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Last active February 16, 2022 19:56
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Script to update CloudWatch Dashboard body Widgets without label with EC2 name tag
# Gets instances without labels in the widgets
labelLessInstance=$( cat temp.json |
jq '
. |
.widgets[] |
(.type == "metric") and (.properties.metrics[0][0] == "AWS/EC2")
) |
( .properties.metrics[1:][] | select(.[2].label == null) | .[1] )
] as $instanceIds |
(.properties.metrics[0][1]) : ($instanceIds)
) as $instances |
to_entries[0].value |
(.type == "metric") and (.properties.metrics[0][0] == "AWS/EC2" )
| indices(true)
) as $indices |
reduce range($instances|length) as $i
( {}; . + { ( $indices[ $i ] | tostring ) : $instances[ $i ] })
# Gets tags of missing labels with tags
instanceIds=$( echo $labelLessInstance | jq --raw-output '[ .[][][] ] | unique | join(" ")' )
tags=$(aws ec2 describe-instances --region us-east-1 --instance-ids $instanceIds |
jq '[
.Reservations[].Instances[] |
(.Tags[] | select( (.Key == "Name") and ( .Value != "" ) ) | .Value)
] | reduce .[] as $item ({}; . + $item)
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