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Created March 4, 2020 06:55
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Hello - from /Users/julien/.vscode/extensions/jaredly.reason-vscode-1.7.7/bin.native
Previous log location: /var/folders/gv/91zw6nln3054s17v6xpj0c4h0000gn/T/lsp.log
Sending notification {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "client/registerCapability", "params": {"registrations": [{"id": "watching", "method": "workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles", "registerOptions": {"watchers": [{"globPattern": "**/bsconfig.json"}, {"globPattern": "**/.merlin"}]}}]}}
Sending response {"id": 0, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": {"capabilities": {"textDocumentSync": 1, "hoverProvider": true, "completionProvider": {"resolveProvider": true, "triggerCharacters": ["."]}, "signatureHelpProvider": {"triggerCharacters": ["("]}, "definitionProvider": true, "typeDefinitionProvider": true, "referencesProvider": true, "documentSymbolProvider": true, "codeActionProvider": true, "executeCommandProvider": {"commands": ["reason-language-server.add_to_interface_inner"]}, "codeLensProvider": {"resolveProvider": true}, "documentHighlightProvider": true, "documentRangeFormattingProvider": true, "documentFormattingProvider": true, "renameProvider": true}}}
Read message
Read message
Read message
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"textDocument/didOpen","params":{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/src/","languageId":"reason","version":1,"text":"// Entry point\n\n[@bs.val] external document: Js.t({..}) = \"document\";\n\n// We're using raw DOM manipulations here, to avoid making you read\n// ReasonReact when you might precisely be trying to learn it for the first\n// time through the examples later.\nlet style = document##createElement(\"style\");\ndocument##head##appendChild(style);\nstyle##innerHTML #=;\n\nlet makeContainer = text => {\n let container = document##createElement(\"div\");\n container##className #= \"container\";\n\n let title = document##createElement(\"div\");\n title##className #= \"containerTitle\";\n title##innerText #= text;\n\n let content = document##createElement(\"div\");\n content##className #= \"containerContent\";\n\n let () = container##appendChild(title);\n let () = container##appendChild(content);\n let () = document##body##appendChild(container);\n\n content;\n};\n\n// All 4 examples.\nReactDOMRe.render(\n <BlinkingGreeting>\n {React.string(\"Hello!\")}\n </BlinkingGreeting>,\n makeContainer(\"Blinking Greeting\"),\n);\n\nReactDOMRe.render(\n <ReducerFromReactJSDocs />,\n makeContainer(\"Reducer From ReactJS Docs\"),\n);\n\nReactDOMRe.render(\n <FetchedDogPictures />,\n makeContainer(\"Fetched Dog Pictures\"),\n);\n\nReactDOMRe.render(\n <ReasonUsingJSUsingReason />,\n makeContainer(\"Reason Using JS Using Reason\"),\n);\n"}}}
- location: /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr
- bsPlatform: /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/bs-platform
- buildSystem: bsb version 7.1.1
- build command: /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/bs-platform/lib/bsb.exe -make-world
>> Build system running: /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/bs-platform/lib/bsb.exe -make-world
>>> stdout
bsb: no work to do.
bsb: no work to do.
>>> stderr
Affected files:
Cleaning bsconfig.json
Sending notification {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "textDocument/publishDiagnostics", "params": {"uri": "file:///Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/bsconfig.json", "diagnostics": []}}
Deps reason-react
Dep loc /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/bsconfig.json
Compiled base: /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/lib/bs
Source directories: /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/src
Source files found: /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/src/ReasonReactRouter.rei : /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/src/ : /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/src/ : /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/src/ : /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/src/ReactEventRe.rei : /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/src/ : /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/src/ : /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/src/ : /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/src/ReasonReactCompat.rei : /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/src/ : /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/src/ReactEvent.rei : /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/src/ReasonReact.rei : /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/src/ : /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/src/
Adding intf /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/src/ReasonReactRouter.rei
Adding intf /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/src/ReactEventRe.rei
Adding intf /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/src/ReasonReactCompat.rei
Adding intf /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/src/ReactEvent.rei
Adding intf /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/src/ReasonReact.rei
Bad source file (extension) /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/src/ReasonReactRouter.rei
Bad source file (extension) /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/src/ReactEventRe.rei
Bad source file (extension) /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/src/ReasonReactCompat.rei
Bad source file (extension) /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/src/ReactEvent.rei
Bad source file (extension) /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/src/ReasonReact.rei
Got source directories ./src - ./src/ReducerFromReactJSDocs - ./src/ReasonUsingJSUsingReason - ./src/BlinkingGreeting - ./src/FetchedDogPictures
Source directories: /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/src - /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/src/ReducerFromReactJSDocs - /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/src/ReasonUsingJSUsingReason - /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/src/BlinkingGreeting - /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/src/FetchedDogPictures
Source files found: /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/src/ReducerFromReactJSDocs/ : /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/src/ReasonUsingJSUsingReason/ : /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/src/ReasonUsingJSUsingReason/ : /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/src/BlinkingGreeting/ : /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/src/FetchedDogPictures/ : /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/src/ : /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/src/
