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veigr / GetLibrariesDefaultSaveFolder.cs
Created May 20, 2014 07:13
using System;
using Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (var lib = ShellLibrary.Load(KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary, true))
veigr / 艦これAPI一覧.markdown
Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
API Name
api_get_member/mapcell マップセル情報
api_get_member/mapinfo マップインフォユーザー情報
api_get_member/mission 遠征情報
api_get_member/payitem 購入済みアイテム情報
api_get_member/practice 演習相手一覧取得
api_get_member/questlist 任務一覧
api_get_member/ship3 艦情報更新
api_get_member/sortie_conditions 出撃条件用情報
veigr / DoubleToGridLengthConverter.cs
Created November 25, 2014 05:58
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Data;
namespace WpfApplication1
public class DoubleToGridLengthConverter : IValueConverter
private static readonly GridLengthConverter Conv = new GridLengthConverter();
veigr / GetColorContexts.cs
Created January 22, 2015 07:44
using System;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
namespace GetColorContexts
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var frame = BitmapFrame.Create(
veigr / gist:703b419f096beef034e8
Created February 4, 2015 05:35
// ※物理ディスプレイがない環境だと例外を吐く
var profileStream = await DisplayInformation.GetForCurrentView().GetColorProfileAsync();
var profileBytes = new byte[profileStream.Size];
var reader = new DataReader(profileStream);
await reader.LoadAsync((uint)profileStream.Size);
var factory = new ImagingFactory();
var displayProfile = new ColorContext(factory);
veigr / gist:4557e386ab14fe0fc9e5
Created February 4, 2015 06:16
// 埋め込みプロファイル取得
var stream = await File.OpenReadAsync(); // StorageFile
var decoder = new BitmapDecoder(factory, stream.AsStream(), DecodeOptions.CacheOnDemand);
var frame = decoder.GetFrame(0); // 1フレーム目のみ取得
var srcContexts = frame.TryGetColorContexts(factory);
// GetColorContexts未対応コーデックだとnull、プロファイルが無いと長さ0となる
var untaggedOrUnsupported = srcContexts == null || srcContexts.Length < 1;
var sRGBColorContext = new ColorContext(factory);
veigr / gist:c2cc12e2943772a66678
Created February 4, 2015 06:20
// 色変換
SharpDX.WIC.BitmapSource transformSource = frame;
if (untaggedOrUnsupported) // TryGetColorContextsの結果
// プロファイルが読み込めなかった場合はsRGBを適用するため32bppPBGRAへ変換
var converter = new FormatConverter(factory);
converter.Initialize(frame, PixelFormat.Format32bppPBGRA);
transformSource = converter;
var transform = new ColorTransform(factory);
veigr / gist:fad744b9c7ddf5738722
Created February 4, 2015 06:26
// 変換結果の描写
var stride = transform.Size.Width * 4; //横1行のバイト数
var size = stride * transform.Size.Height;
var bytes = new byte[size];
transform.CopyPixels(bytes, stride);
// SharpDX.WIC.BitmapSourceをWritableBitmapに変換
var bitmap = new WriteableBitmap(transform.Size.Width, transform.Size.Height);
using (var s = bitmap.PixelBuffer.AsStream())
veigr / gist:83d4f127e59950528f8b
Created February 4, 2015 10:58
IWICBitmapSource to WriteableBitmap
ComPtr<IWICBitmapSource> bitmapSource = ReadFile(stream); // 読み込みは適当に
UINT width;
UINT height;
ThrowIfFailed(bitmapSource->GetSize(&width, &height));
auto bitmapBytes = ref new Array<byte>(width * height * 4); // 32bpp前提
bitmapSource->CopyPixels(nullptr, width * 4, bitmapBytes->Length, bitmapBytes->Data)
veigr / MainWindow.xaml
Created December 2, 2015 07:10
.NET 4.5 をターゲットにした時のみ、private setter プロパティに TwoWay Binding できる問題
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<TextBox Text="{Binding Hoge, Mode=TwoWay}"/>