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Created December 25, 2021 00:04
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using Godot;
using KRU.IO;
using KRU.Networking;
using KRU.Utils;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace KRU.UI
public class UILogin : Control
#pragma warning disable CS0649 // Values are assigned in the editor
[Export] private readonly NodePath nodePathSceneMainMenu;
[Export] private readonly NodePath nodePathSceneGame;
[Export] private readonly NodePath nodePathHttp;
[Export] private readonly NodePath nodePathInputUsername;
[Export] private readonly NodePath nodePathInputPassword;
[Export] private readonly NodePath nodePathLoginAsSection;
[Export] private readonly NodePath nodePathLoginSection;
[Export] private readonly NodePath nodePathBtnLogout;
[Export] private readonly NodePath nodePathLabelResponse;
#pragma warning restore CS0649 // Values are assigned in the editor
// Nodes
private static HTTPRequest httpRequest;
private static Control controlSceneMainMenu, controlSceneGame;
private static Button btnLogout;
private static LineEdit inputUsername, inputPassword;
private static Label loginAsSection, labelResponse;
private static VBoxContainer loginSection;
// Web Properties
private static string Token { get; set; }
private static bool AttemptedToRenewInvalidToken { get; set; }
public override void _Ready()
httpRequest = GetNode<HTTPRequest>(nodePathHttp);
httpRequest.Connect("request_completed", this, "OnRequestCompleted");
inputUsername = GetNode<LineEdit>(nodePathInputUsername);
inputPassword = GetNode<LineEdit>(nodePathInputPassword);
loginAsSection = GetNode<Label>(nodePathLoginAsSection);
loginSection = GetNode<VBoxContainer>(nodePathLoginSection);
btnLogout = GetNode<Button>(nodePathBtnLogout);
labelResponse = GetNode<Label>(nodePathLabelResponse);
controlSceneMainMenu = GetNode<Control>(nodePathSceneMainMenu);
controlSceneGame = GetNode<Control>(nodePathSceneGame);
private void _on_Btn_Login_pressed() => Login();
private void _on_Btn_Logout_pressed() => Logout();
public static void LoadGameScene()
controlSceneMainMenu.Visible = false;
controlSceneGame.Visible = true;
public static void LoadMenuScene()
controlSceneMainMenu.Visible = true;
controlSceneGame.Visible = false;
public static void InitLoginSection()
var contents = AppData.GetJsonWebToken();
if (contents == null || contents["token"] == null)
btnLogout.Visible = true;
loginAsSection.Visible = true;
loginAsSection.Text = $"Connect as {contents["username"]}";
loginSection.Visible = false;
public static void UpdateResponse(string text) => labelResponse.Text = text;
private static void Logout()
AppData.SaveJsonWebToken(null, "");
Token = null;
private async void Login()
WebPostLoginContent loginInfo;
// Check if token.json exists
if (!AppData.JsonWebTokenExists())
GD.Print("Token does not exist in local file system, sending login request to web server");
loginInfo = new WebPostLoginContent
Username = inputUsername.Text,
Password = inputPassword.Text,
From = "Godot-Client"
Token = AppData.GetJsonWebToken()["token"];
if (Token == null)
GD.Print("Token is NULL in local file system, sending login request to web server");
loginInfo = new WebPostLoginContent
Username = inputUsername.Text,
Password = inputPassword.Text,
From = "Godot-Client"
GD.Print("Token exists in local file system, sending login request to web server");
loginInfo = new WebPostLoginContent
Token = Token,
From = "Godot-Client"
var jsonStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(loginInfo);
UpdateResponse("Sending login request to web server...");
var webResponse = await WebUtils.PostRequest("api/login", jsonStr);
switch (webResponse.Opcode)
case WebPostResponseOpcode.InMiddleOfRequest:
case WebPostResponseOpcode.WebServerOffline:
case WebPostResponseOpcode.Exception:
case WebPostResponseOpcode.TooManyRequests:
case WebPostResponseOpcode.Success:
var res = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<WebPostLoginResponse>(webResponse.Message);
switch ((LoginOpcode)res.Opcode)
case LoginOpcode.AccountDoesNotExist:
case LoginOpcode.InvalidUsernameOrPassword:
case LoginOpcode.PasswordsDoNotMatch:
case LoginOpcode.InvalidToken:
// Automatically try to login one more time
if (!AttemptedToRenewInvalidToken)
AttemptedToRenewInvalidToken = true;
case LoginOpcode.LoginSuccess:
if (Token != null)
ENetClient.JsonWebToken = Token;
AppData.SaveJsonWebToken(res.Token, inputUsername.Text);
ENetClient.JsonWebToken = res.Token;
private static void HideConnectAsSection()
loginAsSection.Visible = false;
loginSection.Visible = true;
btnLogout.Visible = false;
public struct WebPostLoginContent
public string Username { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
public string Token { get; set; }
public string From { get; set; }
public struct WebPostLoginResponse
public int Opcode;
public string Message;
public string Token;
public enum LoginOpcode
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