adding namespace ReasonReactExamples : ReasonReactExamples : /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/lib/bs/ReasonReactExamples.cmt
-- All local modules found: 8
impl /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/lib/bs/ReasonReactExamples.cmt
impl /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/lib/bs/src/ReducerFromReactJSDocs/ReducerFromReactJSDocs-ReasonReactExamples.cmt
impl /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/lib/bs/src/ReasonUsingJSUsingReason/ReasonReactCard-ReasonReactExamples.cmt
impl /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/lib/bs/src/ReasonUsingJSUsingReason/ReasonUsingJSUsingReason-ReasonReactExamples.cmt
impl /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/lib/bs/src/BlinkingGreeting/BlinkingGreeting-ReasonReactExamples.cmt
impl /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/lib/bs/src/FetchedDogPictures/FetchedDogPictures-ReasonReactExamples.cmt
impl /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/lib/bs/src/ExampleStyles-ReasonReactExamples.cmt
impl /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/lib/bs/src/Index-ReasonReactExamples.cmt
############ Namespaced as ReasonReactExamples at /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/lib/bs/ReasonReactExamples.cmt
Dependency dirs /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/bs-platform/lib/ocaml /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/lib/bs/src
Read message
[server] Got a method textDocument/documentSymbol
[server] processing took 0.00309944152832ms
➡️ running compiler /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/bs-platform/lib/bsc.exe -c -I '/Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/lib/bs' -I '/Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/lib/bs/src' -I '/Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/lib/bs/src/ReducerFromReactJSDocs' -I '/Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/lib/bs/src/ReasonUsingJSUsingReason' -I '/Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/lib/bs/src/BlinkingGreeting' -I '/Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/lib/bs/src/FetchedDogPictures' -I '/Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/bs-platform/lib/ocaml' -I '/Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/reason-react/lib/bs/src' -I '/Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/bs-platform/lib/ocaml' -bin-annot -bs-no-builtin-ppx -open ReasonReactExamples -ppx '/Users/julien/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/bs-platform/lib/bsppx.exe -bs-jsx 3' -nostdlib -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-50-102 -bs-re-out -impl /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/.lsp/Index-ReasonReactExamples.ast with pwd /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr
<< Making lastDefinitions with type error for file:///Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/src/
Sending response {"id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": []}
Read message
[server] Got a method textDocument/codeAction
[server] processing took 0.00405311584473ms
Sending response {"id": 2, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": null}
Read message
[server] Got a method textDocument/codeLens
[server] processing took 0.00214576721191ms
Sending response {"id": 3, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": [{"range": {"start": {"line": 0, "character": 0}, "end": {"line": 0, "character": 0}}, "command": {"title": "Dependencies: ", "command": ""}}]}
Running diagnostics for file:///Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/src/
type error here /Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/bs-platform/lib/bsc.exe: unknown option '-bs-no-builtin-ppx'.
Usage: bsc <options> <files>
Options are:
-bs-super-errors Better error message combined with other tools
-bs-re-out Print compiler output in Reason syntax
-bs-jsx Set jsx version
-bs-refmt Set customized refmt path
-bs-gentype Pass gentype command
-bs-suffix Set suffix to .bs.js
-bs-no-implicit-include Don't include current dir implicitly
-bs-read-cmi (internal) Assume mli always exist
-bs-D Define conditional variable e.g, -D DEBUG=true
-bs-quiet (Deprecated using -w a) Quiet mode (no warnings printed)
-bs-list-conditionals List existing conditional variables
-bs-binary-ast Generate binary .mli_ast and ml_ast
-bs-simple-binary-ast Generate binary .mliast_simple and mlast_simple
-bs-syntax-only only check syntax
-bs-no-bin-annot disable binary annotations (by default on)
-bs-eval (experimental) Set the string to be evaluated in OCaml syntax
-e (experimental) Set the string to be evaluated in ReasonML syntax
-bs-cmi-only Stop after generating cmi file
-bs-cmi Not using cached cmi, always generate cmi
-bs-cmj Not using cached cmj, always generate cmj
-bs-g debug mode
-bs-sort-imports Sort the imports by lexical order so the output will be more stable (default false)
-bs-no-sort-imports No sort (see -bs-sort-imports)
-bs-package-name set package name, useful when you want to produce npm packages
-bs-ns set package map, not only set package name but also use it as a namespace
-bs-no-version-header Don't print version header
-bs-package-output set npm-output-path: [opt_module]:path, for example: 'lib/cjs', 'amdjs:lib/amdjs', 'es6:lib/es6'
-bs-no-warn-unimplemented-external Deprecated: use warning 106
-bs-no-builtin-ppx-ml disable built-in ppx for ml files (internal use)
-bs-no-builtin-ppx-mli disable built-in ppx for mli files (internal use)
-bs-cross-module-opt enable cross module inlining(experimental), default(false)
-bs-diagnose More verbose output
-bs-no-check-div-by-zero unsafe mode, don't check div by zero and mod by zero
-bs-noassertfalse no code for assert false
-bs-loc dont display location with -dtypedtree, -dparsetree
-impl <file> Compile <file> as a .ml file
-intf <file> Compile <file> as a .mli file
- <file> Treat <file> as a file name (even if it starts with `-')
-absname Show absolute filenames in error messages
-bin-annot Save typedtree in <filename>.cmt
-c Compile only (do not link)
-config Print configuration values and exit
-i Print inferred interface
-I <dir> Add <dir> to the list of include directories
-color {auto|always|never} Enable or disable colors in compiler messages
The following settings are supported:
auto use heuristics to enable colors only if supported
always enable colors
never disable colors
The default setting is 'auto', and the current heuristic
checks that the TERM environment variable exists and is
not empty or "dumb", and that isatty(stderr) holds.
