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Event notification listener for OpenStack
# Required changes to nova.conf #
# notification_driver=nova.openstack.common.notifier.rpc_notifier
# notification_topics = notifications
# notify_on_state_change = vm_and_task_state
# instance_usage_audit_period = hour
# instance_usage_audit = True
# default_notification_level = INFO
# notify_api_faults = true
###### Restart Nova services after making the above changes #######
# Environment Variables: $AMQP_USER, $AMQP_PASSWORD, $AMQP_HOST
import os
from kombu import Connection, Exchange, Queue
from pprint import pprint
nova_x = Exchange('nova', type='topic', durable=False)
info_q = Queue('', exchange=nova_x, durable=False,
def process_msg(body, message):
print '='*80
# Maybe wrap these in try/except: will raise KeyError if not found
AMQP_USER = os.environ['AMQP_USER']
AMQP_HOST = os.environ['AMQP_HOST']
# Maybe wrap this in a try/except: will raise socket.error if connection refused
with Connection('amqp://{0}:{1}@{2}//'.format(AMQP_USER, AMQP_PASSWORD, AMQP_HOST)) as conn:
with conn.Consumer(info_q, callbacks=[process_msg]):
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
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talwai commented Dec 8, 2015

Also the shebang means that users must install kombu globally, which they may not want to do if they care about their environment. It depends on the context of the article i suppose - how would you prescribe that people use this script?

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talwai commented Dec 8, 2015

Will this queue have the same name across OpenStack versions?

DevStack has kilo i believe, and has Juno. let me know if you'd like me to test out the latter

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talwai commented Dec 8, 2015

Can you post a brief sample of what the output would look like?

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vagelim commented Dec 8, 2015

Each question, in turn:
1: yes, that is a good idea
2: Nova uses Kombu to connect to the RabbitMQ environment [0] so it should be available in the global namespace by default. I did not have to install anything to get it working locally for me
3: This queue was defined in the Notification spec ~2011 so it should be consistent across versions, but testing is welcome!

4: (truncated) output appears below


 'event_type': 'compute.instance.delete.start',
 'message_id': '45731b78-ceba-48a4-b80c-3ef971dd632d',
 'payload': {             
'image_meta': {             
'progress': u'',
            'ramdisk_id': 'd768f34d-bb21-4afa-97ed-8d7143a43751',
            'reservation_id': 'r-gz5vu80w',
            'root_gb': 1,
            'state': 'active',
            'state_description': 'deleting',
            'tenant_id': '3fb0de5c53434c54829b7150129dec61',
            'terminated_at': u'',
            'user_id': 'adf56761cda54d4c99de59dc50fd6c06',
            'vcpus': 1},
 'priority': 'INFO',
 'publisher_id': 'compute.devstack',
 'timestamp': '2015-11-24 18:22:51.665797'}


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vagelim commented Dec 8, 2015

I also made a slightly modified version of the script in this gist which is much less verbose, which I used to correlate event start/end times:

#!/usr/bin/env python
#    Required changes to nova.conf     #
# notification_driver=nova.openstack.common.notifier.rpc_notifier
# notification_topics = notifications
# notify_on_state_change = vm_and_task_state
# instance_usage_audit_period = hour
# instance_usage_audit = True
# default_notification_level = INFO
# notify_api_faults = true
###### Make sure you restart Nova#######

from kombu import Connection, Exchange, Queue
from pprint import pprint

nova_x = Exchange('nova', type='topic', durable=False)
info_q = Queue('', exchange=nova_x, durable=False,

def process_msg(body, message):
    print '='*80
    print body['event_type']
    print body['publisher_id']
    print body['timestamp']

#Change guest:guest and the hostname to match your configuration
with Connection('amqp://guest:guest@localhost//') as conn:
    with conn.Consumer(info_q, callbacks=[process_msg]):
            while True:
        except KeyboardInterrupt:

which produces output like:

2015-12-08 19:00:12.966361
2015-12-08 19:35:23.684770

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talwai commented Dec 8, 2015

Well 2. is not an assumption you can make about all hosts running Nova. People will install nova and dependencies into virtual environments and wherever else they like if they don't want to interfere with their system python. I would suggest you drop the shebang and suggest people run it like </path/to/nova/env/>bin/python You can probably trust people to know where this directory is. If not, then maybe: wrap this in a PyPi package that ships kombu as a separate dependency OR write a bash script that creates a virtualenv, installs kombu, runs venv/bin/python

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vagelim commented Dec 9, 2015

Made the changes to environment variables.
I think the bash script option is best. I quickly wrote one here:

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gpion commented Apr 30, 2018

I had to replace routing_key='' by routing_key='notifications.*' since I was not catching some nova messages like instance.create.{start,end} amongst others.

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