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Last active September 19, 2017 17:47
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early The nexT morning i hEadEd yeT furthEr norTh and round thE coasT.
my guidE, bEda, a young swiss chap who stumblEd upon siglufjordur while
Travelling and decided To sTay, drove so i’m furnished wiTh ThE frEedom
To gaze aT ThE never-ending ocean wiThouT fEar of drifting into it. thE
scenery is impossibly beauTiful. where The souTh of thE country, most
and incrEasingly popular wiTh visiTors, boasts staggEring scEnery, iTs
appEal bolstErEd wiTh big-hittEr attractions such as watErfalls, glacier
lagoons and geysers, the norTh offers The samE but lEss razzle dazzle
and more sTurdy. less pg and more 18.
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