
func vec4_mul_mat(m: mat4, v: vec4): vec4
return {
x = m.n[0][0]*v.x + m.n[1][0] + m.n[2][0],
y = m.n[0][1]*v.x + m.n[1][1] + m.n[2][1],
z = m.n[0][2]*v.x + m.n[1][2] + m.n[2][2],
z = m.n[0][3]*v.x + m.n[1][3] + m.n[2][3],
// Points
struct Pt1D
x: float;
typedef pt1 = Pt1D;
func pt1_add_inplace(a: pt1*, b: pt1): pt1 { *a = pt1_add(*a, b); return *a; }
func pt1_mul_scalar_inplace(a: pt1*, s: float): pt1 { *a = pt1_mul_scalar(*a, s); return *a; }
func pt1_clamp_inplace(a: pt1*, cover: aabb1): pt1 { *a = pt1_clamp(*a, cover); return *a; }
func pt1_add(a: pt1, b: pt1): pt1 { return { a.x + b.x }; }
func pt1_sub(a: pt1, b: pt1): vec1 { return a.x - b.x; }
func pt1_mul_scalar(a: pt1, s: float): pt1 { return { a.x * s }; }
func pt1_clamp(a: pt1, cover: aabb1): pt1
if (a.x < cover.min) { return { cover.min }; }
if (a.x > cover.max) { return { cover.max }; }
return a;
struct Pt2D
vec: vec2;
typedef pt2 = Pt2D;
func pt2_add_inplace(a: pt2*, b: pt2): pt2 { *a = pt2_add(*a, b); return *a; }
func pt2_mul_scalar_inplace(a: pt2*, s: float): pt2 { *a = pt2_mul_scalar(*a, s); return *a; }
func pt2_add(a: pt2, b: pt2): pt2 { return { vec = vec2_add(a.vec, b.vec) }; }
func pt2_sub(a: pt2, b: pt2): vec2 { return vec2_sub(a.vec, b.vec); }
func pt2_mul_scalar(a: pt2, s: float): pt2 { return { vec = vec2_mul_scalar(a.vec, s) }; }
struct Pt3D
vec: vec3;
typedef pt3 = Pt3D;
func pt3_add_inplace(a: pt3*, b: pt3): pt3 { *a = pt3_add(*a, b); return *a; }
func pt3_mul_scalar_inplace(a: pt3*, s: float): pt3 { *a = pt3_mul_scalar(*a, s); return *a; }
func pt3_add(a: pt3, b: pt3): pt3 { return { vec = vec3_add(a.vec, b.vec) }; }
func pt3_sub(a: pt3, b: pt3): vec3 { return vec3_sub(a.vec, b.vec); }
func pt3_mul_scalar(a: pt3, s: float): pt3 { return { vec = vec3_mul_scalar(a.vec, s) }; }
struct Pt4D
vec: vec4;
typedef pt4 = Pt4D;
func pt4_from_pt2(p: pt2): pt4 { return { vec = { x = p.vec.x, y = p.vec.y, w = 1.0 } }; }
func pt4_from_pt3(p: pt3): pt4 { return { vec = { x = p.vec.x, y = p.vec.y, z = p.vec.z, w = 1.0 } }; }
func pt4_add_inplace(a: pt4*, b: pt4): pt4 { *a = pt4_add(*a, b); return *a; }
func pt4_mul_scalar_inplace(a: pt4*, s: float): pt4 { *a = pt4_mul_scalar(*a, s); return *a; }
func pt4_add(a: pt4, b: pt4): pt4 { return { vec = vec4_add(a.vec, b.vec) }; }
func pt4_sub(a: pt4, b: pt4): vec4 { return vec4_sub(a.vec, b.vec); }
func pt4_mul_scalar(a: pt4, s: float): pt4 { return { vec = vec4_mul_scalar(a.vec, s) }; }
// Antivectors
func vec3_wedge(a: vec3, b: vec3): bivec3
return bivec3_from_vec3(vec3_cross(a, b));
func vec3_wedge_bivec3(a: vec3, b: bivec3): float
return vec3_dot(a, vec3_from_bivec3(b));
// normals
struct Bivec3D
union {
struct { x, y, z: float; }
xyz: float[3];
typedef bivec3 = Bivec3D;
func bivec3_from_vec3(v: vec3): bivec3 { return { x = v.x, y = v.y, z = v.z }; }
func vec3_from_bivec3(v: bivec3): vec3 { return { x = v.x, y = v.y, z = v.z }; }
/* @todo @incomplete
// two points make a line
func pt3_wedge(a: pt3, b: pt3): bivec4
return {}; // @todo @incomplete
// three points make a plane
func pt3_wedge3(a: pt3, b: pt3, c: pt3): trivec4
return {}; // @todo @incomplete
struct Bivec4D; // lines
struct Trivec4D; // planes
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