-intf-suffix <string> Suffix for interface files (default: .mli)
-keep-docs Keep documentation strings in .cmi files
-keep-locs Keep locations in .cmi files
-labels Use commuting label mode
-no-alias-deps Do not record dependencies for module aliases
-no-app-funct Deactivate applicative functors
-noassert Do not compile assertion checks
-nolabels Ignore non-optional labels in types
-nostdlib Do not add default directory to the list of include directories
-o <file> Set output file name to <file>
-open <module> Opens the module <module> before typing
-pp <command> Pipe sources through preprocessor <command>
-ppx <command> Pipe abstract syntax trees through preprocessor <command>
-principal Check principality of type inference
-rectypes Allow arbitrary recursive types
-short-paths Shorten paths in types
-strict-sequence Left-hand part of a sequence must have type unit
-strict-formats Reject invalid formats accepted by legacy implementations
(Warning: Invalid formats may behave differently from
previous OCaml versions, and will become always-rejected
in future OCaml versions. You should use this flag
to detect and fix invalid formats.)
-unsafe Do not compile bounds checking on array and string access
-v Print compiler version and location of standard library and exit
-verbose Print calls to external commands
-version Print version and exit
-vnum Print version number and exit
-w <list> Enable or disable warnings according to <list>:
+<spec> enable warnings in <spec>
-<spec> disable warnings in <spec>
@<spec> enable warnings in <spec> and treat them as errors
<spec> can be:
<num> a single warning number
<num1>..<num2> a range of consecutive warning numbers
<letter> a predefined set
default setting is "+a-4-6-7-9-27-29-32..42-44-45-48-50-60-102"
-warn-error <list> Enable or disable error status for warnings according
to <list>. See option -w for the syntax of <list>.
Default setting is "-a+31"
-warn-help Show description of warning numbers
-where Print location of standard library and exit
-color {auto|always|never} Enable or disable colors in compiler messages
The following settings are supported:
auto use heuristics to enable colors only if supported
always enable colors
never disable colors
The default setting is 'auto', and the current heuristic
checks that the TERM environment variable exists and is
not empty or "dumb", and that isatty(stderr) holds.
-nopervasives (undocumented)
-dsource (undocumented)
-dparsetree (undocumented)
-dtypedtree (undocumented)
-drawlambda (undocumented)
-dlambda (undocumented)
-help Display this list of options
--help Display this list of options
Sending notification {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "textDocument/publishDiagnostics", "params": {"uri": "file:///Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/src/", "diagnostics": [{"range": {"start": {"line": 0, "character": 0}, "end": {"line": 0, "character": 0}}, "message": "/Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/bs-platform/lib/bsc.exe: unknown option '-bs-no-builtin-ppx'.\nUsage: bsc <options> <files>\nOptions are:\n -bs-super-errors Better error message combined with other tools \n -bs-re-out Print compiler output in Reason syntax\n -bs-jsx Set jsx version\n -bs-refmt Set customized refmt path\n -bs-gentype Pass gentype command\n -bs-suffix Set suffix to .bs.js\n -bs-no-implicit-include Don't include current dir implicitly\n -bs-read-cmi (internal) Assume mli always exist \n -bs-D Define conditional variable e.g, -D DEBUG=true\n -bs-quiet (Deprecated using -w a) Quiet mode (no warnings printed)\n -bs-list-conditionals List existing conditional variables\n -bs-binary-ast Generate binary .mli_ast and ml_ast\n -bs-simple-binary-ast Generate binary .mliast_simple and mlast_simple\n -bs-syntax-only only check syntax\n -bs-no-bin-annot disable binary annotations (by default on)\n -bs-eval (experimental) Set the string to be evaluated in OCaml syntax\n -e (experimental) Set the string to be evaluated in ReasonML syntax\n -bs-cmi-only Stop after generating cmi file\n -bs-cmi Not using cached cmi, always generate cmi\n -bs-cmj Not using cached cmj, always generate cmj\n -bs-g debug mode\n -bs-sort-imports Sort the imports by lexical order so the output will be more stable (default false)\n -bs-no-sort-imports No sort (see -bs-sort-imports)\n -bs-package-name set package name, useful when you want to produce npm packages\n -bs-ns set package map, not only set package name but also use it as a namespace\n -bs-no-version-header Don't print version header\n -bs-package-output set npm-output-path: [opt_module]:path, for example: 'lib/cjs', 'amdjs:lib/amdjs', 'es6:lib/es6' \n -bs-no-warn-unimplemented-external Deprecated: use warning 106\n -bs-no-builtin-ppx-ml disable built-in ppx for ml files (internal use)\n -bs-no-builtin-ppx-mli disable built-in ppx for mli files (internal use)\n -bs-cross-module-opt