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Last active December 15, 2015 07:49
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Land of Lisp : Chapter 10
;;; 本とshiroさんのコードを写経しつつ少し改造してあります。
(use srfi-1) ; list-tabulate
(use srfi-27) ; random-integer
(use gauche.parameter)
(use gauche.record)
(use gauche.sequence)
(use gauche.process)
(use gauche.parseopt)
(define-constant +GENES_LENGTH+ 8)
(define *plants* (make-hash-table 'equal?))
(define *width* (make-parameter 100))
(define *height* (make-parameter 30))
(define *jungle* (make-parameter '(45 10 10 10)))
(define *plant-energy* (make-parameter 80) )
(define (random-plant! left top width height)
(let1 pos (cons (+ left (random-integer width))
(+ top (random-integer height)))
(hash-table-put! *plants* pos #t)))
(define (add-plants!)
(apply random-plant! (*jungle*))
(random-plant! 0 0 (*width*)(*height*)))
(define-record-type animal #t #t
(define *animals*
(list (make-animal
(ash (*width*) -1)
(ash (*height*) -1)
(^_ (+ 1 (random-integer 10)))))))
(define (move! animal)
(let ((dir (animal-dir animal))
(x (animal-x animal))
(y (animal-y animal)))
(set! (animal-x animal)
(modulo (+ x (cond ((and (>= dir 2)(< dir 5)) 1)
((or (= dir 1)(= dir 5)) 0)
(else -1))
(set! (animal-y animal)
(modulo (+ y (cond ((and (>= dir 0)(< dir 3)) -1)
((and (>= dir 4)(< dir 7)) 1)
(else 0))
(dec! (animal-energy animal))))
(define (turn! animal)
(let1 x (random-integer (apply + (animal-genes animal)))
(define (angle genes x)
(let rec ((genes genes)(x x)(acc 0))
(let1 xnu (- x (car genes))
(if (< xnu 0)
(rec (cdr genes) xnu (+ acc 1))))))
(set! (animal-dir animal)
(modulo (+ (animal-dir animal)
(angle (animal-genes animal) x))
(define (eat! animal)
(let1 pos (cons (animal-x animal)(animal-y animal))
(when (hash-table-get *plants* pos #f)
(inc! (animal-energy animal)(*plant-energy*))
(hash-table-delete! *plants* pos))))
(define *reproduction-energy* (make-parameter 200))
(define (reproduce! animal)
(let1 e (animal-energy animal)
(when (>= e (*reproduction-energy*))
(set! (animal-energy animal)(ash e -1))
(let ((animal-nu (make-animal (animal-x animal)
(animal-y animal)
(animal-energy animal)
(animal-dir animal)
(animal-genes animal))))
(mutation (random-integer +GENES_LENGTH+)))
(update! (~ animal-nu 'genes mutation)
(^v (max 1 (+ v (random-integer 3) -1))))
(push! *animals* animal-nu)))))
(define (update-world!)
(set! *animals* (remove! (^(animal)(<= (animal-energy animal) 0))
(dolist (animal *animals*)
(turn! animal)
(move! animal)
(eat! animal)
(reproduce! animal))
(define (draw-world)
(dotimes (y (*height*))
(display "|")
(dotimes (x (*width*))
(display (cond ((find (^(animal) (and (= (animal-x animal) x)
(= (animal-y animal) y)))
=> (^a (with-color #\M (animal-genes a))))
((hash-table-get *plants* (cons x y) #f) #\*)
(else #\space))))
(display "|")
(define *hue-vecs*
'((255 0 0)
(255 191 0)
(128 255 0)
(0 255 64)
(0 255 255)
(0 64 255)
(128 0 255)
(255 0 191)))
(define *terminal-colors*
'(((0 0 0) "30")
((205 0 0) "31")
((0 205 0) "32")
((205 205 0) "33")
((0 0 238) "34")
((205 0 205) "35")
((0 205 205) "36")
((229 229 229) "37")
((127 127 127) "30;1")
((255 0 0) "31;1")
((0 255 0) "32;1")
((255 255 0) "33;1")
((92 92 255) "34;1")
((255 0 255) "35;1")
((0 255 255) "36;1")
((255 255 255) "37;1")))
(define (gene-color gene)
(let1 factor (/. (apply + gene))
(define (col picker)
(clamp (reduce + 0 (map (^(c g)(*. (picker c) g factor))
*hue-vecs* gene))
0 255))
(list (col car) (col cadr) (col caddr))))
(define (find-closest-terminal-color color)
(define (distance c1 c2)
(apply + (map (^p (expt (- (p c1) (p c2)) 2)) (list car cadr caddr))))
(find-min *terminal-colors* :key (^e (distance (car e) color))))
(define (with-color char gene)
(let1 entry (find-closest-terminal-color (gene-color gene))
(format "\u001b[~am~a\u001b[0m" (cadr entry) char)))
(random-source-randomize! default-random-source)
(define (evolution :optional
(width #f)(height #f)(jungle #f)(plant-energy #f)
(reproduction-energy #f))
(parameterize ((*width* (or width (*width*)))
(*height* (or height (*height*)))
(*jungle* (or jungle (*jungle*)))
(*plant-energy* (or plant-energy (*plant-energy*)))
(*reproduction-energy* (or reproduction-energy (*reproduction-energy*))))
(let loop ()
(let1 str (read-line)
(unless (equal? str "quit")
(if-let1 x (string->number str)
(dotimes (i x)
(when (zero? (modulo i 1000))
(display #\.)(flush)))
(define (tput . args)
(run-process `(tput ,@args)))
(define (get-tput-val . args)
(process-output->string `(tput ,@args)))
(define (usage cmd)
(print "usage: " cmd "[option ...]")
(print " options:")
(print " w|width : world width (default: terminal width - 2)")
(print " h|height : world height (default: terminal height - 1)")
(print " j|jungle : jungle location and size (top left width height)")
(print " (default (45 10 10 10)) ")
(print " p|plant-energy : (default 80)")
(print " r|reproduction-energy : (default 200)")
(define (main args)
(let-args (cdr args)
((help "h|help" => (cut usage (car args)))
(width "w|width=i" (- (string->number (get-tput-val 'cols)) 2))
(height "h|height=i" (- (string->number (get-tput-val 'lines)) 1))
(jungle "j|jungle=e" '(45 10 10 10))
(plant-energy "p|plant-energy=i" 80)
(reproduction-energy "r|reproduction-energy=i" 200)
(else (opt . _)
(print "Unknown option : " opt)
(usage (car args)))
. rest)
(evolution width height jungle plant-energy reproduction-energy)))
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