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Last active March 21, 2016 05:17
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module Csv
open System.IO
open ExtCore.Control.Collections
let Ok = Choice1Of2
let Fail = Choice2Of2
let (>>=) x y = Choice.bind y x
let (<!>) x y = Choice.mapError y x
let (|ArrayOfLength|) a = Array.length a
type Row = float[]
type Error =
| WrongArgs of string
| CannotReadFile of exn
| WrongRow of Row
| WrongValue of exn
let addTo totals row =
match totals, row with
| [||], _ -> Ok row
| ArrayOfLength a, ArrayOfLength b when a = b -> Ok <| Array.map2 (+) totals row
| _ -> Fail (WrongRow row)
let readFile fileName = Choice.attempt (fun _ -> File.ReadLines fileName) <!> CannotReadFile
let parseRow line =
|> String.split [|','|]
|> (fun x -> Choice.attempt (fun _ -> float x))
<!> WrongValue
let parseRows = Seq.toList >> parseRow
let sumRows = Choice.List.fold addTo [||]
let formatRow = string >> String.concat "," >> sprintf "%s"
let main args =
match args with
| [| fileName |] ->
readFile fileName >>= parseRows >>= sumRows
|> formatRow
| _ -> Fail (WrongArgs "Exactly 1 filename must be given")
|> printfn "%A"
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