enable cross module inlining(experimental), default(false)\n -bs-diagnose More verbose output\n -bs-no-check-div-by-zero unsafe mode, don't check div by zero and mod by zero\n -bs-noassertfalse no code for assert false\n -bs-loc dont display location with -dtypedtree, -dparsetree\n -impl <file> Compile <file> as a .ml file\n -intf <file> Compile <file> as a .mli file\n - <file> Treat <file> as a file name (even if it starts with `-')\n -absname Show absolute filenames in error messages\n -bin-annot Save typedtree in <filename>.cmt\n -c Compile only (do not link)\n -config Print configuration values and exit\n -i Print inferred interface\n -I <dir> Add <dir> to the list of include directories\n -color {auto|always|never} Enable or disable colors in compiler messages\n The following settings are supported:\n auto use heuristics to enable colors only if supported\n always enable colors\n never disable colors\n The default setting is 'auto', and the current heuristic\n checks that the TERM environment variable exists and is\n not empty or \"dumb\", and that isatty(stderr) holds.\n -intf-suffix <string> Suffix for interface files (default: .mli)\n -keep-docs Keep documentation strings in .cmi files\n -keep-locs Keep locations in .cmi files\n -labels Use commuting label mode\n -no-alias-deps Do not record dependencies for module aliases\n -no-app-funct Deactivate applicative functors\n -noassert Do not compile assertion checks\n -nolabels Ignore non-optional labels in types\n -nostdlib Do not add default directory to the list of include directories\n -o <file> Set output file name to <file>\n -open <module> Opens the module <module> before typing\n -pp <command> Pipe sources through preprocessor <command>\n -ppx <command> Pipe abstract syntax trees through preprocessor <command>\n -principal Check principality of type inference\n -rectypes Allow arbitrary recursive types\n -short-paths Shorten paths in types\n -strict-sequence Left-hand part of a sequence must have type unit\n -strict-formats Reject invalid formats accepted by legacy implementations\n (Warning: Invalid formats may behave differently from\n previous OCaml versions, and will become always-rejected\n in future OCaml versions. You should use this flag\n to detect and fix invalid formats.)\n -unsafe Do not compile bounds checking on array and string access\n -v Print compiler version and location of standard library and exit\n -verbose Print calls to external commands\n -version Print version and exit\n -vnum Print version number and exit\n -w <list> Enable or disable warnings according to <list>:\n +<spec> enable warnings in <spec>\n -<spec> disable warnings in <spec>\n @<spec> enable warnings in <spec> and treat them as errors\n <spec> can be:\n <num> a single warning number\n <num1>..<num2> a range of consecutive warning numbers\n <letter> a predefined set\n default setting is \"+a-4-6-7-9-27-29-32..42-44-45-48-50-60-102\"\n -warn-error <list> Enable or disable error status for warnings according\n to <list>. See option -w for the syntax of <list>.\n Default setting is \"-a+31\"\n -warn-help Show description of warning numbers\n -where Print location of standard library and exit\n -color {auto|always|never} Enable or disable colors in compiler messages\n The following settings are supported:\n auto use heuristics to enable colors only if supported\n always enable colors\n never disable colors\n The default setting is 'auto', and the current heuristic\n checks that the TERM environment variable exists and is\n not empty or \"dumb\", and that isatty(stderr) holds.\n -nopervasives (undocumented)\n -dsource (undocumented)\n -dparsetree (undocumented)\n -dtypedtree (undocumented)\n -drawlambda (undocumented)\n -dlambda (undocumented)\n -help Display this list of options\n --help Display this list of options", "severity": 1}]}}
Read message
[server] Got a method textDocument/codeAction
[server] processing took 0.00405311584473ms
Sending response {"id": 4, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": null}
Read message
[server] Got a method textDocument/codeAction
[server] processing took 0.00810623168945ms
Sending response {"id": 5, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": null}
Read message
[server] Got a method textDocument/hover
[server] processing took 0.00786781311035ms
Sending response {"id": 6, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": null}
Read message
