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Last active December 12, 2018 13:28
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from __future__ import division, print_function
import os
import numpy as np
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score
#------------------ evaluation for the WMT15 format:------------------------
# tab-separated, no empty lines
# check if <a_list> is a list of lists
def list_of_lists(a_list):
if isinstance(a_list, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)) and len(a_list) > 0 and all([isinstance(l, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)) for l in a_list]):
return True
return False
# check that two lists of sequences have the same number of elements
def check_word_tag(words_seq, tags_seq, dataset_name=''):
assert(len(words_seq) == len(tags_seq)), "Number of word and tag sequences doesn't match in %s: %d and %d" % (dataset_name, len(words_seq), len(tags_seq))
for idx, (words, tags) in enumerate(zip(words_seq, tags_seq)):
assert(len(words) == len(tags)), "Numbers of words and tags don't match in sequence %d of %s" % (idx, dataset_name)
# check that words in reference and prediction match
def check_words(ref_words, pred_words):
assert(len(ref_words) == len(pred_words)), "Number of word sequences doesn't match in reference and hypothesis: %d and %d" % (len(ref_words), len(pred_words))
for idx, (ref, pred) in enumerate(zip(ref_words, pred_words)):
ref_str = ' '.join(ref).lower()
pred_str = ' '.join(pred).lower()
assert(ref_str == pred_str), "Word sequences don't match in reference and hypothesis at line %d:\n\t%s\n\t%s\n" % (idx, ref_str, pred_str)
def parse_submission(ref_txt_file, ref_tags_file, submission):
tag_map = {'OK': 1, 'BAD': 0}
# parse txt
true_words = []
phrase_lengths = []
for line in open(ref_txt_file):
line = line.decode('utf-8').strip('\n')
# if target txt with phrase segmentation provided
if line.find(' || ') != -1:
phr = line.split(' || ')
phr_words = [p.split() for p in phr]
phrase_lengths.append([len(p) for p in phr_words])
# plaintext target
# parse test tags
true_tags = []
for l_idx, line in enumerate(open(ref_tags_file)):
line_tags = line[:-1].decode('utf-8').split()
# word-level tags
if len(phrase_lengths) == 0:
true_tags.append([tag_map[t] for t in line_tags])
# phrase-level tags
sent_tags = []
for phr_idx, t in enumerate(line_tags):
sent_tags.extend([tag_map[t] for i in range(phrase_lengths[l_idx][phr_idx])])
check_word_tag(true_words, true_tags, dataset_name='reference')
# parse and check the submission
phrase = False
test_tags = [[] for i in range(len(true_tags))]
test_words = [[] for i in range(len(true_tags))]
for idx, line in enumerate(open(submission)):
chunks = line[:-1].decode('utf-8').strip('\r').split('\t')
cur_seq = int(chunks[1])
words = chunks[3].strip().split()
if len(words) > 1:
phrase = True
test_tags[cur_seq].extend([tag_map[chunks[4]] for i in range(len(words))])
check_words(true_words, test_words)
check_word_tag(test_words, test_tags, dataset_name='hypothesis')
if phrase:
print("Phrase-level labels have been detected")
return true_tags, test_tags
# convert list of lists into a flat list
def flatten(lofl):
if list_of_lists(lofl):
return [item for sublist in lofl for item in sublist]
elif type(lofl) == dict:
return lofl.values()
def compute_scores(true_tags, test_tags):
flat_true = flatten(true_tags)
flat_pred = flatten(test_tags)
f1_bad, f1_good = f1_score(flat_true, flat_pred, average=None, pos_label=None)
print("F1-BAD: ", f1_bad, "F1-OK: ", f1_good)
print("F1-score multiplied: ", f1_bad * f1_good)
def evaluate(ref_txt_file, ref_tags_file, submission):
true_tags, test_tags = parse_submission(ref_txt_file, ref_tags_file, submission)
compute_scores(true_tags, test_tags)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("ref_txt", action="store", help="test target text (one line per sentence)")
parser.add_argument("ref_tags", action="store", help="test labels (one line per sentence)")
parser.add_argument("submission", action="store", help="submission (wmt15 format)")
args = parser.parse_args()
print("Evaluating '%s'" % os.path.basename(args.submission))
evaluate(args.ref_txt, args.ref_tags, args.submission)
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