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Created September 28, 2014 17:45
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Qarth sample with Ring
(ns qartoy.handler
(:require [ :as log]
[ring.util.response :refer [redirect]]
[compojure.core :refer :all]
[compojure.handler :as handler]
[compojure.route :as route]
[qarth.oauth :as oauth]
[qarth.impl.facebook :refer :all]
[ :refer :all]
[qarth.impl.github :refer :all]
[qarth.impl.twitter :refer :all]
[qarth.ring :as qr]
[cheshire.core :as j]))
(defn get-record-type [record]
(let [type (:type record)]
(if (= type :multi)
(:key record)
(defmulti get-user (fn [service record] (get-record-type record)))
(defmethod get-user :facebook [service record]
(let [requestor (oauth/requestor service record)]
(-> (requestor {:url ""})
(j/parse-string true))))
(def facebook-conf {:type :facebook
:scope "public_profile,email,user_likes,user_friends,user_photos,user_relationships,read_stream,publish_actions" ; Scopes are optional
:api-key "***"
:api-secret "***"
:callback "http://localhost:3000/auth"})
(def facebook-service (oauth/build facebook-conf))
(def omni-handler-config {:service facebook-service
:success-handler (fn [req]
(let [record (get-in req [:session :qarth.oauth/record])
user (get-user facebook-service record)]
(redirect "/welcome")
(assoc-in [:session :user] user))))
:failure-handler (fn [req]
(redirect "/auth-failed"))})
(def auth-handler (qr/omni-handler omni-handler-config))
(defroutes app-routes
(GET "/" _
(str "<html><head/><body>"
"<p><a href=\"/auth\">Login with Facebook</p>"
(GET "/welcome" req
(str "<h3>welcome</h3>" (get-in req [:session :user])))
(GET "/auth-failed" req
"auth failed")
(ANY "/auth" req (auth-handler req))
(route/resources "/")
(route/not-found "Not Found"))
(def app
(handler/site app-routes))
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