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":7,"method":"textDocument/codeAction","params":{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/src/"},"range":{"start":{"line":0,"character":0},"end":{"line":0,"character":0}},"context":{"diagnostics":[{"range":{"start":{"line":0,"character":0},"end":{"line":0,"character":0}},"message":"/Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/bs-platform/lib/bsc.exe: unknown option '-bs-no-builtin-ppx'.\nUsage: bsc <options> <files>\nOptions are:\n -bs-super-errors Better error message combined with other tools \n -bs-re-out Print compiler output in Reason syntax\n -bs-jsx Set jsx version\n -bs-refmt Set customized refmt path\n -bs-gentype Pass gentype command\n -bs-suffix Set suffix to .bs.js\n -bs-no-implicit-include Don't include current dir implicitly\n -bs-read-cmi (internal) Assume mli always exist \n -bs-D Define conditional variable e.g, -D DEBUG=true\n -bs-quiet (Deprecated using -w a) Quiet mode (no warnings printed)\n -bs-list-conditionals List existing conditional variables\n -bs-binary-ast Generate binary .mli_ast and ml_ast\n -bs-simple-binary-ast Generate binary .mliast_simple and mlast_simple\n -bs-syntax-only only check syntax\n -bs-no-bin-annot disable binary annotations (by default on)\n -bs-eval (experimental) Set the string to be evaluated in OCaml syntax\n -e (experimental) Set the string to be evaluated in ReasonML syntax\n -bs-cmi-only Stop after generating cmi file\n -bs-cmi Not using cached cmi, always generate cmi\n -bs-cmj Not using cached cmj, always generate cmj\n -bs-g debug mode\n -bs-sort-imports Sort the imports by lexical order so the output will be more stable (default false)\n -bs-no-sort-imports No sort (see -bs-sort-imports)\n -bs-package-name set package name, useful when you want to produce npm packages\n -bs-ns set package map, not only set package name but also use it as a namespace\n -bs-no-version-header Don't print version header\n -bs-package-output set npm-output-path: [opt_module]:path, for example: 'lib/cjs', 'amdjs:lib/amdjs', 'es6:lib/es6' \n -bs-no-warn-unimplemented-external Deprecated: use warning 106\n -bs-no-builtin-ppx-ml disable built-in ppx for ml files (internal use)\n -bs-no-builtin-ppx-mli disable built-in ppx for mli files (internal use)\n -bs-cross-module-opt enable cross module inlining(experimental), default(false)\n -bs-diagnose More verbose output\n -bs-no-check-div-by-zero unsafe mode, don't check div by zero and mod by zero\n -bs-noassertfalse no code for assert false\n -bs-loc dont display location with -dtypedtree, -dparsetree\n -impl <file> Compile <file> as a .ml file\n -intf <file> Compile <file> as a .mli file\n - <file> Treat <file> as a file name (even if it starts with `-')\n -absname Show absolute filenames in error messages\n -bin-annot Save typedtree in <filename>.cmt\n -c Compile only (do not link)\n -config Print configuration values and exit\n -i Print inferred interface\n -I <dir> Add <dir> to the list of include directories\n -color {auto|always|never} Enable or disable colors in compiler messages\n The following settings are supported:\n auto use heuristics to enable colors only if supported\n always enable colors\n never disable colors\n The default setting is 'auto', and the current heuristic\n checks that the TERM environment variable exists and is\n not empty or \"dumb\", and that isatty(stderr) holds.\n -intf-suffix <string> Suffix for interface files (default: .mli)\n -keep-docs Keep documentation strings in .cmi files\n -keep-locs Keep locations in .cmi files\n -labels Use commuting label mode\n -no-alias-deps Do not record dependencies for module aliases\n -no-app-funct Deactivate applicative functors\n -noassert Do not compile assertion checks\n -nolabels Ignore non-optional labels in types\n -nostdlib Do not add default directory to the list of include directories\n -o <file> Set output file name to <file>\n -open <module> Opens the module <module> before typing\n -pp <command> Pipe sources through preprocessor <command>\n -ppx <command> Pipe abstract syntax trees through preprocessor <command>\n -principal Check principality of type inference\n -rectypes Allow arbitrary recursive types\n -short-paths Shorten paths in types\n -strict-sequence Left-hand part of a sequence must have type unit\n -strict-formats Reject invalid formats accepted by legacy implementations\n (Warning: Invalid formats may behave differently from\n previous OCaml versions, and will become always-rejected\n in future OCaml versions. You should use this flag\n to detect and fix invalid formats.)\n -unsafe Do not compile bounds checking on array and string access\n -v Print compiler version and location of standard library and exit\n -verbose Print calls to external commands\n -version Print version and exit\n -vnum Print version number and exit\n -w <list> Enable or disable warnings according to <list>:\n +<spec> enable warnings in <spec>\n -<spec> disable warnings in <spec>\n @<spec> enable warnings in <spec> and treat them as errors\n <spec> can be:\n <num> a single warning number\n <num1>..<num2> a range of consecutive warning numbers\n <letter> a predefined set\n default setting is \"+a-4-6-7-9-27-29-32..42-44-45-48-50-60-102\"\n -warn-error <list> Enable or disable error status for warnings according\n to <list>. See option -w for the syntax of <list>.\n Default setting is \"-a+31\"\n -warn-help Show description of warning numbers\n -where Print location of standard library and exit\n -color {auto|always|never} Enable or disable colors in compiler messages\n The following settings are supported:\n auto use heuristics to enable colors only if supported\n always enable colors\n never disable colors\n The default setting is 'auto', and the current heuristic\n checks that the TERM environment variable exists and is\n not empty or \"dumb\", and that isatty(stderr) holds.\n -nopervasives (undocumented)\n -dsource (undocumented)\n -dparsetree (undocumented)\n -dtypedtree (undocumented)\n -drawlambda (undocumented)\n -dlambda (undocumented)\n -help Display this list of options\n --help Display this list of options","severity":1}]}}}
[server] Got a method textDocument/codeAction
[server] processing took 0.00596046447754ms
Sending response {"id": 7, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": null}
Read message
[server] Got a method textDocument/hover
[server] processing took 0.0119209289551ms
Sending response {"id": 8, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": null}
Read message
[server] Got a method textDocument/hover
[server] processing took 0.0109672546387ms
Sending response {"id": 9, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": null}
Read message
[server] Got a method textDocument/hover
[server] processing took 0.0121593475342ms
Sending response {"id": 10, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": null}
Read message
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":11,"method":"textDocument/codeAction","params":{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/src/"},"range":{"start":{"line":0,"character":0},"end":{"line":0,"character":0}},"context":{"diagnostics":[{"range":{"start":{"line":0,"character":0},"end":{"line":0,"character":0}},"message":"/Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/bs-platform/lib/bsc.exe: unknown option '-bs-no-builtin-ppx'.\nUsage: bsc <options> <files>\nOptions are:\n -bs-super-errors Better error message combined with other tools \n -bs-re-out Print compiler output in Reason syntax\n -bs-jsx Set jsx version\n -bs-refmt Set customized refmt path\n -bs-gentype Pass gentype command\n -bs-suffix Set suffix to .bs.js\n -bs-no-implicit-include Don't include current dir implicitly\n -bs-read-cmi (internal) Assume mli always exist \n -bs-D Define conditional variable e.g, -D DEBUG=true\n -bs-quiet (Deprecated using -w a) Quiet mode (no warnings printed)\n -bs-list-conditionals List existing conditional variables\n -bs-binary-ast Generate binary .mli_ast and ml_ast\n -bs-simple-binary-ast Generate binary .mliast_simple and mlast_simple\n -bs-syntax-only only check syntax\n -bs-no-bin-annot disable binary annotations (by default on)\n -bs-eval (experimental) Set the string to be evaluated in OCaml syntax\n -e (experimental) Set the string to be evaluated in ReasonML syntax\n -bs-cmi-only Stop after generating cmi file\n -bs-cmi Not using cached cmi, always generate cmi\n -bs-cmj Not using cached cmj, always generate cmj\n -bs-g debug mode\n -bs-sort-imports Sort the imports by lexical order so the output will be more stable (default false)\n -bs-no-sort-imports No sort (see -bs-sort-imports)\n -bs-package-name set package name, useful when you want to produce npm packages\n -bs-ns set package map, not only set package name but also use it as a namespace\n -bs-no-version-header Don't print version header\n -bs-package-output set npm-output-path: [opt_module]:path, for example: 'lib/cjs', 'amdjs:lib/amdjs', 'es6:lib/es6' \n -bs-no-warn-unimplemented-external Deprecated: use warning 106\n -bs-no-builtin-ppx-ml disable built-in ppx for ml files (internal use)\n -bs-no-builtin-ppx-mli disable built-in ppx for mli files (internal use)\n -bs-cross-module-opt enable cross module inlining(experimental), default(false)\n -bs-diagnose More verbose output\n -bs-no-check-div-by-zero unsafe mode, don't check div by zero and mod by zero\n -bs-noassertfalse no code for assert false\n -bs-loc dont display location with -dtypedtree, -dparsetree\n -impl <file> Compile <file> as a .ml file\n -intf <file> Compile <file> as a .mli file\n - <file> Treat <file> as a file name (even if it starts with `-')\n -absname Show absolute filenames in error messages\n -bin-annot Save typedtree in <filename>.cmt\n -c Compile only (do not link)\n -config Print configuration values and exit\n -i Print inferred interface\n -I <dir> Add <dir> to the list of include directories\n -color {auto|always|never} Enable or disable colors in compiler messages\n The following settings are supported:\n auto use heuristics to enable colors only if supported\n always enable colors\n never disable colors\n The default setting is 'auto', and the current heuristic\n checks that the TERM environment variable exists and is\n not empty or \"dumb\", and that isatty(stderr) holds.\n -intf-suffix <string> Suffix for interface files (default: .mli)\n -keep-docs Keep documentation strings in .cmi files\n -keep-locs Keep locations in .cmi files\n -labels Use commuting label mode\n -no-alias-deps Do not record dependencies for module aliases\n -no-app-funct Deactivate applicative functors\n -noassert Do not compile assertion checks\n -nolabels Ignore non-optional labels in types\n -nostdlib Do not add default directory to the list of include directories\n -o <file> Set output file name to <file>\n -open <module> Opens the module <module> before typing\n -pp <command> Pipe sources through preprocessor <command>\n -ppx <command> Pipe abstract syntax trees through preprocessor <command>\n -principal Check principality of type inference\n -rectypes Allow arbitrary recursive types\n -short-paths Shorten paths in types\n -strict-sequence Left-hand part of a sequence must have type unit\n -strict-formats Reject invalid formats accepted by legacy implementations\n (Warning: Invalid formats may behave differently from\n previous OCaml versions, and will become always-rejected\n in future OCaml versions. You should use this flag\n to detect and fix invalid formats.)\n -unsafe Do not compile bounds checking on array and string access\n -v Print compiler version and location of standard library and exit\n -verbose Print calls to external commands\n -version Print version and exit\n -vnum Print version number and exit\n -w <list> Enable or disable warnings according to <list>:\n +<spec> enable warnings in <spec>\n -<spec> disable warnings in <spec>\n @<spec> enable warnings in <spec> and treat them as errors\n <spec> can be:\n <num> a single warning number\n <num1>..<num2> a range of consecutive warning numbers\n <letter> a predefined set\n default setting is \"+a-4-6-7-9-27-29-32..42-44-45-48-50-60-102\"\n -warn-error <list> Enable or disable error status for warnings according\n to <list>. See option -w for the syntax of <list>.\n Default setting is \"-a+31\"\n -warn-help Show description of warning numbers\n -where Print location of standard library and exit\n -color {auto|always|never} Enable or disable colors in compiler messages\n The following settings are supported:\n auto use heuristics to enable colors only if supported\n always enable colors\n never disable colors\n The default setting is 'auto', and the current heuristic\n checks that the TERM environment variable exists and is\n not empty or \"dumb\", and that isatty(stderr) holds.\n -nopervasives (undocumented)\n -dsource (undocumented)\n -dparsetree (undocumented)\n -dtypedtree (undocumented)\n -drawlambda (undocumented)\n -dlambda (undocumented)\n -help Display this list of options\n --help Display this list of options","severity":1}]}}}
[server] Got a method textDocument/codeAction
[server] processing took 0.00619888305664ms
Sending response {"id": 11, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": null}
Read message
[server] Got a method textDocument/hover
[server] processing took 0.00691413879395ms
Sending response {"id": 12, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": null}
Read message
[server] Got a method textDocument/hover
[server] processing took 0.00786781311035ms
Sending response {"id": 13, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": null}
Read message
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":14,"method":"textDocument/codeAction","params":{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/src/"},"range":{"start":{"line":0,"character":0},"end":{"line":0,"character":0}},"context":{"diagnostics":[{"range":{"start":{"line":0,"character":0},"end":{"line":0,"character":0}},"message":"/Users/julien/code/reason/hnrr/node_modules/bs-platform/lib/bsc.exe: unknown option '-bs-no-builtin-ppx'.\nUsage: bsc <options> <files>\nOptions are:\n -bs-super-errors Better error message combined with other tools \n -bs-re-out Print compiler output in Reason syntax\n -bs-jsx Set jsx version\n -bs-refmt Set customized refmt path\n -bs-gentype Pass gentype command\n -bs-suffix Set suffix to .bs.js\n -bs-no-implicit-include Don't include current dir implicitly\n -bs-read-cmi (internal) Assume mli always exist \n -bs-D Define conditional variable e.g, -D DEBUG=true\n -bs-quiet (Deprecated using -w a) Quiet mode (no warnings printed)\n -bs-list-conditionals List existing conditional variables\n -bs-binary-ast Generate binary .mli_ast and ml_ast\n -bs-simple-binary-ast Generate binary .mliast_simple and mlast_simple\n -bs-syntax-only only check syntax\n -bs-no-bin-annot disable binary annotations (by default on)\n -bs-eval (experimental) Set the string to be evaluated in OCaml syntax\n -e (experimental) Set the string to be evaluated in ReasonML syntax\n -bs-cmi-only Stop after generating cmi file\n -bs-cmi Not using cached cmi, always generate cmi\n -bs-cmj Not using cached cmj, always generate cmj\n -bs-g debug mode\n -bs-sort-imports Sort the imports by lexical order so the output will be more stable (default false)\n -bs-no-sort-imports No sort (see -bs-sort-imports)\n -bs-package-name set package name, useful when you want to produce npm packages\n -bs-ns set package map, not only set package name but also use it as a namespace\n -bs-no-version-header Don't print version header\n -bs-package-output set npm-output-path: [opt_module]:path, for example: 'lib/cjs', 'amdjs:lib/amdjs', 'es6:lib/es6' \n -bs-no-warn-unimplemented-external Deprecated: use warning 106\n -bs-no-builtin-ppx-ml disable built-in ppx for ml files (internal use)\n -bs-no-builtin-ppx-mli disable built-in ppx for mli files (internal use)\n -bs-cross-module-opt enable cross module inlining(experimental), default(false)\n -bs-diagnose More verbose output\n -bs-no-check-div-by-zero unsafe mode, don't check div by zero and mod by zero\n -bs-noassertfalse no code for assert false\n -bs-loc dont display location with -dtypedtree, -dparsetree\n -impl <file> Compile <file> as a .ml file\n -intf <file> Compile <file> as a .mli file\n - <file> Treat <file> as a file name (even if it starts with `-')\n -absname Show absolute filenames in error messages\n -bin-annot Save typedtree in <filename>.cmt\n -c Compile only (do not link)\n -config Print configuration values and exit\n -i Print inferred interface\n -I <dir> Add <dir> to the list of include directories\n -color {auto|always|never} Enable or disable colors in compiler messages\n The following settings are supported:\n auto use heuristics to enable colors only if supported\n always enable colors\n never disable colors\n The default setting is 'auto', and the current heuristic\n checks that the TERM environment variable exists and is\n not empty or \"dumb\", and that isatty(stderr) holds.\n -intf-suffix <string> Suffix for interface files (default: .mli)\n -keep-docs Keep documentation strings in .cmi files\n -keep-locs Keep locations in .cmi files\n -labels Use commuting label mode\n -no-alias-deps Do not record dependencies for module aliases\n -no-app-funct Deactivate applicative functors\n -noassert Do not compile assertion checks\n -nolabels Ignore non-optional labels in types\n -nostdlib Do not add default directory to the list of include directories\n -o <file> Set output file name to <file>\n -open <module> Opens the module <module> before typing\n -pp <command> Pipe sources through preprocessor <command>\n -ppx <command> Pipe abstract syntax trees through preprocessor <command>\n -principal Check principality of type inference\n -rectypes Allow arbitrary recursive types\n -short-paths Shorten paths in types\n -strict-sequence Left-hand part of a sequence must have type unit\n -strict-formats Reject invalid formats accepted by legacy implementations\n (Warning: Invalid formats may behave differently from\n previous OCaml versions, and will become always-rejected\n in future OCaml versions. You should use this flag\n to detect and fix invalid formats.)\n -unsafe Do not compile bounds checking on array and string access\n -v Print compiler version and location of standard library and exit\n -verbose Print calls to external commands\n -version Print version and exit\n -vnum Print version number and exit\n -w <list> Enable or disable warnings according to <list>:\n +<spec> enable warnings in <spec>\n -<spec> disable warnings in <spec>\n @<spec> enable warnings in <spec> and treat them as errors\n <spec> can be:\n <num> a single warning number\n <num1>..<num2> a range of consecutive warning numbers\n <letter> a predefined set\n default setting is \"+a-4-6-7-9-27-29-32..42-44-45-48-50-60-102\"\n -warn-error <list> Enable or disable error status for warnings according\n to <list>. See option -w for the syntax of <list>.\n Default setting is \"-a+31\"\n -warn-help Show description of warning numbers\n -where Print location of standard library and exit\n -color {auto|always|never} Enable or disable colors in compiler messages\n The following settings are supported:\n auto use heuristics to enable colors only if supported\n always enable colors\n never disable colors\n The default setting is 'auto', and the current heuristic\n checks that the TERM environment variable exists and is\n not empty or \"dumb\", and that isatty(stderr) holds.\n -nopervasives (undocumented)\n -dsource (undocumented)\n -dparsetree (undocumented)\n -dtypedtree (undocumented)\n -drawlambda (undocumented)\n -dlambda (undocumented)\n -help Display this list of options\n --help Display this list of options","severity":1}]}}}
[server] Got a method textDocument/codeAction
[server] processing took 0.00500679016113ms
Sending response {"id": 14, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": null}
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